Eternal Existence

Chapter 1073 Explosive Attack

"If you want to use the Qiankun bag to collect the corpse of the half-step celestial being, you must use the Qiankun bag to reach the level of a pseudo-artifact." Chen Feng laughed. Speaking of which, Chen Feng was also a little tempted after seeing the corpse, but after thinking about it, he still didn't make a move. Since he was a companion, he still had to give him some benefits. Moreover, the previous move by Blood Rakshasa showed his attitude.

However, if Blood Rakshasa couldn't collect the corpse in front of him, then he wouldn't be polite.

Blood Rakshasa's face was solemn, and he used all his strength to activate the Qiankun bag, trying to collect the corpse of the half-step celestial being. However, although the corpse had already died, it still contained powerful strength and power. After being attacked, it immediately counterattacked.

This is the strength of the flesh itself.

A series of explosions sounded from the Qiankun bag, and Blood Rakshasa's face was a little ugly.

"Do you want help?" Chen Feng laughed.

"No." Blood Rakshasa gritted his teeth, and a drop of blood flew out from his eyebrows and melted into the Qiankun bag, making the Qiankun bag more stable.

"Don't force yourself. If it doesn't work, you can ask me and I will help you." Chen Feng laughed.

"No need." Blood Rakshasa shouted and stood up.

"You are so strong." Chen Feng shook his head, waved his hand and the chaos chain appeared in his hand. His eyes flashed, and the void storm rushed to the distance.

"Here, they are here."

The six cultivators in the eastern part of the fairyland arrived. After seeing the corpse of the half-step celestial being, they screamed and their eyes began to spit fire.

"I will stop the other party, you have to be faster."

Chen Feng also felt the pressure at this time. The void storm was raging, and the strange beasts jumped out of his pupils, roaring and killing, and the chaos chain was flying like a dragon.

At this moment, Chen Feng also exerted all his strength, but Chen Feng knew that he could not stop these six people, so he was just trying his best.

"Boy, come quickly."

One of them broke through the void storm first and killed the blood Rakshasa not far away. As long as one person came over, the blood Rakshasa would not be able to collect the corpse smoothly.

"How can it be that easy?" Chen Feng said as he opened his mouth, and the Yin and Yang Qi flowed out, instantly condensing into a long whip, whipping the monk.

"Dark Night Streamer."

A stream of light flowed out of his pupils, and the monk who rushed over immediately felt a blackness in front of him and lost his sense of direction.

"It's the power of darkness." The man did not panic, but waved his hand and sent out a sword energy, trying to cut through the darkness around him, but a hurricane swept in from all around, and this was not an ordinary hurricane, it was mixed with space power, fire power and other energies.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng's eyes had turned into two black holes, and streamer energy of various colors gushed out from them, and during this period, there were also strange beasts roaring out.

Chen Feng used the Cave Heaven God Eye to the extreme, and felt that as time went by, his understanding of the pupil technique became deeper and deeper.

Chen Feng enjoyed this feeling very much, and finally put away the chaos chain, and focused on activating the pupil technique with all his heart and soul.

"You want to stop us with your little pupil technique? You really don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is."

Chen Feng immediately felt a stinging pain in his eyes. He knew that although he had launched a certain attack, this attack was very powerful. Before it really came, Chen Feng felt the threat.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and the six people trapped by Chen Feng immediately felt that the void storm in front of them disappeared, and the fragrance came. They were in a space with birds singing and flowers blooming, green grass, flying butterflies, flowing streams, and a gentle breeze.

The six people's faces immediately changed, and bad thoughts arose in their hearts.

"The other party just wants to trap us, let's attack together."

"Hey! Something is wrong, my power is declining."

"I'm a little dizzy too."

"My heart is about to explode, and my soul is a little confused. It's a mysterious energy that is eroding us."

"It's the power of the curse."

Chen Feng held the curse scepter, and the mysterious runes kept flying and merged into Chen Feng's pupil power, making it hard to defend. Although the curse scepter is not a pseudo-artifact, the effect of the strange power of the curse power cannot be ignored.

Chen Feng did not fight the other party head-on. All Chen Feng had to do was to stop the other party.

"The blood Rakshasa should be ready soon, right?" Chen Feng thought to himself, and couldn't help but split a trace of consciousness to investigate.

At this glance, he saw that the corpse of the half-step celestial being stood up and punched the blood Rakshasa away, and the Qiankun bag exploded.

Chen Feng was in a panic and was affected by the chaotic power behind him, which caused some loopholes in the pupil technique, causing the two monks to rush over.

After the corpse of the half-step celestial being stood up and beat away the Blood Rakshasa, it immediately sensed the two people coming in front of it, and then let out a long whistle, a stream of light swept out of its mouth, and at the same time, it punched again.

Then the two monks who rushed over were unlucky and flew backwards with serious injuries.

