Eternal Existence

Chapter 1053 Dark Frenzy

"What kind of power is this?" Chen Feng was already stunned after the first black light. Where the second black light passed, several immortals who were not in a hurry to dodge suddenly disappeared, leaving no trace.

The two strongest intermediate-level immortals did not escape, but used their strongest strength to fight back. However, under the black light, the top-grade immortal weapons in their hands could not withstand it. Their bodies began to crack and blood flowed from their mouths, but they still blocked this wave of black light attacks.

But the third wave of attacks came again. The two intermediate-level immortals were horrified and knew that they could not delay any longer. They performed secret techniques, burned their origins, broke through the space, and disappeared in an instant. The other primary-level immortals did not escape, and were all killed by the black light.

"Damn, it's so powerful, it's just a one-shot kill. I didn't see it wrong." Huoyunlong shouted. The black light circle just now not only killed these cultivators, but also cleared the dark attacks in front. At this moment, the power of the dark unicorn was at least ten times higher than before.

"This is the power of the Dark Scripture. I have exhausted my strength so far, so I will teach you a lesson next." Dark Kirin said with a wry smile.


Chen Feng and Dark Kirin looked at each other and smiled bitterly. However, after thinking about it, an attack with such power in a short period of time must have some price.

"Then when can you recover?"

"The attack just now was also the first time I used it. I don't know exactly when I can recover." Dark Kirin said as he entered the Dark Scripture, and the Dark Scripture disappeared in a flash.

"This guy is gone." Huoyunlong was stunned.

"Fortunately, we solved the pursuers, but there are many difficulties ahead." Chen Feng sighed.

"Or let's go back." Huoyunlong suggested,

"We are here, and you actually said to go back. Anyway, we should go and try." Chen Feng thought about it, performed the pupil technique, and moved forward while exploring the way.

Although there were no pursuers, Chen Feng and the others felt that the situation they were facing was more oppressive and dangerous.

Soon, the two felt that something was wrong with the surrounding environment.

"What's going on? The road we're on seems to be a little wrong."

"Of course it's wrong. This is the dark space created by the other party. If you can't get out, you'll be lost here forever."

"I'll open a path." Huoyunlong said as he thrust his flame spear forward. The condensed flames continued to explode, and soon the surroundings turned into a sea of ​​fire. The scope of the sea of ​​fire became larger and larger, tightly surrounding the two in the middle.

"Dark Demon Eyes." Chen Feng's pupils turned completely black, and at first glance they looked like two black holes.

"Dark Kirin can't do anything for the time being, but I've also practiced the Dark Sutra." Chen Feng's eyes rotated quickly, and after a certain degree, the phantom of the Dark Sutra appeared in his eyes.

So, the Dark Sutras around him were continuously swallowed by Chen Feng.

"Which direction."

Chen Feng felt the flaws around him and pointed out the direction. Huoyunlong immediately controlled the flames to attack.


"Directly in front of him."

"Put on more strength."

With the cooperation of the two, it didn't take long for the front to be empty, and they finally broke out of the restraining space set up by the other party.

But a stronger opponent was waiting for the two.

Two ape-like beasts stood in front of the two men, one on the left and one on the right. Each of them was 100,000 feet tall. Their wild aura shook the surrounding void and made it chaotic.

"Intermediate True Immortal." Chen Feng and Huoyunlong looked at each other in bewilderment.

"How can we fight this? Let's go back. Haven't we entered the ape's den?"

At this time, Chen Feng and Huoyunlong couldn't leave even if they wanted to, because the two huge beasts had already attacked them.

Boom! Boom!

Almost at the same time, Chen Feng and Huoyunlong flew backwards. Huoyunlong completely turned into a ball of fire, but the flames were jumping violently, as if they were about to explode at any time.

Although Chen Feng relied on his strong body, he also used almost all of his strength. His true energy circulated over and over again, and his acupoints continued to erupt. At the same time, he used two perverted secret techniques, the Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique and the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Art. In the end, he swallowed 10% of the opponent's power, 20% of the power was blocked by the magic weapon, and the remaining 70% of the power was completely applied to Chen Feng's body.

As soon as these forces entered Chen Feng's body, they immediately settled all over Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng flushed the flow of Changsheng Zhenqi tens of thousands of times in a short time to dissolve these energies.

"This is the law of truth, it is indeed difficult to deal with." Chen Feng opened his mouth and a black color bulged out. This was the impurity purified from the opponent's attack just now.

"So powerful, I was almost blown up just now, but Chen Feng, how can your body be so strong?" Huoyunlong has turned into a fire giant, looking majestic, but if you look closely, his face is not very good.

"If you can persist in practicing in the previous thunder pool for a hundred years, your body will also become strong."

"Really, forget it, when I condense the fire thunder, my body strength will naturally increase. Now I'd better find a way to deal with these two monkeys, they are too powerful."

