Eternal Existence

Chapter 1043: Venerable Gold Earth

"One for each of you." Chen Feng waved his hand, and Dark Kirin and Huoyunlong each had a golden bead in their hands.

"Golden bead." Dark Kirin and Huoyunlong recognized the objects in their hands almost at the same time.

Dark Kirin inherited the Dark Scripture, and Huoyunlong came from the fairy world and was also knowledgeable.

"This golden bead is a priceless treasure for the cultivators who practice the Great Way of Gold. For me, it is just to refine other magic weapons." Huoyunlong said and put the golden bead away.

"It's a bit of a loss, my injuries are too serious."

"This injury is nothing to you. There should be other good things on this planet. The most important thing at the moment is to deal with the alien beast." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the stars flickered. A galaxy suddenly exploded and turned into a star curtain with bright stars, trying to block the alien beast rushing over.


Two golden lights broke through the star curtain and slashed towards Chen Feng with undiminished force. This strange beast was extremely angry with Chen Feng and only wanted to kill him.

Chen Feng quickly ascended to the immortal realm with the Immortal Sword of Slaughter in his hand. After flashing twice, he shattered the two golden lights.

"It's my turn now. I will stop this strange beast. You go find treasures, but be careful. This planet is still a bit strange. There may be other dangers." Chen Feng said as he stepped on the long river, his body was covered with starlight, holding the immortal sword, and his figure flashed, blocking the strange beast.

"You should be careful." Dark Kirin and Fire Cloud Dragon looked at each other and then separated. They disappeared in the blink of an eye. In their opinion, Chen Feng had a pseudo-artifact to protect himself. Even if he couldn't kill this strange beast, he would have no problem protecting himself.

In fact, it was true. Chen Feng was certainly not the opponent of the beast that could kill the True Immortal, but relying on the Brilliant Starry Sky Map and the One Yuan True Spirit Map, it was still no problem for him to entangle the other party. If Chen Feng was not strong enough, he would have been almost taken in by the other party several times. After several confrontations, the beast began to be cautious and no longer careless in the face of Chen Feng. Chen Feng was entangled tightly, and it was impossible for the beast to leave even if he wanted to. He could only roar angrily twice after fighting. However, Chen Feng also found that this beast quickly calmed down and began to concentrate on fighting with him. It seemed that he was not very worried about the actions of An Qilin and the others.

"Is there really a danger on this planet?" Chen Feng began to worry in his heart. The space here is really dangerous enough. If you are not careful, the True Immortal will die in it.

"This beast elder, why bother to fight with us to death? We came here just to need some things, and I think this space is very vast. Wouldn't it be better if everyone joined forces to explore together?" Chen Feng's figure shook, dodged the opponent's attack and said with a smile.

"This is my territory, this planet is mine. If you outsiders leave immediately, I will not pursue the previous matter. Even if those golden beads are given to you, if you still want to push it, I have plenty of ways to kill you." The answer of the strange beast made Chen Feng sneer secretly.

"It's just a planet. It shouldn't be a big deal compared to the corpse of the celestial being." Chen Feng said with a smile, and the chaos chain circled around him, moving around and blocking all attacks.

"How do you know this?" The face of the strange beast changed.

"I have a way to collect the corpse of the celestial being. What do you think? If it's not cooperation, I'm not afraid of you if we really fight. You should think about it carefully. Instead of both sides losing, it's better to join forces to get greater benefits." Chen Feng quickly retreated and floated on a meteorite.

The strange beast looked uncertain, and it was obvious that Chen Feng's words had worked.

"I don't trust you. I don't believe you can get close to the corpse of the celestial being." The strange beast said slowly.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and a trace of death energy was drawn from the space, fell into Chen Feng's hands and disappeared. These death energy that could corrode everything had no effect on Chen Feng at all.

Seeing this scene, the beast's expression flickered again.

"Although you have a magic weapon, I still doubt you because your realm is too low. Let's do this. As long as you can do me a favor, I can give you this planet." The beast said.

"This planet is very precious. I am now curious about what you need my help with." Chen Feng smiled.

"Help me kill a cultivator."

"There are others in this space." Chen Feng's eyes flashed.

"There are many."



The two sides reached an agreement, and a dazzling light burst out from the beast's body. The whole planet began to vibrate, and countless energy fluctuations emerged from the planet, with lines crisscrossing and runes flashing, all of which merged into a stream and drilled into the beast's body.

Soon, the planet returned to calm again, and the dark unicorn and the fire cloud dragon also returned to Chen Feng.

"I have taken away all the restrictions on this planet. From now on, this planet is yours." The strange beast said lightly.

