Eternal Existence

Chapter 1072 Half-step Celestial Immortal

boom! boom! boom!

Both of them were very fast, and they kept making collision sounds again and again. Luo Shuixingjun held a pseudo-artifact-level starlight scepter in his hand. The star power contained in it was no less than the dazzling starry sky map in Chen Feng's hand, and Luo Shuixingjun's every attack also contains the avenue of water, which makes Chen Feng know that this is a difficult target.


Chen Feng dodged the opponent's attack, retreated quickly, and spread out the longevity wings behind his back. His speed increased several times, and he took the initiative to launch an attack. The Zhengtian Sword exuded the meaning of Zhengtian, and had a supreme and majestic artistic conception.

"Star gathering."

Lord Luo Shuixing waved his staff, and thousands of starlights gathered together. Chen Feng immediately felt that powerful power was transmitted to himself along the Zhengtian Sword. The Zhengtian Sword buzzed, and the inner cave began to shatter.

Chen Feng was secretly alarmed by the fact that the enemy's attack power was even greater than his own, but he quickly took a few steps back, the longevity wings vibrated and disappeared in place. Relying on his speed, Chen Feng was not worried about the outcome of this battle.


Lord Luo Shuixing had no expression on his face, and he waved the scepter in his hand violently. Waves of starlight exploded in all directions with Lord Luo Shuixing as the center, preventing Chen Feng from getting close even after several sneak attacks.


But at this time, the Blood Rakshasa who had been watching the battle took action, piercing the starlight with the war spear in his hand and stabbing Lord Luo Shuixing.

"I didn't expect this woman to have some loyalty." Chen Feng was a little surprised that Blood Rakshasa could take action, but Chen Feng also knew that the opportunity had come.

Although the blood Rakshasa's fighting power is not as good as the Luo Shuixing Lord in front of him, he can still be entangled for a period of time. A fight between masters can affect the overall situation even for just a moment.

So Chen Feng activated the Sun God Needle again, moved quickly, and began to look for Luo Shuixingjun's loopholes.

Seeing the Blood Rakshasa joining the battle group, Mr. Luo Shuixing was also a little angry. He clearly didn't take himself seriously. He was thinking of quickly dealing with the Blood Rakshasa, but he felt a strong crisis in his heart.

However, this crisis quickly disappeared, and then appeared and disappeared again. Luo Shuixingjun felt a chill in his heart, knowing that another opponent was threatening him.

The Divine Eye of the Cave has also been opened, trying to capture Lord Luo Shuixing's flaws. The Blood Rakshasa is a little embarrassed. Chen Feng knows that he must take action in a short time, otherwise he will be in trouble when the other party's entourage arrives.


The starlight scepter and the war spear collided together, the starlight and blood merged together, and the Blood Rakshasa retreated. Chen Feng finally seized the opportunity, and the Sun God Needle flashed past, bringing up a ball of blood flowers on Luo Shuixingjun.

"What a pity." Seeing this scene, Blood Rakshasa's eyes flashed.


Chen Feng took advantage of the situation and came to kill him. The Zhengtian Sword struck Lord Luo Shuixing with a bang. Before he could see the result, Chen Feng pulled up the Blood Rakshasa and flew away into the distance. After a few flickers, he disappeared.

"Hmph!" Mr. Luo Shuixing stood up, his face full of murderous intent, and there was a long sword mark on his back, but he was recovering quickly.

"grown ups."

At this time, the two followers had already taken care of the things in the palace and quickly came to Lord Luo Shuixing.


Lord Luo Shuixing did not go after Chen Feng and the other two, after all, the treasures left by the immortals were the most important.

"Just wait, I won't be so lucky next time I meet you."

"Huh! Who is this Lord Luo Shuixing? He does have some strength." After arriving at a safe place, Chen Feng put down the Blood Rakshasa.

"Lord Luo Shuixing and Lord Chiliu Fire are both late-stage people who have risen in the immortal world in recent years. They have very strong combat capabilities and are close to the level of war immortals." Blood Rakshasa said lightly.

"Close to the War Immortal, this statement is a bit general, but it also shows that these two guys are very powerful. As for the other six guys in the eastern part of the Immortal World, they are nothing to worry about."

"You can't say that. It's a chance that the other party came here. Maybe he can get the inheritance of the immortal." Blood Rakshasa retorted.

"So you are also a person with a chance, but what I care about most now is the longevity fruit, and other immortal inheritances don't matter." Chen Feng shook his head.

"You have plundered so many palaces, don't you have the longevity fruit?" Blood Rakshasa asked with an unkind expression.

"No, I still have some doubts about the authenticity of the information you said before. No matter what kind of harvest I can get, I am here for the longevity fruit this time." Chen Feng's face also darkened.

Chen Feng also discovered that the female cultivator Blood Rakshasa was not easy to control. After all, if she could cultivate to the level of a high-level true immortal, she would be both powerful and outstanding wherever she was placed.

"I'm sure there is longevity fruit here, but whether you can get it or not depends on your ability." Blood Rakshasa also said coldly.


Chen Feng snorted coldly, jumped up, and flew up again, not caring whether the Blood Rakshasa could keep up.

Blood Rakshasa's eyes flashed, blood light radiated from his body, and he flew up. Although not too fast, he followed Chen Feng leisurely.

