Eternal Existence

Chapter 1075: Joining forces to divide

From the outside, the island is not very big, but one can only see some of the situation inside. When the three Blood Rakshasa entered, not even a wave was stirred up.

Chen Feng knew that this island was not that simple.

Chen Feng had not found a way to enter it, and was blocked by two people in front of him. He could not hold back the murderous intent in his heart. The brilliant starry sky map expanded and spread in the void, covering the two people, and the Sun God Needle attacked in the pupil technique.

These two people's cultivation is not as good as Blood Rakshasa, but they are also high-level true immortals after all. It is not so easy to deal with each other in a short time.

The twinkling stars and the roaring ocean kept colliding. The two followers of Luoshui Xingjun used the power of water. Chen Feng laughed immediately. The One Yuan True Spirit Map flowed like a long river, and one of them was swept into the magic weapon.

The other person wanted to dodge, and a group of meteors exploded on his back, and the long river flowed again, so the two followers of Luoshui Xingjun were dealt with by Chen Feng in a short time.

Of course, the two were only temporarily suppressed in a group of true spirit diagrams.

The Sun God Needle quickly disappeared from Chen Feng's hand, and then the light curtain around the island burst into dazzling light. His figure quickly shrank, and he followed the small hole drilled by the Sun God Needle into the island.

Before, Chen Feng had been able to penetrate this layer of light curtain with the Sun God Needle, but he didn't expect that he was still ahead of the other three. When he thought of this, Chen Feng felt a little depressed.

After entering the island, Chen Feng felt a strong chaotic energy coming at him, just like the destruction of the world and the explosion of the planet.

"It seems that I came in at the wrong time." Chen Feng was not in a hurry, because Chen Feng saw that Luoshui Xingjun and the other three were joining forces to besiege a cultivator.

Of course, the most appropriate way to resist the situation at this time was to join forces helplessly.

A mummy fighting was unrelated to normal people. Chen Feng only took a look and saw Chiliu Huojun being beaten out.

Xue Luosha and Luoshui Xingjun quickly blocked it, buying a minute for Chiliu Huojun.

The three of them were considered outstanding among the high-level True Immortals, but even after joining forces, they were still beaten to the point of vomiting blood by the mummy in front of them.

"Not a celestial immortal, but infinitely close to one, able to attack freely, several times more powerful than the half-step celestial immortals before. Tsk tsk, it seems that these three people have been forced to use their full potential to persist for so long.

Of course, Chen Feng was discovered by the three of them when he appeared on the island. In addition to being shocked, they were also a little happy.

The three of them could no longer withstand the attack of this mummy, and one more person meant one more force.

However, Chen Feng ignored the three of them, and began to sweep the entire island with a burning gaze.


Chen Feng's figure began to flash constantly in various places on the island. Every time he flashed, no matter whether it was a spiritual tree, spiritual grass, or even some strange rocks, as long as Chen Feng took a fancy to them, they would disappear immediately.

"This guy. "

Seeing Chen Feng doing this, Luoshui Xingjun and Chiliu Huojun were furious. After quickly exchanging a look, they began to move the battlefield and lead the mummy to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng sneered in his heart when he saw this scene. The wings of immortality flapped and the speed increased. However, the island here was originally very small, and in the end it was locked by the mummy. It abandoned the other three and punched Chen Feng.

The space fluctuated in circles and ripples. Chen Feng seemed to retreat slowly but quickly. After taking the opponent's attack, he quickly used the secret technique to dissolve the power that descended on Chen Feng. Even so, Chen Feng felt that he was about to explode.

"To be able to block an attack from a half-step celestial being head-on, I am a rare talent in the world." Chen Feng said with a smile. With a wave of his hand, several blood thunders flew out and exploded in a series. The whole island was filled with snow and fog. Chen Feng took the opportunity to hide in the distance.

"Such pure blood power. "Blood Rakshasa was a little surprised. Although he was a partner with Chen Feng, he did not expect that this young cultivator from the Immortal Clan was also proficient in the Great Dao of Blood.

In fact, among Chen Feng's magic weapons in the deep mountains, the Blood Gathering Pearl had the fastest advancement, because Chen Feng had devoured too much blood power along the way, especially a group of True Immortals.

At this time, the Blood Gathering Pearl was already a top-grade immortal weapon. Chen Feng also wanted to find the corpse of a celestial being in the death space. As long as he could devour some of the celestial being's blood essence, it would not be a problem for the Blood Gathering Pearl to advance to a half-step artifact.

This barbaric and domineering style of magic weapon advancement speed can be called a shortcut. Of course, in this process, Chen Feng also took on several times the risk of other magic weapons.

After a series of blood thunders, there were circles of blood light. The power might not be too great, but it did allow Blood Rakshasa's injured body to recover quickly, and even its combat effectiveness was improved.

"My fellow Taoist, I think we should first join forces to deal with the mummy in front of us. What do you think? "Lo Shui Xingjun knew the power of the immortal clan's magic, so he could only invite them.

"That's right." Chen Feng said as the blood-gathering bead in his hand began to spin, and the blood-light waves rushed out like a sea of ​​blood.

