Eternal Existence

Chapter 1110 Dark Iron Sheet

"No matter whether the opponent has hidden strength or not, this place must be recovered." Senior Brother Wang said through gritted teeth.

"But before that, let's investigate the other party's details."

"This is the Hall of Merit. It looks majestic and majestic. The most important thing is that there are immortals sitting inside." Chen Feng and Shanhe layman entered a hall built of blue rocks. The hall was surrounded by immortal energy, as if it was hidden. In the clouds, Chen Feng could see that every rock contained orderly energy. It was conceivable that if someone attacked here, this seemingly inconspicuous palace would not know how much restraint and energy could burst out.

"Let's go! Go in and see what's inside." Taking out their waist badges, the two of them entered the main hall smoothly. As soon as they entered the main hall, Master Shanhe was stunned. All kinds of redeemable cultivation materials were constantly in the main hall. The crystal walls are flashing, and among them are cultivation techniques, precious elixirs, various ores and some complete magic weapons, etc. Everything needed for cultivation can be found here.

But soon, Shanhe layman calmed down. Although there were many things that he liked here, with the merit points in his hands, there were not many that could be exchanged. In other words, the things that could be exchanged were all things that he didn't like.

"Tsk, tsk, a top-quality fairy sword requires tens of millions of credit points." Chen Feng stretched out his hand, and a blue long sword immediately appeared on the crystal screen in front of him. Next to the long sword was a detailed introduction.

"It seems that these merit points on my body cannot be exchanged for good things." Chen Feng shook his head, a little regretful. It may be good things for other people, but Chen Feng may not be able to appreciate it.

Chen Feng browsed quickly, wondering if he could find some good things among them.

Either Chen Feng doesn't like elixirs, elixirs, secret techniques, or magic weapons, or he just doesn't have enough merit points in his hands.

"What is this!" Finally, Chen Feng's eyes were attracted by a dark piece of iron. There was no introduction, only one sentence, that is, the exchange requires 10 million credit points.

Chen Feng instinctively became interested in this black piece of iron, so he went to the deacon of the Hall of Merit and asked about it.

"You're talking about that piece of black iron. I don't know its specific origin, but even the immortals can't break it. Hehe, I think you're new here, junior fellow apprentice. I'd like to give you a word of advice. Let's put it in a harsh way. This piece of iron is of no use."

"Thank you for telling me, senior brother." Chen Feng knew something with just a few simple words.

"Tower, what do you think?" Because he couldn't see the real thing, Chen Feng couldn't use his pupil technique, so he could only ask the tower.

"They should be fragments of the artifact." Without seeing the actual tower, I can't give a good idea.

In desperation, Chen Feng spent a hundred merit points to request to appreciate this dark piece of iron. When the iron piece was delivered to Chen Feng, Chen Feng heard some comments, and the content of the discussion was nothing more than that there was another person. I spent a lot of money to identify this piece of useless iron that I don’t know where it came from.

Putting the piece of iron in front of him, Chen Feng's eyes flashed, wanting to see clearly what the origin of this dark piece of iron was.

But this time Chen Feng was disappointed. The piercing through time and space, breaking illusion and returning to reality eye skills had no effect. There seemed to be a layer of mysterious power on the surface of the iron piece that blocked the erosion of his gaze.

"It's definitely not ordinary!" Although he didn't understand the origin of this, Chen Feng was sure that this piece of iron was not simple.

"I can confirm that this is a fragment of an artifact. It is worth buying it." Ta seemed to take a deep breath.

"It depends on the level of the fragments of the artifact. Besides, my current credit points are not enough." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After locking this thing, Chen Feng left quickly. Now that he had a plan, he had to take action to solve the matter.

Shanhe layman still exchanged his merit points for a secret technique. Although the splicing is not too high, there are still many things that these casual cultivators can learn from.

After leaving the Hall of Merit, Chen Feng went straight back to the cave and was not in a hurry to obtain merit points.

Ten days later, a long rainbow pierced the sky, fell from the sky, and landed in front of Chen Feng's cave. The long rainbow dissipated, and several monks were revealed. Three of them were the three senior brothers Wang who had been suppressed and injured by Chen Feng before.

"It's right here. I said it's true that the three of you were actually bullied by a new casual cultivator."

"Cousin, the other party is very powerful." Senior Brother Wang said quickly.

"I want to see where the other party came from?" Senior Brother Wang's cousin was named Wang Yunxiao. He was wearing light blue clothes and holding a long sword and slashed at the cave where Chen Feng was.

The sword energy that was like a beam of light suddenly disappeared before it reached the cave. It was like a stone falling into the lake, leaving only a circle of ripples spreading around.

