Eternal Existence

Chapter 1112: Star Spirit Stone Mine

Chen Feng entered the Six Paths Sword Sect to avoid danger. After hiding for hundreds of years, everything was calm. Chen Feng planned to find a way to leave the Six Paths Sword Sect after he passed the tribulation and advanced, but he didn't expect the mission to come so soon.

This is the mission that casual cultivators have to do when entering large sects. Chen Feng can't refuse, and there is no reason to refuse.

"I hope the pursuers have gone to other areas." Chen Feng could only comfort himself in this way.

This mission is actually very simple for Chen Feng, that is, to guard a spirit stone mine deep in the Hunyuan Mountains for a hundred years.

A hundred years is not a long time for these cultivators, but it would be different if this spirit stone mine is very dangerous. After receiving this mission, Chen Feng quickly figured out that someone might be behind the scenes.

Although casual cultivators who join the Six Paths Sword Sect do need to perform various tasks, it is still very rare to perform such dangerous tasks. Chen Feng's team of cultivators has a total of one hundred people, of which only ten are new casual cultivators, and the rest are disciples of the Six Paths Sword Sect who have made mistakes.

After understanding the situation of the spirit stone mine, Chen Feng had some clues, that is, the casualty rate of the True Immortals who go there to guard is very high.

"I don't know if it's my bad luck or someone is playing tricks behind my back." Thinking of this, Chen Feng used his secret technique to calculate secretly, and then his face was full of sneers.

"Humph! These guys are still not honest, and they actually acted in secret. This method is really rare. It can still work against ordinary true immortals, but it's probably not enough to deal with me." Chen Feng was not worried about these enemies of the Six Paths Sword Sect. What Chen Feng was worried about was whether his departure from the Six Paths Sword Sect this time would attract the pursuit of the immortal heaven.

With the pressure of the immortal heaven, the Six Paths Sword Sect would not be taken seriously by Chen Feng at all, unless the top figures of the Six Paths Sword Sect were willing to take action against him.

In short, it's still the same sentence, the most important thing is to have strength.

Not long after leaving the sect, another wave of more than ten people caught up, including Shanhe Jushi and Tulong Daoist. Seeing these two people, Chen Feng immediately smiled bitterly. Needless to say, these two people must have been implicated by him.

"It seems that I have to give them some compensation!" Chen Feng felt a little guilty about the two people. In this case, Chen Feng had some calculations in his heart.

The spiritual stone mine that everyone is going to this time is considered medium-sized and large in the entire fairy world. The location of the spiritual stone mine is in the Hunyuan Mountains. What's interesting is that this place, including the entire Hunyuan Mountains, was originally the sphere of influence of the Six Paths Sword Sect, but now it is different. As the strength of the Six Paths Sword Sect weakens, part of the base of the Hunyuan Mountains has been seized by other forces.

This vein called the Star Spiritual Stone Mine is in the division of the Six Paths Sword Sect and the Xingyuan Sect. If this is an ordinary spiritual stone mine, the Xingyuan Sect will not be so tough to tear its face and fight with the Six Paths Sword Sect. After all, the gap in strength between the two sects is not big, and the Xingyuan Sect has no need to offend the Six Paths Sword Sect, a sect with ancient heritage.

Besides, the Xingyuan Sect was able to occupy a place in the Hunyuan Mountains at that time not relying on its own strength.

But this time it was different. The discovered spirit stone mine was not ordinary fairy crystals like before, but a large star-shining spirit stone mine containing strong star power. As a result, Xingyuan Sect could not sit still. After the negotiation with Liudao Sword Sect failed, both sides began to develop the spirit stone mine. Of course, other forces also came to fish in troubled waters. In this way, fighting was inevitable.

Since the development of this spirit stone mine for three thousand years, the number of dead and injured disciples on both sides has exceeded hundreds of thousands. This is also one of the reasons why these major sects have recruited more and more casual cultivators in recent years.

Like this wave of cultivators sent out in front of us, it has happened frequently in recent years. For the spirit stone mine, Liudao Sword Sect will not retreat a step, but a large part of the cultivators sent out are unlucky ghosts who are not doing well in the sect.

Chen Feng was with these unlucky ghosts who were cursing. Of course, there were also people who kept silent. As long as they could be guards for a hundred years, they would be rewarded if they returned to the sect.

Of course, some people escaped from the Six Paths Sword Sect under pressure, but in this case, they would have to go to a more distant place, otherwise a cultivator who betrayed his master at will would be looked down upon wherever he went.

Just like now, two True Immortals suddenly sped up, one on the left and one on the right, and were about to disappear, but at this time, the two cultivators leading the team suddenly took action, just stretched out their hands and grabbed them easily, and the two fleeing cultivators were immediately caught and turned into a blood mist.

Seeing the two people take action, everyone else was shocked. Some people had originally planned to escape, but now they also restrained their thoughts.

"Tsk tsk, the leader actually has five high-level True Immortals and two half-step Heavenly Immortals. It seems that the situation of the Star Spirit Stone Mine is tight." Chen Feng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes quickly swept over everyone, and finally paused on an inconspicuous young cultivator.

"There is also a Heavenly Immortal, who is hiding very deeply."

