Eternal Existence

Chapter 1040 Eight Stone Pillars

This time, a tiger demon came out. As soon as it came out, a shock wave was generated. Wherever the sound wave passed, clear circles of ripples appeared. Chen Feng waved his hand and blocked the phantom demon leopard outside.

Then the phantom demon leopard struggled and screamed violently, with hair standing on end, and cracks began to appear on its solid body.

"Tiger roar shock wave." Chen Feng shook his hand, and the chaos chain tightened suddenly. The phantom demon leopard exploded and turned into a blood shadow. Then Chen Feng moved his feet, and the chaos chain blocked in front of him in circles, accumulating into a copper wall.


Next, the wall exploded, and the chaos chain flew back and drilled into Chen Feng's body and disappeared, but then drilled out from behind Chen Feng again, shaking and spinning again, preparing to attack again.

Chen Feng waved his long sword and used the immortal step to fight with the tiger demon that pounced on him. In terms of combat power and realm, Chen Feng was far behind the true immortal. Of course, because of the protection of the magic weapon, Chen Feng was already invincible.

However, the other party had eight stone pillars. When the black-robed monk saw Chen Feng was surrounded, his face was somewhat relaxed. In the black-robed monk's opinion, as long as these eight stone pillars came out, even if Chen Feng had a pseudo-artifact, he would not be able to rush out.

The black-robed monk was not in a hurry, and Chen Feng was not in a hurry either. In fact, Chen Feng was looking forward to another wave of death energy passing through, and it would be even better to kill the other party.

However, after another monster flew out of the third stone pillar, Chen Feng became a little nervous. It was a huge bear monster that slapped Chen Feng with a slap. The pseudo-artifact vibrated violently. If it weren't for the buffering effect of the One Yuan True Spirit Diagram, Chen Feng would be affected and hurt.

"This is not a solution. The other party has a total of eight stone pillars. If each stone pillar releases a true fairy-level monster, I will be trapped here and can't get out." Chen Feng began to worry at this time.

However, in the following fight, they were always facing the bear monster and the tiger monster, and nothing else appeared. Chen Feng guessed in his heart, and then secretly burst out the power of the Longevity Tower and the One Yuan True Spirit Map, smashed the tiger monster and put it into the magic weapon.

Then, the stone pillar flickered, and a dragon roared and rushed out.

"So that's what happened. This Soul Devouring Clan cultivator can only activate two stone pillars at the same time. If so, the danger is not great." Chen Feng calculated in his heart.

"I say, my friend from the Soul Devouring Clan, let's talk. I have a magic weapon to protect myself, and you can't do anything to me." Chen Feng took two attacks and chopped the bear monster away with a sword.

"There's nothing to talk about. What I want is the magic weapon on you." The black-robed monk said coldly.

"There's something I didn't tell you. I have a way to pass on the news here. Think about it, if others know that the Soul Devouring Clan cultivator appears here, what will happen?" Chen Feng suddenly said.

"This space is very mysterious. I don't believe you can pass the message."

"Don't forget that I come from the Changsheng clan, and I have the Changsheng Tower in my hand. It's no problem to pass the message to the Changsheng heaven."

"If that's the case, I'll kill him even more." The black-robed monk's eyes were filled with murderous intent. With a flicker of his body, he actually joined the battle group. The invisible soul power condensed into a sharp cone and rushed towards Chen Feng.

"Hmph!" Chen Feng groaned, his face pale, and he retreated repeatedly. After practicing the soul-soothing spell, Chen Feng felt that his soul power could surpass most monks and could kill the enemy across levels. However, facing the monks of the Soul Devouring clan, he felt that the grade of his soul power was still too low. The level of the Fire of Life was barely enough, but the quantity was far behind.

"Since you don't know what's good for you, then you will definitely die today." The black-robed monk repeatedly performed secret techniques, trying to devour Chen Feng's soul power. Three to one, Chen Feng began to be in danger.

"Tower, do you think I can devour the opponent's soul power in turn?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Of course, I can do both the Devouring Magic Art and the Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Art, but your realm is too low. I won't say much. As long as your realm is raised by two more levels, you don't have to be afraid of the opponent. Now, there is still a gap. If it weren't for the power of the magic weapon, you would have been swallowed by the opponent long ago." Tower said lightly.

"Then what should I do now?" This is what Chen Feng is most concerned about.

"Hey, you can't deal with the opponent with the help of two pseudo-artifacts, what can I say about you." Tower said disdainfully.

"You also know that my strength is low now, and I can't exert the power of these two pseudo-artifacts at all." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly.

"If I can't even deal with this true immortal, I'm afraid I won't get the benefits that come next."

"Benefits, what benefits?" Chen Feng asked hurriedly.

"Of course it's the corpse of a celestial being."

"Is there really a corpse of a celestial being?"

"I don't know whether there is one or not, but I have already felt the power of the Law of Heaven."

"The Law of Heaven." Chen Feng was excited at first, and then silent. The Law of Heaven is the great law condensed by the celestial being. Since the tower said that he felt it, it should not be wrong.

