Eternal Existence

Chapter 1074 Floating Island

Since entering this space, there have been countless roads like a maze, and there has been no danger during this period, but now it seems that everything is beginning to fluctuate.

"If there is no road ahead, you will fall into nothingness when your power is exhausted." Blood Rakshasa frowned.

"That's not a problem." Chen Feng said as he unfolded his immortal wings and flew silently into the darkness.

Blood Rakshasa thought for a moment and followed, but not too far away from Chen Feng. In this environment, Chen Feng's Eternal Wings were very advantageous.

After Chen Feng and Blood Rakshasa disappeared for a moment, Luo Shuixing Lord and Chiliu Fire Lord also arrived one after another.

"Being beaten to the punch."

"The Blood Rakshasa still has some strength, but that boy from the Changsheng clan is a little strange."


The space here is even more void and colder, and there is a strong suction force coming from below, as if there is a huge monster in the deep darkness opening its mouth to suck in. If you are not careful, it will fall down and be eaten.

Chen Feng and Blood Rakshasa have been flying for a short time, but still haven't found a landing place, but the blood energy on Blood Rakshasa's body has become even richer.

"Someone is following." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"how do you know?"

"Of course I left some small restrictions. I think it's Lord Luo Shuixing and the others. I hope they can die here." Chen Feng laughed.

"If there is no place to stay, we will all die here." Blood Rakshasa said coldly.

"I don't care, as long as I can fly here for a year, there will be no problem." Chen Feng said lightly.

"It doesn't matter, then just stay here."

The dark and cold space rippled like water, and a human monk walked out of it.

Seeing this strange scene, Chen Feng and Blood Rakshasa looked at each other and separated from each other.

"Is it a battle puppet?"

"I feel like I'm alive."

"You are lucky. You are the first visitors since the establishment of this space. To reward you, I will use my most powerful power to kill you."

The face of this human monk who appeared from the void was lifelike, his body was tough and compact, he was full of vitality, and his eyes were bright, all of which showed that he was a normal monk.

But Chen Feng still felt something was wrong.

"Let you all know clearly, I am Yuan Yi." This unknown human monk of unknown origin and species held a long sword and swung his body forward to kill the Blood Rakshasa.

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and then condensed again. He did not step forward to help, but watched from the side.

"The Immortal Sword Skill, and some shadows of the Immortal Steps. It seems that the Blood Rakshasa did not lie to me. This immortal is indeed related to the Immortal Clan." Chen Feng nodded.

"But this shouldn't be a living person. This is a secret technique of incarnation in the Immortal Scripture, but there have been some changes. It seems that this person is not simple."

"What are you still doing? You haven't taken action yet." When Chen Feng observed carefully, the Blood Rakshasa couldn't resist anymore. Looking at Chen Feng, who was watching the fun on the side, he suddenly became angry.

"No hurry, no hurry." Chen Feng said, taking a step forward, and then a series of figures joined the battle group with long swords in hand.

Chen Feng used the Immortal Sword Technique and combined with the Blood Rakshasa to suppress the opponent.

"This man is very powerful, his fighting power is comparable to Lord Luo Shuixing." The Blood Rakshasa finally took a breath.

Chen Feng did not speak, but his whole body was shaken, and his whole body became extremely majestic. The Blood Rakshasa was not affected at all, but he felt a little surprised. He didn't understand what Chen Feng was doing. He was fighting and fighting now, not exuding King Domination. When you are angry.

However, a surprising scene appeared. Yuan Yi, who was originally fighting with great momentum, suddenly felt like a deflated rubber ball, and his energy and spirit quickly declined.


The light of the sword flashed, and Yuan Yi was cut into two pieces. The longevity swordsmanship not only contained vitality, but could also take away people's vitality. As the energy and energy in the body quickly passed away, a trace of confusion flashed in Yuan Yi's eyes.

"You're going to kill the other person like this." Only then did the Blood Rakshasa react.

"The other party is not a monk, but a strange puppet that contains a trace of the will power of the immortal during his lifetime. It can also be said to be an incarnation." Chen Feng said lightly.

"The opponent just used the swordsmanship of your Changsheng clan?"

"Nonsense, you said before that this immortal is related to our Immortal clan, so what's the surprise if he is proficient in the Immortal Sword Technique." Chen Feng despised him.

",,,,,,,." The Blood Rakshasa's eyes spurted fire.

"Now is not the time to argue. Someone is catching up from behind. How long can you hold on?"

The battle just now took place in the void. It didn't matter that Chen Feng had the Immortal Wings, but the Blood Rakshasa was a little stressed.

"I can still withstand it." Blood Rakshasa said, taking out a blood-red pill and swallowing it. Chen Feng clearly felt that there was a powerful force growing in the opponent's body.

"The elixir is good." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then his eyes flashed, and the void storm swept past in the distance. With a wave of his hand, thousands of stars flashed and intertwined in chaos, forming a galaxy.

"not enough."

Chen Feng waved his hand again, and a long river appeared in front of him, roared loudly, and then disappeared.


