Eternal Existence

Chapter 1082 Zhou Tianzhu

"I'm sorry, please go back. The source of power here is not allowed to be interfered with by others." The monk said lightly, but seeing that Chen Feng did not take action, he also held back. The most important point was that he was not very confident facing Chen Feng.

"In that case, I will take it myself." Chen Feng said that the long blood-red river had already washed out of his eyes.

"Humph! Since you know that we are from the Blood Eye Clan, you still use this trick. Don't you know that it's embarrassing?" The blue-clothed monk sneered, and runes flashed in his blood-colored pupils. Threads of light flew out, cutting the blood-colored river emitted by Chen Feng into pieces, and then all of them were collected into his eyes.

But at this time, countless vines came from behind the blue-clothed monk, and instantly wrapped the blue-clothed monk tightly.

"It's the Moruo God Vine. This is Moruo Tian's treasure. How can you have it." The blue-clothed monk was shocked, and the blood light kept rushing, trying to rush out.

"This is the Moruo God Vine that I remodeled. It seems to be quite effective." Chen Feng smiled. Over the years, the Moruo God Vine has absorbed and integrated a large number of divine objects and spiritual objects. It has not only advanced to the top-grade immortal weapon, but also derived many other magical powers.

Under the restraint of the Moruo God Vine, even if the opponent is a high-level True Immortal, he will feel the danger.

Of course, what is more dangerous is Chen Feng's next attack. The huge fist contains the law of truth and even the power of the law of heaven.

So this high-level True Immortal was beaten into pieces. It was impossible to reshape his body under the power of the law of heaven. Even the power of the soul suddenly dissipated, and then quickly gathered and was collected by Chen Feng.

After killing a cultivator, Chen Feng's heroic spirit began to flourish. The cultivators who were besieging the origin of the Zhoutian World were surprised at the same time. They didn't expect the new guy to be so strong. Everyone was a little worried, fearing that something might happen, because the situation in front of them was almost complete. It only took some time to devour the origin of this world, but they didn't expect someone to come out to make trouble.

"Friends of the Changsheng Clan, you can get a share of the origin of the world here." After one person was killed, no one was willing to go out to stop Chen Feng.

One of the thin old men who looked a little steady opened his mouth to show goodwill to Chen Feng, but the movements of these people did not weaken.

The origin of the Zhoutian World turned into a human-shaped light and shadow, but it was besieged by everyone, flickering, and once it was broken, it would be divided and swallowed.

"Thank you all." Chen Feng said that the speed of advancement was even faster. After a distance from the battle group, an invisible wave drilled into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness without being hindered by time and space.

This is a piece of information about the cultivators present that the Zhoutian World Origin sent to Chen Feng, so that Chen Feng could prepare for the battle in advance.

Chen Feng laughed secretly. These cultivators were all from the Blood Eye Clan. Chen Feng had some understanding of these people, but there were eighteen of them in front of him, all of them were high-level True Immortals. Although Chen Feng killed one of them, the rest were still not easy to deal with. Fortunately, the Zhoutian World Origin could deal with most of them, otherwise these people would rush forward and Chen Feng would have no choice but to be dismembered or flee.

"After I killed one of your companions, can you still agree to join forces with me? As long as you devour the power of the Origin, I'm afraid you will attack me." Chen Feng sneered and pretended to be indifferent and joined the battle group, thinking of finding an opportunity to attack these people.

However, Chen Feng was still a little careless and fell into the trap of the other party. As soon as he approached the battle group, Chen Feng felt that the front suddenly became fiery red. Looking around, there were rolling blood waves. The scorching high temperature made the blood power more violent and violent. It kept flowing from all sides to the center, trying to drown Chen Feng.

"The illusion came true, and it was arranged by so many people together. Even a half-step celestial being would be trapped in it. What a pity, it met me." Chen Feng sighed, and the cave god's eyes opened up. Wherever his eyes passed, the blood in front of him disappeared one after another, and soon a path was opened up.

Chen Feng took a step forward, and the scene in front of him was bright. Chen Feng walked out of the illusion arranged by the other party.

The illusion of the blood pupil clan was broken, and these people were immediately affected. Although it was very slight, it gave the origin of the Zhoutian world a chance. The human-shaped light and shadow suddenly became larger, and then rolled up, and two people were rolled into the light and shadow, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chen Feng also took the opportunity to launch an attack. The Zhoutian Compass fixed the surrounding void, the Moro God Vine spread out, and the Cave Heaven God Eye swept around. Chen Feng actually entangled five opponents with his own strength.

For the Zhoutian World, the pressure was immediately reduced by half. At the same time, several true immortals in the Zhoutian World actually mobilized a large number of cultivators to use a special secret technique to bless the power of the origin of the Zhoutian World.

These cultivators are the creatures of the Zhoutian World. This is a blessing of faith. Sure enough, the origin of the Zhoutian World has become more powerful. The human-shaped light and shadow are one against ten, completely occupying the upper hand.