"Tsk tsk, it's really lucky that they didn't get killed." Seeing this scene, Chen Feng laughed.

Blood Rakshasa's mouth was bleeding, but his eyes were brighter. It seemed that he had known that this would happen. Instead of retreating, he attacked the corpse with a spear in his hand.

"I said, can you be faster? If not, I will take action." Chen Feng said.

"Shut up." Blood Rakshasa shouted.


Facing the attack of Blood Rakshasa, the corpse still punched it simply, and the vortex formed by the punch made Blood Rakshasa fly out again.

But then the Blood Rakshasa rushed up again with a more fierce attitude.

"Fortunately, the opponent only left the physical strength. If some secret techniques can be used, then today's events will be exciting." Chen Feng just flashed this thought in his mind and saw the hands of the corpse began to move in a mysterious trajectory.

A strong sense of crisis surged in his heart.


The longevity wings behind him vibrated rapidly, and Chen Feng retracted his pupil technique while retreating.

As Chen Feng's pupil technique disappeared, the trapped monks suddenly became clear in front of them. After seeing what was happening in front of them, their faces turned pale and terrified.

As the corpse waved his hands, the overwhelming energy swept over everyone like an ocean, and even the hard and indestructible roads began to shatter wherever they passed.

Chen Feng did not see all this, because Chen Feng put all his strength on the longevity wings.

Chen Feng's speed was almost at the limit of what he could emit. He kept flashing and crossing roads, but he could still feel the terrifying power coming from behind.

"The scene behind must be spectacular." Chen Feng thought so.


Chen Feng was knocked down by just one aftermath. The wings of immortality behind him were all broken, and all the rune energy entered his body.

"Good guy, I almost got hurt even though I was so far away. I wonder how those people are doing." Chen Feng turned his head and saw several streams of light rushing away, and some magic weapons floating in the air.

Chen Feng immediately knew that these streams of light were the souls of these people. Needless to say, their bodies had been shattered. The magic weapons that were not broken under such an attack were most likely pseudo-artifacts.

"Good stuff." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed two streams of light.

"Please spare my life and run for my life."

The streams of light kept struggling and begging for mercy, but Chen Feng would not be moved. The fire of immortality burned, erasing the opponent's life mark, and then swallowed it into his body. For Chen Feng, these were the best tonics.

Chi Chi!

Two red lights flashed, and the other two streams of light turned into powder.

"Prodigal woman!" Chen Feng cursed. He knew without asking that it was the Blood Rakshasa who attacked. If this woman could survive in such a situation, she must have some powerful means.

Without thinking too much, Chen Feng grabbed again with his big hand. All the magic weapons and other things floating in the air were collected by Chen Feng, but Chen Feng's speed was still a little slow, and some of them fell into the darkness below the passage.

The two broken bodies emitted strong waves and fled far away, just like a burning meteor disappearing in the sky.

"Tsk tsk, two people still escaped, but there is nothing to be afraid of." Chen Feng shook his head.

The corpse of the half-step celestial being just now immediately quieted down after launching a powerful attack, and was then collected by the Blood Rakshasa.

Chen Feng did not make a move to rob, and he had a small harvest just now. These dead high-level true immortals still have some assets.


At this moment, a blood dance broke out on the Blood Rakshasa's body, and half of its body was gone. It turned into a stream of blood and qi that kept rolling, trying to re-condense its body.

It was still injured in the attack just now.

Chen Feng frowned, waved his hand, and a stream of immortality was injected into the Blood Rakshasa's body. At first, the Blood Rakshasa wanted to resist, but after feeling Chen Feng's kindness, he accepted it. With Chen Feng's help, the Blood Rakshasa quickly reshaped its body, but it still looked a little weak. After all, the attack of the Half-Step Heavenly Immortal was not a joke.

"Thank you." The Blood Rakshasa said lightly.

"Hehe!" Chen Feng just smiled.

"Let's leave here first. The power of the Half-Step Heavenly Immortal just now must have attracted the attention of others." Looking at the passages that were directly interrupted and broken around him, Chen Feng was secretly shocked. He had tested it before and knew the solidity of the road under his feet, but it was as soft as mud under the hands of the Half-Step Heavenly Immortal.

"The danger is finally beginning to show up. It seems that my longevity fruit is not that easy to get." Chen Feng said as he took out a piece of longevity wood and activated the longevity energy. The dead wood immediately began to grow branches, and the rich longevity energy spread all around, which made the blood Raksha standing on the side feel shocked.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The longevity wood cracked, and hundreds of branches disappeared in the distance like sharp arrows.

"Are you looking for longevity fruit?" Blood Raksha asked curiously.

"A little trick." Chen Feng nodded, and a trace of longevity energy emanated from his body like ripples, hoping to feel the existence of the longevity fruit.

"There is no way forward." Seeing the void under their feet, the two stopped.

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