"Although the gap in realm cannot be made up, with the help of the pseudo-artifact, we should be able to fight with the opponent." Chen Feng said as he put away all the chaos chains and long swords, and waved his hand, and a little starlight condensed on his fingers.

Then he waved his hand again, and a long river rushed out, staring at the black-robed monk and moving forward. The starlight was transformed from the brilliant starry sky map, and the river was transformed from the one-yuan true spirit map. At this time, Chen Feng used a risky move, which was not to use these two to protect himself. Only in this way could he exert the opponent's full power.


The starlight penetrated the bear monster, and the long river transformed from the one-yuan true spirit map washed and submerged the black-robed monk, making it impossible for the opponent to rush out for a while.

However, at this time, the dragon came in front of Chen Feng and hit Chen Feng heavily. Then Chen Feng flew backwards, and the sound of broken bones on his body sounded in a series. With a bang, he actually hit one of the stone pillars, and the stone pillar shook. Then a huge golden wolf monster rushed out, opened its mouth, and bit Chen Feng's shoulder.

"It turns out that these eight stone pillars can operate by themselves after being arranged." Chen Feng punched the wolf demon with his backhand, but the wolf demon did not move at all, and its sharp fangs pierced Chen Feng's body.

"I haven't been so miserable for a long time." Feeling the strange power destroying the vitality in his body, Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

"Midnight Kirin Slash." At this time, a sharp blade condensed by black light suddenly appeared and slashed heavily on the wolf demon. Black light flowed on the blade, and there was a Kirin image roaring continuously on it. Chen Feng easily felt the pure dark power and wild cutting power contained in it.

Then the wolf demon was cut into two pieces, but the upper half was still biting Chen Feng. At this level, creatures may not die even if they are cut into pieces.

However, the attack of Dark Kirin was a great opportunity for Chen Feng at this time. The Immortal Sword of Slaughter suddenly emerged from Chen Feng's body and directly pierced through the top of the wolf demon's head. Chen Feng finally regained his freedom, but the chaotic power in his body could not be dispelled for a while.

"Are you okay?" Dark Kirin appeared in front of Chen Feng, holding a black sharp blade and blocking the bear demon that rushed over. Dark Kirin roared, and the bear demon hesitated, was shocked, and showed a look of fear in his eyes. He actually began to retreat continuously, and finally turned into a stream of light and drilled into the stone pillar again.

"Huh! There is such a situation." Chen Feng was a little surprised. There was something more surprising next. After the bear demon disappeared, only another monster appeared. However, Chen Feng had not seen clearly what kind of monster the other party looked like. The other party turned into a stream of light and returned to the stone pillar again.

Then the Dark Kirin roared, and Chen Feng felt that the Dark Kirin did not release the dark power, but only the powerful monster aura, and then the stone pillar trembled a few times and then quieted down.

"Retreating in front of the Dark Kirin, is it because of the bloodline? This is too fake." Chen Feng's expression was somewhat wonderful.

Seeing the other party retreat, the Dark Kirin showed a proud and complacent look on his face. Indeed, in terms of biological race rank, the Dark Kirin is much higher than the other party. Even if it faces a real dragon, it will not be at a disadvantage. Of course, this is also because the Dark Kirin is strong enough. If the Dark Kirin is not in the realm of true immortals, these monsters will probably rush up and tear the Dark Kirin to pieces.

"I want to see what other means this Soul Devouring Clan cultivator has." Without the interference of other monsters, Chen Feng began to have other plans in his mind. With a wave of his hand, the starlight hit the black-robed monk in the river.


Then there was a scream. The black-robed monk was hit by the brilliant starry sky map, and his body was almost shattered. He wanted to escape but was bound by a long river transformed by a group of true spirit maps. The crisis of death enveloped his mind. The black-robed monk felt that he seemed to have made some mistakes this time.

"Before I cooperated with you, you wanted to kill me. I didn't expect the final result to be beyond your expectations. I don't really want to kill you. As long as you hand over half of your soul power for me to devour." Chen Feng attacked the other party while paralyzing him with words.

"Little earth immortal, a person like an ant, do you think you can challenge me, a real immortal, with a few magic weapons? I have thousands of means, and any one of them can make you want to die." The black-robed monk calmed down and looked at Chen Feng indifferently, while Chen Feng felt a sense of crisis.

The eight stone pillars still stood around, but Chen Feng clearly felt a strong vitality colliding from the stone pillars, as if these stone pillars were living things, and then waves of fluctuations emanated from the eight stone pillars. Chen Feng immediately felt dizzy and his body began to ache. When Chen Feng's soul fire burned and dispelled these strange feelings, he felt that his hands and feet had been tied up by chains when he recovered. Looking at the dark unicorn, like himself, he was also tightly entangled by chains.

"What kind of trick is this?" Chen Feng was a little shocked.

"These eight stone pillars are a very strange magic weapon. If they are classified according to the grade level, each one is equivalent to a pseudo-artifact." The voice of the tower sounded in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

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