Eternal Existence

Chapter 1101 Struggle

At the same time, Chen Feng's Cave Heaven Divine Eye was used again. The Cave Heaven Divine Eye has the ability to break delusion. With Chen Feng's longevity fire, the dotted line in front of him was soon burned off.

"Good!" Seeing this scene, the Soul Refining Immortal shouted excitedly.

Then Taiyi Tianzun also came to help. The dotted lines were constantly burned off, and the Soul Refining Immortal himself began to struggle, although the effect was not very good.

After all, he was trapped here for many years, and his energy was consumed. It was difficult to recover in a short time.

In fact, Chen Feng was not so relaxed. Every time a dotted line was burned off, a certain amount of energy was consumed. However, as the dotted lines decreased, Chen Feng became more and more relaxed.

Finally, all the dotted lines were burned off, leaving only the talisman behind the Soul Refining Immortal.

"I don't know if our actions have attracted the attention of the owner here. If the other party takes action, it will be difficult for us to escape. After we get out of trouble, we still have to find a way to leave here." Chen Feng said that the soul fire had turned into a big hand and grabbed the talisman behind the Soul Refining Immortal.

The talisman immediately burst into a thousand-foot-long light, wrapping up Chen Feng's palm. Chen Feng took the opportunity to perform the Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique, but in this way, the talisman burst out even more powerfully, wrapping up Chen Feng's entire body.

"Crazy, crazy, this won't attract the opponent's attack. If this happens, there is only one way to wait for death." Taiyi Tianzun felt that his heart was about to jump out.

This talisman contains the power of the origin of the world and the will of the mighty. It is the best tonic for a chaotic body like Chen Feng. Even if it risks his life, Chen Feng will take it.

Taiyi Tianzun has stopped, looking at the dazzling light in front of him, trembling with fear, waiting for the arrival of danger.


With a bang, the Soul Refining Immortal finally got away, and at the same time a stream of green light drilled into the Soul Refining Immortal's body, and the momentum of the Soul Refining Immortal, who was originally very weak, began to rise steadily.

"Thank you, young master."

Although he had not yet recovered to his peak, the Soul Refining Immortal knew that it was only a matter of time before he could recover his strength by Chen Feng's side.

The longevity just now was equivalent to the thousand-year cultivation of the Soul Refining Immortal.

The light gradually shrank, and finally the talisman turned into a stream of light and drilled into the big hand, and the big hand turned into a stream of light and drilled into Chen Feng's eyes.

The chaotic aura kept flashing from Chen Feng's body, and the dangerous aura made Taiyi Tianzun and the Soul Refining Immortal retreat continuously. At this time, Chen Feng gave the two people a feeling that was too dangerous and terrifying.

However, this feeling did not last for many levels. Soon Chen Feng returned to normal, and at the same time, the aura on his body was completely restrained, just like a dead tree without life.

"Let's go, leave here first."

Not long after the three left, the unknown mountain suddenly shook, and finally slowly drilled into the earth and disappeared.

"Fortunately, the other party didn't attack!" At this time, Taiyi Tianzun still had some lingering fears. At the level of Taiyi Tianzun, he had already opened up his own inner world. He knew that these people had some absolute control over their own world. When outsiders entered the inner world, life and death were all decided by themselves.

"I think we should leave here. It's too dangerous."

"Don't worry. The cultivators who can cultivate to this level have their own hearts and will not attack randomly." Chen Feng also knew that it was very dangerous in here, but it was not so easy to get out. He could only say some words to comfort the other party and himself.

"Don't worry, everyone. Every once in a while, one person will be suppressed and then dissolved into nutrients of the earth. This is the practice of most cultivators who condense the inner world. I'm just unlucky. This time I escaped, and the other party will definitely not attack me again." Lianhun Zhenxian is quite familiar with this kind of thing.

But as soon as the voice fell, a stream of light rose in the sky, and the pressure emitted by the stream of light could shake the whole world.

"What!" Chen Feng was shocked, Taiyi Tianzun was stunned, and Lianhun Zhenxian was speechless.

"It can't be such a coincidence." Chen Feng was also prepared for confrontation, but he didn't expect that this stream of light would disappear in the distance with a turn.

Then a roar of unwillingness came from a distance.

"Let's go and take a look." Chen Feng and the other two looked at each other, knowing that the crisis was over this time, but they still wanted to see who was so unlucky.

When the three arrived, they saw the earth shaking and a mountain rising from the ground. Chen Feng clearly saw a cultivator suppressed in the mountain. The same situation as Lianhun Zhenxian before, suppressed by a talisman, surrounded by dense dotted lines, and streams of energy were extracted from this person's body, and then drilled into the earth along the dotted lines.

"Half-step celestial being!" Chen Feng saw the other party's cultivation.

"Daoyou, help me!" The suppressed cultivator also saw Chen Feng and the others, and immediately began to call for help.