After making these arrangements, Chen Feng and Blood Rakshasa left.

Not long after the two disappeared, a small warship came through the sky, with four people standing on it. They were Lord Luo Shuixing with two followers and Lord Chiliu Fire.

"Brother Luoshui, it seems we are a step too late. There was a battle here before." Chiliu Huojun said with a smile.

"The battle is over, the opponent has placed some more restrictions." Luo Shuixingjun said with a wave of his hand, a starlight sword slashed out, and with a series of explosions, a passage was cut through the restrictions in front of him.

"The restriction is a bit subtle, but it can't stop us, but it can delay some time. The other party's goal is achieved." Chiliu Fire Lord was also waving a fiery red sword in his hand.

"The opponent's speed of catching up has slowed down, but this is not the way to go. The opponent has a good warship, and it is only a matter of time before they catch up." Chen Feng turned around, grabbed the Blood Rakshasa and sped up.

"In that case, why do you still want to provoke the other party?"

"Tsk, what you said is really interesting. When we enter this place, everyone is a competitor, so it can cause some trouble for the other party. Wouldn't it be great?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I'm afraid you'll get angry and burn yourself." Blood Rakshasa sneered.

"Just think of it as training yourself." Chen Feng's eyes suddenly turned dark, with two balls of fire dancing in them.

"Finally we have a place to stay." Chen Feng said, letting go of the Blood Rakshasa, speeding up again, leaving the Blood Rakshasa behind in a few blinks.

Only then did the Blood Rakshasa see a floating island appearing in the distance.

Although he gritted his teeth in anger, the Blood Rakshasa also speeded up. When he got closer, he discovered that although the island was not large, it was a hundred times the size of the palace he encountered before.

Chen Feng did not step into it, but circled around the island.

Seeing this scene, Blood Rakshasa didn't act rashly. He still remembered the losses he suffered before.

A stream of light shot out from Chen Feng's eyes, and then a thick curtain of light rose around the island. The pupil power emitted by Chen Feng quickly dissipated.

"There was a half-step immortal in the small thatched house I met before. Could it be that the island in front of me is the seat of the immortal inheritance? I don't believe it can be found so easily." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Let's go in first. The pursuers will be here soon." Blood Rakshasa was a little anxious.

"I don't have that ability." Facing the small island, Chen Feng was still a little cautious. He first used the pupil technique to test, and finally came to the conclusion that the light screen in front of him had no weaknesses.

Having said that, Chen Feng still activated the Sun God Needle. This was a pseudo-artifact with powerful attack power. A ball of hot light rose up, and the light curtain in front of him flashed with colorful colors. Then the Sun God Needle flashed and flashed. It's in Chen Feng's palm again.

"How about it?"

Chen Feng's speed just now was too fast, and the Blood Rakshasa didn't see the way clearly.

Just as Chen Feng was about to speak, his eyes flashed, his body moved, leaving a ripple in the air, and the sword energy that suddenly appeared suddenly exploded.

Lord Luo Shuixing and others arrived in a warship.

"It seems that something good has been found. It can't be the corpse of an immortal." Lord Luo Shuixing said with a smile.

"Just go in and take a look and you will know." Chiliu Fire Lord said, jumping out and slashing at Chen Feng with the flaming sword in his hand.

Lord Luo Shuixing's two followers stepped forward to block the Blood Rakshasa. As for Lord Luo Shuixing himself, a stream of light emitted from the center of his eyebrows, which was the key to opening the portal before.

This series of things happened very quickly. Chen Feng did not resist the attack, but relied on the speed of Changsheng Wing to avoid the opponent's attack.

Lord Luo Shuixing failed, and the light returned to the center of his eyebrows.

"Perhaps four keys are needed." Lord Luo Shuixing said. After hearing this, Lord Chiliu Fire no longer attacked Chen Feng, but also emitted a stream of light.

The two glanced at the Blood Rakshasa, and the Blood Rakshasa's expressionless face shone brightly.

At this time, the fourth stream of light flew out from Luo Shuixingjun's hand, and all four keys fell on the light curtain.

"It seems that the two people in the eastern part of the fairy world still haven't escaped." Chen Feng sighed.


The light curtain suddenly flashed, and the light emitted was like a flame, directly involving the three Blood Rakshasa people. Chen Feng turned aside and saw the three people being pulled into the island by the mysterious power.

Chen Feng was very angry. He was so angry that he just wanted to curse, but he didn't expect that the key could really open the restriction in front of him.

"There must be good stuff inside. I have to get in quickly to avoid being snatched away by the other party. There are also two people, Luo Shuixing and Lord Xue Rakshasa, who are also in danger." Thinking of this, the sun needle in Chen Feng's hand flew up again, and he pierced through it before. A small hole was made, which was enough for Chen Feng.

However, the two followers of Lord Luo Shuixing stood in front of Chen Feng, one on the left and the other on the right. The strong energy locked Chen Feng firmly, making it impossible for Chen Feng to rush past.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!" Chen Feng was filled with murderous intent.

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