Eternal Existence

Chapter 1052: Attacked from both sides

I don't know how long we traveled underground. If we ignore space, even a planet would be pierced.

"No wonder those guys didn't stop us. They wanted to take advantage of us." Chen Feng sneered. Behind him, the monks who were besieging the ape-like beasts had followed the passage opened by Chen Feng.

"Then I will create some obstacles for them." Dark Qilin said and performed a secret technique. Wherever the pseudo-artifact passed, groups of black shadows flew out, blocking the holes in the restriction.

"What is this?" Huoyunlong asked curiously.

"You will know soon." Dark Qilin smiled mysteriously.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Soon there was a violent explosion from the back, and the screams of the monks.

"It's the Black Thunder Bead." Chen Feng looked at Dark Qilin with some surprise. This is a secret technique recorded in the Dark Sutra.

Any source of power has its own thunder method, such as water thunder, fire thunder, and wind thunder. However, it is not possible for ordinary cultivators to produce thunder power from these different sources of energy. For example, although Huoyunlong has cultivated pure fire power and is also a true immortal, he cannot cultivate fire thunder.

"It seems that the realm of Dark Qilin has increased again." Chen Feng said secretly. Although the black thunder beads arranged by Dark Qilin just now are still a little rusty, they can cause harm to the true immortal. If you are not careful, the first-level true immortal will die under the black thunder beads.

"It's a pity that I only refined 100, but it's enough for the other party to enjoy." Dark Qilin said, and the black thunder beads flew out one by one, blocking the broken passage.

"It's not that easy to get a bargain."

"I envy you. I don't know when I can condense fire thunder." Huoyunlong sighed.

Chen Feng shook his head. Huoyunlong had good aptitude for cultivation and had merged with the fire source seed. He had a promising future. However, after all, he had advanced to the True Immortal stage too quickly and had no abnormal inheritance. It would take some time for him to cultivate fire thunder with his current strength.

"Damn it! It was actually a thunder bead condensed from the dark power. Who was the other party? How could he have such a cultivation level and be proficient in the dark power?"

"The blazing sun is eternal."

The Sun and Moon Sect's cultivator shot out a blazing sun, trying to burn the thunder bead in front of him. With this delay, Chen Feng and the other two once again distanced themselves.

However, Chen Feng and the other two did not rejoice too early. A palm condensed from the dark power appeared in front of them. It grabbed them suddenly, and the space surged. The turbulent space made the star map shake. Then the giant palm turned into a fist again. With a heavy punch, the brilliant star map was thrown into the air.

"Such a powerful attack." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and the starlight flowed and turned into a galaxy. The violent impact knocked the black fist back again and again.


The dark unicorn uttered a word, and the dark scripture burst into dazzling black light, forming a huge seal word. The domineering black fist immediately stopped and was then collected into the dark scripture.

"Who is it? I don't think it is the dark spiritual spring." Chen Feng said.

"Someone is guarding the dark spiritual spring."

"Dark night swallows the sky."

The roar sounded, shaking the soul. Even with the pseudo-artifact wrapped, Chen Feng and the other two still felt a little unstable.

The space shook and shattered, roaring, and the dark power surged wildly. In the end, it actually formed a huge black head, opening its big mouth to swallow the three people.

The brilliant starry sky map suddenly paused, and was enveloped by the opponent's powerful suction. Under the penetration of the invisible power, all the laws in the pseudo-artifact began to become chaotic.

"What a domineering trick." Chen Feng shouted. The opponent actually wanted to swallow all his pseudo-artifacts in one breath. This move was really too scary.


The sword energy shot out, and a big hole was pierced through the dark head, but it returned to its original state in an instant, and the devouring power became stronger. The next moment, the brilliant starry sky map was devoured by the opponent.

"Get out."

The starlight flickered, constantly piercing the void, but it could not break free from the shackles of the black curtain, and the dark power became stronger and stronger, making the cultivators who practiced in the pseudo-artifact feel that the world became dark.

"The opponent is really powerful. If it were other cultivators, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to get out. Chen Feng, you and I will work together to activate the Dark Sutra. I want to devour all the dark power." As the owner of the Dark Sutra, the future king of the dark world, he was actually trapped by the dark power. If this kind of thing were to be told to others, it would be a joke.


The Dark Sutra slowly flew up, and under the power of Dark Kirin and Chen Feng, the cover was opened, and black runes flowed out, instantly disappearing in the surrounding space.


The Dark Kirin shouted softly, and a black hole appeared silently in the Dark Sutra. It was calm but terrifying. It was not violent but could swallow some upgrades.

A large amount of dark power was pulled from the void, and merged into streams, forming a black river into the black hole.

At the same time, the dark power shrouding the bright starry sky map began to weaken. From the outside, the huge black head appeared densely cracked and became thinner.

