Eternal Existence

Chapter 1036: Sealing the True Immortal

"Can we get closer? Wait until we find it." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Brilliant Starry Sky Map shrank a little bit again. At the same time, the power of chaos rushed in.

"The environment here is very bad. If you are not careful, the True Immortal will die. If there were no pursuers, I would actually like to put everyone outside to hone their skills." Chen Feng said this, but the Dark Kirin and Fire Cloud Dragon were transmitted, and at the same time, two streams of light entered the bodies of the two people respectively.

"This is the power of a pseudo-artifact, but it can only play a defensive role. Be careful, both of you." Chen Feng said.

"Don't worry, maybe I can kill a True Immortal." Fire Cloud Dragon said with a smile.

Seeing the two flying and shuttling in the space outside, Tianjian Laozu and others envied them, but there was nothing they could do. After entering the starry sky, the upper immortals were as weak as ants. If it weren't for the Brilliant Starry Sky Map, everyone would definitely suffer casualties.

"Be careful, you haven't been promoted to a True Immortal yet." Chen Feng waved his hand, and another stream of light fell on Fire Cloud Dragon, this time it was the power of the One Yuan True Spirit Map.

"I have a feeling that maybe I can be promoted to a True Immortal this time." Huoyunlong's eyes flashed, his figure floated, and he punched hard, knocking away a meteorite as big as a small mountain. Under Huoyunlong's punch, the meteorite did not break, and even no cracks appeared, but it flew a million miles and hit the pursuers behind.

"Catch up if you have the guts." Huoyunlong provoked these people and then accelerated suddenly, rushing into the depths of this space.

Dark Qilin smiled and disappeared. Chen Feng was not worried about Dark Qilin. The owner of the Dark Sutra and the future ruler of the Dark World even felt like a fish in water under this situation.

"I want to hunt five people." Dark Qilin's voice sounded in Chen Feng's ears. Chen Feng's eyes shrank, knowing that Dark Qilin was sneaking towards the True Immortal behind him.

"Now is not a good time to take action." Chen Feng sighed, and his figure shook, and he also went outside, but the brilliant star map still wrapped Chen Feng.

"Everyone, the energy here is weird. Although it contains death energy, it is also a good place to practice." Chen Feng's mind moved, and an independent space appeared in the brilliant starry sky map. This space was full of chaotic power and death power swallowed from the outside.

There are some reasons why Chen Feng distinguished it at this time.

"Yes, my cultivation has reached a bottleneck, so it's just right to enter for some practice." Tianjian Patriarch entered first. After all, this environment is not suitable for immortals to come out. It is safer in the brilliant starry sky map.

"I wonder if I can pass the tribulation here?" Chen Feng immediately released his breath as he thought in his heart, but until Chen Feng completely exposed his breath, there was no shadow of the heavenly tribulation, so he knew that the power of this area was too strong, and even the power of the heavenly way could be blocked.

"This is good, so I don't have to suppress it." Chen Feng said as he waved his hand, and thousands of starlights fell, and instantly arrived in front of those immortals in the fairy world.

This is the power of a pseudo-artifact.


However, these immortals are not simple either. They have their own means, and they hold up a heavy sky curtain to block all the starlight.

"Hmph, if the True Immortal holds a pseudo-artifact, we may not even be able to catch up. A small earthly immortal is too weak to even use one tenth of the power of the pseudo-artifact." One of the True Immortals in the Immortal Realm wearing bright silver armor sneered and easily blocked the attack. These people hated Chen Feng very much. It took several years to chase him from the Eternal World to here. Although this time is nothing for the True Immortal, they are still a little annoyed when they think that the opponent is just an earthly immortal.

These True Immortals have already calculated in their hearts that after snatching the pseudo-artifact, they will suppress Chen Feng's soul, burn it with their spirits every day, and die in agony.

The sneer on the face of the silver-armored True Immortal has not disappeared yet, and he feels that everything in front of him is black, and everything disappears. The whole person's six senses are blocked, and he enters a strange space.


Seeing that the True Immortal suddenly disappeared, the other True Immortals reacted immediately. Some immediately blocked the surrounding starry sky, but still did not notice the abnormality. At this time, everyone began to feel a little panicked.

"What happened just now?"

"I felt a trace of dark power."

"Dark power, could it be that someone attacked secretly? If so, why didn't we notice it? If the other party has this ability, would they need to sneak attack?"

"No, here."

At this time, another True Immortal suddenly disappeared. This time, the True Immortals were prepared and saw a disappearing black hole at the first time.

"Who is it, come out." Several True Immortals attacked at the same time, and the figure of the Dark Kirin appeared in the void, but a flash of black light, and the Dark Kirin disappeared again.

"It is a creature from the Dark Realm. The realm of the True Immortal."

"I just felt the breath of the Dark Scripture."

