Eternal Existence

Chapter 1130 Heavenly Tribulation Pavilion

It was not until the dead soul tide completely retreated and the pressure was reduced and disappeared that everyone breathed a sigh of relief and became relaxed.

"Now is not the time to relax. Immediately repair the ban and fill the damaged city walls." While speaking, the celestial beings in the castle had already taken action.

Although the dead soul tide has retreated, there are still a large number of dead souls on the land outside the castle. It is also dangerous to choose to go out at this time.

After the danger is over, some people will go to repair the city wall. Although all the buildings in the Dead Soul City have the ability to recover automatically, the speed is too slow and it takes time. Who knows when the next wave of dead souls will come again.

More than 30,000 monks, 3,000 dead, 10,000 injured, such heavy casualties made everyone look solemn. According to this situation, if the dead soul tide comes a few more times, how many monks will be left here.

"We are already in good condition here. Other castles are even more damaged. Two castles were breached by dead souls, and all the creatures inside were slaughtered."

Chen Feng's consciousness extended to other castles. The strength of the cultivators in these castles was different. Some castles had more celestial immortals, who killed a large number of dead souls and saved the castles. Others had no celestial immortals, and finally the castles were breached, and the tens of thousands of true immortals in them were slaughtered.

Of course, some people rushed out of the castles in groups, some went deep into the dead soul city, and some were looking for an exit, but in Chen Feng's opinion, these people's fate would definitely not be too good.

"I didn't expect the dead soul city to be more dangerous than the legend. I just entered it. I don't know what will happen if I go deeper." Chen Feng said secretly.

At this time, the blood-gathering bead had been retracted into the body, and the two blood demons in it were also completely controlled, but it would take some time to completely refine it. Of course, these two blood demons would add some power to the blood-gathering bead.

Everyone looked at Chen Feng with awe. In the previous battle, Chen Feng had solved two powerful blood demons in a row, which made the immortals in the castle think that Chen Feng was a hidden master. They looked at Chen Feng with respect and fear. The immortals of the Six Paths Sword Sect were a little emotional. Although they knew that Chen Feng was powerful, they did not expect it to be to this extent. In addition, the communication with Chen Feng was not in place before, and Chen Feng might be needed next. Shocked by Chen Feng's powerful strength, several immortals looked at each other and began to communicate secretly.

Chen Feng did not intend to leave. Since he was here to do a mission this time, he must be with the main force and abide by the arrangements of the Six Paths Sword Sect without threatening his own interests.

After showing his strength, no one dared to disturb Chen Feng. Several immortals of the Six Paths Sword Sect wanted to speak several times but finally fell silent.

The castle was repaired very quickly. Under the power of the Dead Soul City, the forbidden magic array was also recovering quickly. Chen Feng had been practicing quietly, suppressing and refining the two blood demons in the blood beads. The nine blood dragons that had been practicing in it had also reached the realm of true immortals. At this time, they were frantically devouring the blood power drawn from the blood demons.

Suddenly, a chaotic noise came, and it became more and more intense. In the end, there was a fight. Chen Feng then found that the cultivators of the Six Paths Sword Sect surrounded dozens of people, several of whom were fighting, and several were lying on the ground.

"Are you six-path sword sects a little overbearing? Now the danger has not passed. Everyone is in the same boat. Do you start to oppress other cultivators at will?"

"These people are traitors of our Six Paths Sword Sect and are also our targets this time. Friends who are not related should leave immediately, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

"Humph, although your Six Paths Sword Sect is famous, we are not afraid of you. There are so many Taoist friends here. Do you still want to compete with so many people?" Someone said this deliberately in order to pull other people.

Chen Feng then discovered that three people in the surrounded crowd were exactly the targets of himself and others this time, but these three people had some friends who united to fight against the Six Paths Sword Sect. The two sides fought and suffered mutual injuries, but the Six Paths Sword Sect still had the upper hand. It was only a matter of time to kill the other side. However, it seemed that the behavior of the Six Paths Sword Sect seemed to have aroused public anger. If a riot broke out, the Six Paths Sword Sect would suffer great losses.

"Now is the time to join forces to fight the enemy. You Six Paths Sword Sect should not go too far." At this time, even the celestial beings intervened.

"It's really troublesome, just kill them directly." Chen Feng said as he waved his hand and the blood-gathering bead flew out, suppressing it with a bang. Under the domineering power of the blood-gathering bead, dozens of cultivators were all turned into blood mist, and then the blood mist was swallowed up by the blood-gathering bead.

Among them were three traitors of the Six Paths Sword Sect and two nosy celestial beings, all of whom were wiped out by Chen Feng.

All the cultivators in the city fell silent, looking at Chen Feng in fear. Even the cultivators of the Six Paths Sword Sect were a little dazed, but most of them were excited and excited.

However, some cultivators still did not believe in evil.

