Eternal Existence

Chapter 1129 Tragic

Just as the opponent's attack was about to fall on Chen Feng, Chen Feng's body suddenly disappeared from the spot, making the black silk net empty, and then a hundred-foot-long sword energy suddenly appeared. Wherever it passed, the silk net seemed to be burned by flames and immediately turned into ashes. A sword energy killed hundreds of dead souls. This time Chen Feng was completely noticed by the immortals in the castle, and they realized that there was a master like Chen Feng in the castle.

"My fellow Taoist, we should join forces to exert more powerful power." Chen Feng received the voice transmission of the powerful cultivator.

"No need to say more, I only have my opinion." Chen Feng said lightly, and waved the long sword in his hand again, exerting a sword energy storm, and hundreds of dead souls were involved.

With a scream, another cultivator in the Six Paths Sword Sect died. At this time, even if Chen Feng showed all his strength, he could not save everyone. After all, there were too many dead souls entering the castle, and they were simply omnipresent. Looking at other cultivators in the castle, the number of casualties has exceeded one thousand.

The number of dead souls has been increasing, and even dead souls with combat power reaching the level of celestial beings have begun to appear, which has caused even more casualties.


Under the continuous impact of the dead soul army, even the castle itself began to crack. At this time, everyone felt even more terrified. Once the castle collapsed, everyone would be drowned in the dead soul frenzy.

A huge palm covered the sky and slapped the castle, with raging waves and rocks. The castle kept shaking, as if it would break in the next moment, and everyone let out a cry of fear.

A gap had been broken in the castle, and thousands of dead souls poured in in the blink of an eye, and the big hand was raised high again, and the oppressive feeling was suffocating.

"Daoists in the celestial realm, let's join forces."

Several breaths belonging to the power of the law of heaven rushed into the sky and attacked the palm outside the castle. Chen Feng sneered, because Chen Feng felt that the celestial beings of the Six Paths Sword Sect had also taken action.

"I can't stand this level of threat." Chen Feng said lightly, and the pores all over his body opened, and thousands of sword qi sprayed out from his body. Although the power of each sword qi was weakened a lot, this was indeed a large-scale trick. Under the simultaneous firing of thousands of arrows, hundreds of dead souls around were killed.

Chen Feng did not attack the huge palm outside, because Chen Feng felt a stronger crisis. After solving the dead souls around, Chen Feng used the Cave Heaven Divine Eye, and the Slaughter Immortal Sword in his hand was also accumulating power.

The sky was completely dark. This was the big hand covering the sky, and then the colorful colors kept changing. A series of collisions did not even make any sound. Finally, a trace of light bloomed from the darkness, and the big hand was finally broken.

Everyone shouted wildly.

Chen Feng's face was solemn, his figure suddenly rose, the earth roared, and finally a big hole exploded with a bang. A blood-red big hand drilled out from the ground. After the blood and qi emanated from it entangled the monks, these monks immediately disappeared, leaving only a skeleton.

"What a powerful blood demon." Chen Feng was shocked. Black and white airflow flew out of his eyes, forming a silk thread that quickly wrapped around his palm, but the blood light was diffused, and the black and white rope was broken.

You should know that Chen Feng's pupil technique can restrain some mid-level immortals. The poor effect at this time means that the blood demon that is about to appear is very powerful.

The cutting sword energy flew out and kept cutting around the bloody hand. Chen Feng knew that if this blood demon rushed in, I don't know how many monks in the castle would be killed or injured.

Other immortals also saw this and wanted to kill them. The big hand outside the castle attacked again, so they could only separate some immortals to attack the bloody palm with Chen Feng.


The bloody palm was broken up, but it soon gathered again. Finally, the earth cracked, and a bloody light column gushed out from it. The terrifying blood road spread out in all directions. Chen Feng and others retreated again and again. One of the immortals was still involved in it. After struggling for a while, he was silent.

The Great Way of Blood quickly gathered and condensed into a normal cultivator, with flesh and blood, wearing silver-white armor, but the blood light in his eyes kept spitting out, indicating that this was a blood demon with a high level of cultivation, and he had completely transformed into a human form.

This blood demon just swept his eyes, and the cultivators with low cultivation immediately exploded and turned into balls of blood, and then the blood demon opened his mouth and sucked them, swallowing them cleanly. Even the immortals present could not resist, and two of them were seriously injured on the spot.

Only Chen Feng could look at the other party. In Chen Feng's eyes, the sea of ​​blood was boiling, and the Great Way of Blood kept impacting his mind. If he had not cultivated the Fire of Eternal Life and the Cave Heaven God Eye, he would not be able to resist the pressure of the other party's eyes and collapsed and died.

"Hey! The Cave Heaven God Eye actually appeared on a little True Immortal. It's incredible. I can't bear to kill you." The blood demon looked at Chen Feng in surprise, and the blood in his eyes became more vigorous.

"If you can't kill me, I will kill you." Chen Feng knew that he couldn't hide his strength at this time. Just the blood demon in front of him could break the castle from the inside.

