Eternal Existence

Chapter 1076: Moving Forward

"Fellow Daoist, you are not worried that we will kill you." Luoshui Xingjun was a little surprised to see Chen Feng coming up so straightforwardly.

"Don't you two suspect that I will kill you too?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Okay, well said, I hope we can cooperate sincerely next time and hide more treasures." Luoshui Xingjun said seriously, and Xue Luosha almost laughed standing aside.

Chen Feng nodded seriously and agreed.

Although the four formed a team, they did not continue to communicate, and they were still very wary of each other.

Finally, Luoshui Xingjun couldn't help it first.

"I'm a little curious about how you got in without the key?"

"It's just a little trick, not worth mentioning." Chen Feng said lightly.

"In fact, I'm also curious about how you two got the key to enter this space."

"Haha, just luck."

"I don't know how long you two have been in this space."

The few people just chatted casually. After a while, they talked a lot of nonsense, but they didn't really say anything useful.

"I came here for the longevity fruit. I hope you will show mercy when the time comes."

"Okay, okay."


A ball of scorching sun exploded in the void. In just a moment, everyone was in the flames. Howling, sweeping, stormy, violent, this pseudo-artifact-level warship was like a small boat in the vast ocean, constantly shaking and tumbling, and the aura around the hull began to corrode.

Lo Shui Xingjun's face sank. He was in control of this warship, and he felt a little powerless at this time.

"Help me, three people." Luo Shui Xingjun finally asked for help.

Three forces immediately poured into the warship, and colorful light shields rose from the turning ship, increasing their speed several times, trying to rush out of the situation in front of them.

"Be careful!"

Chen Feng's eyebrows jumped, his eyes flashed, and the divine light bloomed. A black thing was pierced when it was about to approach the warship.

"It's the tungsten gold flying shuttle. Could it be that someone else came in?"


As he spoke, two more black lights appeared, but Chen Feng's eyes of the cave sky opened and arranged a silk net to trap the other party.

"It doesn't look like the means of the guardian here. Could it be that an outsider really came in?"

"Nothing strange, I don't have a key to come in, but it doesn't mean that others can't come in." Chen Feng said, and his mind moved, and the Moro God Vine appeared in front of him, and the black vines continued to grow out, densely packed, and continued to spread. In the blink of an eye, it was like a canopy covering the head.

The Moro God Vine was injected with the immortal true qi by Chen Feng to promote its birth. In hundreds of years, it has advanced to the level of a top-grade immortal weapon. Of course, at this time and in this scene, the top-grade immortal weapon does not play a big role, but it is indeed the most suitable for Chen Feng, because it can block and capture attacks that may appear in the dark at any time.

And Chen Feng also has some plans of his own.


The Moro God Vine began to burn with a raging fire, but new branches quickly grew in the burned place.

The flames became more fierce, and everyone seemed to be inside a burning star.

Chen Feng's actions bought some buffer time for everyone. Luoshui Xingjun desperately urged the warship, and Xue Luosha and Chiliuhuojun quickly took action and blocked hundreds of external attacks.


Finally, the Moro God Vine completely exploded. Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The ashes that had not yet dissipated fell into his hand and disappeared.

The Longevity Furnace slowly floated in the Longevity Cave, and a wisp of ashes fell into it. Soon it condensed into the shape of the Moro God Vine again. A trace of longevity energy flowed in the Longevity Furnace and was constantly absorbed by the Moro God Vine. Then a piece of longevity wood was thrown into the Longevity Furnace by Chen Feng. After being powdered, it began to try to melt into the Moro God Vine.

In the next long time, Chen Feng added countless materials to the Longevity Furnace, such as longevity wood, yin and yang wood, Zhoutian wood, dead wood, Tianyao blood vine, Xuanji silk, and even some good long whip rope magic weapons.

Chen Feng's goal was very simple, that is, to condense a more powerful magic weapon again, of course, the process is not simple.

However, Chen Feng thought that with the secret techniques recorded in the Changsheng Zhenjing and the various top-quality materials he provided, the success rate was still very high. Of course, if it failed, it would be regarded as a practice.

With the efforts of several people, the warship still rushed out of the sea of ​​fire, and the Red Fire Lord and the Blood Rakshasa took off into the air and rushed into the void. Soon, the sound of fighting came.

Luoshui Xingjun looked a little unhappy. One of the followers behind him died and one was injured in the attack just now.

Knowing that someone was ambushing, the anger in his heart rose uncontrollably.

Chen Feng remained silent, just using the pupil technique to observe the situation of the battle in the distance.

The Red Fire Lord was majestic and chased a cultivator in black armor, while the Blood Rakshasa was fighting with a strange female cultivator.

Chen Feng's eyes kept sweeping, and he saw two cultivators using the hidden technique to sneak towards the direction of the warship.

