Eternal Existence

Chapter 1041: Killing the True Immortal

"What, fake artifacts? Doesn't this mean there are eight fake artifacts? When did the fake artifacts become so worthless? Besides, the other party has such a good thing and wants to steal the magic weapon from me." Chen Feng said in surprise.

"It's not a pseudo-artifact. I just said it's equivalent to a pseudo-artifact."

"What difference does it make?"

"The difference is huge. Let's just say that the little guy in front of me cannot use these eight stone pillars to exert the power of pseudo-artifacts."

"I don't understand what you mean." Chen Feng's mind moved, and the Immortal Sword of Slaughter flew out, striking the chains around him with a series of slashes.

The Immortal Sword of Slaughter is indeed the best immortal weapon. It is powerful and contains the intention of killing and cutting. It can easily break through other immortal weapons. At this time, when Chen Feng activated it, the light of the sword surged, and the chains around him unexpectedly Cut off inch by inch.

Chen Feng and An Qilin regained their freedom, but the fluctuations emanating from the stone pillars once again traumatized their souls, and then new chains appeared and tied them up again.

"Why is it this move again?" Chen Feng felt helpless. He activated the Slaughter Fairy Sword to cut off the chains and then slashed at the black-robed monk in the river.

As long as Chen Feng wants to kill this person, everything will be over.


And the dark unicorn disappeared immediately after escaping, hiding in the darkness, ready to attack at any time.

Sure enough, the black-robed monk let out a scream, which was because he was hit by Chen Feng's attack, and then Shizhu launched a third wave of attacks.

This time Chen Feng was prepared. The soul-suppressing talisman formed from the power of the Eternal Life Tower calmed Chen Feng's mind, allowing Chen Feng to smoothly block this attack.



Chen Feng and An Qilin launched attacks at the same time. Chen Feng used the Slaughter Fairy Sword, while An Qilin still used the previous Extreme Night Qilin Slash. This time, the black-robed monk was so heartbroken that his entire body was cut. It shattered, and a group of black true spirits flew out from the long river and quickly escaped into the distance.

"It's not that easy to leave at this time." The other party's body was injured, and now is the best time to eliminate the root cause.

However, Chen Feng still underestimated the energy that a true immortal could unleash in the face of death. The black-robed monk's true spirit penetrated into a stone pillar, and then eight stone pillars burst into light at the same time, hitting Chen Feng hard. and An Qilin.

Regardless of the result, the eight stone pillars disappeared quickly. It was obvious that the black-robed monk had been severely injured and had no intention of staying and continuing to fight.

But in this situation, Chen Feng and An Qilin didn't want to let each other go. The monks of the Soul-Eating Clan and eight strange stone pillars that were comparable to pseudo-artifacts were enough for the two of them to take risks.

However, before Chen Feng and An Qilin could move, two sword gangs came towards them, one on the left and the other on the right.


The Immortal Sword of Slaughter flew into the sky and shattered one sword gang, while the other sword gang was taken care of by the dark unicorn.

Two true immortals from the immortal world appeared in front of them wearing bright silver armor. Chen Feng's eyes flashed and he saw two more streams of light disappearing in the distance, and that direction was where the black-robed monks of the Soul-Eating Clan disappeared. place.

Chen Feng and An Qilin looked at each other with interesting expressions in their eyes, and someone actually paid attention to the black-robed monk.

Relatively speaking, among the monks of the same realm, the Soul Eater clan was much more perverted. When Chen Feng thought about it, although the black-robed monks' bodies were shattered, they were only two true immortals in the immortal world, and they would still end up dead.

As for the true immortals in front of them, if there are only two of them, they will still die. The other party's plan of mantis hunting cicada will definitely be disappointed.

"It's not easy. You were able to catch up here, but it looks like you suffered heavy losses. After all, there is no fake artifact to protect you." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After listening to Chen Feng's words, the expressions of the two true immortals in the immortal world became even more unkind. Indeed, after entering this space, they did not gain much, but several true immortals were lost here.

These people were worried and resentful towards Chen Feng.

I saw Chen Feng fighting with the monks whose origins were unknown before. These true immortals had been hiding in the dark. Now seeing that both sides were harmed, they immediately rushed out to take advantage.

So the two of them didn't want to talk nonsense with Chen Feng and immediately launched an attack. Both of them were swordsmen with powerful attack power and strong killing aura. Chen Feng and An Qilin did not dare to be careless. An Qilin used the Dark Scripture to attack. , Chen Feng waved his hand, the pseudo-artifact was activated, and the bright starlight laid a thick and deep barrier for the two of them.

After a few rounds of fighting, the black light flashed, and the two true immortals were sealed into the dark scripture.

"The appearance of less than ten true immortals is simply to die." Chen Feng said lightly, and took out the Eye of the Void. With the cooperation of the Eye of the Void and the Dark Demonic Eyes, his faint gaze penetrated the layers of space, even the chaos here. No force can stop it.


Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and the power of the void and the power of darkness struck out at the same time. Tens of thousands of miles away from Chen Feng, the starry sky shook, and two true immortals revealed themselves.


A meteor flew by, and the two of them were immediately seriously injured. Just as they were about to escape, they were swept up by a long river and disappeared.

"Facing the true immortals of the Soul-Eating Clan, we almost suffered a loss together. Now one against two, it's easy. There is still a big gap between the true immortals in the immortal world and the true immortals in the heavens, let alone the best in the heavens. "The soul-eating heaven." Chen Feng said lightly. With the help of the magic weapon, Chen Feng was not surprised at all when he defeated the two true immortals.

Looking far away again, he soon saw the fleeing black-robed monk being caught up, and then the two true immortals from the fairy world struggled for a while, and their soul power was swallowed up. At the moment before death, there was still fear in their eyes. In Chen Feng's opinion, these two people may not know anything about the Soul Devouring Clan. After all, the Soul Devouring Heaven has been destroyed for tens of millions of years, or even longer. These true immortals from the fairy world can only practice for a million years at most.

"These true immortals from the fairy world did not gather together. In this kind of departure, separation symbolizes death."

"They were chasing us before. If we meet them again now, we should fight back and kill them."


The light wave condensed by the power of death swept over from a distance again. After Chen Feng felt the crisis, he immediately hid in the star map with Dark Kirin.

Next, the pseudo-artifact vibrated, and dense cracks appeared. A large amount of death power gushed in. Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it. A trace of death entered his body. The death hole was agitated and began to devour and refine these death powers.

"I have refined a part of the power of death now, and I think I can sense the source of the power of death." Chen Feng said secretly.

"If I can absorb more power of death, even if the opponent is a celestial being, I can still get in front of him." This is what Chen Feng thought in his heart.

This wave of impact passed quickly, and the brilliant star map still resisted it. Chen Feng collected a large amount of death energy again.

"This is not a solution. The death power emitted alone can damage the pseudo-artifact. I remember that the celestial being does not seem to have this kind of power." Chen Feng was a little confused. In Chen Feng's memory, pseudo-artifacts can kill celestial beings.

"Pseudo-artifacts also have strengths and weaknesses, and celestial beings have even more strengths and weaknesses. Besides, the cultivators who activate magic weapons have even more strengths and weaknesses." Ta said lightly.

Chen Feng was silent and nodded: "I understand."

"If I can really get the corpse of a celestial being, hey, I can open the sixth floor of the tower. As long as I can get the power of my body in it, it will not be a problem to fight against the celestial being in the future." Ta was full of pride.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy." Chen Feng hit the tower very straightforwardly.

"The path of cultivation is not easy."

"Hey, don't say these useless things, let's prove your ability with actual actions next."

"I want to impact the realm of true immortals." At this time, Huoyunlong suddenly came to Chen Feng.

"You." Chen Feng looked at Huoyunlong, not understanding what stimulated Huoyunlong.

"No, you are not strong enough now." Chen Feng was indeed right. Huoyunlong had just passed the tribulation before, and now he passed the tribulation again and promoted to true immortals. Chen Feng's first feeling was disbelief.

"Look at me again." Huoyunlong was somewhat dissatisfied with Chen Feng's attitude.

"Let me take a look." Chen Feng used the pupil technique and began to observe Huoyunlong. He really saw the problem. Huoyunlong was like a compressed furnace, with flames rolling inside and the power of fire running wild. The whole person gave people a very dangerous feeling.


Chen Feng exclaimed in surprise, his eyes were bright again, and he said, "I didn't expect you to completely melt and absorb the fire source seed. Now your body is stronger than some spirit bodies. No wonder you have to pass the tribulation, but I still suggest that you polish and refine it for a while."

"Yes, I also suggest that you practice for a while. The fire source seed of the Flame World is not an ordinary thing. Some divine objects can't compare to it. Since you can completely refine and absorb it, you will have a bright future in the future. However, it will take some time to settle down after refining." Dark Kirin also said on the side.

"I know what you said, but I am impatient. Seeing you kill the real immortals in the fairy world one by one, I also want to take action." Huoyunlong smiled bitterly.

"If you want to take action, you can. Wait until you find a cultivator from the Soul Devouring Clan and let you take action." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Forget it, that person is too weird, I can't deal with him."

"After entering here, I have a feeling that we don't know when we can get out next. Maybe I will pass the tribulation here, so don't worry. Once your realm is stable, I will find a way to break the time and space confinement here." Chen Feng said.

"Look, there are some interesting things outside." At this time, Huoyunlong suddenly laughed.

The brilliant star map turned into a meteor and kept flashing in the starry sky. Not far from the star map, there was a broken planet. At this time, the planet was still shaking violently during the flight. In Chen Feng's eyes, there were several true immortals trapped in it, and there were also huge monsters. Then the three of them felt the power fluctuations transmitted from the broken planet.

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