"I don't know how long I need to hold on." Chen Feng is very clear about his role. It is simply impossible to kill the opponent under this situation. Being able to do this now is already Chen Feng's limit.

"My friend, we all belong to the Nitian clan. As long as you withdraw now, our Blood Eye clan will definitely reward you." The situation suddenly turned around, bringing crisis to everyone.

In order to plunder the group that devoured the Zhoutian World, the Blood Eye Clan paid a great price, but they did not expect that someone would disrupt them when they were about to succeed. If this situation could not be changed in a few breaths, then failure to seize the power of origin would be a small matter, and these people would all die here.

"The Blood Eye Clan, a race that has long been ruined, dared to plot against me before, which is a great sin in itself. Believe it or not, our Changsheng Clan will exterminate you." Chen Feng said coldly.

After hearing this, one of the cultivators of the Blood Eye Clan suddenly burst out with several times the power, and rushed towards Chen Feng in a transformed shape.


A high-level True Immortal actually chose to self-destruct. Chen Feng thought of this, but there was no way to stop it, so he could only do his best to face it all.

The thick vines of the Moro God Vine densely wrapped the surrounding space. Chen Feng could deal with this level of self-destruction, but it could pose a strong threat to the Zhoutian World.

Countless vines seemed to wrap around a star that was in a state of destruction and self-destructed. The tough vines made of divine objects kept breaking, shattering and burning, but more vines continued to grow. Even the Zhoutian compass that supported the four-sided space had cracks.

However, Chen Feng laughed. The self-destruction of a high-level immortal was indeed powerful, but the two magic weapons he had played at this time did not break in the first time, which explained everything.

So with the appearance of the origin spirit bead, the crisis in front of him was resolved by Chen Feng.

There were three top-grade immortal artifacts to resolve the self-destruction of a high-level immortal. Chen Feng was still very satisfied.

After everything in front of him disappeared, two forces that penetrated the void fell on Chen Feng. Chen Feng flew backwards, and the longevity wings behind him vibrated violently and extended rapidly at the same time. After extending to a certain level, they exploded with a bang.

The attack of the two monks caused Chen Feng to suffer heavy damage, but the next moment Chen Feng's injuries were completely recovered, and he cultivated the Fire of Eternal Life. It can be said that Chen Feng has stepped into the realm of immortality. Unless a cultivator at the level of a celestial being can wipe out Chen Feng's life mark in one fell swoop, he can kill Chen Feng in this way. Otherwise, the Fire of Eternal Life plus the Qi of Eternal Life, ordinary immortals can't do anything to Chen Feng.

The opponent's self-explosion played a role in temporarily stopping Chen Feng, but soon everything was back to normal, because Chen Feng became more difficult to deal with next.

The Eternal Life Wings unfolded again, and magic weapons were constantly used, relying on speed to entangle five opponents again.

The balance began to tilt seriously, and the human-shaped light and shadow formed by the original power of the Zhoutian World suddenly became several times larger, and the whole world began to shake. In the blink of an eye, two monks were swallowed and three monks were seriously injured.

The situation changed rapidly, and the cultivators of the Blood Eye Clan immediately knew that they could not go against their will. Although they hated Chen Feng in their hearts, they also knew that if they did not leave, they would die here.

So all the cultivators of the Blood Eye Clan present turned into a blood light and quickly fled to the distance.

However, the Zhoutian Great World, which had the upper hand, would not let these people go at all. Eight light pillars enveloped the surroundings, and the Blood Eye Clan who entered it were as fragile as butterflies.

The space evolved from the power of the entire world was not something these people could resist.

"This is the real power of the Zhoutian." Chen Feng laughed. Just by looking at the Zhoutian pillar, Chen Feng gained a lot.

The Zhoutian compass flew out from Chen Feng's head again uncontrollably, and it grew rapidly and flew above the eight Zhoutian pillars. The octagon corresponded to the eight Zhoutian pillars, like the sky.

Chen Feng laughed, thinking that the Zhoutian World was quite generous, and that it was worth it for him to come to the rescue this time. After absorbing these eight Zhoutian Pillars, the Zhoutian Compass would definitely be promoted to a pseudo-artifact.

Just when Chen Feng felt relieved, a blood light shot out from the eight Zhoutian Pillars, so fast that even Chen Feng had no time to react. When the destructive power came from Chen Feng's body, a resentful voice came to Chen Feng.

"Boy of the Changsheng Clan, you ruined our plan. If we die, you will not be happy. This is the power of the eight of us. I wonder how you can resist it?"

Chen Feng's body continued to grow, and his blood vessels emerged like a viper and a dragon. His eyes were red, and a blood-colored light column shot up from his head. It seemed that Chen Feng would explode at any time. The secret technique of eight high-level true immortals was not so easy to resolve.


The monks trapped in the Zhoutian Pillar finally began to die. Afterwards, their spirits and energy turned into blood again, and they kept attacking, trying to leave the world evolved from the Zhoutian Pillar.

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