Eternal Existence

Chapter 1049 Golden Channel

Soon, An Qilin shook his head.

"This should lead to an alien space. My clone lost contact with me when it entered it. However, the clone still exists, so there should be no danger."

"What should we do now? This passage will appear sooner or later, but it appears at this time. I think there must be something wrong." Huo Yunlong said.

"But in the face of this unknown temptation, I am still a little unwilling not to go in and take a look." Chen Feng also released his spiritual consciousness and entered it, but as soon as his spiritual consciousness entered the passage, it disappeared without a trace, making Chen Feng confused about what was in it. .

"There are too many dangers in the space we are in. Now we are just changing to another place." An Qilin said.

"I also want to go in and have a look." Lord Jintu thought about it.

"In that case, all together, let's enter." Chen Feng nodded, and the starlight flickered, covering everyone, and then turned into a little starlight, and entered the golden passage in a flash.

The mysterious space energy swept across the dazzling starry sky, and the pseudo-artifact trembled violently. Then it returned to calm, and the billowing spiritual energy flowed down like a celestial river.

"Where is this place with such rich and pure spiritual energy?"

After everyone walked out, they began to observe the surrounding environment. It turned out to be the down-to-earth earth and the dark gray sky. Lightning cracked and flashed continuously. Occasionally, some birds flew by, exuding a fierce aura.

"The concentration of spiritual energy exceeds that of the immortal world, but it is a bit mixed. I feel a prehistoric aura." The Soul Refining Immortal said in a deep voice.

"Could it be the ancient world? I can't see it."

"You'll know just by looking at it." Huo Yunlong said that his spiritual consciousness had spread to the surroundings, and the overwhelming true immortal aura quickly enveloped the world.

However, Huo Yunlong's actions attracted attacks from surrounding birds and some running beasts.

"Be careful." Chen Feng reminded.


Huo Yunlong just smiled coldly, and his spiritual consciousness turned into a sharp cone and stabbed at the birds in the sky. Who knew that these birds only swayed but accelerated their speed, and instantly reached the top of Huo Yunlong's head. At the same time, other running beasts also pounced on them. .


Huo Yunlong was a little surprised. A circle of fire flickered and spread from his body. Amidst the screams, these strange beasts and birds were burned to ashes.

"The strength of the Immortal is a bit interesting. Some inconspicuous creatures have this kind of strength. I think we need to be more careful next." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Although it's a bit surprising, a beast of this level is bound to die." Huo Yunlong said disdainfully.

"Really? In that case, the next little trouble will be left to you." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"no problem."

Huo Yunlong agreed simply, but the roar that came from the distance next made Huo Yunlong's heart skip a beat.

A black line began to appear from a distance. The black line became thicker and thicker, and finally it was overwhelming. There was also a bloodthirsty aura rising into the sky, coupled with the constant howling in it, causing the sky to change color and the earth to be turbulent.

"It's just some wolf monsters. It's not a trivial matter, right, Brother Huo?"

"That's right, they're just some wolf monsters. Leave it to me." Huo Yunlong nodded, took a step forward, and punched out. A fire dragon roared out, sweeping away all the wolf monsters in an instant.

But more wolf monsters collided with each other, and the fire dragon struggled and then dissipated.

These wolf demons that suddenly appeared did not change much from what everyone had seen before, but the life energy contained in their bodies surprised everyone.

"A fire dragon killed a hundred wolf demons. I just took a look and found that there were more than a million wolf demons that suddenly appeared." Chen Feng said lightly.

boom! boom! boom!

Lightning roared, and the dark sky suddenly turned into golden light. A torrent of light spread from far to near, covering the entire sky in just a few breaths.

"It's the Lightning Eagle, Brother Huo, I'll leave this to you." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"no problem!"

At this time, Huo Yunlong's whole body was wrapped in flames. In the outside world, a punch could break a planet, but here when he hit the wolves, it could only make a small splash of water.

Looking carefully, there are some more powerful wolf demons hidden among them.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A sharp strong wind descended from the sky, forming a wind blade energy. Lord Jintu snorted, extended his arm, and grabbed it with his huge palm, shattering all attacks.

Lord Jintu is a true immortal level beast, with extremely abnormal defense and attack. However, the expression of Lord Jintu suddenly changed, because there were scars on his palms. Although they were not serious, they could remain. The traces below show that these lightning eagles are not as simple as they appear on the surface.

"They are all in the realm of immortals." Chen Feng said and stretched out his hand to grab it, and the lightning that landed was swallowed up completely.

The ground shook, and something appeared again. This time, it was a group of huge ape-like monsters. From a distance, it looked like peaks were beating, and a violent and bloodthirsty aura filled the entire space.

"Where is this place?" Chen Feng waved his hand, and chaotic chains traversed the space. Wherever they passed, monster apes like mountain peaks were swept away.