Blood Rakshasa actually felt a little helpless. Among the four waves of monks who came in this time, he was relatively the weakest. Only joining forces with Chen Feng was the best choice. At least in the eyes of Blood Rakshasa, Chen Feng was somewhat Of character.

The two of them walked in tandem. Chen Feng had powerful eye skills. He soon discovered a palace and rushed over quickly.

Because of what happened before, Blood Rakshasa did not take the lead this time and watched Chen Feng safely enter the palace.

When the Blood Rakshasa entered later, everything in the palace had been completely looted by Chen Feng.

Seeing this scene, Blood Rakshasa almost vomited blood.

"Let's go to the next place." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"After all, this is a treasure left by the gods. Unfortunately, the quality of the things inside is too low."

Seeing Chen Feng's smiling face, Blood Rakshasa wanted to slap him.

Finally, Blood Rakshasa couldn't bear to ask the question in his heart.

"How did you know there was danger in the palace before?"


Chen Feng's eyes were shining brightly, and he kept exploring the road ahead, completely ignoring the Blood Rakshasa who was so angry that his face was twisted.

In Chen Feng's opinion, there must be something good in this space, but he has not found it yet. Moreover, Chen Feng has secretly activated the Sutra of Immortality. As long as there is the aura of the longevity fruit, he can immediately capture it.


A ball of flame flew out from Chen Feng's hand, dispelling the darkness around him. Chen Feng's eyes also had eyes dancing. This was the fire of immortality.

The surrounding space became even more deserted and cold. If it weren't for the twists and turns, Chen Feng would have thought he had reached the cold depths of the universe.

"I don't know what other people will gain." Chen Feng stopped suddenly. The road in front of him was blocked, and a tall humanoid puppet exuded an icy aura.

"Battle Puppet." Blood Rakshasa also walked up.

"It's a good thing to have something blocking them. It means there are some good things ahead." Chen Feng was also a little excited. Although he had raided a lot of palaces and obtained some cultivation materials, not many of them really caught his eye.

"I'll give it to you." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Without saying a word, the Blood Rakshasa charged forward with a spear in hand.


The moment the Blood Rakshasa moved, the battle puppet also moved. It came first and punched the Blood Rakshasa first.

As the fist blasted out, a long knife slashed down in the air.

Chen Feng took a few steps back and watched this scene with great interest. The battle puppet in front of him was of a very high level and had a very strange fighting method. This was the first time that Chen Feng had seen it.

The Blood Rakshasa is like a female war goddess, attacking the most violently from the moment she comes up, while the battle puppet's defense power is equally astonishing as its attack power.

The fight between the two sides was very fierce. Chen Feng had no intention of interfering at all. He just watched the battle with a smile, and had some evaluation of the fighting power of the Blood Rakshasa.


Waves of sky-high blood energy emanated from the Blood Rakshasa, and the power of the war spear in his hand was also constantly increasing. The battle puppets were constantly being beaten back, leaving scars on their bodies.

Chen Feng knew that the Blood Rakshasa was going to win.


The combat puppet's chest was directly pierced by a war spear, its combat effectiveness was reduced, and it was put away by the Blood Rakshasa.

This battle puppet itself is of extraordinary value. The refining techniques and materials made Chen Feng take a second look at it.

After solving the battle puppet, a simple thatched house appeared in front of them. Blood Rakshasa and Chen Feng quickly entered it and saw a tall corpse sitting cross-legged on Putian.

"It won't be so easy to find the immortal." Chen Feng was surprised.

"It's the corpse of a half-step immortal. I think he was the immortal's follower during his lifetime." The Blood Rakshasa's eyes suddenly lit up, and it was finally time to gain something from entering this place.

But then the Blood Rakshasa was promoted and looked at Chen Feng, fearing that Chen Feng would snatch it away.

Who knew that Chen Feng ignored the Blood Rakshasa, but stared at the half-step immortal corpse in front of him with his eyes gleaming.

"What do you want to do? This is mine." Blood Rakshasa's expression changed, and he stretched out his hand to grab the corpse in front of him.


Tyrannical power emanated from the corpse.

Kick, kick, kick!

Chen Feng and Blood Rakshasa kept retreating.


A circle of light red light radiated out. Chen Feng and Blood Rakshasa could no longer resist it, and were thrown flying by this force.

The small house was reduced to pieces. A solid beam of light rose into the sky, and it was unknown where it led, but the power of the Half-Step Immortal spread in all directions.

"No, this will definitely alarm others." Blood Rakshasa was shocked.

"Who made you do it rashly?" Chen Feng blamed.

"It's not like you want to snatch what belongs to me." Blood Rakshasa glared.

"First of all, the thing in front of me is not yours, and I felt something was wrong just now. I just want to find out why you are in such a hurry. I really wonder how you can practice till now." Chen Feng sneered.

"What should we do now?" Blood Rakshasa didn't want to argue with Chen Feng.

"Since you said this thing is yours, you can just figure it out yourself." Chen Feng shook his head and calmed down his anger. Sure enough, the overwhelming power was no longer directed at Chen Feng.

Seeing Chen Feng giving up, the Blood Rakshasa felt happy. With a wave of his hand, a Qiankun Bag flew out, sending out a mighty force of space to cover the half-step immortal corpse not far away.

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