Eternal Existence

Chapter 1047: Qingjia Zhenxian

"Soul-soothing spell, you are a cultivator of the Immortal Clan." This thought came out of the Eye of Void, but then the mark in it was erased by Chen Feng.

"Who is the other party? He actually recognized me?" Chen Feng was surprised, and his body shook, locking the other party's breath and chasing after him.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Three light blades flashed by, and the speed was beyond Chen Feng's imagination. Chen Feng dodged two of the attacks, and the third attack still hit Chen Feng, but at this moment the starlight flickered, and the pseudo-artifact exploded, resisting the opponent's attack.

"Who are you, can't you come out to meet me?" Chen Feng sneered, waved his hand, and the brilliant starry sky map unfolded, suppressing the four-sided space.

"Pseudo-artifact!" A shocked voice sounded in the depths of the starry sky.

"Since you don't want to come out, I'm not in a hurry." Chen Feng has locked the other party, but the other party's cultivation is strong, Chen Feng will not rashly contact the other party, as long as he knows the other party's location is enough.

After locking onto the other party, Chen Feng also saw the target this time, the Void Cave Heaven. In Chen Feng's sight, a long crack appeared in the distant void, like a stretched black hole, which could swallow up his sight with just one glance.

This void crack was nothing special, but something kept gushing out of it, some of which were treasures that powerful cultivators wanted to snatch, and this was the mysterious Void Cave Heaven in the universe.

The Dark Kirin and the Fire Cloud Dragon were frantically collecting things that flew to the surrounding starry sky, while the Venerable Jintu and Chen Feng locked onto the cultivator in the dark.

Seeing more and more things being collected by the Dark Kirin and the Fire Cloud Dragon, the cultivator hidden in the dark finally couldn't bear it anymore and took the lead in attacking the Venerable Jintu.

The black soul power broke through the layers of turbulence like lightning, and then suddenly condensed into a blade to cut at the Venerable Jintu.

Obviously, compared to his huge body, the Venerable Jintu's soul was a little weak, which was also part of the reason why he failed to fight with the opponent many times.

"I want to see who the other party is?" Chen Feng used the Changsheng Wing to the extreme and disappeared from the spot in an instant.


A round of scorching sun suddenly rose, and the Venerable Jintu screamed and was blown away. Chen Feng waved his hand, and the chaos chain crisscrossed the void, instantly blocking the 100,000-mile void and blocking the opponent's next attack.

Waves of lightning were transmitted to Chen Feng's hands along the chain, and there were even more bizarre soul attacks.

Snap Snap Snap!

A big hand appeared from the void and suddenly grabbed the chaos chain. Under the powerful destructive force, the chaos chain that had already advanced to the top-grade immortal weapon actually had dense cracks and was about to break.

Chen Feng sneered, and the chaos chain actually began to fork and extend, and at the same time, countless fine needles condensed by the chaos force sprayed around. Don't underestimate these fine needles, each of which can penetrate a small planet.

"Golden Light Ten Thousand-foot Blade."

A ten-thousand-foot-long blade of light condensed by the power of gold cut through the space and slashed fiercely.

"Golden Earth Venerable, you actually found helpers, you are really not afraid of death." The soul-stirring voice continued to echo.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and the soul-suppressing talisman that he had prepared long ago flashed by, expanding rapidly in the space, with the momentum of suppressing the four dimensions and eight wastelands.


However, the opponent just shouted and broke the soul-suppressing talisman that Chen Feng had prepared.

"It's so easy to break, the opponent is good at the soul." Chen Feng said and took out the Eye of Void. The pupil as big as a fist floated in front of Chen Feng, and suddenly it became larger and brighter, and everything was swept away wherever it passed.

A slender monk appeared in Chen Feng's sight.

"Hide and hide, can't you see people?" Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and a condensed energy came out from the Eye of Void, and it flashed in front of the opponent.

"Earth mountain fission."

Mountains appeared out of thin air, and Venerable Jintu attacked more fiercely in order to avenge his hatred.

"Hahahaha, Venerable Jintu, I haven't seen you for these years, and you don't seem to have made any progress." This is a cultivator wearing green armor, with long hair and a resolute face. He stepped forward and punched, shaking the air. Under the surging power, all attacks disappeared.

"Mid-level True Immortal, you have indeed advanced. It seems that you have gained a lot of benefits in these years." Venerable Jintu's eyes were red, which was anger and jealousy. Originally, these things were his.

"There are some benefits. As long as you are willing to become my mount, I can reward you with some treasures." The green armor cultivator laughed.

After hearing this, Venerable Jintu was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Without saying anything, his huge body had already rushed up.

The body of the monster is much stronger than that of the human cultivator. This is the gap between different species.

"Since you don't want to, I will beat you into my mount." The green-armored monk shook his body, and a wooden staff appeared in his hand. The wooden staff was only three feet long, and the green light flowed, just like jade, with some strange patterns flashing on it. With a wave of his hand, the wooden staff turned into tens of thousands of miles and whipped towards the Golden Earth Venerable.

