Eternal Existence

Chapter 1133: Reinforcements

Every time Chen Feng performed a secret technique, the eyes of this high-level immortal flashed with excitement. If these secret techniques were in his hands, wouldn't they be able to play a more powerful role?


Chen Feng was swept away by a spear, and the silk thread condensed by the power of the void tied Chen Feng up.

"Why don't you surrender now?" The high-level immortal stretched out his hand to grab Chen Feng.


Seeing that the other party was in front of him, Chen Feng shouted softly, and the surrounding space was compressed sharply, forming a barrier to bind the other party in the middle.

Snap Snap Snap Snap!

Chen Feng broke free from the restraints almost at the same time as the other party. Seeing that the two were about to collide again, several powerful auras descended here.

Chen Feng was anxious, thinking that it was the other party's reinforcements. The high-level immortal was even more anxious because he had realized that the person coming was not his partner.

"It's here."

"Young master, don't panic, we are coming."

Before the person arrived, the attack had already landed on the high-level immortal, and six spears pierced the person's body almost at the same time.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

Explosions sounded in succession, and six blood holes appeared on the body of this high-level immortal.

"Not good!"

This high-level immortal began to regret in his heart, regretting that he had not taken action to capture Chen Feng as soon as possible. Now he could not even protect himself, let alone take action.

So he wanted to escape with six spears stuck in his body, but at this time, the immortal tower, which had been silent all the time, suddenly fell down, and the high-level immortal turned into a ball of blood mist in just a moment. The blood beads in Chen Feng's hand flew out and swallowed up the blood mist.

"So you have been watching the fun." The immortal tower turned into a stream of light and drilled into Chen Feng's body.

"It's just the talisman of the immortal golden immortal, it's still easy to dissolve." The tower said proudly.

Chen Feng also laughed secretly. There was a golden immortal-level chaotic beast in the immortal tower, which could fight with the golden immortal using secret techniques. How could he forget this?

"Greetings, Young Master Changtian." At this time, the six cultivators who suddenly appeared knelt on one knee in front of Chen Feng, with a respectful attitude and excited expressions.

"Are you from the Wuya Legion?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"I am Tie Zhen, the flag leader of the Wuya Legion. These five people are my subordinates." The high-level immortal was named Tie Zhen. He knelt on one knee without Chen Feng's order, and his expression was not dissatisfied at all.

"You get up first." Chen Feng had a blank expression. At this moment, Chen Feng's temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes. He was high and mighty in his gestures and could command the world as soon as he opened his mouth. This was not cultivated after birth, but was naturally integrated into his blood.


The six people stood respectfully in front of Chen Feng, and they didn't even dare to look up. Although Chen Feng's cultivation level was weak, the six people clearly felt the pressure Chen Feng brought to themselves.

This was a kind of oppression deep in the blood, because Chen Feng was the supreme royal family in the Changsheng clan.

"Who are the deputy commanders of the Wuya Legion now?" Chen Feng asked again.

"There are eight deputy commanders of the Wuya Army, namely the eldest son, the third son, Qinglang, Huozhuo, Tianfeng, Tianpeng, Jiuchi, and Hongmeng." Tiezhen answered seriously without any hesitation.

Chen Feng nodded. He knew all eight people. The eldest son and the third son were his brothers. Qinglang and Huozhuo were members of the Changsheng clan. The remaining Tianfeng, Tianpeng, Jiuchi, and Hongmeng were Chaos aliens, and their bloodlines were even better than these heaven-defying races.

"Then what about the commander?" When asking this question, even Chen Feng, who was very intelligent, was a little excited.

"The commander has been in seclusion. The affairs of the Wuya Army have always been managed by the eldest son. This time, the eldest son sent a total of twelve flag chiefs, one hundred captains, and countless dark souls to find the young master." Tiezhen said.

"Even the Dark Souls have been dispatched, and there are countless of them, but so far they have been preempted by the Wuji Legion." Chen Feng's voice was a little harsh. Tie Zhen and the other six trembled all over and knelt down again involuntarily. At the same time, the six people secretly muttered in their hearts that the pressure of Chen Feng's momentum on them was comparable to that of the deputy commander.

"This is the owner of the Longevity Tower." In the end, I could only think so.

"The purpose of your search for me." Chen Feng said again indifferently.

"Escort the young master back to the Changsheng Heaven."

"Humph! If I can't see the Changsheng Heaven, I will be killed. Now you listen to my command, follow me, act as my guard, and don't return to the Changsheng Heaven for the time being. As for the news of finding me, don't leak it." Chen Feng said indifferently.


Without hesitation, Tie Zhen and the other six accepted Chen Feng's order, hid their breath, changed their appearance, and pretended to be Chen Feng's guards.

With the addition of six people, the team that was chasing Chen Feng was wiped out, but Chen Feng knew that if the Wuya Corps could send so many monks to find him, then the Wuji Corps could also send the same number of monks to hunt him down. Moreover, under the temptation of the Changsheng Tower, not only the Changsheng Heaven, but also other heavens or forces would not let him go.

