Eternal Existence

Chapter 1084: The Law of Ice and Fire

"These green wolves, which are inconspicuous in other worlds, can surround and kill real immortals here. It is really a wonderful world. If the three immortals of Taiyi Sect had encountered this situation back then, they would definitely have died. It is not surprising. There is no news." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Not long after Chen Feng broke out of the siege, he was targeted by several ferocious birds. After a fight, Chen Feng killed each other. He found a secret cave, entered it and encountered a python, and they fought again.

Chen Feng felt as if he had returned to the secret realm.

"I don't know where exactly this place is, or is it just a world created by immortals." Chen Feng didn't even understand the situation in front of him. He could only take it one step at a time, treating it as a kind of training for his Taoist heart.

After practicing in the cave for a period of time, Chen Feng came out of the cave with some understanding and adaptation to the laws of this world.

As soon as he took one foot out of the cave, he immediately took it back. The world outside was white and completely covered with snow. The chill in his heart kept hitting Chen Feng. Chen Feng took a step back, and this feeling disappeared immediately.

Chen Feng immediately laughed.

Ordinary caves can isolate and block the invasion of severe cold. Chen Feng would never believe this.

However, Chen Feng carefully checked the cave inside and out, but found nothing. A thought suddenly came to his mind.

"It seems that the monks who built this world are not simple. It doesn't look like the ability of a first-level heavenly immortal. Could it be that he is an intermediate-level heavenly immortal or a higher existence? If this is the case, I have the Eternal Life Tower to protect me, and there is life here. Danger." Thinking of this, the hairs all over Chen Feng suddenly stood up. This was an instinct for danger.

And this danger still comes from inside the cave.

The originally dark cave suddenly became brighter, and the surrounding temperature instantly increased a thousand times. Chen Feng's face turned red and he felt a little restless.

"Is it possible that this place is connected to a volcano? This is too false." He looked at the solid ground under his feet melting, and the hot and red magma spewed out.

Chen Feng felt that his skin was about to be burnt. Knowing that something was strange here, he stepped out of the cave. The heat was gone, and the cold threads continued to penetrate into the body, touching Chen Feng's soul.

Even colder than before.

"When an immortal comes here, he will be frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant, or burned into ashes by magma. The first-level true immortal can persist for a while, but it is limited. The intermediate true immortal is also in danger. I hope Huo Yunlong and the others will not encounter this situation. " Chen Feng said and turned back to the entrance of the cave. He sat down cross-legged. On one side was the magma that easily melted the rocks, and on the other side was the ice and snow that could freeze the soul. Instead, a mid-level true immortal came forward. Under these two powers, It will also be broken into pieces.

But for Chen Feng, now is a good opportunity to practice.

In this world, magic weapons cannot be used and the soul is suppressed. This is the moment when the body comes into play.


Four acupoints in Chen Feng's body exploded and roared at the same time, namely the fire of the five elements, the fire of Zhoutian, and the lunar sun.

The rolling lava covered half of Chen Feng's body, and the thick ice and snow wrapped the other half of Chen Feng's body. These two powers were not strong, but at this time they exceeded all the ice and fire powers that Chen Feng had encountered before.

Soon, Chen Feng's forehead was exposed. The two qi of yin and yang formed a Tai Chi diagram, and the two acupoints of yin and yang were also involved to coordinate the power of both parties.

But the power inside his body became chaotic, and the power of fire took over. Chen Feng's entire body became hot, and the ice on his body began to melt. Once all the power of frost disappeared, Chen Feng's practice would be over.

Chen Feng started to smoke. The whole person really seemed to have turned into a volcano. Seeing that the last bit of ice and snow was about to melt, Chen Feng let out a loud roar and a new acupoint opened.

If Chen Feng himself is the universe, then the various acupoints opened up in his body are like shining stars, and they can turn into everything-devouring black holes once encountering circumstances.

A new star appeared, grew rapidly and then turned into an icy black hole. Infinite power penetrated from it, and the ice and snow world outside the cave was swept away by several huge tornadoes.

After opening the Cold Cave, Chen Feng's physical body became balanced again, and the Tai Chi Diagram became more stable.

Two Bing You Han Beads entered the Cold Cave at the same time, rotating in circles to expand the space of this new acupoint. I don’t know when, the two cold beads merged into one and became one, Grade It has also reached the highest level.

As Chen Feng practiced for a longer period of time, some magic weapons such as the Eye of the Deep Sea and the Sea Li Pearl also entered the Cold Cave to help expand the territory.

The Sun God Needle entered the temple, and the One Yuan True Spirit Diagram entered the Taiyin Point, which finally triggered a series of reactions. Other acupoints also began to fluctuate, and some magic weapons that had not been refined after the robbery also found themselves. s position.

The acupoints in Chen Feng's body are like holes in the sky. As his cultivation level increases, they will truly evolve into the world, carry life, and gather their origins.