Chen Feng's eyes shrank, staring at the wooden staff.

"It is a magic weapon made of the immortal wood."

"Could this person be related to the Changsheng Heaven Realm, or has he found another Changsheng Tree outside the Changsheng Heaven Realm?" Chen Feng pondered in his heart, but his hands did not stop moving. A galaxy flowed out from his body and then quickly spread out. In just a moment, the void of a million miles was filled with twinkling stars. These stars all existed in a strange order. This is the star array.

The battlefield around has been occupied by the pseudo-artifact of the brilliant star map.

"Pseudo-artifact, star array." The light armor monk's eyes flashed with a strange light.

"This is my territory, why don't you stop." Chen Feng said lightly, waving his hand, the starlight moved quickly, forming a starlight rope, blocking the surroundings, and at the same time, a beast condensed from starlight rushed towards the light armor monk.

"A fake artifact may not be able to trap me." The light-armored monk repelled the Venerable Jintu, and suddenly a spear appeared in his hand. As soon as the spear came out, Chen Feng immediately felt the dazzling golden light, and his heart and soul were pierced.

As soon as this spear was taken out, there was a momentum that pierced the sky.

"Fake artifact." Chen Feng was surprised. He didn't expect that the other party also had a fake artifact in his hand, and it was an attack type.

The green-armored monk swept the spear fiercely, and all the stars around him were shattered and fell. After another sweep, the formation formed by the stars was scattered.

The green-armored monk sneered, took a step forward, and came in front of Chen Feng. The spear in his hand stabbed Chen Feng directly, and the law of truth made Chen Feng completely unable to move.


At this time, the attack of the Venerable Jintu arrived. The body of the Venerable Jintu was a full 100,000 feet. With a roar, a huge golden ball flashed with dazzling light like a huge meteorite illuminating the starry sky. After the golden ball was spit out, the breath of the Venerable Jintu was weakened.

Sure enough, although he had a pseudo-artifact in his hand, the face of the Qingjia monk was still a little solemn. To be honest, the spear in his hand had just been upgraded to a pseudo-artifact, and it was not yet able to truly sweep across the area. Originally, the Qingjia monk thought that it was enough to deal with the Golden Earth Venerable, but there was another monk with a pseudo-artifact, so the Qingjia monk was a little calculative.


The Qingjia monk shouted softly, and the spear in his hand suddenly pointed at the golden ball. At this moment, the entire starry sky turned golden.

Chen Feng's soul was shaken again.

The Golden Earth Venerable was completely desperate and had already used his own origin, and this Qingjia monk of unknown origin also used a pseudo-artifact. This move contained the power of extreme yang and soul attack. This method made Chen Feng secretly shocked, but Chen Feng also took the opportunity to act. The brilliant starry sky map bloomed with starlight again, and the One Yuan True Spirit Map also rushed out of the Yangtze River.

The golden ball broke, and Venerable Jintu was severely injured. The Qingjia monk had a chance to smash the golden ball, but the sense of crisis around him made him shake his body, breaking through the heavy encirclement all the way, piercing the obstruction of two pseudo-artifacts, and rushing out.

"This person actually has two pseudo-artifacts, let's rush out first." The Qingjia monk thought in his heart, and finally rushed out with the long spear in his hand.

However, as soon as he went out, the space in front of him suddenly became heavy, and a nine-story giant tower suddenly suppressed him. This pagoda has the ability to suppress the universe and time and space. As soon as it appeared, the long spear in the hands of the Qingjia monk trembled and made a wailing sound.

"Eternal Life Tower!"

The Qingjia monk showed a look of horror, and then with a bang, he was smashed into the brilliant starry sky map again. Dense cracks appeared all over his body. He struggled hard to prevent his body from collapsing.

The long river and the star map appeared at the same time, heavily suppressing the Qingjia monk. The Qingjia monk screamed, and his body finally collapsed, but soon recovered. However, he was suppressed by two pseudo artifacts and could no longer struggle out.

"Eternal Life Tower, why is there an Eternal Life Tower here? Who are you?" The Qingjia monk roared while struggling, staring at Chen Feng.

"Now is not the time for you to ask questions. Let me ask you, who are you? Are you from the Changsheng Heaven?" Chen Feng came directly in front of the other party and shouted coldly.

"Yes, I am from the Changsheng Heaven, and I am a cultivator of the Changsheng clan." The Qingjia monk slowly calmed down, but Chen Feng knew that the other party was preparing in secret. However, Chen Feng did not worry, but stretched out his hand and grabbed it. A green wooden stick flew out of the other party's body and fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"It is indeed the Changsheng wood, and the refining method is also from the Changsheng clan, but I still need to check it again." Chen Feng said, took out the Slaughter Immortal Sword and slashed it fiercely. A wound appeared on the other party's body, and a drop of blood flew out.

"Tower, check it out."

This drop of blood immediately dissipated after entering the Longevity Tower, but the tower's voice soon came out: "The other party is from the Longevity Clan."

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