"It seems that this is indeed a prehistoric land. These monsters are ordinary outside, but here, they are tens of millions of times more powerful."

"There is nothing strange about this. There are countless mysterious time and spaces in the universe. This may be a prehistoric space that has existed for a long time."

"Actually, I was wondering what we would gain from coming here."

The Fire Cloud Dragon has been completely trapped in the wolf pack. Some large wolf monsters that appeared later can completely confront the Fire Cloud Dragon head-on.

"Don't get entangled, leave here first." Chen Feng said and directly opened the brilliant starry sky map. The starlight fell, and the monsters blocking the way immediately disappeared.

"Let's go!"

The chaotic chain rolled up and swept the Fire Cloud Dragon over. It was no problem for several people to deal with these strange beasts with their strength, but after all, everyone had just come in and had not fully understood the situation here. Just in case, it was better to leave first.

After a rush, Chen Feng collected some more strange beasts. Before leaving, he saw more strange beasts appearing in the distance, and there were some breaths that threatened several people.

A month later, Chen Feng and his friends had some general understanding of the space here.

Several people have determined that this is not the Great World of Primordial Desolation, but the Great World of Primordial Desolation has exceeded the Great World of Primordial Desolation. According to their speculation, the existence time of this world is not as long as that of the Eternal World, but it is not much different.

However, the laws of the great way in this world are somewhat strange. The strange beasts living here are very powerful. In this month, they have encountered several crises, especially the last time, when everyone joined forces to kill a strange beast. Although they succeeded in killing the other party, Huoyunlong was also seriously injured.

"It has been a month, and I haven't encountered a human cultivator."

"The first-level true immortals who come in are all sent to death, and I always feel a vague sense of crisis, but I don't know where it comes from."

"Except for the cores of some strange beasts, nothing has been found so far."

Chen Feng and his companions stopped at the top of a towering mountain that pierced the sky. This mountain was made of gold and stone. The sharp winds around it could only leave a few shallow traces on it.

Not far away from them, there was a thunder pool. Thunder and lightning kept falling from the dark gray sky. It was unknown how many years it had made the thunder pool on the top of the mountain full of boiling thunder liquid.

"There are several kinds of lightning power in this thunder pool. The strange beast thrown in before only lasted for a breath. For the True Immortal, this is a challenge."

"It is indeed a good place to cultivate the physical body, but I am not interested."

"I would like to cultivate here for a while." Chen Feng suddenly spoke, and then walked into the thunder pool. The thunder liquid was jumping and squeezing around Chen Feng, and the roaring sound was heard. The sky and the earth changed color, and Huoyunlong felt a little trembling when he saw it.

"This kid is really perverted. He just became an immortal, and his physical body is comparable to that of a True Immortal. I am going to explore. Everyone, goodbye first." Huoyunlong nodded and left first.

This world is very vast. Although everyone has not gained anything so far, everyone does not believe that there will be no good things in such a mysterious place.

The Dark Kirin and the Venerable Jintu left one after another. The True Immortal of Refining Soul hesitated for a moment, sat down in the distance, and guarded Chen Feng.

"You go too." Chen Feng's voice came from the thunder pool.


The True Immortal of Refining Soul nodded, and his figure disappeared in the distance.

Chen Feng sat in the thunder pool, without using his true energy or magic power, allowing the lightning power around him to enter his body, forging his muscles and bones, and bombarding his skin and flesh.

The destructive power contained in the thunder pool was even greater than Chen Feng's imagination. Every minute and every second, Chen Feng's body would vibrate tens of thousands of times.

"The lightning here is even stronger than the heavenly tribulation I encountered. I don't know how this terrain was formed." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Snap, snap, snap!

Finally, cracks began to appear on Chen Feng's body, and then his internal organs began to be affected and began to powderize. However, Chen Feng's muscles and bones were still tough and stable.

Finally, the cracks on Chen Feng's body had increased to a certain extent, and it seemed that Chen Feng's body would collapse in the next moment.


Finally, all the skin and flesh on Chen Feng's body exploded, revealing a complete skeleton. However, before Chen Feng's body dispersed, a halo formed by the immortal qi dispersed and completely wrapped Chen Feng. After the halo disappeared, Chen Feng's body had returned to normal, but Chen Feng's body became tougher than before.

Even though Chen Feng had been through hundreds of battles and had long been experienced, he could hardly endure this torture.

Next, after a while, Chen Feng's body exploded again, but it quickly returned to its original state under the immortal qi. During this period, Chen Feng's soul fire was also constantly beating, occasionally swallowing some lightning power into the sea of ​​consciousness, allowing the soul fire to refine it.

After Chen Feng's body collapsed a hundred times, one magic weapon after another flew out of Chen Feng's body and floated in the thunder pool according to a certain direction. Chen Feng quickly played a series of magic formulas, and precious spiritual stones and other materials flew out and merged into the magic weapon. This was to refine the weapon.

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