Along the way, Chen Feng did not show his true colors, and did not even say a few words, but he had a general understanding of the situation of this team.

Shanhe Jushi and Tulong Daoist followed Chen Feng the whole time. Since knowing that Chen Feng could suppress even high-level True Immortals, Tulong Daoist became somewhat awed in front of Chen Feng.

This time going to the Star Spirit Stone Mine, following Chen Feng was like following a backer, and the chance of survival would be greatly increased.

It took a day and a night for everyone to reach the Star Spirit Stone Mine. At first, Chen Feng was still wondering why the teleportation array was not used, but the experience on the road made Chen Feng understand that this was deliberately letting some weak-minded guys jump out. Another point is that the Star Spirit Stone Mine was attacked by the opponent, and the teleportation array was destroyed and could not be established in a short time.

When they arrived at the Star Spirit Stone Mine, everyone was arranged in the military camp. As the guards here, everyone’s duty was to guard the spirit stone mine. If they encountered foreigners, they had to charge and fight, kill the enemy and make merit, and being killed by others was considered bad luck.

"A hundred years is not a long time, but it's not easy to endure!"

"Yes, the fighting has been fierce recently. Xingyuan Sect has even brought in Xianjian Sect. We are in danger this time. I really regret that I came here. Life is the most important thing."

"Don't say that. You have been practicing in Liudao Sword Sect for hundreds of years, and your cultivation has improved. Besides, this is not a situation where you must die. We casual cultivators have done a lot of fighting. If we really have to fight for our lives, we casual cultivators are no worse than those regular disciples."

"Anyway, we are all here together, so we should unite and get through the danger together."

On the first day, it was Chen Feng and some other casual cultivators' turn to patrol the edge of the mine. This was the most dangerous job. Just like sentinels, these patrol guards at the edge not only had to face hostile forces, but also had to face some vicious casual cultivators who took risks to snatch spirit stones.

Some cultivators would risk their lives to get some precious spirit stones.

Chen Feng sneered secretly. As soon as he arrived at the spirit stone mine, Chen Feng felt that the steward here had ill intentions towards him. The Tianluo Sword Master who had offended him before should not be so petty, so it could only be Wang Yunxiao and others who were behind the scenes.

"Sometimes conspiracies and tricks are effective, but everything is nothing in front of absolute strength." Chen Feng's consciousness has swept across the entire star spirit stone mine. When he was shocked by the scale, he also had some understanding of the guarding force here.

There are some celestial beings sitting here, but they do not pose too much threat to him. Of course, if Chen Feng uses the Longevity Tower, he can suppress the other party.

Chen Feng did not take the secret means to heart, but he was a little moved by the spirit stone mine here. After secretly observing the star spirit stones here, Chen Feng knew that his brilliant star map would have a good taste.

Originally, the brilliant star map had the hope of advancement. Although Chen Feng had a certain degree of confidence, it required a lot of star power. The huge spirit stone mine here provided Chen Feng with convenient conditions.

"I am now a disciple of the Six Paths Sword Sect. As a guard, it should be no problem to absorb some spiritual stones while resisting the enemy." Chen Feng laughed.

Although the restrictions here are extremely complicated, including the means set by high-level immortals, they cannot stop Chen Feng's secret technique.

The power of the soul pierced into the depths of the spiritual stone mine like a spike, and Chen Feng's soul trembled. The spiritual energy here is too pure, several grades higher than ordinary immortal crystals. No wonder these large sects are fighting openly and secretly.

Chen Feng's consciousness moved, and rolling spiritual energy flowed out from the depths of the mine, and then all entered the brilliant starry sky map.

The brilliant starry sky map that was originally floating quietly in Chen Feng's body seemed to be alive, exuding a surprise thought, and swallowed like a whale.

In order to avoid being discovered, Chen Feng's consciousness swept deeper and farther, all the way to the area that did not belong to the Six Paths Sword Sect.

"Brother Chen, someone is coming." At this time, Chen Feng received the voice transmission from the Dragon Slayer Taoist and the Mountain River Hermit.

Although Chen Feng was secretly devouring the spiritual energy in the spirit stone mine, he did not miss the situation around him. Chen Feng knew that several people were slowly approaching the spirit stone mine, and several people were secretly plundering spiritual energy for cultivation.

"Just a few small fish, you go and deal with them." Chen Feng said lightly.

The highest cultivation among these people was only the initial stage of the true immortal, and there were a few people who were in the realm of the upper immortal. These were all poor casual cultivators, but they were discovered and could only blame themselves for their bad luck.

The Dragon Slayer Taoist and the Mountain and River Layman acted quickly and soon solved the people in the dark.

However, as Chen Feng's consciousness extended, Chen Feng discovered another interesting thing, that is, there were actually people who entered the depths of the spirit stone mine with the same consciousness as himself to plunder spiritual energy, and the degree of concealment and intensity showed that the other party was a celestial immortal.

"I didn't expect that there were still some big fish, but I don't know where they came from." Thinking of this, Chen Feng's consciousness immediately turned into a soul vortex, and the other party's consciousness was immediately cut off and swallowed, without even the strength to struggle.

Then the other party disappeared in panic.

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