"There are some tricks." Wang Yunxiao's face looked a little ugly, but he continued to take action, and waves of sword light roared towards the cave.

Chen Feng laughed in the cave: "The one who gives me credit is finally here. I've been waiting for a long time. If he doesn't come, I will go out to rob."

After saying this, Chen Feng took one step outside the cave. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and all the sword energy disappeared without a trace.

"A few high-level true immortals came here, really causing trouble for me, but these people should have enough merit points." Chen Feng's eyes exuded joy.

"Your name is Chen Qing, right? I am Wang Yunxiao, this is Shura Sword Immortal, this is..."

"Okay, why are you talking so much nonsense? Get down." Chen Feng was too lazy to talk to the other party. He still used the same move as before. He stretched out his palm and pressed it hard. All eight cultivators on the scene fell to the ground. Among them were three high-level immortals.

"How is this possible!" Wang Yunxiao's eyes were about to fall out of his head in surprise. He was a high-level immortal, and the two partners he invited were as powerful as himself, but he didn't expect to be killed in front of the other party without even a chance to fight back.

At this time, everyone finally understood how powerful Chen Feng was. Wang Yunxiao almost cursed his cousin to death in his heart. This time he really caused a big trouble. If he didn't handle it well, he might even die.

However, thinking about it again, the other party must have his own purpose for hiding his strength and entering the Six Paths Sword Sect. He shouldn't kill himself and others at will. Thinking of this, Wang Yunxiao was relieved again.

"Please forgive me, senior. I didn't recognize the great man." Although various thoughts flashed through his mind, Wang Yunxiao still begged for mercy at the first time.

"If you have enough merit points, I can bypass you." Chen Feng said with a smile.


Before they understood what Chen Feng meant, they felt the merit points in their waist cards flowing out.

"Not bad!" Chen Feng nodded, and let go of these people. In addition to the three brothers Wang who had been plundered by him before, these new guys actually increased the merit points in his waist card to more than 50 million, which was more than enough to buy any piece of iron.

"Okay, it's okay, you can go." Chen Feng waved his hand, and planned to stop making things difficult for the other party.

"Thank you, senior! Thank you, senior!" Regardless of whether these people still have the intention of revenge, it is most important to leave safely now.

"Wait!" Chen Feng suddenly spoke, and Wang Yunxiao and the others changed their faces, thinking that Chen Feng was going to take action.

"I said before that if you come to provoke me again, I will kill you." Chen Feng's eyes swept over the three brothers Wang. Under Chen Feng's eyes, the three turned pale and knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Please forgive them this time." Wang Yunxiao knew it was not good when he saw Chen Feng's eyes, but since it was about his cousin, he still spoke up.

"Humph! The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped." Chen Feng said, and three streams of light flew out of his eyes and drilled into the bodies of Senior Brother Wang and the other two. Senior Brother Wang and the other two immediately felt that their cultivation disappeared completely, as if they had become mortals. The three were extremely terrified. This situation was more uncomfortable than death.

"Don't worry, I just sealed your cultivation for a thousand years. During this time, you should stay in the cave and reflect on yourself." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Of course, you can also ask others to help you unlock the seal in your body." Chen Feng said this and turned away.

"Thank you, senior." Although Chen Feng disappeared in the blink of an eye, Wang Yunxiao still thanked him.

"Huh! It's only sealed for a thousand years. Let's go quickly and go back to find the elders to unlock it." This situation also made Wang Yunxiao feel relieved, but he still had a lot of resentment and murderous intent in his heart.

"Cousin, the other party is too much."

"Shut up, this is all trouble caused by you. I think it's a good thing to seal you for a thousand years."

Chen Feng also knew his limits when he acted. These people were all true immortals, some of whom had a lifespan of tens of millions of years. A thousand years was nothing to these people. If he hadn't been afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, Chen Feng would have slapped them to death.

The most important thing for Chen Feng now was to exchange the black iron sheet.

When Chen Feng arrived at the Merit Hall, he found the black iron sheet. When he was about to click on the exchange button, someone actually interrupted him.

"I want this piece of iron." A tall cultivator strode in. He was extraordinary in his demeanor. A vacuum appeared around him. It seemed that the cultivators in the hall knew how powerful this person was. They moved aside.

"Half-step to the immortal! The cultivation is not bad." Chen Feng saw through the other person's cultivation just by looking at him.

However, Chen Feng ignored the other party and stretched out his hand. The crystal screen in front of him flashed. At the same time, Chen Feng's waist badge automatically deducted 10 million merit points, and a stream of light wrapped in a dark iron sheet fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"Sorry, you are late." Chen Feng said lightly.

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