"Dark Sutra."

A terrified voice came from the deep earth, and then more dark power gushed out, causing chaos in the space of thousands of miles around.

"Sure enough, someone is hiding below, no, it's a dark creature."

"More than one."

"No matter what is down there, as long as it cultivates the dark power, it will become the nourishment of the Dark Sutra." After absorbing a large amount of dark power, the power of the Dark Sutra gradually unfolded, and some of the blockades began to be unlocked.

"You guys are dead." At this time, the cultivators of the Ice Sect and the Sun and Moon Sect had caught up, led by two middle-level True Immortals, and followed by several primary-level True Immortals.

"Hand over all the magic weapons on your body, and you can still save your life today."

"No matter where you come from, you have offended our seven sects and six factions. There is no place for you to hide in the vast universe. You should hand over the things on your body and beg for mercy immediately, so that you can still have a glimmer of hope."

"These people are so long-winded. I really want to go back and fight with them." Huoyunlong said unhappily.

"If you do that, you will definitely die." Chen Feng smiled.

"There are masters in front and behind. The situation this time is uncertain. The direction is unknown. I feel a strong threat." The dark unicorn held the dark scripture, which was wrapped in a layer of faint black light. The dark scripture was slightly vibrating, and occasionally there was a roar coming from it, as if a powerful force was constantly recovering.

"Although the cultivators in the back are numerous and powerful, they are still easier to deal with than the unknown dangers in front." Chen Feng had secretly activated the One Yuan True Spirit Map, but still felt a faint sense of crisis.

"There must be masters in front." While Chen Feng was thinking, another big hand tore through the layers of earth and space from the front and grabbed the dark scripture in the hand of the dark unicorn, and the human cultivators behind him suddenly attacked, which was to attack from both sides and severely injure Chen Feng and the other two in one fell swoop.

"This means is not enough." This time, the acupoints in Chen Feng's body roared, exerting the strongest power. With a flash of starlight, the three disappeared.

The black big hand and the attacks of the cultivators collided with each other, the sky collapsed, and time and space flowed backwards.

"Where did that kid go?"

"Not good."

The cultivators of the Ice Sect and the Sun and Moon Sect exclaimed, feeling that two primary-level True Immortals were pierced by a flash of starlight.

"Where are you going?"

The two intermediate True Immortals did not panic, but cast the void blocking technique to trap the starlight, but this starlight was like a fiercely burning meteor, a series of collisions, smashing the opponent's attack, and then flashing again and disappearing.

"Fake artifacts, we must catch them." The two intermediate True Immortals looked a little unhappy. After looking at each other, they took out magic weapons at the same time.

The Ice Sect took out a transparent disc, which looked like a piece of solid ice carved at first glance. Dazzling light emanated from it, and white spheres flew out in a series.

"Not good, it's a mine."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This is the same level as the black annihilation thunder bead that Dark Kirin cast before. When these source energies are extremely powerful, they will produce a strange change, and the power will increase by dozens or hundreds of times.

The previous black thunder beads had caused the opponent to suffer some losses. This time, the opponent actually threw a large number of thunder beads in one breath, and even Chen Feng was secretly scared.


The power in Chen Feng's body burst out like a mountain torrent, and the power of the pseudo-artifact of the brilliant starry sky map became stronger and stronger. With a series of flashes, he avoided the attack of the opponent's mines.

But at this time, the Sun and Moon Sect also performed a secret technique. A big sun and a crescent moon appeared at the same time. The big sun emitted a bright light that illuminated the universe and the starry sky, making it impossible for Chen Feng and the other two to hide their whereabouts. The crescent moon turned into streams of light, easily cutting through the space and killing the three.

"Although the Ice Mirror and the Sun and Moon are not pseudo-artifacts, they are also top-grade immortal artifacts, and the opponent can still exert all their power. This is not good." Chen Feng has exerted all his strength, but it is still unrealistic to fully exert the power of the pseudo-artifact.


At this time, the Dark Kirin suddenly spat out a ball of black blood, which fell on the Dark Scripture. The Dark Scripture, which had existed for who knows how many billions of years, suddenly became quiet, without a trace of power fluctuations, just like an ordinary scripture, but then, a black light circle flashed by, and it seemed that there was a beast roaring in the Dark Scripture.

Where the black light circle passed, the space was annihilated, and the mines and the waning moon that attacked from the other side also disappeared silently. This black light seemed to be able to corrode all energy substances.

Before the Ice Sect and the Sun and Moon Sect had time to be surprised, the second black light spread again.

"Not good, get out of the way."

At this time, everyone realized that something was wrong, their faces changed drastically, and they used various means to either escape or try to block the black light that was impacting.

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