"Everyone, I will attack from a distance to restrain the opponent's actions. The next step is up to you two." Chen Feng shouted loudly.

"Cunning guy." Luo Shui Xingjun and Chi Liuhuojun looked at each other and cursed in their hearts.

The blood Rakshasa, whose strength was recovering rapidly, saw the blood-gathering bead that Chen Feng took out, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He practiced the Great Way of Blood, so he could naturally feel what kind of treasure the blood-gathering bead in Chen Feng's hand was, so he had some thoughts in his mind.

Chen Feng was in the distance, while Luo Shui Xingjun and the other two surrounded the mummy.

Chen Feng did not play tricks. While activating the Blood Gathering Pearl, the Chaos Chain also spread out in all directions. Chen Feng used the two top-grade immortal weapons to the fullest.



The battle between the two sides was extremely fierce. This mummy not only had amazing defense, but was also able to perform various fighting secrets. Fortunately, the island under his feet was blessed by magic power, otherwise the power generated by the battle between these people would destroy a large world.

"This mummy is not a living person. He has been dead for who knows how many tens of thousands of years. At this time, relying on the little mark of spiritual consciousness left before his death, as long as we persist for a while, the power of the other party will dissipate, and he will become a real mummy." Luo Shui Xingjun did not forget to give his companions a generous gesture at this time.

Chen Feng smiled, and the Blood Gathering Pearl in his hand accelerated the rotation speed, and the power increased by one point. The power consumed by the Blood Rakshasa before has also been fully replenished, and the war spear in his hand is more and more fierce.

In the eyes of several people, the mummy in front of them is the best treasure. Even if they can extract a drop of blood essence, it will be of infinite benefit after refining.

What Luoshui Xingjun said makes sense. After a while, the mummy roared violently, forcing everyone to retreat one after another, and then the power on its body disappeared, and it sat quietly on a rock.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The four people who were working together sincerely before rushed towards the mummy at the same time.

Snap Snap Snap!

The chaos chain made a thunderous sound, and then rolled up the mummy.

Blood Rakshasa stopped, while Luoshui Xingjun and Chiliuhuojun rushed towards Chen Feng fiercely.

"Stop for the moment, both of you." Chen Feng shouted, and his voice contained the secret art of calming the soul. Luoshui Xingjun and the other two felt their souls shaken and stopped unconsciously.

"Friend, this is our thing, not yours alone." Chiliuhuojun said with narrowed eyes.

"In that case, why are you two in such a hurry to snatch it?" Chen Feng said with a smile. Blood Rakshasa was already beside Chen Feng with a spear in hand.

"Two against two, you will be the loser." Luo Shui Xingjun looked at Chen Feng.

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe I still have some means to kill one or two people." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the blood light in the sky was collected into the blood-gathering bead.

"It seems that my friend really wants to do it." Chi Liu Huojun couldn't hold back.

"The situation is very clear at this time. I just checked it out. This mummy can condense four drops of blood essence, one drop per person, and distribute it evenly. What do you think?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I have no objection." Blood Rakshasa nodded. A drop of blood essence that is infinitely close to the immortal is the best thing for him. In terms of value, it is even more valuable than ordinary pseudo-artifacts.

Luo Shui Xingjun and Chi Liu Huojun were clearly unwilling, but the mummy was in Chen Feng's hands at this time. The situation in front of them had to make them bow their heads, unless they were sure to quickly take action to solve Chen Feng.

"No problem." Luo Shui Xingjun said with a smile.

So each of them got a drop of gem-like blood essence, and the Blood Rakshasa swallowed it immediately, and began to refine it with blood in his body. Luoshui Xingjun and Chiliuhuojun crashed into the special bottle, and Chen Feng melted this drop of blood essence into the blood-gathering bead. If the blood-gathering bead wants to advance, the nine blood dragons that practice in it also need to advance.

If he is sure, Chen Feng would like to kill Luoshui Xingjun and the other two.

As if sensing the inexplicable killing intention, Luoshui Xingjun and the other two secretly communicated with each other and became more alert to Chen Feng.

"Everyone has gained something. In this case, I will take my leave." Chen Feng has searched the entire island, which is also a small gain.

"Wait, where are my two followers?" Luoshui Xingjun's face suddenly became gloomy.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and two cultivators stumbled to the ground. They were Luoshui Xingjun's followers. Although they were suppressed by Chen Feng in the pseudo-artifact, they did not seem to be hurt.

"Goodbye!" Chen Feng said as he flew into the air. After the mummy was killed, the light curtain around the island disappeared.

Xue Luosha followed closely. In fact, what Xue Luosha wanted to do most at this time was to find a place to practice and refine the blood essence.

However, this place and this time were not good places for practice.

"Do you think Luoshui Xingjun and the others will catch up?" Chen Feng glanced at Xue Luosha beside him.

Xue Luosha did not answer, because Luoshui Xingjun and Chiliuhuojun had already caught up on the warship.

"You two, this place is dangerous, why don't you join forces to fight it." Luoshui Xingjun said loudly.

"That's what I meant." Chen Feng was not polite at all and flew directly into the warship.

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