Eternal Existence

Chapter 1083 Space Connection Point

"What kind of secret technique is this? It is specially designed to provide me with power." Chen Feng's body was still growing, but a smile appeared in his eyes.

The blood-gathering bead was spinning in circles in Chen Feng's body. The destructive blood light that had entered Chen Feng's body before was disappearing quickly. Finally, all the blood energy was completely swallowed up by the blood-gathering bead.

Chen Feng's body began to shrink, and the blood-gathering bead appeared in his palm, emitting dazzling blood light and constantly spinning.

The blood-gathering bead is already a pseudo-artifact. For this level of blood power, the more the better. If the grade is higher, the blood-gathering bead can be further improved under the condition of stable strength.

"The secret technique is really good, but it's a pity that there is no pupil power in it, otherwise it would be more troublesome for me to deal with it." While Chen Feng was talking, another red stream of light flew over. Of course, it was all swallowed up by the blood-gathering bead.

These are the essences left behind by the blood pupil cultivators after their death, which were released by the Zhoutian World on their own initiative.

"The latecomers are ahead. Maybe the Blood Gathering Pearl will surpass other magic weapons and become a divine weapon first." Chen Feng was a little proud. The Blood Gathering Pearl became stronger step by step in his hands.

All the cultivators were strangled, and the threat of the Zhoutian World was lifted. The light and shadow transformed by the power of the origin of the world nodded to Chen Feng, and then dissipated with a bang. Only a little starlight entered Chen Feng's body, and then the Zhoutian acupoint in Chen Feng's body began to expand rapidly. At the same time, the eight Zhoutian pillars also turned into streams and drilled into the Zhoutian acupoint, just like the pillars of the sky supporting the world and guarding the eight directions.

At this moment, the Zhoutian acupoint in Chen Feng's body was enough to be comparable to an ordinary small secret realm. A trace of vitality was derived from it. Chen Feng knew that he was one step closer to opening up the world in his body.

The Zhoutian compass hummed, shrank, and then rotated and fell into Chen Feng's hands. Chen Feng knew that the catastrophe of the Zhoutian World this time was over. Although he had gained some benefits, he also repaid the cause and effect.

Chen Feng left the Zhoutian World with ease. Chen Feng knew that he might not come to this world again in the future.

After returning to the Eternal World, Chen Feng almost didn't ask about other things, but was at ease cultivating in Donglong Island, and the number of times he went out to sea for patrols was few and far between.

A hundred years passed quickly, and for Chen Feng now, a hundred years was really nothing, just a spiritual journey and a meditation.

But in this hundred years, the situation of the entire Eternal World has become more stable, and the speed of development has far exceeded the previous billions of years.

Because of the war in the immortal world, Chen Feng used the art of stealing the sky to hunt a large number of immortal laws, and I don't know how many masters he has created.

In a hundred years, two people ascended to the immortal world. This speed shocked the whole world, but Chen Feng thought it was natural. He provided such a good cultivation environment, and it was not fast for two people to ascend in a hundred years.

"I just don't know if these people can stand firm after ascending to the immortal world." Chen Feng was still a little worried.

But think about it again. Once promoted to the immortal in the Eternal World over the years, they can ascend. In comparison, these people ascended after the middle and high levels, and the guarantee they got is stronger.

Especially when you think about other worlds where even earthly immortals can ascend, in this respect, the Eternal World still has an advantage.

"Everyone has their own opportunities." Chen Feng shook his head.

In fact, after experiencing the events of the Zhoutian World, Chen Feng was also a little worried about the Eternal World, fearing that someone would come to capture and devour the origin of the Eternal World.

However, Chen Feng also knew that his worries were unnecessary, because he could not stay here forever.

Rejecting Liu Wuxiang's appointment to go on an adventure, the treasure of the real immortal could no longer attract Chen Feng.

Unless it was a celestial immortal.

After sitting in the Eternal World for another hundred years, refining two longevity fruits, and increasing his skills by 200,000 years, Chen Feng's cultivation reached a stable period again. It was not a good thing to make rapid progress again, so Chen Feng planned to leave the Eternal World and go on an adventure in the outer space.

The Arctic Ice and Snow Plain is located at the northernmost end of the Eternal World. It has been covered with ice and snow for billions of years. It is the area with the least cultivators and creatures. Compared with the desolation of the Western Regions, this place is even more lifeless.

Chen Feng and his party of four landed on a towering iceberg. Although there was a scorching sun overhead, the icebergs here had never melted, and life was compressed to a very low level.

"Is this the place? There are only a few immortals. How much value can they have?" Huoyunlong said somewhat unhappily.

"Mysterious spaces can be explored in general. I just want to see where this space connection point leads to." Chen Feng didn't care at that time, even if there was nothing to gain, he would just come back.

"It's here." The Soul Refining Immortal pointed his hand, and the icebergs around drifted, and a black hole appeared on the flat ground.