The blood-gathering bead slowly flew out of Chen Feng's hand, emitting a faint blood light and suppressing the blood demon.

"I don't know if you can block my blood-gathering bead." Chen Feng said lightly.

The blood-gathering bead rang with a bang, and the blood light radiated, illuminating the entire castle, and then there was the scream of the blood demon.

"Sacred weapon, it's impossible, how could it be a sacred weapon." The blood demon was suppressed by the blood-gathering beads, and he just screamed in fear. After feeling the source of turmoil, he immediately wanted to run away far away.

"How could I let go of a blood demon of this level?" Chen Feng quickly stepped forward, urging the blood gathering beads to suppress the opponent. The Slaughter Fairy Sword in his hand kept slashing at the opponent, but this blood demon was indeed It was so powerful that he didn't know how much blood energy he had absorbed. He was still resisting under Chen Feng's explosive attack, and the blood gathering beads showed signs of being unable to suppress it.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to continue to increase his power, the attacks of several immortals also fell on the blood demon. This time the power tilted, the blood gathering beads glowed brightly, and the blood demon was immediately taken in.

"Thank you all." Chen Feng nodded, took back the blood-gathering bead, and followed it with the long sword in his hand. Although he had collected the blood demon, it would take some time to completely suppress it.

Although some people were jealous of the blood-gathering bead in Chen Feng's hand, most of them were shocked. After defeating the blood demon, everyone felt that the tense situation suddenly relaxed, but their hearts became even more nervous. The first blood demon appeared, I'm afraid there will be a second or more blood demon appear, and I don't know if everyone can resist it next.

"Things have gone beyond the changes, we still come out." The space around the Six Paths Sword Sect's battle formation fluctuated, and six immortals appeared at the same time. After these people appeared, their swords flew, and in the blink of an eye, they killed the dead souls around them. Clear them all.

Two people nodded to Chen Feng as a greeting, but Chen Feng ignored each other, his face was expressionless, and he didn't seem to see each other, which made the six immortals a little embarrassed and a little angry. There had never been any How dare a true immortal disciple be so presumptuous in front of himself and others.

The huge palm outside the castle has been shattered several times, but it will be gathered together again every time, which makes these immortals very headache. Chen Feng knows that as long as these dead souls continue to exist, these powerful attack methods will be condensed at any time.

After Chen Feng completely suppressed the blood demon, he took part in the battle again with the sword of slaughter. Yin spirits were killed by Chen Feng from time to time. Unfortunately, the blood gathering beads needed time to refine the blood demon and could not be used again for a while.

All in all, after the two more powerful blood demons appeared, even Chen Feng had a headache. He knew that if the situation at hand could not be changed, it would only be a matter of time before the city was broken. Even hundreds of monks present could survive. Not even a fraction will arrive.

"Fellow Taoist, use your divine weapon quickly!" The two blood demons were inside and outside the city. They started slaughtering each other as soon as they appeared. Everyone looked at Chen Feng with hopeful eyes. Chen Feng shook his head, indicating that he was at this time. The blood gathering beads cannot be used.

However, Chen Feng stepped forward with a long sword to block a blood demon. The two fought extremely fiercely. The blood demon used pure blood magic. Chen Feng also continued to activate the blood acupoints and used the blood magic. Come and fight each other.

In this way, Chen Feng held back one, but the aftermath of the battle between the two sides still swept through many monks.

"You can't use the secret technique of immortality and artifacts. My combat effectiveness is less than 30%. It seems that my own cultivation is still a bit weak." Chen Feng stepped on the unicorn step to avoid the blood demon's attack, and the Slaughter Fairy Sword in his hand turned into a sword. The sword light flew out and cut off one of the blood demon's arms, but the opponent's blood flashed and returned to his original state in the blink of an eye.

"I would like to see how much blood origin you have." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and the water-fire spear and the sky-piercing spear flew out, and under the cover of illusion, they stabbed the blood demon and exploded in two places. Blood hole.

Chen Feng jumped in front of the opponent and punched the Blood Demon on the ground. Chaos chains also extended from Chen Feng's body, binding the Blood Demon tightly.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Chaos Chain was nothing more than a pseudo-artifact. The Blood Demon struggled violently and kept making a series of explosions, just as the Chaos Chain was about to be broken.


The Sun God Needle flashed suddenly, like a ball of compressed and surging fire from the sun, piercing the body of the blood demon. The powerful and violent blood demon seemed to have suddenly lost its breath, and its strength was greatly reduced. Chen Feng took the opportunity to stick ten wounds on the opponent's body. The eight talismans were able to stabilize the opponent, and then they were also collected into the blood gathering beads.

Chen Feng defeated two immortal-level blood demons in a row. He was somewhat satisfied with his fighting power. When he came back to his senses, he saw that the blood demons in the castle were also killed by everyone.

An hour later, the tide of dead souls began to weaken, and finally receded completely, leaving only the dilapidated castle stained with blood on the desolate land.

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