Chen Feng secretly sent a message to Luoshui Xingjun, and pretended to know nothing. He waited until the other party approached him and was about to attack before he suddenly exploded.

Under the influence of the soul-soothing spell, the black-armored monk who wanted to sneak attack Chen Feng was punched out. Under various chaotic impacts, the black-armored monk was thrown a distance and then exploded. Chen Feng knew that he could not kill him in this way, so he immediately attacked. The sword energy storm began to cut, and under the swallowing and absorbing spell, drops of blood were collected into the blood-gathering bead.

When Chen Feng dealt with the opponent, Luoshui Xingjun also dealt with the opponent, and his means were more violent and faster, which made Chen Feng secretly alert.

Little did he know that Luoshui Xingjun was also more alert to Chen Feng.

"It seems that we cooperated well." Luoshui Xingjun said with a smile.

"I just don't know where these people came from." Chen Feng said and waved his hand. The Sun God Needle flashed and disappeared. The female cultivator who was fighting with the Blood Rakshasa screamed, and her entire arm was cut off.

With Chen Feng's help, Blood Rakshasa had the upper hand, but still failed to kill the opponent. The strange female cultivator with patterns all over her body performed a secret technique and escaped from here.

Red Fire Lord was the slowest, but he killed his opponent.

The four returned to the warship, and their faces were no longer relaxed and casual as before.

"It seems that we are not the only ones who have entered this place."

"There will be pressure only when there is competition. No matter what, I must get what I need this time."

"Maybe I will die here."

"That's really unlucky."

Finally, the warship stopped on a floating meteorite. This meteorite was several times larger than the island they encountered before, but it was desolate on it, without a trace of life fluctuations, and there were no treasures that everyone imagined.

There were disappointments and surprises. This was a place to stay and a transit station, which allowed several people to rest. After all, the suppression in this state of emptiness was too great.

"I didn't expect the space here to be so big." Chi Liuhuojun said lightly, his palms flipped, and the fiery red long sword kept flying around, occasionally drilling into the meteorite.

"If there is no more harvest, I will leave here first." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"You don't need the longevity fruit?" Xue Luosha was a little surprised.

"I have more important things to do. The treasure of the celestial being is dispensable to me." When saying this, even Chen Feng himself felt a little hypocritical, but Chen Feng did not intend to spend too much time here.

Either leave or speed up the search.

Of course, if you can get some treasures that you like from time to time, then everything can be put aside.

"There must be longevity fruit here." Xue Luosha didn't seem to want Chen Feng to leave.

"Longevity fruit can increase your skills, but at our level, we shouldn't pay attention to this kind of thing. Everything depends on our own perception." Luoshui Xingjun was a little curious why Chen Feng cared about the longevity fruit.

"We, the longevity clan, have a secret technique that can make the longevity fruit play the greatest role." Chen Feng said lightly.

The fact is that swallowing the longevity fruit can gain powerful vitality and enhance the power, but cultivators outside the longevity clan need to pay a lot of time and price to obtain the energy in it, unlike Chen Feng who practiced the swallowing and absorbing technique to make his power soar in a short period of time.

"If necessary, I can help my brother get the longevity fruit, but I also hope that you can lend me a hand at that time." Luo Shui Xingjun suggested.

"That's natural."

Originally, this small group was formed temporarily. There were conflicts before, and they were secretly on guard against each other, and they might kill each other, but after being attacked by other cultivators, the four of them had some thoughts in their hearts, that is, in such a dangerous place, joining forces is indeed the best choice.


The fluctuations coming from afar made several people surprised again, but there was also a hint of promotion, because the transmitted fluctuations contained the breath of the law of heaven.

"The celestial being is about to appear, everyone, next we need to cooperate sincerely to maximize the benefits." Luo Shui Xingjun said and urged the warship.

Although the transmitted fluctuations can be felt, it takes some time for everyone to arrive at the place.

A planet with a strange metallic color appeared in front of several people, and there were several cultivators fighting on it. After just a few glances, Chen Feng and his companions' faces became more solemn.

"Sure enough, someone got ahead of us. This is simply unreasonable. We have the key and have gone through thousands of difficulties and obstacles. Could it be that someone else will get there first?" Chi Liuhuojun was a little angry. He held a long sword and landed on the planet first.

"Let's go up too. I feel a familiar fluctuation." Chen Feng's eyes were bright.

"Is it the immortal fruit?" Xue Luosha asked hurriedly.

"I'm not sure yet, but it is indeed the breath of the immortal family cultivators." The immortal wings behind Chen Feng unfolded like a black curtain, completely condensed by dark power, and became more mysterious during the flight.

When Xue Luosha caught Chen Feng's figure again, he had already arrived on the planet.

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