"Let's go. If we attack again at this time, it would be a provocation to the owner of this place." Chen Feng knew that he could not attack again, so he left decisively.

After waiting for Chen Feng and the other two to leave for a long time, there was still a roar coming from the mountain.

"Oh! What bad luck! I have finally cultivated to this point, but I turned into nutrients for the other world." Chen Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Since it is the other party's inner world, there is nothing to stay. It is better to find a way to leave."

"Huoyunlong is also in this world, and Venerable Jintu seems to have gone to another world." Lianhun Zhenxian said.

"The Fire Cloud Dragon is also here, so we should go find him." Chen Feng nodded, and his consciousness spread out like a tide.

Although this world is not small, it is just an acquired internal world. With Chen Feng's current cultivation, it didn't take long for him to search the entire world.

"No, Lianhun, you didn't remember it wrong, did you?"

"No, when I first came in, the Fire Cloud Dragon and I joined forces to fight the enemy." Lianhun Zhenxian said hurriedly.

"Is it not?" At this time, Taiyi Tianzun interrupted.

"It shouldn't be. The Fire Cloud Dragon is at least a mid-level Zhenxian. Even if it is suppressed, it will not be melted so quickly. Maybe it went to other places." Chen Feng said immediately.

"Then let's leave here quickly. I always feel that this place is too dangerous." Taiyi said.

"Yes, I also feel that there seems to be danger coming." Lianhun Zhenxian also said so.

"There is danger, but I think it is also a good opportunity for us to get out." Chen Feng suddenly laughed.


The whole world was like a calm water surface with a stone thrown into it, which began to ripple. At first it was a small stone, then a huge stone. The whole world was in chaos. Some towering mountains had begun to collapse, the earth cracked, the soil rolled, and cracks appeared in the sky.

"This is!"

"Masters fighting."

"There is indeed a chance, but the danger is also greater."

In the short time he spoke, the world was churning more violently, and some grass and tree spirits and running spirit beasts had begun to die.

"It seems that this person is in trouble." Chen Feng's eyes were like two concentrated suns, constantly sweeping across, looking for opportunities and loopholes.

A terrifying light wave swept across, and it was unknown how many creatures had disappeared. Among them, there were some real immortals. Chen Feng clearly saw that these creatures turned into energy and melted into the earth.

"Not good." The longevity wings behind Chen Feng had already unfolded. With a wave of his hand, Taiyi Tianzun and Lianhun Zhenxian entered the Longevity Tower.

The situation was critical, and it was time to find a way to leave.

There were constant waves of destructive light, and the creatures raised in this world began to give their own strength to help the master to fight the earth. As for the cultivators who broke in from outside, they could only be considered unlucky.

In the crisis, several true immortals began to join forces, but before they broke out, they were caught by a big hand that suddenly appeared and crushed into pieces.


At this time, several cultivators rushed towards Chen Feng. The aura bursting out from Chen Feng was very strong. These people came to find allies.

Chen Feng was surprised to find that several immortals came in front of him. Instead of being surprised, he was more worried. Being able to accommodate so many immortals, this shows that the one who created this world is a very powerful one, which is more powerful than Chen Feng's previous guess.

"I hope that the two sides will fight fiercely, so that there will be a chance." Chen Feng prayed in his heart.

"Everyone, needless to say, now joining forces is the most important thing, and how much strength you have will be used, because now if you are not careful, you will leave your life here." Chen Feng said that the longevity wings behind him became wider and more solid, and vibrated slightly, and the cultivators around him retreated one after another.

"Fellow Taoist of the Immortal Clan, we will listen to you. Please come up with a set of rules." The speaker was a celestial being. In this crazy world, celestial beings can be easily wiped out.

"As long as you work hard, just follow me later." Chen Feng said lightly.

A big hand suddenly appeared and grabbed Chen Feng's group fiercely. For the creatures in this world, this is the power of heaven and the hand of destruction.


Chen Feng shouted, clenched his fist and hit it fiercely. At the same time as Chen Feng shouted, dozens of cultivators present also attacked at the same time. Under the threat of death, these people could not help but fight desperately.


This collision shook the whole world even more violently. The big hand stagnated for a while and cracks appeared, then suddenly exploded and turned into nothingness, while several people on Chen Feng's side were shocked to death.

"Good opportunity!"

Chen Feng was like a butterfly, constantly flying in the air. With a wave of his hand, the artifact stone plate turned into a stream of light and flew out, and the space full of ripples was immediately split open by a crack.

"Let's go!"

Chen Feng rushed in first, followed by several monks behind him. This might be the last chance, so they must seize it.

The cracks disappeared quickly, and the monks who didn't catch up screamed in despair, and then a hurricane swept through, turning these people into pieces.

"It's out!" Chen Feng grabbed the stone plate, with a look of surprise in his eyes, but soon a giant hand swept over like a blanket covering the sky.

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