Eternal Existence

Chapter 1042: Powerful Beast

"This planet is interesting. The fact that it can be preserved here shows that it is not simple. But I am more concerned about how these immortals got there. Is there any mystery on it?" Chen Feng said with a smile. He stretched out his hand and pointed at the void. The picture of the distant planet became clearer and clearer. Finally, several immortals were trapped in a very strange restriction. Outside the restriction, there was a beast as big as a hill. The beast roared from time to time, and the sound waves were transmitted into the restriction, causing these immortals to be seriously injured.


A stream of light rushed into the restriction, and a true immortal was killed on the spot. His soul was shattered and could not be condensed.

"This beast is very powerful. Its attack contains a strong power of death. It seems that this creature should also be born here, or it is practicing the avenue of death."

"Very powerful, more difficult to deal with than the cultivators of the Soul Devouring Clan just now."

"That's not necessarily true. The attacks of the Soul Devouring Clan are weird. This beast is powerful and has practiced the avenue of death thoroughly. But compared to the weird Soul Devouring Path, I still feel that the beast in front of me is easier to deal with."

Chen Feng and the other two also knew that the other party must have discovered them. After a brief conversation, the three of them showed up.

"Hahahaha, it's very lively here." Huoyunlong laughed.

"Chen Feng, now is not the time to watch. As long as you help us, we will forgive the previous things, and you will have our fairy world as your backing in the future. How about it, you can see our sincerity." One of the immortals in the fairy world saw Chen Feng and the other two appear and immediately said.

"Hahahaha." Chen Feng and the other two looked at each other and laughed immediately, as if they had encountered the funniest thing in their lives.

"I doubt how you guys can cultivate to this level." Chen Feng's face was full of sarcasm.

"First of all, you coveted the magic weapon on me, disregarded your status, and hunted us for several years. If you tell others, you will lose face."

"There were heavy casualties when entering this space, and now you are in danger and ask us to help. Since you are asking us, you should show some sincerity. Do you see the sincerity of the other party?"

In response to Chen Feng's inquiry, Dark Kirin just shook his head, and Huoyunlong laughed: "I didn't see the sincerity of the other party, I just saw that the other party was still so arrogant. He was about to die, but he didn't see the situation clearly."

"Yes, the other party is about to die." Chen Feng said, stretching out his hand, and a wisp of inconspicuous sword energy cut through the starry sky and entered the restriction. Then one of the immortals in the fairy world groaned, the sword energy disappeared, and a deep sword mark appeared on his body.

"Chen Feng, you are looking for death." This man was furious. If it weren't for the restrictions around him, he would have rushed up and fought with Chen Feng.

"This is really a joke. We are in a situation of a life-and-death struggle. It is normal for me to attack you now. What are you talking about?" Chen Feng waved his hand and the rolling sword energy turned into a sword curtain, slashing at the person who was speaking like a thread.


The dark unicorn was also taking advantage of the situation. Of course, they would not let go of such a good opportunity.

Originally, these immortals in the fairy world could not hold on for long under the dual pressure of the restriction and the alien beast. Now they met Chen Feng and the other two, and three of them were killed immediately.

Chen Feng directly used the big handprint and stretched it into the restriction, trying to capture the spirit of the three people, but a burst of cutting power flashed, and the big handprint condensed by Chen Feng was immediately cut and shattered.

"It seems that this planet is not simple." Chen Feng said lightly.

"If you want to enter it to find out, you must first deal with this alien beast."

The three of them stopped attacking as they spoke. At this time, there were still six immortals in the fairy world, and keeping these six people could consume some of the power of the restriction.

Although the six True Immortals understood what Chen Feng and the other two meant, they could not stop because the restrictions around them kept tightening and attacking, and the alien beasts that were watching them from time to time launched some attacks, which meant that if the six True Immortals stopped, they would die. Even so, the six knew that their chances of survival were slim.

With their will to die, these people stimulated their potential and burst out with unprecedented fighting power, causing their restrictions to explode continuously. One of them broke through the defense line and killed the alien beast, leaving a wound on the alien beast. Then the alien beast showed its power and swallowed the man with its mouth.

"The swallowing of the alien beast just now contained the power of the miraculous law of the great way. These True Immortals are doomed." Chen Feng said lightly.

Then the five True Immortals began to burn their origin under the pressure of death, and their strength increased tenfold in a short period of time. The restrictions were almost completely broken. Two of the five True Immortals killed the alien beast, and the other three rushed towards Chen Feng and the other two.

"One for each of us." Chen Feng said calmly, and a galaxy rushed out from behind him, instantly submerging the three people in it. Dark Kirin and Fire Cloud Dragon took the opportunity to kill them.

"It was agreed that one for each of us." Soon, Fire Cloud Dragon retreated with some dissatisfaction.

