Eternal Existence

Chapter 1048: Subjugating the True Immortal

"Which area of ​​Changshengtian are you from?" Chen Feng asked calmly.

"What qualifications do you have to interrogate me? Which area are you from?" The Qingjia monk sneered.

Chen Feng did not speak, but flicked his finger, a drop of blood flew out, suddenly scattered, and then condensed into a symbol. Feeling the pressure emanating from this symbol, this intermediate-level true immortal actually retreated again and again.

"Royal family! You are a royal family of the Changsheng clan." The Qingjia monk shouted directly, with shock in his eyes.

"Even if you are a royal family, what can I do? Kill you and merge your blood, and my cultivation talent will improve." A trace of fierceness flashed in the eyes of the Qingjia monk. He made up his mind, and in order to prevent complications, he directly attacked Chen Feng.

In the Qingjia monk's mind, he was a mid-level true immortal, and he had a pseudo-divine weapon in his hand. It was not easy to deal with a little guy, and Chen Feng was born in the royal family and had the Changsheng Tower. This kind of temptation was irresistible to anyone.

Facing the attack, Chen Feng said nothing. He just waved his hand, and the Longevity Tower appeared in front of him. With the appearance of the Longevity Tower, the Qingjia monk's heart skipped a beat.

"The Longevity Tower is mine."

Then the Qingjia monk became even more excited.

In the Changsheng Heaven Realm, only those royal families are qualified to refine the Longevity Tower, and they also need strong strength. For the Qingjia monk, although he is a true immortal, he has only seen the Longevity Tower a few times.

However, the Longevity Tower suddenly exuded a power without substantial attack power, and then the Qingjia monk screamed in fear as if he had seen a ghost. At the same time, the aura on his body began to decline, and his realm began to decline, falling from the middle-level true immortal to the initial level of true immortal.

"It's me, the Longevity Tower is me." The Qingjia monk screamed in fear.

"Don't kneel down." Chen Feng shouted.

The Qingjia monk began to struggle in his eyes, and finally roared, and actually rushed out with a spear in his hand.

If you kneel down, you will be completely controlled by others. As a True Immortal, you must fight hard in any dangerous situation.

"Even the mid-level True Immortal can't get out, not to mention that you are suppressed by the Longevity Tower." Chen Feng said lightly. The Longevity Tower has an innate suppressive effect on all the cultivators in the Longevity Heaven. It is surprisingly effective now. This is because the Longevity Tower has not fully recovered. If it is in its peak state, a thought can make the True Immortal in front of you disappear into ashes, and Chen Feng's strength is not enough.

However, it is enough to deal with the Qingjia cultivator at this time. The two pseudo-artifacts plus the Longevity Tower, at the same time, released power, the Qingjia cultivator's spear flew out, and the whole person fell in front of the Longevity Tower, unable to move.

The tower suddenly stretched out its finger and suddenly clicked, and the Qingjia cultivator's whole body shook, and then returned to normal, but his eyes showed a dead look.

"Please spare my life."

At this moment, even the True Immortal who had practiced for a million years began to beg for mercy.

Because at this time, the Longevity Tower has completely suppressed the opponent, and it can kill the opponent with just one thought.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the spear, and immediately felt that his hands were holding a world.

"Hey, this is a newly refined magic weapon. It is impossible for ordinary immortals to refine magic weapons into pseudo-artifacts. I think you have gained a lot here. Hand over the things on your body. If I am satisfied, maybe I can save your life." Chen Feng said with a smile while holding the spear in his hand.

Since it had two pseudo-artifacts, the Longevity Tower has not taken action for a long time. At this time, it easily suppressed the middle-level immortal. Although it was because it was the original artifact of the Changsheng Heaven Realm, Chen Feng was still a little surprised, that is, the Longevity Tower has recovered some power during this period of time.

The Qingjia monk gritted his teeth and did not speak. As a true immortal who has been wandering in the starry sky for many years, he must have gained a lot, and naturally he was unwilling to take it out.

"It seems that you are unwilling to give up. You have cultivated to the level of True Immortal. Don't you understand some things? You have to wait until things are irreversible." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand and grabbed fiercely. A stream of spirit flew out of the other party's body and was swallowed by Chen Feng.

"Swallowing Heaven Absorption Technique, who are you?" The Qingjia monk was terrified again.

Although the amount of spirit that Chen Feng had just absorbed was not much, it was like a nail of fear nailed into the mind of the Qingjia monk.

After Chen Feng made his move, he did not rest. A black hole with infinite suction appeared in his palm, slowly swallowing the spirit in the other party's body.

"I want to see how long you can hold on." Chen Feng said lightly.

The other party begged for mercy faster than Chen Feng could imagine. Before Chen Feng had enough, the other party compromised and took out the treasures he had collected.

Looking at the treasures piled up in the Changsheng Tower, which were like a mountain, Chen Feng laughed immediately.

