Eternal Existence

Chapter 1037: Strange Space

"Let's leave here first. I have a feeling that something is wrong." Chen Feng frowned and said.

Boom! Boom!

At this moment, the void vibrated, and the surrounding space was completely blocked. A war spear and a long sword were infinitely enlarged, and they attacked Chen Feng and the other two from the left and right.

It was the immortals from the fairy world who arrived.

"I've been waiting for you." Chen Feng said as he flicked his fingers, and the two groups of starlight separated, trying to block the opponent's attack. However, the starlight splashed, and the war spear and the long sword slowed down and rushed towards Chen Feng.


Chen Feng's whole person flashed and disappeared on the spot. Then a huge fire dragon roared and attacked in all directions. As for the dark unicorn, it disappeared the moment the opponent's attack appeared.

One, two, three, a total of ten immortals were scattered around, and four immortals blocked the void. This time the opponent finally caught up, and the opportunity was rare, so they wanted to catch Chen Feng and the other three together.

"Night is coming."

Only Chen Feng could hear the voice of the Dark Kirin. The originally chaotic void suddenly became dark. This was the secret technique in the Dark Sutra. It was not just darkness. The feeling of suffocation could block even the consciousness of a person. As for the roaring fire dragon, it suddenly disappeared without a sound or form.

Of course, all this was aimed at the immortals in the fairy world. Chen Feng and Huoyunlong were not affected at all.

"Scorching Sun!"

A real immortal in the fairy world shouted softly, and the sound waves dispersed the black curtain around him. A little starlight began to burn, and then suddenly expanded, illuminating the world.

"Open the sky!"

One person waved a long sword, and the black curtain around him was cut into pieces.

"Vertical and horizontal!" Someone else directly punched and used the secret technique. In short, these real immortals used various means to break the black curtain set up by the Dark Kirin.

However, Dark Kirin's move also blocked everyone's senses for a short time. Chen Feng and Huoyunlong took the opportunity to attack. One of them had just recovered and was tied up by the Chaos Chain before he could see the situation in front of him clearly. Then he was cut into two by the Slaughter Immortal Sword. The man screamed and tried to close his broken body. The next moment, he was pulled into the Brilliant Starry Sky Map by Chen Feng and suppressed.

As for Huoyunlong, he also attacked and seriously injured one person.

But it could only stop there. Then several True Immortals joined forces to attack. After just one attack, Chen Feng and the other two were immediately seriously injured.

If the three people had not been blessed with the power of the pseudo-artifact, they would probably have been blown up directly.

Just as Chen Feng was thinking about rushing out with the help of the power of the pseudo-artifact, he heard a scream, and the two True Immortals in the Immortal Realm suddenly exploded and their bodies were shattered.

As soon as the pressure was relieved, Chen Feng saw two gray dragons violently attacking. Their huge bodies kept colliding, killing two True Immortals and knocking two more away.

"Good opportunity, let's go." Chen Feng and the other two immediately seized the opportunity and rushed out in the chaos, but before leaving, they also collected the true spirits of the two true immortals that had not completely dissipated.

"These are all good things, more precious than the true immortal's blood essence, and after refining, they will increase the power of my soul." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I'm not as perverted as you. Even a drop of true immortal blood essence requires me to refine for a period of time, and there are risks." Huoyunlong said this with a hint of envy in his eyes. Huoyunlong came from the Flame World and later ascended to the Immortal Realm. He was very envious and jealous of these cultivators from the heavenly realm or the cultivators of various heaven-defying races, especially after meeting Chen Feng and seeing his various perversions, he was secretly impressed in his heart.

"In fact, my talent is average, but I'm just a little luckier." Chen Feng said lightly.

After the three rushed out, they immediately accelerated and quickly rushed into a group of meteorites. As soon as they entered the meteorite group, the three of them almost felt a strong death aura at the same time. Under these death auras, the warning signs in their hearts kept roaring.

"Be careful, the death energy here is too strong. Once the death energy enters the body, it will directly devour the vitality in the body." Dark Qilin said cautiously.

"But these death energy are also excellent energy for practicing and refining weapons." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The death energy around him began to roll violently. In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng was wrapped in death energy.

"This is too perverted. He dares to devour anything." Huoyunlong retreated repeatedly, and the fire power around him burned, blocking the death power outside. The raging fire made a hissing sound.

"This is the perverted practice of the Changsheng clan, but it also requires a certain physique." Dark Qilin was also absorbing the energy around him, but what he absorbed was the power of chaos and the power of darkness, and the death power was blocked outside.

After all, he couldn't be as perverted as Chen Feng.


The Death Cave in Chen Feng's body was like a volcano that was constantly shaking and erupting. As a large amount of death energy entered the Death Cave, it began to expand in circles. The two swords of life and death, which had become immortal weapons, also formed an infinite cycle, constantly refining the power of death and improving their own quality.

