Eternal Existence

Chapter 1100: Refining Living Beings

With the participation of the Longevity Tower, the balance tilted again. Although Chi Mingzi was anxious, he had no choice. Looking at the Longevity Tower in Chen Feng's hand, Chi Mingzi confirmed his previous conjecture.

He had used his strongest means, but he still couldn't compete with the other party. Although Chi Mingzi had no choice but to do so, he couldn't turn against him at this time, not to mention that Chi Mingzi didn't have the confidence to deal with Chen Feng.

As the power of the heart continued to weaken, the surrounding space world changed. Manniu and others were originally trapped in the maze and couldn't find the direction, but suddenly they felt suddenly enlightened and soon felt the strong power fluctuations.

When Manniu and others found Chen Feng and Chi Mingzi, two-thirds of the huge heart had been swallowed up.

"Good stuff." The golden hammer man and the young swordsman rushed to the huge heart in ecstasy. Driven by interests, the two didn't care whether Chen Feng and Chi Mingzi would make trouble, or they had already seen that Chen Feng and the others had no extra power.

Manniu and Taiyi Tianzun hesitated, and the scene changed during this hesitation.

Chen Feng and Chi Mingzi ignored the attempts of others to snatch the heart core, because they both knew that even if there was only a small part of the power left in the heart core in front of them, it was not something that could be taken casually.

Sure enough, two fiery red lights flashed, and half of the bodies of the two young swordsmen disappeared.

"Idiot!" Chen Feng sneered.

The Manniu's eyes flashed, and he looked at Chen Feng and Chi Mingzi, but still did not make a move.

Who knew that at this time Chen Feng withdrew his hands, and the Longevity Tower and the Blood Gathering Pearl entered his body and disappeared.

"Brother Man, you're welcome. We are a group, and you should have a share. You don't need to do it yourself." Chen Feng said with a smile.

In a short period of time just now, the Blood Gathering Pearl had swallowed half of the heart, which was enough for the Blood Gathering Pearl to digest for a period of time. People should not be too greedy.

Of course, Chen Feng also took out some blood power and gave it to Taiyi Tianzun. As for the two young swordsmen, Chen Feng ignored them.

Finally, the huge heart in front of them was divided up by several people, and then there was a thunderclap, and the blood-red streamer spread out in all directions, turning all the stone forests, mists, and vines into ashes wherever it passed.

Chen Feng got half of the heart core left by a high-level celestial being, and Chi Mingzi got most of the rest. Manniu came the latest, but he also gained something.

The young swordsman and the golden hammer man showed jealousy in their eyes. They wanted to speak but finally held back. They were not as skilled as others and could not speak.

Chi Mingzi's eyes had returned to calmness, but he was still a little weak. The action just now consumed a lot of blood.

"Brother Man, I have gained a little this time. I'll give you this stone plate." Chen Feng said and threw the stone plate to Manniu.

Manniu took it and smiled, and threw it to Chen Feng again.

"Brother Chen, you look down on me. A small artifact has not been taken seriously by me." Manniu said with a smile. Just now, Chen Feng withdrew and left the heart core for Manniu, which was worth several artifacts.

Watching the two throwing a divine weapon back and forth, the eyes of the young swordsman and the man with the golden hammer were almost spitting fire.

"It seems that I am leaving this world." Chi Mingzi suddenly said.

"I have been out for a long time to practice." Manniu also said so.

The heart core just obtained is not simple. It not only contains the rich blood power of the immortals, but also the cultivation insights left by high-level immortals. It can be regarded as inheritance, but it is not obtained by one person, but divided up.

The essence and insights in it are enough for the three people to practice for a long time.

"You two are going to leave." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, but we still need the help of Brother Chen." Chi Mingzi said.

"That's no problem."

The two said they would leave, and several people joined forces to finally open a space channel in this world. The two chose to return to the fairyland and left together.

The young swordsman and the man with the golden hammer just hesitated and refused.

So this temporary small group was disbanded, the two young swordsmen went their separate ways, and Chen Feng and Taiyi Tianzun went to other places in this world.

Because Chen Feng has not found the other partners yet.

"I wonder how Huoyunlong and the others are doing?"

It has been a while since he entered this world, and Chen Feng has not even felt the existence of the Soul Refining Immortal. All this shows that Huoyunlong and the others may not be in this world.

Chen Feng and Taiyi Tianzun have been wandering in this world for decades. Finally, they decided to leave.

"It is this teleportation array. Yes, I saw someone leave from here with my own eyes." Taiyi Tianzun pointed to the teleportation array in front of him, which was almost broken.

"I have gained a lot in this world, and it is time to venture into other places. However, I still have to remember the spatial nodes of this world, maybe I can come back in the future." Chen Feng said with a smile.