"You are too slow." Dark Kirin used the Dark Sutra to seal two True Immortals, and the other one was swept away by Chen Feng's galaxy, while Fire Cloud Dragon missed.

As for the two True Immortals who attacked the alien beast, they were no longer visible.

The three of them looked at each other, and then came to the broken planet. As soon as they landed on the ground, they immediately felt many strange things.

"Although this planet is broken, its core is still there, its gravity has not disappeared, and there are faint energy fluctuations, which means that this planet is only broken, not exhausted." Chen Feng's consciousness radiated, and the magnetic pole point and the four pole points began to operate, and the invisible power enveloped the planet.

"This planet contains 99% of strange metals, and it is full of vitality. It is perfect for refining magic weapons." Dark Qilin said.

"There won't be the power of the origin of the universe here." Chen Feng's heart moved at this time, and his consciousness formed a cone and drilled into the interior of the planet, but it was blocked by layers of power soon.

At this time, the strange beast also came in front of the three people.

"What kind of strange beast is this."

"I don't know. The species of strange beasts in the universe can be counted in billions. This strange beast is cultivating the power of the earth on the surface, but the power of gold is condensing in its body. I think this guy wants to sneak attack us." Dark Qilin sent a message to Chen Feng and Huoyunlong.

"There must be good things on this planet." Chen Feng said as he stamped his feet heavily, the power of the magic weapon strengthened himself, and the power was transmitted into the interior of the planet layer by layer.

The huge planet shook without hesitation, and Chen Feng found several different places.

"I'll go and take a look." Chen Feng's figure flashed and disappeared on the spot. The strange beast wanted to chase but was stopped by the dark unicorn and the fire cloud dragon.

"Human, you are looking for death." With the fluctuation of the soul of the strange beast, layers of restrictions were derived from the underground and the surrounding space, and the dark unicorn and the fire cloud dragon were surrounded again. Then the body of the strange beast quickly shrank to the size of a human, and punched forward. The earth-yellow fist force hit the two people like a mountain, and at the same time a golden light blade slashed at Chen Feng in the distance.

"Sure enough, the power of gold is condensed in the dark." Chen Feng was already 100,000 miles away at this time. The opponent's attack arrived instantly. Chen Feng's figure flashed and drilled into a huge hole.

Then the light blade slashed on the ground, leaving a deep gully.


The entire planet was riddled with holes. Chen Feng entered one of the caves at this time. As soon as he entered, he felt the faint fluctuations transmitted from the depths of the cave. Chen Feng did not think much and immediately entered. Soon he found a huge underground cave that seemed natural, and a teleportation array that had been preserved for an unknown period of time.

After seeing the teleportation array, Chen Feng's eyes lit up, but he quickly shifted his gaze, because Chen Feng had already noticed that the teleportation array was completely damaged. It would take time to repair it, and he didn't know where it led to.

What really attracted Chen Feng was a golden light bead not far away. It was simply floating in a space, with countless runes flowing around it. Chen Feng only took a glance to see that the golden light bead was absorbing the power of the surroundings and even the entire planet.

"It is a golden bead born from the power of gold. It absorbs the power of gold, strengthens itself and produces spirituality. However, the golden bead in front of us is of high enough grade and spirituality. Even the true immortals want to snatch it, but it has not given birth to real spiritual wisdom, and it also lacks some nourishment of the power of heavenly thunder." Chen Feng said, waving his hand and grabbing the golden bead in his hand.

The moment the golden bead was in his hand, Chen Feng heard the angry roar from the strange beast. At the same time, a flexible golden light slashed towards Chen Feng along the cave.


Chen Feng waved his hand and threw the golden bead out. The golden light was thousands of feet long. Under the slash of the opponent's light blade, the golden bead exploded and turned into a little bit of golden power. Chen Feng gathered it and swallowed it all into the golden cave. This golden bead was enough to expand Chen Feng's golden cave several times, and an immortal weapon was upgraded by one grade.

So Chen Feng's heart became even more fiery. Chen Feng thought that there should be other golden beads on this planet.

Chen Feng flew out of the cave, ran quickly on the planet, and entered other gullies and caves from time to time. Sure enough, he got another golden bead soon.

The dark unicorn and the fire cloud dragon could no longer resist. After seriously injuring the two, the strange beast set up a ban and began to chase Chen Feng.

With a flash of starlight, Chen Feng came to the forbidden area. The One Yuan True Spirit Diagram turned into a long river and rushed to break the forbidden area, saving Dark Kirin and Fire Cloud Dragon.

"Chen Feng, what good things did you find? If we don't get anything, we will lose a lot." Fire Cloud Dragon said dissatisfiedly.

Dark Kirin and Fire Cloud Dragon were seriously injured. If it weren't for the protection of the Dark Sutra, they might have followed the fate of the True Immortals in the Immortal Realm before. This strange beast with an unknown name is too powerful.

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