Eternal Existence

Chapter 1051 Dark Spirit Spring

"Not good, Dark Kirin used the Dark Scripture, is he in danger?" Chen Feng also practiced the secrets in the Dark Scripture, and sensed the dark power at the first time.

"Go and help." Huoyunlong shouted.

"No need, I'm here." As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, a dark passage appeared in front of him, and a scripture floated out of it, and then Dark Kirin appeared in front of the two of them.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I met a group of cultivators who called themselves the Fiery Flame Sect. It's really strange that after I killed several people, they actually attracted a mid-level True Immortal."

"Fiery Flame Sect."

"Another mid-level True Immortal, this world is really getting more and more dangerous."

"Where are Venerable Jintu and the others?"

"The Soul Refining True Immortal is far away from me, and it seems that he wants to get rid of my control." Chen Feng said lightly, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes. With the help of the Longevity Tower and the Longevity Scripture, the other party can't get rid of Chen Feng's control even if he advances to the next level.

"The Venerable Jintu is also far away from us, and it seems that there is no danger now."

"This is a very ancient space. A place called Tianlan Star Domain has come here for trials by various cultivators, and we happened to meet them." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Tianlan Star Domain? What is this place? I have never heard of it, but so many true immortals came here for trials, it seems that this star domain should be very powerful." Huoyunlong said.

"It is not as good as the fairy world, but the overall power exceeds the demon world and the underworld. If you really want to say it, it can be regarded as a small fairy world. The strongest in Tianlan Star Domain is the immortal. This time, there are seven sects and six schools, most of them are true immortals, and some of them have gone to other spaces, but I got a very important news."

"What important news."

"The space we were in before was called the death space by the other party. This primitive space has a passage connected to the death space. In the eyes of the cultivators in Tianlan Star Domain, the death space is the largest forbidden area, and only a very small number of cultivators dare to enter it for adventure." Chen Feng said lightly.

"By the way, we have been here for several years. Have you two gained anything?"

"My luck is very bad. I have gained nothing." Huoyunlong shook his head.

"I found a dark spiritual spring, but I met a cultivator from the Fiery Flame Sect before I got close." An Qilin said.

"Dark spiritual spring." Chen Feng's eyes lit up. Something that caught the eye of An Qilin must be a good thing.

"Let's go and find the Dark Night Spirit Spring." Chen Feng also needs this kind of thing, which is good for his cultivation.

"You can't go anywhere."

Accompanied by the sudden sound, flames rose all around, and in the blink of an eye, a vast sea of ​​fire was formed. Each flame kept jumping, full of vitality, and full of energy to burn everything.

"The cultivators of the Fiery Flame Sect are chasing us."

"This is the Nine Suns True Fire." Huoyunlong took a breath of cold air, and flames also jumped in his eyes.

"The opponent must be a mid-level True Immortal, and he is irresistible."

"It is the Nine Suns True Fire, but it is not pure. Brother Huo, there is no need to be afraid." Chen Feng waved his hand and a river rushed out, and then quickly condensed into a huge dragon.

With the dragon guarding, the surroundings immediately became cooler. Chen Feng reached out and took out the One Yuan True Spirit Map. This pseudo-artifact slowly unfolded in Chen Feng's hand, and the torrent of water flowed out of it, and soon turned into a circle of water walls, rumbling and pushing around.

Although the One Yuan True Spirit Map is also a pseudo-artifact, it is more powerful than the Brilliant Starry Sky Map. The various water forces contained in it are all guest stars of all fire forces. After Chen Feng was promoted to the Immortal, he was not as reluctant to activate it as before.

"Although the Nine Suns True Fire is powerful, it also depends on who controls it. I will deal with these flames." Chen Feng pushed with both hands, and the water wall became thicker and higher. A blank space appeared in the center of the roaring sea of ​​fire. As the water power continued to expand, the flames in the sea of ​​fire began to decrease and extinguish.

"Water pseudo-artifact." A shocked voice came from the dark.


Chaos Chain flew out suddenly and pierced through the void.

"Do it."

An Qilin, Huoyunlong and Chen Feng had already cooperated tacitly. Now was a good time to do it. Soon, screams came from the dark.

"The opponent only has one person, just kill him."

"Killing a mid-level True Immortal will definitely gain a lot." Chen Feng used all his strength to activate the One Yuan True Spirit Diagram, and the sea of ​​fire around him had dissipated by half.

But then all the flames suddenly gathered together, turning into a fireball, quickly breaking through the space.

"Want to leave."

The Slaughter Immortal Sword flashed by, splitting the fireball in half, and some blood splattered.

But the opponent still escaped, which made Chen Feng and the other two secretly unhappy.

"After all, he is a mid-level True Immortal, and he ran away as soon as he fought." Huoyunlong cursed.

"Fortunately, there is only one person from the other side. Let's go."