"This senior, you are killing people indiscriminately like this, isn't it too much?" Someone thought he was upright and spoke with a full mouth. Then Chen Feng waved his hand, and a blood light flashed across. A snow hole appeared on this person's body. The snow hole melted and the whole person turned into a pool of blood.

"I don't mind killing all the people in the city." Chen Feng said lightly, but everyone shuddered, no one dared to speak again, lowered their heads, and didn't even dare to look.

Then Chen Feng suddenly flew up and left the castle quickly. After Chen Feng left, everyone suddenly came to their senses and began to worry. If Chen Feng suddenly left the castle, then when the next wave of dead souls came, could they still resist? After Chen Feng left, everyone realized the importance of Chen Feng. If everyone wanted to stay in this castle, they must have a powerful master to stay.

The Six Paths Sword Sect was also a little confused about Chen Feng's sudden departure. All the hundred true immortals looked at the six celestial immortals. The six celestial immortals flashed a trace of dissatisfaction in their eyes, but there was nothing they could do. Chen Feng wanted to leave, and no one could stop him.


When everyone was thinking about it, a stream of light passed by, and Chen Feng returned again and landed in the castle. With a wave of his hand, two monks tied with ropes fell to the ground.

"This is what I found in other castles. I didn't expect that this mission would be so easy. I easily dealt with five people." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Black Demon Sword Master, Flowing Water Sword Immortal, these two are both half-step immortals. They are the masters in the target this time. I didn't expect them to be captured so quickly." The disciples of the Six Paths Sword Sect recognized the identities of the two people and were even more surprised. They looked at Chen Feng in shock.

Chen Feng's return made most of the monks in the castle feel relieved.

"I decided to leave here. Staying here is not a solution." Someone suddenly shouted, and then someone responded. Soon, more than a thousand monks formed a team and left the castle. However, after this team of monks left the castle, they began to be attacked by dead souls. When these monks completely disappeared from everyone's sight, one-third of their number had been lost.

"Although we are trapped in the castle, it is also a kind of cultivation. For us cultivators, staying here for tens of thousands of years is nothing. The dead soul tide will eventually end. These people are clearly looking for death if they go out."

"Yes, it is so good to cultivate here. There is a castle as a barrier and masters sitting in charge. We can hold on here and find a way to leave after the dead soul tide recedes."

Most cultivators still chose to stay in the castle. It is so difficult to find a refuge in the dead soul tide.

"Someone is coming. It is a cultivator from other castles. It seems that they want to join our castle."

"No, we are surrounded. Go out and help them quickly."

Soon, thousands of cultivators fought all the way and entered the castle. The cultivators in these dozens of castles were also divided into strong and weak. After a fight, they no longer had the strength to hold on and could only join other powerful castles.

With the addition of these thousands of cultivators, the castle where Chen Feng was located was supplemented in terms of number of people, and the strength was improved. Everyone was happy.

In the following time, everyone arranged restrictions and reinforced the castle after practicing. During this period, Chen Feng took action once and arranged a set of celestial-level defense arrays.

A month passed quickly. Although the number of dead souls on the land outside the castle increased, there was no strong dead soul tide.

However, everyone did not take it lightly. They arranged monks to be on guard and patrol every day. On this day, the dead soul tide did not appear, but a dark warship flew over and broke through the castle's restrictions and broke in.

"Who is it! So arrogant."

You should know that these restrictions were arranged by everyone with great effort to defend against the dead soul tide. Suddenly, they were broken by someone. The monks in the castle immediately agitated and prepared to fight forward.

But as the monks in black armor came out one by one, all the monks in the castle were quiet. There were a total of twenty monks, with cold black armor, long swords hanging from their waists, spears in their hands, cold eyes, and actually as thick as a mountain.

The most important thing is the unique runes on these people, which show their identities.

"They are from the Heavenly Tribulation Pavilion, all of them are immortals."

"Keep your voice down, the Heavenly Tribulation Pavilion is a core position of the Immortal Court, these guys are not easy to mess with, it is said that their combat power is extremely strong, and their individual combat power is second only to the War Immortal."

"But with these people here, won't our castle be safer?"

"Don't be silly, how do you know what the other party is here for? Besides, the other party is powerful, and there are high-grade warships, so they may not stay."

The crowd secretly communicated, but no one spoke. The status of the Heavenly Tribulation Pavilion was too high, and it was a symbol of the Immortal Court. It was far from being comparable to these sects or forces. Even the cultivators of the Six Paths Sword Sect did not express their views.

"Heavenly Tribulation Pavilion!" Chen Feng's eyes lit up. When he was crossing the tribulation, the Heavenly Tribulation Pavilion and the Heavenly Punishment Pavilion seemed to have participated in it. Compared with other cultivators in the Immortal Realm, the combat power of the immortal soldiers and generals from the core institutions of the Immortal Court was indeed extraordinary.

However, these people in front of him were not taken seriously by Chen Feng, but the warships they were riding were not bad, and they were actually at the pseudo-artifact level, which could run rampant in the Dead Soul City.

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