"Dark Scripture, it is rumored that only the ruler of the Dark Realm will have the Dark Scripture, and this scripture has long been lost. I don't think you sensed it wrong."

"Such a pure dark power, I will not sense it wrong. Don't forget, I practice the Dark Avenue myself." The monk who spoke had begun to have a black light flashing in his eyes, but the people around him could all see that this person was very excited.

"I don't want the fake artifact, but I must get this Dark Scripture. I hope you can help me."

"My goal is the fake artifact, I'm not interested in the Dark Scripture. We can join forces."

After Chen Feng launched an attack, he immediately fled far away, constantly shuttling through the chaotic energy, and during this time he was still dodging meteorites and other things flying around.

"Take care of the two." A black light flashed, and Dark Kirin appeared beside Chen Feng.

"You just suppressed the opponent with the Dark Sutra, and you haven't refined the opponent yet. Don't do it next time." Dark Kirin's actions naturally did not hide from Chen Feng.

"Don't worry, these two people are sealed by my Dark Sutra, and it is impossible for them to come out, but it will take some time to completely refine them." Dark Kirin said with a smile, and a smile appeared on his cold face, which made Chen Feng a little uncomfortable.

"After refining these two True Immortals, my cultivation will be improved again. I can't fully activate the power of the Dark Sutra now. The powerful masters of the Dark Sutra have surpassed the Heavenly Immortals. I am still far away now." It seems that Dark Kirin is in high spirits after capturing two True Immortals.

Chen Feng pointed his finger, and a starlight entered the Dark Qilin's body, and then entered the Dark Sutra, which was blessed by the power of the pseudo-artifact. The Dark Sutra shook for a while and then returned to calm.

"Speaking of which, I have also inherited the Dark Sutra." Chen Feng nodded, waved his hand, and the thousand-foot palm power condensed into a sharp blade, and the chaotic power in front of him that was almost condensed into substance was immediately broken, but the giant meteorite flying in front of him broke Chen Feng's palm power. Chen Feng's mind moved, and the chaos chain quickly moved forward, instantly entangled the meteorite, and pulled it into the brilliant starry sky map.

The meteorite that can not be shattered in this space must be not simple, and entering the starry sky map can also be regarded as adding a little bit of power.

Chen Feng strode forward, and the chaos chain unfolded in circles, swallowing the chaotic power around him while clearing obstacles.

"I want to fight with the opponent now." Chen Feng suddenly felt a sense of pride in his heart.

"Let's wait until they separate. If we rush forward, we are no match for them." Dark Kirin shook his head.

"Huoyun Dragon is in trouble. Let's go and take a look." Chen Feng changed direction and found Huoyun Dragon soon.

At this time, Huoyun Dragon was trapped in a halo, which was composed of chaotic power. There was black light flowing continuously, and reddish airflow was flying continuously. Of course, the most abundant thing was meteorites from all directions.

These were not the most important. The most important thing was that a gray dragon was chasing Huoyun Dragon. It was called chasing because Huoyun Dragon was no match for this gray dragon.

This gray dragon was ten thousand feet in size, mighty and arrogant, with a soaring momentum, shining scales, and a murderous look in his eyes.

However, Chen Feng and Dark Kirin could see at a glance that this dragon was condensed from a wisp of dead air, or it could be said that it was born from dead air, and it was a real creature with flesh and blood.

And it was also in the realm of true immortals, and could also be called the demon emperor.

Not to mention that this dragon is stronger than Huoyunlong, and this is the opponent's home court. It is not easy for Huoyunlong to hold on until now.

"What are you still standing there for? Come and save me." Seeing the reinforcements, Huoyunlong's eyes flashed and he shouted immediately.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Chen Feng smiled lightly, and with a flick of his finger, the chaos chain spread out horizontally and disappeared into the void, and soon covered the surrounding space of one million miles.

"My chaos chain is about to break through." Chen Feng smiled.

"I can't hold on any longer." Seeing that Chen Feng and Dark Kirin did not take action, Huoyunlong began to get anxious.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Chen Feng still said this, but when he moved the chaos chain in his hand, the chain vibrated section by section, and the surrounding chaos power was swallowed up one after another, and even some meteorites were bounced away.

"It seems that it is a bit difficult to find the source of this space." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the chaos chain suddenly entangled Huoyunlong, and the next moment Huoyunlong arrived in front of the two. As for the gray dragon, it pounced on the three people silently.

Dark Qilin took a step forward, and the Dark Sutra floated above his head, shooting out a black light, covering the gray dragon. The black light was retracted, and the dragon disappeared.

"That's it, this is the strength of a true immortal." Huoyunlong was a little stunned.

"If the Dark Sutra exerts its full power, it can even seal the celestial immortal, but it also requires me to reach the realm of the celestial immortal." Dark Qilin waved his hand, and the Dark Sutra turned into a black stream of light and drilled into his body.

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