Eternal Existence

Chapter 1050: Heavenly Sword Sect

In fact, because of the magic weapon's self-explosion, the magic weapons suppressed in Chen Feng's body were less than half of the previous ones, but each one was of high grade. After Chen Feng was promoted to the immortal, the few remaining Taoist weapons in his body were also gradually upgraded to immortal weapons. Of course, the process was not that simple, and it consumed a lot of Chen Feng's energy and precious materials. Some of the magic weapons were even eliminated by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was preparing for the longevity weapon, because in the end, the series of longevity weapons would be Chen Feng's greatest means. They were usually suppressed in the body, and once they flew out, they would suppress the heavens.

Chen Feng, who was practicing, suddenly had a flash in his eyes, and a strange beast broke in. This strange beast was very powerful and could resist the lightning power around it.

This was a flying bird with lightning flashing, and the lightning liquid containing powerful destructive power flowed on its golden wings.

"Golden Thunder Eagle." Chen Feng said secretly, and with a wave of his hand, the lightning liquid around him condensed into a sharp sword, and slashed at the Thunder Eagle.

Chen Feng used the art of longevity and condensing soldiers. The long sword that flew out had the mystery of the longevity sword and the curse power mixed in by Chen Feng.

In fact, before coming in, the Thunder Eagle felt Chen Feng's presence and wanted to attack Chen Feng, but he didn't expect Chen Feng to get there first. Facing Chen Feng's attack, he shouted softly, and lightning also spurted out of his mouth. This was a dark lightning of a different color than the one in the thunder pool, which directly smashed the long sword sent by Chen Feng. The scattered black lightning re-condensed and rushed towards Chen Feng again.

"Under the glittering golden appearance, he actually cultivated the thunder of destruction." Chen Feng let the other party's lightning bombard him. Then Chen Feng waved his hand, and the thunder pools around him rolled. One after another, the longevity swords continued to condense, and then formed a Zhoutian sword formation to attack again.

Chen Feng's actions angered the other party. The black long whip condensed by the thunder of destruction kept whipping, and wherever it passed, the longevity swords condensed by Chen Feng were shattered.

The long whip bit towards Chen Feng like a long snake. Chen Feng's expression remained unchanged. He raised his hand and the power of thunder and lightning condensed into a thick wall in front of him.


The thunder wall exploded, and the black long whip whipped like lightning, but Chen Feng had disappeared on the spot.

The chaotic chain stirred in circles in the thunder pool, fighting with the opponent's long whip. After a fight, the thunder pool rolled and the whole mountain was shaking.

The Thunder Eagle's wings flashed, and its speed doubled. Chen Feng used the Eternal Life Wings and was not inferior. The two fought for thousands of rounds, each using their own unique skills, but they could not tell who was better.

In the end, both sides retreated at the same time. Although there was no communication, they both chose to truce. Chen Feng and the Thunder Eagle each occupied one side of the thunder pool and continued to practice.

This cultivation lasted for three years. Chen Feng lost weight, as if the impurities in his body had been condensed out. The lightning power in the Thunder Pool could no longer damage Chen Feng's body. However, because he had been cultivating in the Thunder Pool for too long, lightning would flash in his body when Chen Feng moved slightly.

During this period, Fire Cloud Dragon and Dark Kirin came back once, but Venerable Jintu and True Soul Refiner did not move. However, Chen Feng locked their auras and knew that they were safe.

During the three years of cultivation, other strange beasts also wanted to break in here, but they were all killed by Thunder Eagle and Chen Feng.

"It's time to leave."

Chen Feng stood up suddenly, and the thunder and lightning roared and rolled around him. The whole mountain was roaring. Thunder Eagle suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Chen Feng warily.

In the past three years, the two sides have not fought again. Seeing Chen Feng's actions at this time, Thunder Eagle's eyes also flashed a hint of fighting spirit.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in fighting with you now." Chen Feng said with a smile. He took one step and was outside the Thunder Pool. He took another step and disappeared.

After watching Chen Feng disappear, the Thunder Eagle continued to enter the state of cultivation. For the Thunder Eagles that have survived here for hundreds of thousands of years, Chen Feng is just a passerby.

The first person Chen Feng found was Huoyunlong. At that time, Huoyunlong was injured and was still running for his life. After seeing Chen Feng, he immediately rushed over with surprise.

"It's great to see you." Huoyunlong shouted immediately.

Chen Feng didn't say anything. The chaos chain flew out suddenly, piercing the void, and a human cultivator stepped on the disc and showed up.

"Human cultivators can still shuttle through space." Chen Feng was a little surprised. He was surprised to meet other human cultivators here, but he didn't expect that the other party could actually shuttle through space. You know, Chen Feng and his friends couldn't do this here.

"Be careful, there are more than one person on the other side." Before Huoyunlong's voice fell, the space vibrated, and three cultivators stepped on the disc and showed up at the same time, and launched an attack as soon as they came out.

