Eternal Existence

Chapter 1111 Great Wilderness Cauldron

Chen Feng was determined to get this piece of black iron, even if the person who came was a celestial being, but Chen Feng's actions still surprised the other cultivators around him.

Everyone couldn't believe that a casual cultivator in the realm of true immortals dared to offend Tianluo Jianzun.

This guy is dead.

Tianluo Jianzun was also a little surprised. In fact, Tianluo Jianzun didn't care much about this piece of iron, but just wanted to buy this thing that had existed for a long time because of some small reasons, but he was intercepted by someone in front, and he was still a little unhappy.

"It's useless for you, a small true immortal, to take this piece of iron. I think you should sell it to me." After all, he was a cultivator of status, Tianluo Jianzun didn't get angry, but just wanted to convince others with virtue.

"Will it be useful if you take this piece of iron?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"You don't have to worry about this." After being rejected, Tianluo Jianzun was a little angry. If a cultivator of equal existence bought the things, the matter would be over, but a small cultivator pretended to be calm in front of him. Tianluo Jianzun was not a good person, so he immediately attacked Chen Feng.

"The Hall of Merit prohibits action, Tianluo, have you forgotten the rules of the sect?" At this time, an inconspicuous old man spoke.

"Yes, disciple Meng Lang." The always arrogant Tianluo Jianzun actually became honest.

"It turns out that this old man is a celestial being." Chen Feng noticed that the old man's eyes fell on him, but he was not worried that the other party could see anything.

Chen Feng left the Hall of Merit and quickly returned to his cave. The piece of iron attracted Chen Feng. Now the most important thing is to go back to the cave to figure out the piece of iron.

However, before entering the cave, Tianluo Sword Master had already caught up. Chen Feng smiled, his mind moved, and the power of his soul extended across the mountains and rivers. There was also a cave thousands of miles away from Chen Feng. There was a true immortal cultivator practicing in this cave. This person was a direct disciple of the Six Paths Sword Sect. Chen Feng's consciousness entered the other party's sea of ​​consciousness and wandered around before returning. At this time, Chen Feng already knew some information about Tianluo Sword Master.

"This guy has reached the realm of half-step celestial immortal after practicing for two million years. He practices the Heaven Sword and the Shura Sword. He is also a rare talent. It will be no problem to be promoted to celestial immortal after polishing for a while." Chen Feng nodded secretly.

"Where did you come from?" Tianluo Sword Master frowned and asked Chen Feng.

"I come from the mountains and rivers. I have already bought this piece of iron. Please don't bother me anymore, brother." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Entanglement!" Tianluo Sword Master's face became a little ugly.

"Forget it. If I try to snatch it, I will definitely cause some criticism. I will spare you today, but your character will definitely cause trouble in the future." Tianluo Jianzun nodded and left directly.

Chen Feng smiled and walked into the cave. The layers of restrictions kept surging and rolling, and then calmed down.

In order to avoid being disturbed, the restrictions set by Chen Feng could not be broken even by the initial stage of the immortal.

"I want to see what this is!" Chen Feng put the black iron sheet in front of him, his eyes turned black, and his light-like gaze fell on the black iron sheet. Before in the Hall of Merit, Chen Feng did not use the pupil technique to the greatest effect. This time, Chen Feng's gaze almost condensed into substance. If it was in the past, even a low-grade artifact would be pierced with a hole.

But this time Chen Feng was destined to be disappointed again. Although Chen Feng could clearly feel the unusualness of the iron sheet, he could not pierce the layer of mysterious energy on the surface of the iron sheet.

"Since there is still energy, it means that this piece of iron is not useless." Chen Feng was not disappointed. Not only did the pupil technique not stop, but there was a flame mixed in it. This is the fire of Chen Feng's soul. Chen Feng is gradually mobilizing his strength, so the more he can't break this piece of iron, the more excited Chen Feng is, which means that this piece of iron is not simple.

However, until Chen Feng's power reached its peak, he still couldn't break this piece of iron. Just when Chen Feng wanted to give up, the power of the Longevity Tower was also injected into it.

This time, the dark iron sheet finally moved. The mysterious energy on the surface of the iron sheet seemed to be pierced by a needle tip. A small hole, Chen Feng's consciousness rushed in like a wave that was still accumulating.

A chaos, a desolate, and a simple atmosphere made Chen Feng feel suffocated.

A huge round tripod appeared from the vast chaos, and its unparalleled power spanned the universe and swept across the four dimensions. Before Chen Feng could see what the tripod looked like, he felt his consciousness shattered with a bang.

Just like a chaotic divine thunder exploded in the sea of ​​consciousness, Chen Feng's entire sea of ​​consciousness was in chaos, with conflicting forces and roaring lightning, as if the world was about to end. Seeing Chen Feng's entire sea of ​​consciousness overflowing like a pool full of water.

