Eternal Existence

Chapter 1102 Lingyuan Tower

"Good fellow!" Feeling the power of this big hand, Chen Feng's pores were about to explode. He thought he had already rushed out of the other party's internal world, but he didn't expect that the danger had just begun.

At this time, the monks following Chen Feng were also shocked. This big hand was many times more powerful than the previous attack.

This is the real power, the real magical power, which is far beyond the ability of these people to resist.

Bang bang bang!

Three explosions in a row, three artifacts in Chen Feng's body exploded, and the energy generated made Chen Feng sober up.

"Forget it, just take a loss this time, saving your life is the most important thing." Chen Feng said that the compass in his hand had already flown out. Under the urging of Chen Feng's full power, this artifact grew rapidly, circling continuously, sweeping across the big hand, and after Chen Feng threw out the stone plate, he did not look at the result and fanned the longevity wings to quickly escape far away.

Chen Feng already knew that the artifact could not be saved, and the monks who came out with him would not survive. Whether he could rush out depended on luck.


The sound of the collision was indescribable. Chen Feng knew without turning his head that the stone plate had been broken under the sweep of the big hand, and those monks had also turned into fragments.

Space cracks were like indestructible blades cutting towards Chen Feng, and the Changsheng Wings that could transcend time and space also began to break at this time.

Chen Feng knew that it was not because the Changsheng Wings were not good, nor was it because he had not practiced well enough. The main reason was that the opponent was too strong, so strong that he had to rely on luck even to escape.


Chen Feng roared wildly, and a series of explosions, and several immortal artifacts exploded in his body. Under the powerful force, the Changsheng Wings unfolded again. At the same time, the blood-gathering beads in his body began to rotate. A burst of blood light exploded and wrapped Chen Feng, making Chen Feng look a little weird.

Chen Feng was really desperate, because another big hand appeared after the space crack, and this time it was even more ferocious. Chen Feng finally knew what level the opponent was, because Chen Feng got a hint of immortality in his backhand, and immortality was the law of gold.

"Golden Immortal, or half-step Golden Immortal, this is not something I can deal with." This time Chen Feng's face really dimmed. Even if he burned all his energy, he was not the opponent at all. This was simply several levels behind.

"It seems that I can only hide in the Longevity Tower, so there may be a glimmer of hope." Although he thought so, Chen Feng also understood that even the Longevity Tower might not be able to withstand it.

The pressure was getting bigger and bigger, and Chen Feng was suffocating. Just when Chen Feng shouted and wanted to enter the Longevity Tower, the huge palm suddenly dissipated, the pressure suddenly disappeared, and Chen Feng spit out a mouthful of blood instead.

"It seems that this guy's opponent is very powerful, and even his mind can't be separated." Chen Feng's heart was filled with a trace of life.


Maybe it was Chen Feng's luck. A strong force passed through, and a long crack was cut in the surrounding void. Chen Feng felt the breath of the outside world from it.

"This is the real opportunity." Chen Feng rushed over in almost the shortest time. At the same time, the shadows of the Longevity Tower and the Blood Gathering Pearl wrapped him up, and the Longevity Wings vibrated rapidly. In an instant, Chen Feng disappeared in the crack.

"I came out!"

Chen Feng finally saw the stars in the distance and felt a different energy from before. Just passing through the crack, the two layers of calmness around Chen Feng almost completely dissipated.

Frightened, Chen Feng exerted his speed to the extreme and wanted to leave this dangerous place, but soon Chen Feng knew that the danger was still there. The chaotic power continued to surge, and the starry sky in the distance was blocked. Chen Feng was in a violent vortex again.

Chen Feng's whole body was twisted, and blood was flowing from his seven orifices. If it weren't for the power of the Longevity Tower on him, Chen Feng would probably have turned into pieces.

"In this kind of fight, staying here is a dead end." Chen Feng gritted his teeth, and another immortal weapon exploded in his body. This time, Chen Feng was also very ruthless. There was also a pseudo-divine weapon in the magic weapon that exploded.

So energy surged from Chen Feng's body, and his injured body recovered immediately. The wings of longevity were also filled with yin and yang. Chen Feng was like a butterfly in the wind and waves, struggling and flying hard.

Chen Feng rarely felt this kind of powerlessness. In front of the opposite power, he needed to fight hard on the one hand and luck on the other.

It must be said that Chen Feng's luck was good. Perhaps the two warring parties did not take Chen Feng, a small ant, seriously. Chen Feng gradually left the vortex of the fight, and the pressure on his body began to decrease until it could not affect Chen Feng at all.

Chen Feng did not know how far he flew. When he felt there was no danger, he turned back to check. However, Chen Feng exerted the strongest power of the Cave Heaven God Eye, and could only see two groups of golden light constantly colliding, and the situation he believed in could not be seen.