The four people all emitted supreme sword energy. In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng and the other two were in the sword world, and a strong sense of oppression rose in their hearts.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this!" Chen Feng was a little surprised. The Immortal Sword of Slaughter appeared in his hand and launched a cutting sword energy.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

The sound of the collision of sword energy made Huoyunlong feel that his teeth were about to fall off, and his soul seemed to be cut into pieces.

The opponent's sword energy was cut inch by inch and then turned into pieces, but Chen Feng's palms were shaking a little.

If it was a one-on-one, Chen Feng was sure to kill the opponent easily, but the attack of the four people combined was actually increased by more than ten times.

"Top-grade Immortal Sword."

Seeing the Immortal Sword of Slaughter in Chen Feng's hand, the eyes of the four cultivators suddenly lit up, and then there was greed.

"Hand over the immortal sword in your hand, and I'll spare you one." The four people quickly stepped forward and surrounded Chen Feng and Huoyunlong, while secretly performing secret methods to summon their companions.

"Who are you?" Chen Feng asked in a deep voice.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense." One of them scolded, and the disc under his feet turned, breaking through the space and disappearing. The other three rushed up, and the sword energy made up for it, forming a sword net that covered the sky and the earth.


Chen Feng held the Immortal Sword of Slaughter, and with just one slash, the sword energy of killing broke the opponent's sword net, but just when Chen Feng wanted to continue attacking, the space behind him cracked, and the monk who had been hiding before appeared again.

"I'll do it!"

Huoyunlong stabbed directly with the spear in his hand, blocking the opponent's surprise attack.

"Chen Feng, there are some problems with the cultivation level of these people."

"I feel that these people have the law of truth in their bodies, but they are not true immortals, and they can exert the combat power of true immortals, so." Chen Feng said, and the Immortal Sword of Slaughter in his hand suddenly slashed open like a sky curtain, and immediately a cultivator was swept. Under the power of the top-grade immortal sword, the cultivator's body was pulverized into meat paste.

With a roar, the body of the cultivator recovered rapidly, but Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and his palm was shining with starlight. With the help of the power of the brilliant starry sky map, the law of truth in the opponent's body was immediately extracted.

Another sword energy flashed by, and the cultivator without the law of truth could no longer recover, and died under the sword energy.

In an instant, one person was killed or injured, and the other three were all shocked. Chen Feng did not give the other party a chance to escape. The starlight hand grabbed it fiercely, and a vortex appeared in the air. The three cultivators immediately screamed and struggled, and the law of truth continued to emerge from several people.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

All the laws of truth were separated and collected by Chen Feng. The Immortal Sword of Slaughter flashed, and all three cultivators were killed.

"If you provoke our Tianjian Sect, you are dead." Before dying, the three people sent out this signal.

"This move is very domineering." Huoyunlong praised.

"It's just relying on the power of the pseudo-artifact. Tianjian Sect, is it possible that there are still sects in this world?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

"No way, we have traveled billions of miles these days, and have not encountered human cultivators. These cultivators seem to appear suddenly."

"Leave here first and find An Qilin and the others." Chen Feng said as he activated a disc, and the power of time and space was running, and it really began to shuttle through space.

"This magic weapon is not bad. Although it is not of a high level, it can penetrate the space here." Huoyunlong said with a smile.

Not long after the two left, someone appeared, and one of them performed a secret technique, and the previous scene immediately emerged.

"An outsider actually broke in and killed our people from the Tianjian Sect. He is simply looking for death." One of the old men was murderous. He waved his hand and directly tore the space apart. He chased after Chen Feng and the other two and killed them.

"Not good."

At this time, Chen Feng and Huoyunlong had already flown a million miles away, but they instinctively felt a strong sense of crisis. A big hand directly escaped from the space and grabbed the two.

"It's a palm condensed by sword energy."

"Mid-level True Immortal."


The disc under the feet of the two people suddenly exploded, and two points of starlight wrapped around the two people. They disappeared from the original place in a flash and appeared again 100,000 miles away.

But the huge palm directly shattered the space and chased again. It seemed that it would not give up until it caught Chen Feng and the other two.

"Mid-level True Immortal is indeed powerful, but it is still a little short of catching us." Chen Feng used all his strength to activate the brilliant starry sky map. He saw dots of starlight flickering in the starry space, faster and faster, and in the end he was completely dependent on the big hand.

"Tianjian Sect, let me see what's going on." After killing four cultivators, Chen Feng collected some of their souls. After escaping from their pursuit, he immediately began to collect souls.

After a long time, Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

"So that's what happened?"

"What's the origin of the other party?" Huoyunlong asked anxiously.

"Let's find the others first. Let's go. This world will become more dangerous next."

After not catching Chen Feng, the old man's face was gloomy, his eyes flickered, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"Senior, what's the origin of the other party? Is he a trialist from other sects?" Someone next to him asked immediately.

"It's strange. The other party should not be a cultivator from our Tianlan Star Region, but the other party has a pseudo-divine weapon and killed our Tianjian Sect disciples. We must catch him no matter what, maybe we can ask him something valuable." The old man said as he crushed a token, and the silent wave disappeared in the space.

"I have released the disappearance, and the other party can't escape even if he has wings."

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