The danger has appeared, and as long as he is still alive, he will never be able to suppress it, unless he is strong enough to kill all the monks who are looking for trouble.

Next, in the process of wandering in the Dead Soul City, there are six more guards. For Chen Feng, it is a mixed blessing. These six people followed and protected his safety to a certain extent, but because the target is too big, the probability of attracting hunting will also increase.

In the 30th year of entering the Dead Soul City, the Dead Soul Tide began to weaken and finally retreated completely.

Chen Feng also received the contact signal from the disciples of the Six Paths Sword Sect. After a cold laugh, Chen Feng decided to go.

Three days later, Chen Feng reunited with the other party. At this time, there were only sixty people left of the one hundred cultivators who entered the Dead Soul City, and the six immortals became four.

"The casualties are heavy." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Chen Qing is here." After seeing Chen Feng, everyone was in an uproar. They didn't expect that he could survive under the pursuit of the heavenly soldiers of the Heavenly Tribulation Pavilion.

"Brother Chen!"

Someone came forward to greet him in a flattering way, and even the four immortals surrounded him.

"What happened after I left?" Chen Feng asked.

"The castle was breached in the Dead Soul Tide. Many people died at that time. In the end, we joined forces with the cultivators in other castles to fight our way out."

Chen Feng nodded. The development of the matter can be imagined. Even if he stayed there, it would not play a big role. Under the attack of the Dead Soul Tide, it was only a matter of time before the city was breached. It was lucky for these people to be able to fight out.

"Has the mission not been completed yet?" Chen Feng was somewhat puzzled. He had already killed several people, so it should be easy to get the Soul Orb.

"There are still two people left. They have become immortals." At this time, the leading immortal came over.

This immortal was called Liufeng Sword Saint, the most powerful among the six immortals.

"Chen Qing, who are these people?" Liufeng Sword Saint looked at Tie Zhen and the others.

"They are the followers I just received." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Followers!" Liufeng Sword Saint looked at Tie Zhen and the other six in confusion, and was shocked and puzzled. Each of these six people was like the sea, unfathomable. He could not see the other's realm, which could only mean one thing, that is, the realm of these six people was far beyond his own.

He was already a leader among the primary immortals, so these six people surpassed him, that is, the middle-level immortals. Although the six middle-level immortals did not emit any aura, Liufeng Sword Saint felt the oppression rising from his heart.

True Immortals subdued Celestial Immortals as followers. This matter itself was a joke. If it wasn't a joke, what would happen? Liu Feng Sword Saint felt that he couldn't think about it anymore.

"Let's do the task as soon as possible. There are only two of us. It should be easy." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Yes, the whereabouts of the last two people have been exposed. The other party is hiding in a dangerous place." Liu Feng Sword Saint sent a message to Chen Feng.

"Brother Chen, there is something I want to communicate with you first."

Liu Feng Sword Saint secretly called Chen Feng "brother", which was considered to be an admission that Chen Feng's strength exceeded that of himself and others.

"Forget it, there is no need to tell me about this. I came out this time just to perform the task in exchange for merit points." Chen Feng said lightly, not wanting to hear more from the other party, and sneered in his heart.

"But." Liu Feng Sword Saint was a little anxious and wanted to say something.

"Humph." Chen Feng snorted coldly, and Liu Feng Sword Saint felt an invisible force enveloping himself, and his heart stopped beating. At this moment, Liu Feng Sword Saint had a feeling that if he said one more word, his heart would explode.

Sighing secretly, Liufeng Sword Saint stopped talking, but he was also beginning to think about it.

Eleven of the thirteen traitors that the Six Paths Sword Sect wanted to capture this time had been killed, and the last two hid in the Soul Valley.

This is an extremely dangerous place, with many dead souls in it. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the base camp of dead souls, but there are also countless treasures in it, and many cultivators are willing to risk their lives to come here.

Hearing that the target is the Soul Valley, Chen Feng sneered in his heart again. If he enters the Soul Valley and wants to come out, he doesn't know how many of these people will be left.

Not only Chen Feng, but others also know more or less about the Dead Soul City. Some people have retreated, and only a few people have adventurous eyes.

"Entering the Dead Soul City is the limit of this mission. I don't want to move forward again." Someone still spoke up. The cultivator who spoke was originally a casual cultivator. As soon as he spoke, several people responded immediately. Everyone joined the Six Paths Sword Sect to practice, and participating in fighting and fighting on weekdays is their obligation and responsibility, but this kind of action that is bound to die is somewhat unacceptable.

The scene was a bit noisy. Those who spoke were all casual cultivators. The direct disciples of the Six Paths Sword Sect were silent. Perhaps some people were also hesitating in their hearts, but they could not say it out loud.

"What are you afraid of? We are just sneaking in. The Soul Valley is very large. Many cultivators have gone in to take risks and finally gained great benefits. We are just going in to look for two traitors and will come out soon. Maybe we won't alarm the dead souls inside at all." The cold eyes of the Flowing Wind Sword Saint swept over and suppressed the noise.

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