Chen Feng smiled and waved his hand, and the planet disappeared. At this time, the planet did not enter the pseudo-artifact, but was taken into the Longevity Tower. Although he had mastered the two pseudo-artifacts for a while, Chen Feng still trusted the Longevity Tower the most. After all, the two pseudo-artifacts have not been fully mastered. If something unexpected happens, it will be a big loss.

Seeing the planet disappear in front of him, the strange beast also sighed. This planet is very strange. He has obtained it for tens of thousands of years but has not been completely refined. Some of the mysterious places have not been explored by himself.

But thinking about what he had to do next, the alien beast calmed down again.

"But before I help you kill people, you also need to help me kill a few people. Of course, the more strength you use, the greater the benefits will be." Chen Feng suddenly said with a smile.

The alien beast said calmly: "No problem."

"One more question, Chen Feng, what do you call me senior?"

"Senior, if you don't dare, you can call me Lord Gold and Earth."

"Venerable Gold and Earth, he is worthy of his name." Chen Feng secretly smiled in his heart.

Just as the two of them were talking, several monks had already appeared around them. They were the true immortals from the immortal world who had been chasing Chen Feng and others. When these people discovered Chen Feng, they had also been captured by Chen Feng. After discovering this, he made the decision to ask Venerable Jintu to help. However, Venerable Jintu did not take these foreign monks seriously. Besides, killing these true immortals can also yield some gains.

"The one who is going to die is here. Since we need to cooperate next, we should rehearse now."

As Chen Feng spoke, the stars around him shone, and the rivers of stars and nebulae made up for it. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding space turned into a real starry sky, and the true immortals in the immortal world were shrouded.

"Do it!"

Dark Qilin and Fire Cloud Dragon disappeared into the starry sky at the same time. Lord Jintu hesitated for a moment, secretly made up his mind, and followed them with gritted teeth.

The process was very simple. Under the suppression of the pseudo-artifact used by Chen Feng, it was easy for these three people to deal with the real immortals in the immortal world. Fire Cloud Dragon killed one person, Dark Qilin sealed two people, and Chen Feng secretly used a ball of true spirit diagrams. One person was swept away, while the alien beast Golden Earth Master killed five people in one breath, and the other three used secret techniques to escape desperately.

Chen Feng had some feelings about this result. He and others were chased all the way by the other party before, but now I am afraid that most of the immortals in the immortal world have been killed or injured. The most important thing is that the two sides did not engage in any bloody battle.

"It can be said that these immortal soldiers are unlucky. They put their greed on me, but if we had not encountered this place, I am afraid we would still be wandering in the starry sky." Chen Feng said with emotion.

"Master Jintu, now it's time to talk about who we are going to deal with next." When Chen Feng asked this question, he saw a strange look flashing deep in the other person's eyes, and there seemed to be fear in it. .

"Yes, senior, you are not afraid that we will take advantage and run away." Huo Yunlong said from the side.

An Qilin nodded, obviously agreeing with Huo Yunlong's view.

"If you knew how many treasures there are in this space, you would understand what I did before. Compared with what I am going to get next, that planet is nothing at all, but I am also betting that you will be with me. Cooperate and make a bet that you can exert the power I need next. If you deceive me, hehe, I will kill you even if I chase you to the end of the universe." Lord Jintu said calmly.

"I'm afraid you don't have that ability." Huo Yunlong said unhappily.

"Okay, since we are an alliance, let's talk about something specific next. We are new here and don't know much about the situation here. I hope you can explain it to us." Chen Feng said.

"This space is very large. I used to be a wanderer in the stars. I have been in this space for 300,000 years, but my understanding of this place is far from enough. I even say it is just a superficial fragment."

"But I can tell you for sure that there are corpses of immortals here, and there are more than one. This is also the reason why the power of death here is getting stronger and stronger, and also the reason why many outsiders have been damaged here."

"More than one." Chen Feng and the other two looked at each other.

"Are you sure you are an angel?"

"Confirm! I have seen three corpses with my own eyes, a human monk, a monster body, and a huge cosmic beast. But the pressure on the other party is too strong, and I can't get close." Speaking of this gold Lord Tu paused for a moment, seeming to be recalling the past.

"How could such a thing happen?" Chen Feng secretly asked Ta. Ta thought for a moment and said, "I did sense two pieces of immortal power, but the two sides were far apart from each other. I didn't sense the third corpse. But what this strange beast said should be true."

"So there are other powerful monks and strange beasts in this space?" Dark Qilin asked.

"Yes, hehe, if you really want to talk about it, there are many beings stronger than me in this space. I am only ranked in the middle and lower reaches, and the place I am in is also a peripheral area. There are not many treasures. It is said that there are some in the depths of the space. A treasure more precious than the corpse of an immortal." Venerable Jintu had a fiery look in his eyes.

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