"Robbing these True Immortals is a good job. I am afraid that I will not get such a harvest even if I travel in the starry sky for 10,000 years." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng was very generous. He took out a large part of the treasures he got along the way and distributed them to the cultivators of the East Dragon Island Alliance. Chen Feng knew that it would not be so easy to return to the Eternal World next. These cultivators have all become stronger, which can be regarded as his confidence.

"Tell me about your origins." Chen Feng said lightly.

This time, the Qingjia cultivator was no longer arrogant and told everything he knew.

"You are from the Tianyang Department. No wonder you practice the power of the Yang Soul." Chen Feng nodded.

"I understand your story. Now tell me about the Changsheng Heaven Realm."

"It has been 300,000 years since I left the Changsheng Heaven Realm. I don't know what happened recently." Lianhun Zhenxian roughly recounted what happened in Changsheng Heaven Realm when he left.

"Has Changsheng Heaven Realm begun to decline? But I think it is still not comparable to the Immortal Realm." Chen Feng pondered for a long time.

"The Immortal Realm is now expanding rapidly and has become a threat to the heavens." Lianhun Zhenxian continued.

"Okay, now you have two choices. The first is to be killed by me, refined, and your soul is devoured by me. The second is to be loyal to me. I think being loyal to the owner of the Changsheng Tower should be the blessing of your cultivation in your previous life." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Be loyal to you." Lianhun Zhenxian's eyes flashed, and I don't know what he was thinking.

"You have no choice." Chen Feng said lightly. With a wave of his hand, the Changsheng Tower kept circling in his hand. Under the pressure, Lianhun Zhenxian couldn't even think of resisting.

"I am not willing to accept it." Lianhun Zhenxian's voice was a little low.

"Follow me, and you will have a promising future. Otherwise, your body and soul will be destroyed. You only have one breath to think." Chen Feng had already raised the pseudo-artifact spear in his hand, and was about to stab it.

"I am willing to be loyal."

Under the oppression, the Soul Refining Immortal had no choice but to make this choice. A stream of light flew out from his forehead and was collected by Chen Feng. This was the other party's soul mark. After being refined by Chen Feng, this person's life would belong to Chen Feng, and he would not tolerate any resistance.

"Follow me with peace of mind. As long as you make merit, I will return the soul mark to you in the future." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and the pseudo-artifact spear was returned to the other party. Now the other party was completely under his control, and he didn't have to worry about the other party playing any tricks.

After taking over his weapon, the Soul Refining Immortal was silent, and his heart was already depressed to the extreme. If he was subdued by a powerful cultivator, he would feel better, but now his master was actually an immortal.

However, thinking about the owner of the Longevity Tower, the Soul Refining Immortal felt much better.

After subduing the other party, Chen Feng waved his hand and went to the outer space again.

"You have been here for a long time. Does this level of eruption happen from time to time?"

"This is the first time I have encountered this situation. In the past, this Void Cave Heaven would occasionally erupt two or three things, and if there are more, there can be more than ten. This time, it has exceeded hundreds so far." Lianhun Zhenxian said lightly.

"Go ahead, everything you get is yours." Chen Feng said and directly activated the pseudo-artifact to seal the surrounding space, and several treasures were immediately collected.

I don't know how long it took, the whole space suddenly became quiet, the cracks in the Void Cave Heaven had closed, and then disappeared directly into the universe.

"What's going on? This Void Cave Heaven has always existed when I came here. It has not moved for so many years. Why is it gone now?" Venerable Jintu said in surprise.

"I have been guarding here all the time, and there is no abnormal behavior." Lianhun Zhenxian also said so. Without the suppression of the Longevity Tower, this person's cultivation has returned to the level of a mid-level Zhenxian again.

Venerable Jintu and Huoyunlong were extremely surprised that Chen Feng could subdue a True Immortal, but no one asked.

"Since there are no good things here, let's leave here and go deeper." Chen Feng said.

But at this moment, the golden light tore through the space, illuminating the void in all directions. In the blink of an eye, countless golden lightnings swept across Chen Feng and others.

"It's the Void Black Gold Thunder, which can threaten the True Immortal. Could it be that someone sneak attacked us?" The Soul Refining True Immortal said and waved his hand, and a round of golden light flew out, emitting circles of light like the scorching sun, blocking most of the Void Black Gold Thunder.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the starlight flickered, and he collected all the other lightning into the pseudo-artifact. These are all good things for refining magic weapons.

All the golden light was collected by the two, but at this time the cracked starry sky suddenly exploded, and then there was a more dazzling golden light. This time the golden light penetrated the void starry sky, like a golden river appearing in front of everyone.

"It's actually a golden passage. I wonder where it leads to?" Chen Feng and the others were a little surprised.

"I'll check it out." Huoyunlong said as he waved his hand. A fire crow flew out quickly and soon disappeared into the golden passage.

"We've lost contact." Huoyunlong soon shook his head.

"I'll try it too." Dark Qilin said as a black shadow extended from his body and turned into a black stream of light and quickly rushed into the golden passage.

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