At this time, Chen Feng's soul fire became brighter like candlelight, and all the chaos returned to calm wherever the light shone.

Finally, the sea of ​​consciousness stabilized, and the chaotic power had calmed down, but Chen Feng still felt a little scared. The situation just now was too dangerous. If it weren't for his soul fire reaching the level of the fire of immortality, and if it wasn't mixed with the fire of yin and yang, even if the impact just now was enough to destroy Chen Feng's body and soul, at best he would become an idiot.

Calculating the time again, the process of gathering and stabilizing the sea of ​​consciousness just now took a month. If someone came to trouble Zhiji during this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Brilliant Starry Sky Map and the One Yuan True Spirit Map were very powerful at the same time, reinforcing the ban again, and the Sun God Needle was also hidden in it. If anyone dared to break the formation, he would give the other party a mysterious blow.

"What level of magic weapon was that just now? How could it have such power? And I seem to feel that the outline of the big tripod seems familiar." Chen Feng's eyes became confused. The big tripod just now only left a trace of outline in his heart. Thinking about it now, he can still feel the shock in his heart.

"Changsheng Tower, Changsheng Tower, look at it, there is only a small fragment left, but it still has such a powerful power. You were so poor back then, and there was no power left at all." Chen Feng laughed.

"What do you know!" Changsheng Tower suddenly became furious.

"I was able to experience an unprecedented war back then, and my energy was completely consumed long ago. In the end, I protected you wandering in the starry sky for a million years. Besides, there is some energy left in my body, but it cannot be opened now."

"So you know the origin of this big tripod, tell me about it." Chen Feng laughed. From the tone of Ta, it can be confirmed that Ta knows about this big tripod.

"The Great Wilderness Tripod." Finally, Ta just said these words lightly.

"The Great Wilderness Tripod, I remember it, this is a top-grade artifact. I heard that it seemed to have failed when it was promoted to a top-grade artifact. This is a peerless artifact in historical legends." Chen Feng was surprised.

"It is a divine artifact, but it is not peerless." Ta said unhappily.

"In this case, you can swallow this piece of iron, which can increase your strength." Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

"It's not suitable. You should keep it. Maybe you can find other fragments in the future. Don't you want to see the scene of the Great Wilderness Tripod being promoted to a top-grade artifact?" Ta tempted Chen Feng.

"You make it sound simple." Chen Feng thought that Ta was joking with him.

"Didn't you find that your cultivation has improved?" Ta suddenly said.

Chen Feng was stunned, and his mind moved. He immediately knew the situation of his whole body clearly, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"My cultivation has actually improved, and the power of my soul has become more condensed. Could it be because of the previous soul collapse?" Chen Feng said in surprise.

"The soul collapsed and re-condensed, and a large amount of impurities were condensed. And I don't know how much energy is hidden in your body that has not been resolved. This time you are lucky. The previous blow is at least equivalent to a thousand years of hard practice."

"There is such a thing, I will do it again." Chen Feng was about to attack again, but was stopped by Ta.

"Too much is as bad as too little. It can't be too frequent."

"That's right. This is a treasure. Put it away first. I just don't know how many pieces the Great Desolate Cauldron broke into. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack to find them all. No, it's like looking for a needle in the starry sky." Chen Feng said with a smile. In any case, this is a big harvest. Ten million merit points are really nothing.

"I didn't expect that the Six Paths Sword Sect really has some good things. It seems that I need to go to the Merit Hall to find some." Chen Feng walked out of the cave. No one came to disturb him during this period. It was peaceful and comfortable. He practiced alchemy. This was the life Chen Feng wanted. Chen Feng thought that maybe he would like the Six Paths Sword Sect.

There is no time for practice. A thousand years in the mountains, time passed quickly. Chen Feng has been in the Six Paths Sword Sect for more than three hundred years. During this period, Chen Feng entered the iron sheet several times. Every time, his soul collapsed when the Great Desolate Cauldron appeared. However, as Chen Feng's cultivation gradually increased over the years, Chen Feng's soul persisted longer and longer, but he still couldn't see the appearance of the Great Desolate Cauldron clearly.

Chen Feng felt that he had to pass the tribulation again, but this was a heavenly tribulation. The immortal laws were solid and tough, so Chen Feng could compress his strength to the maximum extent.

The Sun Needle and other pseudo-artifacts on his body had also reached the level of advanced artifacts. Other immortal artifacts could pass the tribulation. Chen Feng planned to find a remote place for these three pseudo-artifacts, otherwise it would attract the attention of others.

This time when he went out, Chen Feng also planned to collect some materials. After practicing for these years, Chen Feng had some new experience in alchemy and refining. Although a large number of spiritual medicines were planted in the Changsheng Tower, they were nothing in the immortal world.

However, as soon as Chen Feng went out, he received a transfer order from the sect, ordering Chen Feng and other cultivators to go out to perform tasks. After receiving this task, Chen Feng's face was a little ugly.

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