"Now is not the time to practice, the other party is chasing us." At this time, Huoyunlong spoke.

Chen Feng opened his eyes and immediately saw several true immortals rushing over like meteors. The dark unicorn had already started. The dark scripture slowly turned, and the dark power emitted once again turned the starry sky into a black curtain without direction, and even time was blocked.

Chen Feng thought about it, waved his hand, and a dark black pupil appeared in his hand. This was the treasure that Chen Feng got, the Eye of the Void, a top-grade immortal weapon, which contained a strong void power.

In addition to this Void Eye, there is also a top-grade demon pupil, which is also a top-grade immortal weapon, but Chen Feng has never had time to refine and absorb it.

Chen Feng took it out at this time because he suddenly felt that if it was completely refined, this pupil would be completely integrated into Chen Feng's eyes.

At this time, the pupil was just floating in Chen Feng's palm. Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and the pupil power fell on the Void Eye. Suddenly, this top-grade immortal weapon was stimulated to exert its power. Waves of void power emanated from the Void Eye, and in the end it rolled and swept, forming a void storm that spanned the starry sky.

The dark unicorn turned the surrounding space into a dark space, and Chen Feng followed closely to exert the power of the void. The two cooperated tacitly, and here, these two energies could exert their strength even more.

Chen Feng believed that even if he could not let the pursuers suffer, it would be no problem to stop them.


But then there was a roar that shook the universe and the starry sky, like a thunderbolt exploding. Wherever the sound waves passed, Chen Feng and Dark Kirin's arrangement was immediately opened up, and a True Immortal strode along the passage.

"Chen Feng, hand over the pseudo-artifact, I will keep you safe." The scholar-like True Immortal said.

"Yes, Chen Feng, a pseudo-artifact of this level is not something a small cultivator like you can have. A man of insight is a hero. If you take it out, you can save your life. If you don't take it out, you will die. The road ahead is very simple. I think you should know how to choose." Another True Immortal in armor came over.

"I don't want a pseudo-artifact, I want that Dark Scripture." The third True Immortal also appeared. This person also cultivated the dark power. The dark power surged around him, and there was also a black light flashing in his eyes. As soon as he appeared, he looked at Dark Kirin with a burning gaze.

"It turned out to be the strange beast Dark Kirin. This time, I will not only get the Dark Scripture, but also take Dark Kirin as my mount."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense." Chen Feng shook the Eye of the Void in his hand, and the power of the void condensed like a knife and cut out. At the same time, the power of the brilliant starry sky map also bloomed suddenly, rising like a flame, and finally condensed into a thick air wall, in which countless stars were flashing.

"Dark Binding." A trace of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Dark Kirin, and he performed this secret technique. The void was full of various original powers, and the dark power also accounted for a large proportion. At this time, the dark power within a radius of tens of millions of miles began to condense here, forming countless silk threads, which were entangled with these True Immortals.

"Almost, it's time to go." Huoyunlong had not made a move. At this time, he waved his hand, and a square array platform appeared in the void.

Chen Feng and Dark Kirin acted at the same time. The three of them stood in the array platform, the light flashed, the array platform exploded, and the three of them disappeared on the spot.

After these True Immortals got rid of the restraints around them, they found that they had lost the traces of Chen Feng and the other two. Their faces were gloomy, and they began to use secret techniques to track the traces of Chen Feng and the other two.

"We have come here, and we can't go back no matter what."

"If we go back without any gains, we will be laughed at."

"Where are we?"

When Chen Feng and the other two appeared again, the wind was as strong as a knife, and even some hard and indestructible meteorites were cut into them. Chen Feng tried it, and his arm was immediately cut with a bloody mark.

"What a powerful wind blade." Chen Feng was shocked. You know, Chen Feng's current body hardness has surpassed most of the immortals, and can block the attack of immortal weapons, but he didn't expect that his skin would be broken by an inconspicuous wind force.

Dark Kirin and Fire Cloud Dragon did not try like Chen Feng. They were protected by the power of magic weapons but still felt swaying and unable to control their bodies, as if they were in the ocean with hurricanes.

"Brother Huo, how far can the teleportation array you took out just now be teleported?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"That is a large teleportation array. If the situation had not been critical just now, I would not have been willing to use it. I think it can travel through tens of millions of miles of void." Huoyunlong thought for a while and said.

"Tens of millions of miles of void, I don't think so. This is a land of chaos and the source of death. It cannot be judged by common sense. I think you two should stay in the brilliant starry sky map." Chen Feng suggested.

"That won't work. The environment here is bad. It's a good time to hone your skills." Huoyunlong refused.

"I can protect myself." Dark Qilin was even more straightforward.

Chen Feng nodded and said no more. With a wave of his hand, the chaos chain flew out, rippling in circles, sweeping the flying meteorites, and the fierce wind force began to slowly weaken. This was because the chaos force in it was swallowed up.

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