The three of them left here quickly. In the next month, they fought against the Liehuo Sect, Tianchen Sect, and Hanbing Sect respectively.

The contact with the other side made Chen Feng have a deeper understanding of the Tianlan Star Region. The other side's cultivation system did not attract much attention from Chen Feng, but the other side's combat power made Chen Feng a little frightened.

The true immortals encountered these days are considered elites in the fairy world in Chen Feng's opinion.

"There are more than a thousand true immortals from seven sects and six schools. I wonder what these people have gained."

"We still have to be careful. If the other party joins forces to besiege us, I will be in danger even if I have a fake artifact. By the way, how far is it from the dark spiritual spring now?"

"If I remember correctly, it is in an inconspicuous valley thousands of miles ahead. However, this valley is guarded by a powerful dark beast. It will definitely be difficult to get the dark spiritual spring."

Facts have proved that Dark Qilin's guess is correct, because Chen Feng felt the pure dark power soon.

"It is indeed the dark spiritual spring, and the grade is very high." Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

"But there are still some strong auras, and someone is fighting."

"Could it be that the cultivators from Tianlan Star Region discovered the dark spiritual spring." Dark Qilin's eyes flashed with murderous intent. Compared with Chen Feng, Dark Qilin needs these dark powers more.

"No matter what, we must get the dark spiritual spring." Chen Feng also hopes that these pure dark powers will increase his power.

So Chen Feng secretly notified the Soul Refining Immortal to come back quickly, but there was no response. Chen Feng sneered and said nothing. A little starlight flashed, covering the three people, and the speed of the three people began to increase exponentially.

"What kind of beast is this?"

When the three people arrived at the place, they saw a 100,000-foot-tall ape-like beast fighting with several cultivators.

This ape-like beast exuded a strong dark power, mighty and domineering, with the cultivation of a true immortal, and the earth was shaking when he made a move at will. If it was a one-on-one fight without using magic weapons, Chen Feng would not be the opponent of the opponent, but at this time, the situation of this domineering and mighty beast was a little bad, because the opponent was stronger and had an advantage in numbers.

"It was the cultivators of the Ice Sect and the Sun and Moon Sect, one mid-level true immortal, six primary true immortals, and there should be others in secret."

"We don't need to worry about so much. The opponent's move is just in our favor at this time." The starlight flashed, directly piercing through the battlefield of both sides and quickly drilling into the valley.

Chen Feng's idea was very simple, that is, to rush in quickly, find the dark spiritual spring, take it away directly, and then leave. Chen Feng didn't want to have any conflict with the other party unless it was absolutely necessary. After all, it was still very difficult for Chen Feng's small group to face the mid-level true immortal.

Seeing the appearance of a third party, both sides were angry, especially the ape-like beast, who roared to the sky, and the sound waves shook the surrounding mountains into pieces.

"Who dares to come here to die?" Unlike the ape-like beasts who couldn't leave, several cultivators hiding in the dark immediately took action. To Chen Feng's surprise, these people did not attack his side, but concentrated their strength to besiege the ape-like beast.

"Is there danger here?" This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind, but he did not pause, but sped up. In Chen Feng's view, even if there was danger under the collision of the pseudo-artifact, it could be dealt with.

Papa Papa Papa!

Indeed, countless restrictions were pierced by the brilliant starry sky map. These restrictions were all arranged with pure dark power. They were both offensive and defensive, and their power was indeed great, but they were almost crushed in front of the pseudo-artifacts, and the dark unicorn was somewhat excited to devour these energies.

"Getting closer and closer to the dark spiritual spring." The dark scriptures that had been imprinted in the depths of the soul began to operate uncontrollably, and a trace of dark power began to enter Chen Feng's body, and after a flow, it entered the dark cave.

At this time, the three of them had already drilled into the ground, constantly shuttling in the place composed of the earth and space, and the restrictions and resistance they encountered became stronger and stronger.

"Who do you think arranged the restrictions here? I don't think it's the strange beast outside." Huoyunlong suddenly spoke.

"This level of spiritual creature can release power to arrange restrictions for its own safety and block all outsiders. I guess it was formed by the dark spiritual spring here for tens of millions of years." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Something is wrong." At this time, the dark unicorn suddenly took out the dark scripture, and his tone was a little solemn, as if he had discovered something.

"What's wrong? Isn't everything normal? Hey, it's not right." Chen Feng said as he saw a thick black shield in front of him, covered with moving patterns.


The starlight directly penetrated the black shield, but Chen Feng felt something was wrong. His pseudo-artifact paused for a moment. Although it was very slight, it could resist some of the power of the pseudo-artifact, which showed that this black shield was not simple.

Next, another black shield appeared, and each one was thicker than the other, causing Chen Feng and the other two to start to slow down their descent. Chen Feng was also ruthless. After slowing down, he directly collected all these black shields. These were also condensed by the power of darkness, and they were all good things.

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