In order to condense the weapons of longevity, dozens of Chen Feng's magic weapons were integrated into the weapons of longevity, but this time, Chen Feng's acupoints had hundreds of more magic weapons, and every one of them was They are all magic weapons carefully selected by Chen Feng. The lowest level are all mid-grade immortal weapons, and there are also a few pseudo-artifacts snatched by Chen Feng.

At first, Chen Feng simply practiced the power of ice and fire, but as his practice deepened, Chen Feng entered a chaotic situation.

Other cultivators can open up a world in their body after reaching a certain realm, but Chen Feng's path is to open up countless worlds in his body. On that day, Chen Feng himself will become the incarnation of the universe.

If there is no Longevity Tower to suppress himself, Chen Feng will definitely not do this. He can only practice the secret technique step by step and create his own path of cultivation.

There are many cultivators in the Changsheng clan who practice the Changsheng Sutra. Some people have the same idea as Chen Feng, but the result is failure. In serious cases, they explode and die. No one can open up countless worlds.

In addition to the Longevity Tower, Chen Feng has another confidence, that is, the Chaos Body. This kind of physique is cultivated to perfection, and it is no less than the peerless artifact such as the Longevity Tower.

The world here is very strange. As Chen Feng's cultivation time increases, the ice and snow and magma become more and more violent. In the end, Chen Feng actually felt the fluctuation of the law of the Great Dao.

"It is indeed the law of heaven. Just one law of heaven integrates the Great Dao of Ice and Fire. This person is very powerful. He is also a leader among cultivators of the same realm." Chen Feng's mind was full of thoughts, but he did not end this state of cultivation.

Because Chen Feng felt that not only his realm was improving, but his body was also becoming tighter, and the road he had created was also extending and widening.

The life of a cultivator is to practice, pursue more powerful power, and feel the continuous improvement of his cultivation, so Chen Feng didn't feel boring at all.

When Chen Feng was practicing, the ice and snow world and the underground magma changed. Both sides seemed to be an illusory world. Chen Feng was at the center of the world. The dotted line was pulled and twisted, and the ice and snow world outside condensed into a white dragon.

The cave disappeared, and the gushing magma turned into a fiery red dragon.

The two dragons were not big, only a hundred feet, but there was a law running through their bodies.

Chen Feng was stimulated and opened his eyes.

"Two laws of heaven, this time it's really luck." Chen Feng said as he stood up suddenly, his hands quickly grew bigger, and he grabbed the other party before the two dragons attacked.

There was no struggle, only two attacks drilled into Chen Feng's body, and only one attack was launched. The two dragons seemed to have drained all their strength, soft and without a trace of combat power, and were thrown to the ground by Chen Feng.

"It's really cruel." Chen Feng felt that he was about to explode. The two laws of heaven were not so easy to digest, but Chen Feng was not unprepared. With a thought, the four laws of heaven that had been refined in his body appeared, like a dragon to surround and kill the other two dragons.

Chen Feng's body was the battlefield.

Chen Feng gritted his teeth, and the shadow of the Longevity Tower enveloped him. In this way, his body would not collapse and perish, but the process would definitely be uncomfortable.


Although Chen Feng's body was also tempered and extremely tough, and could block the attack of the pseudo-artifact, it seemed a little fragile under the attack power of the law of heaven.

It was just a confrontation. One third of Chen Feng's body was blown up, but it recovered in the blink of an eye.

Chen Feng's body exploded a total of 18 times, and the last time it was almost completely shattered, and even the fire of longevity dimmed.

However, Chen Feng's persistence paid off. The two laws of heaven were suppressed, and Chen Feng's body was condensed a little more. The eighteen explosions just now were comparable to Chen Feng's cultivation in the thunder pool for a hundred years.

However, this kind of thing is still too risky. Chen Feng doesn't believe that he will have such good luck every time.

"This seemingly unremarkable place actually has such a harvest. The laws of heaven are much stronger than pseudo-artifacts. This time I came to the right place, but these two laws of heaven containing ice and fire power seem to be condensed by the initial stage of heavenly immortals, otherwise it would not be so easy to suppress them." Chen Feng was happy but did not get carried away. Instead, he practiced these two laws of heaven several times and knew that he could master them. Then he decided to leave this place and go to other places.

In the following period of time, Chen Feng encountered some creatures of various kinds, but only some seemingly ordinary monsters could threaten Chen Feng. He killed countless monsters, but was also chased and killed several times, and Chen Feng was seriously injured twice.

"Huh! I didn't expect a golden-winged tiger could seriously injure me. It seems my body needs to be strengthened." Chen Feng sat on the top of the mountain with a fire in front of him. Beside him lay a tiger monster several meters in size with golden wings on its back and fierce light flashing in its eyes. This was the mount that Chen Feng had taken great effort to subdue.

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