"The Immortal Avenue, the Law of Gold, tsk tsk, one day I will be able to cultivate to this level." Chen Feng sneered, turned his head and left, and finally landed on a desolate planet before releasing the Soul Refining Immortal and Taiyi Tianzun.

"Are you okay?" Taiyi Tianzun asked anxiously when he saw Chen Feng's appearance.

"It was really lucky to escape this time." Chen Feng simply recounted what he had experienced before. Taiyi Tianzun and Soul Refining Immortal gasped and admired Chen Feng's ability to escape.

After telling the two people, Chen Feng began to recover from his injuries. This time he escaped with his life, but he also lost a divine weapon. Chen Feng still felt a little distressed. Although Chen Feng had been trying to catch the breath of the two sides, he had never succeeded.

"It is said that when immortals fight, mortals suffer. In front of cultivators of this level, we are mortals again."

A month later, the three left this desolate planet. This time they only found Taiyi Tianzun, but did not find the other two predecessors. At the same time, Huoyunlong and Jintu Zun also lost their traces.

After searching the surrounding starry sky for decades, Chen Feng returned to the Eternal World.

Everything was normal in the Eternal World. The power of Tianxiao Palace had been completely cleared, and the immortal world no longer intervened. The return of Taiyi Tianzun shocked the entire cultivation world, especially Taiyi Sect. The entire sect was jubilant.

What does a celestial immortal symbolize for a sect? This kind of thing is self-evident.

However, Taiyi Tianzun only stayed in the Eternal World for a while. After some thought, he began to choose to ascend to the immortal world.

After seeking Chen Feng's consent, the Soul Refining Immortal also entered the Immortal Realm. Over the years, the Immortal Realm has changed so much that all the major heavens have begun to take it seriously. Moreover, the Soul Refining Immortal also took Chen Feng's instructions, which was to enter the Immortal Realm first, establish a base, and develop power.

After the two left, Chen Feng became alone again. With the improvement of Chen Feng's status and cultivation, some of his former friends became more and more distant from him because of the gap. Many people used to drink and chat with him, but now they unconsciously showed respect and awe in front of him.

Although Chen Feng didn't like it, he couldn't change people's hearts. Besides, such a thing had been expected by Chen Feng.

Then Chen Feng got the news of Bai Ziyan's disappearance.

It was normal for a cultivator to go out and venture and not come back for ten thousand years, but Bai Ziyan was only a terrestrial immortal when he left. He had been away from the Eternal World for more than a thousand years. The jade tablet of the mind he left before leaving had also lost its spirituality. All this showed that Bai Ziyan might have suffered an accident.

Thinking of Bai Ziyan, Chen Feng's state of mind was actually affected. He barely suppressed his floating thoughts and then performed a calculation secret technique recorded in the Changsheng Zhenjing.

Although he did not calculate the real location of Bai Ziyan, he knew that the other party was safe and sound, and there was a chance that he would be blessed. After several calculations, Chen Feng was relieved.

In his spare time, Chen Feng sat and watched the development of the entire Eternal World. During this period, Chen Feng went to the Zhoutian World again. Both worlds were very stable, which was what Chen Feng wanted to see most.

Finally, Chen Feng smelted 108 laws of truth and 36 laws of heaven. Chen Feng's power reached an extremely abnormal place. Even if Chen Feng performed the art of covering the sky, he could still feel the oppression of the power of heaven. Chen Feng knew that the day when he left the Eternal World was not far away.

"There are still some things to understand before leaving this world." Chen Feng's figure flashed and entered a wonderful space. The yellow sand was endless, and an 18-story tower appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's current strength does not require the help of the shuttle jade talisman, and he can enter this space by himself.

"It is indeed the inner world. I thought it was a secret place before. It's a pity that this world has dried up. I don't know how long the owner of the previous life has been dead." Chen Feng said as he took a step forward and entered the fifteenth floor directly.

"The fifth floor is still the power of heavenly tribulation, but this time the power of tribulation is the fire of hell, burning fiercely and burning everything, but it has almost no effect on Chen Feng.

"Too weak." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The sea of ​​fire turned into a ball of flames and fell into Chen Feng's palm, turning into the nourishment of the origin spirit bead.

The sixteenth floor was a group of true spirits without memories left by a true immortal. When they saw Chen Feng appear, they wanted to take over Chen Feng's body, but they were easily swallowed by Chen Feng.

"Too weak! "Chen Feng shook his head lightly.

On the seventeenth floor, there was a good combat puppet, whose strength was close to that of a celestial being, but it was still no match for Chen Feng and was easily subdued by Chen Feng.

On the eighteenth floor, which was the highest floor of the Lingyuan Tower, sat a crystal-clear human skeleton that looked like crystal.

"It's the corpse of a celestial being!" Although a little surprised, Chen Feng quickly regained his composure and was not shocked.

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