As the two talked, the two monkeys rushed up again, and a simple move blocked all the retreat routes of the two. The law of truth circulated, and the opportunity of the great way evolved, making Chen Feng and Huoyunlong unable to hide or retreat, and they could only bite the bullet and take it hard.


This time the Fire Cloud Dragon was directly blown up, but the flames condensed and it soon recovered to its original state, but the aura on its body was much weaker.

Chen Feng was not doing well either, with cracks on his body, but he could still hold on.

"I'll stop the other party, whether you can get the Dark Spirit Spring depends on you." Chen Feng said as the scars on his body disappeared. With a wave of his hand, starlight filled the air, and the galaxy flowed, covering the two monkeys.

"Can you do it alone?" Huoyunlong said this, but his movements were not satisfactory, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Although he said this, Chen Feng was also secretly smiling bitterly in his heart. This was the strongest situation he had encountered after being promoted to the immortal. Chen Feng knew that even if he exerted all his strength, he might not be able to deal with the two monkeys in front of him.

Intermediate-level True Immortals are not a joke, and there are two of them.


The battle broke out again. This time Chen Feng did not retreat. Instead, he relied on the Changsheng Wings to launch a fierce attack and fight the opponent.

The scene was so hot that a True Immortal who was secretly spying was accidentally involved and then torn to pieces.

"I hope there is no great danger ahead." At this time, Huoyunlong had advanced a million miles after leaving Chen Feng. During this period, there was no other danger except for some dense dark power. However, Huoyunlong still did not relax a bit, but was more alert in his heart. The more critical the moment, the more rapid the danger will come.


A huge black skeleton suddenly appeared and swallowed Huoyunlong in one bite.

"Sure enough, I was hit again. I hope Chen Feng can come to save me quickly."

After struggling for a while, Huoyunlong found sadly that it seemed difficult to rush out with his own strength.

However, Chen Feng's situation at this time was not good, and it could even be said that he was not as good as Huoyunlong. At least Huoyunlong was just trapped, while Chen Feng was seriously injured under the siege of two apes, and even his body was about to explode.

Chen Feng held the Immortal Sword of Slaughter, and the chaotic chain kept circling, and starlight flowed out of his body from time to time, but all this still could not stop the opponent's fierce attack.


Chen Feng spat out blood and retreated again. The Chaos Chain was torn in half by the opponent. If the Immortal Sword of Slaughter had not been a threat to the opponent, Chen Feng would have hidden in the Longevity Tower.

"Chen Feng, do you want us to help?" The immortals who had been practicing in the Brilliant Starry Sky Map also felt Chen Feng's situation. The vibration of the Brilliant Starry Sky Map had already affected these people.

"Don't worry, everyone, just practice with peace of mind."

After hearing what Chen Feng said, all the cultivators were a little depressed. To say that these people were also cultivators who had been wandering in the universe for many years, and they were also seniors in front of Chen Feng, but this time since leaving the Eternal World, they have been hiding in the Brilliant Starry Sky Map to practice. It was really a bit aggrieved.

But everyone also knew that there was no way. With their current strength, if they came out, the result would be a very straightforward death, and they would not be able to help Chen Feng at all.


Chen Feng was hit again. This time, the skin and flesh on Chen Feng's body began to explode and kept falling off. Even the bones had cracks. Once the power of the True Immortal acts on the body, it is difficult to get rid of it. It can only be slowly dissolved. This is the law of truth, a higher level than the upper immortal.

"Not an opponent." Chen Feng gritted his teeth. During the fight, Chen Feng also used various means and even devoured some of the opponent's spirit, but the two beasts relied on their strong physique to withstand Chen Feng's attack. There was even one time when Chen Feng used the power of the pseudo-artifact to penetrate their bodies, but the opponent quickly recovered by using secret techniques.

In Chen Feng's opinion, these two beasts are more powerful than those he encountered outside before.

"Human cultivators, dare to come here, the end is only a dead end." The two monkeys burst out with a more powerful attack. The surroundings were dark, and only huge fists bombarded Chen Feng.

"I can't stop it. It seems I have to hide in the Changsheng Tower. I hope I can get out of the Changsheng Tower." Chen Feng sighed in his heart. He had tried his best until now, but he was still no match for the middle-level True Immortal.

But at this moment, a wave of condensed pressure suddenly came from the front. The two monkeys who felt this pressure and attacked Chen Feng suddenly changed their faces, and actually retracted their moves and quickly rushed away, disappearing in an instant.

"Hey! What's going to happen?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, but then the dark power that was as strong as iron suddenly gushed out from the front. At this moment, Chen Feng's hair stood up, and the warning signs in his heart kept roaring.

"Dark frenzy." These four words suddenly flashed in Chen Feng's mind at the critical moment.

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