"The space channel is the same as the void black hole. I hope it can bring me some challenges." Chen Feng said and went directly into it.

"Where is this place?"

The speed of transmission was very fast. When the four people appeared again, they were in the bright starry sky, but there were six more dark void channels in front of them.

"What's going on?"

"This is a space connection point, but it leads to a lot of places." Chen Feng said lightly. Even the Cave Heaven God Eye could not detect the situation in it. Chen Feng knew that the cultivator who built the space node in front of him was at least a celestial immortal.

To be able to cause the immortals to take action, the place they are going to must be extraordinary, but no one knows which path the three immortals of Taiyi Sect chose back then.

"Six channels, how to choose?" Huoyunlong said with a smile.

Chen Feng thought about it and punched out. This punch was based on the force point and the law of heaven as the framework. Chen Feng almost exploded himself with this punch.

However, the space channel in front of him only shook slightly and returned to normal. After Chen Feng, Huoyunlong and the other two continued to attack. But the six inconspicuous channels in front of them seemed to be in an illusion, and everyone was helpless even if they exerted all their strength.

"It seems that I can only choose one." Huoyunlong was a little dejected.

"Cheer up, so that it can be said that there is a treasure ahead." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, this makes sense." Huoyunlong was also happy.

"Choose one at random." Chen Feng said and stepped into the channel closest to the side. Huoyunlong and others were about to follow, but were blocked by an invisible and powerful force. At the same time, Chen Feng disappeared with the channel.

"This, this." Huoyunlong and the other three were a little stunned.

"Could it be that one person can only enter one passage?"

"It's possible."

"In that case, let's enter together."

So the three of them discussed and rushed to the passage in front of them at the same time.

With a bang, Huoyunlong and Jintu Zunzhe were thrown away by the powerful force, and the Soul Refining Immortal entered the passage and disappeared with the passage.

"This method doesn't work, only one person can choose one." Huoyunlong sighed and flew into a passage.

Jintu Zunzun followed closely behind, and he had no intention of retreating until now.

In the end, there were only two passages left. Who knew that these two passages overlapped with each other, and after a period of transformation, they turned into two passages again.

Chen Feng and his friends didn't know about this situation, and what they didn't know was that a group of cultivators appeared not long after. These people were in the same situation as Chen Feng and his friends at the time, and they were also confused. In the end, one person chose a passage.

In the following time, cultivators continued to appear. What's interesting is that one of the waves exceeded the number of people left, and then the number of transmission passages increased autonomously.

If Chen Feng saw this situation, it would definitely trigger some speculation.

But Chen Feng has no time to think about other things now, because Chen Feng is in a crisis, a real crisis, more urgent than being hunted by the immortals in the fairy world.

Stepping on the soil, the blue sky above, the mountains are undulating, the white clouds are lingering, and there are all kinds of plants full of vitality.

All this shows that this is an ordinary world.

But as soon as he entered it, the warning signs in Chen Feng's heart rolled out violently. At first, Chen Feng did not encounter any danger, but he found that his magic weapon could not be used. Whether it was suppressed in the acupoints or the pseudo-artifacts he had recently harvested, they all had no reaction.

This shocked Chen Feng to the extreme. It was the first time that Chen Feng encountered this level of law restriction.

However, after communicating with the Longevity Tower, Chen Feng's nervous mood relaxed a little, and then he began to explore the situation around him.

Then the situation of spiritual consciousness being oppressed appeared, and Chen Feng's soul power was weakened by 90% at this time. Fortunately, the power of the physical body did not weaken.

However, Chen Feng still did not let his guard down, but became more cautious. Since this situation had occurred, the world would be different accordingly. After Chen Feng could only break a waist-thick tree with one punch, Chen Feng knew that the structure of the world in front of him exceeded the fairyland.

"This should be created by the master's magical power." Chen Feng could only think so in his heart.

Then, Chen Feng encountered a pack of wolves. Hundreds of blue giant wolves like calves attacked Chen Feng in waves.

If it were normal, Chen Feng could kill these blue giant wolves that seemed to have a low realm in a second with just one thought, but Chen Feng felt the pressure as soon as they fought.


Chen Feng killed a blue giant wolf with one punch, but three blue wolves rushed towards Chen Feng at the same time.

Fearless of death, but difficult to deal with, after killing dozens of them, Chen Feng was hit, and the flesh that could block the attack of the pseudo-artifact was cut open under the wolf's claws, and the skin and flesh were exposed, revealing the wound.

And the recovery speed of the flesh was also ten times slower than usual.

Chen Feng could easily escape with the Immortal Step, but his pride would not allow him to do so, so after killing a hundred blue wolves, the number of blue wolves besieging Chen Feng increased to a thousand.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly, knowing that he was careless. The world here was completely different from what he had encountered before, and he had to adjust his mentality quickly.

So after killing three hundred blue wolves, Chen Feng launched the Immortal Step, and the illusory figure kept flashing, and Chen Feng rushed out of the encirclement.

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