This time the transmission speed was faster, as if walking through a door. In less than a breath, the two of them changed places.

"So fast, they will not leave this world." Taiyi Tianzun was a little puzzled.

"Successful, it is another brand new world with a different breath." Chen Feng took a deep breath, his eyes were bright, and he kept observing this brand new world.

"The aura is indeed different. Why do I feel something is wrong?" Taiyi Tianzun suddenly said.

"Really? What's going on?" Chen Feng asked with a smile. Although his combat power was better than Taiyi Tianzun, the other party was indeed a real immortal, and was even higher than him in some aspects.

"This is the inner world left by the master." Taiyi Tianzun said this after a long time.

"And this master is still alive." Chen Feng continued, the divine light in his eyes had extended thousands of miles, and the whole world became bright.

"Still alive." Taiyi Tianzun was also a little dumbfounded. He originally thought that this was an inner world that had not dissipated. Now after hearing what Chen Feng said, he immediately knew in his heart that he was in danger.

The cultivator who could construct such a macro-level world must be more than just cultivators like himself.

"Don't worry, this is a perfect world. There are many creatures here, and there are many cultivators like us. I don't think the director here will attack us." Chen Feng retracted his gaze.

Taiyi Tianzun also figured this out and gradually put his mind at ease. For these powerful people who created the inner world, they would like to have more cultivators enter their inner world, which is good for themselves.

"The fact that we can come in explains why. I don't know how many passages the other party has arranged. The only thing I have to worry about now is that it may be difficult for us to get out." Chen Feng had just used the pupil technique to investigate. This inner world is very stable, the space is also very solid, and it is in a state of stable development. From these, we can infer some characteristics and temperaments of the owner of this world.

"Have you found anything?" Taiyi Tianzun has gradually adapted to the rules of heaven and earth here.

"Let's go, I sense a familiar breath." Chen Feng said as he took a step and arrived a hundred miles away.

A million miles away, there is a Tongtian mountain surrounded by flowing clouds. The mountain is surrounded by lush vegetation. I don't know how many monsters are lurking and running in it.


A dull roar came from the inside of the mountain. Wherever the invisible sound waves passed, it was like a hurricane and tsunami, but the creatures around the mountain were hardly affected. The thunder-like sound waves were actually not lethal.

The Soul Refining Immortal was suppressed inside the mountain, unable to move his whole body, and could only roar.

Finally, the roaring sound disappeared. Lianhun Zhenxian seemed tired and depressed. This period of time was like a nightmare for Lianhun Zhenxian. The most uncomfortable thing was that this nightmare would haunt him until his life ended.

When he thought of the sad things, Lianhun Zhenxian would roar angrily. After venting, Lianhun Zhenxian began to curse constantly. Suddenly, the voice suddenly stopped, as if his neck was strangled, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"It's saved, it's saved." It was like a drowning person grabbing a floating straw, and the little hope in his heart was infinitely magnified.

"Lianhun, how did you get into this state?" Soon Chen Feng appeared in front of Lianhun Zhenxian.

"Young Master!" Lianhun Zhenxian shouted in surprise.

Chen Feng just took a simple look and understood what happened.

"You are so unlucky."

"It is unlucky. There are so many powerful cultivators in this world, but it happened to me." When he said this, the look in the eyes of the Soul Refining Immortal dimmed. Although the reinforcements were pulled, it was still unknown whether he could be rescued.

"Melting the living soul and turning it into the origin is a good way to condense the world in the body." Taiyi Tianzun said.

"Heavenly Immortal!" After seeing Taiyi Tianzun, a glimmer of hope rose in the heart of the Soul Refining Immortal.

"Good guy, one third of your life origin has been swallowed up. How long have you been suppressed?" Chen Feng said while exploring around. Finally, two rays of light escaped from his eyes. The space around him became different. Countless dotted lines were spread around. There was even a round talisman on the back of the Soul Refining Immortal.

"One hundred years!" The Soul Refining Immortal gritted his teeth and said.

"One hundred years is not long. Don't worry. I will find a way to rescue you." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed a dotted line, but he grabbed nothing.

"Eh!" Chen Feng tried again, but failed several times. Finally, Chen Feng reached out to grab the talisman on the back of the Soul Refining Immortal.

The talisman shone brightly, and a snake-like silk thread stretched out, trying to tie Chen Feng up.

Chen Feng dodged repeatedly, and Taiyi Tianzun attacked. After a lot of struggle, the light was retracted into the talisman.

"It's a bit troublesome!" Chen Feng frowned and thought about it, then flicked his fingers, and a flame flew out and burned at one of the virtual lines.

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