Eternal Existence

Chapter 1038: Death Frenzy

"In this environment, I can't even take care of myself, let alone fight and kill. It's a bit strange. The power of chaos here is very strong, but the power of death has become very weak. Strange." Chen Feng used his pupil technique and kept looking around, but he didn't find anything. In this environment, Chen Feng's pupil power was greatly affected, and he couldn't even exert one percent of his usual power.

Buzz buzz buzz!

At this time, the chaos chains flying around suddenly vibrated and roared, and the strong breath continued to impact, and the speed of swallowing the power of chaos became faster.

"Hey! The chaos chain has been promoted to the level of a top-grade immortal weapon. It's a pity that it can't pass the tribulation here, but it can be accumulated for a while." Chen Feng was a little surprised. In fact, Chen Feng had some confidence in the problem of not being able to pass the tribulation here. When Chen Feng thought that the Longevity Tower would take action, plus the power of the pseudo-artifact, it would be no problem to break a hole in this space.

Of course, now is not the time to take action. It is not easy to open a channel. Chen Feng wants to seize this opportunity and use it.

You should know that Chen Feng has quite a few magic weapons on him. By absorbing the power of chaos and polishing them, they can improve their grades. Besides, it is time for Chen Feng himself to pass the tribulation.

"But the environment here is really not suitable for passing the tribulation." Chen Feng said as his figure floated and landed on a rolling meteorite.

This meteorite is a thousand feet long, like a mountain, polished smooth by the surrounding forces, and retained in the power that can break immortal weapons.

After Chen Feng and the other two landed on it, the meteorite immediately stabilized.

"This meteorite contains strange metals, which is just right for refining magic weapons and magic furnaces." Chen Feng said with a smile. After landing on the meteorite, Chen Feng also tried to send out a sword energy. The hardness of this meteorite exceeded Chen Feng's imagination.

"This meteorite is good. We can make magic weapons out of it."

"Hey! Be careful."

The dark unicorn's face changed. He waved his hand. The huge black claws suddenly extended out and slapped into the void, causing a chaotic explosion. A strange-looking beast suddenly appeared in front of the three people. With a strong body, a crazy look, and a strange speed, the dark unicorn's attack did not seriously injure the other party, but instead made the strange beast rush in front of them.


The substantial wave swept Chen Feng and the other two out at the same time. Then the meteorite under the feet of the three people began to show dense cracks, and finally exploded with a bang and turned into pieces.

"What a strong attack."

"Be careful, the opponent's attack contains the power of death, which specifically erodes the soul." Chen Feng's eyes flickered, his soul rotated, and the death cave was agitated, quickly absorbing and refining the power of death that entered his body.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"It should be born locally, with the power of chaos and death in its body. I hope it doesn't have the power of the dead's mark, otherwise we really can't escape this time."

"If the source here is caused by the immortals, the aura left by the other party can easily kill us."

"Wealth and honor are sought in danger. Now we can only fight and gamble."

"Be careful, the other party is attacking."

The size of this strange beast is not too big, but it gives the three people a strong sense of oppression when it pounces, just like a huge mountain suppressing and a planet colliding.

This is a strong impact on the mind. Just from this scene, Chen Feng knew that the opponent's strength was greater than the three of them.

"Join hands to kill." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the chaos chain blocked the void, stirring up the wind and clouds, trying to block the opponent's actions.

The dark unicorn used the dark place to bind and blind the opponent, while the fire cloud dragon took out the strongest attack to confront the opponent head-on.

At an unknown distance from Chen Feng and the others, the space was stacked up, the power of death condensed into substance, and a huge body floated in the core. Although the body had been dead for many years, the invisible pressure emitted made the countless time and space around it have no living creatures, and even the impurity energy in the universe could not get close.

At this moment, the quiet body suddenly shook, and a stream of air erupted from the body. This was the dead air that grew in the body. When it reached a certain level, it began to erupt around. The erupted breath easily broke through the stacked space. Some huge meteorites that accidentally collided with these breaths immediately began to decay, and finally turned into powder and dissipated in the starry sky.

Chen Feng and the other two were still fighting with the strange beast. The three of them had already gained the upper hand, but Chen Feng felt a strong sense of crisis.

"Something is wrong, let's leave here first." Chen Feng said.

"I also felt that there was an inexplicable crisis." Dark Qilin also said so.

However, when the three wanted to leave here, the alien beast on the opposite side began to burst out, desperately entangled the three people. At the same time, another alien beast appeared, and the new alien beast turned out to be humanoid. It was just that its whole body was wrapped in death energy, and its eyes were empty, like a puppet, but the speed of this alien beast was not slow, and Chen Feng was knocked away without paying attention.

After stabilizing his body, Chen Feng's warning sign in his heart became stronger, and his heart accelerated involuntarily, as if it was about to explode.

"No, we must leave here." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, penetrating the space, and he saw shadows spreading in the distance. Although he didn't know how these shadows were formed, everything turned to ashes wherever the shadows passed. Chen Feng saw a meteorite comparable to a planet quietly disappear, and this shadow could even swallow Chen Feng's eyes.

"What is this, the power of death?" Chen Feng's heart skipped a beat. He didn't have time to think about it. He waved his hand, and the light flashed. Dark Kirin and Huoyunlong were directly pulled into the brilliant starry sky map. Chen Feng himself also flashed and disappeared.

"What's going on?" Huoyunlong asked immediately.

Chen Feng didn't say anything, but waved his hand, and the One Yuan True Spirit Map also vibrated. The soft and tough water power covered it, and the two pseudo artifacts overlapped. Chen Feng's heart slowly calmed down.


The shadow quickly spread over, and Chen Feng and the other two were shocked in the pseudo artifact. They were dumbfounded, because the two strange beasts that had just fought with the three disappeared immediately after being covered by the shadow. At the same time, the three secretly took a breath of cool air.

At the same time, the brilliant starry sky map began to vibrate violently, and the starlight in the formation diagram flickered and shook. Some of the starlight began to extinguish continuously, cracks appeared, and air currents surged. Chen Feng became nervous again.

"It won't be that even the pseudo artifact can't withstand this impact." Chen Feng couldn't help but speak.

Fortunately, the vibrations soon weakened and then disappeared, but a large amount of energy poured into the cracks of the brilliant starry sky map. Wherever these energies passed, the stars in the formation map began to shatter, but the water power in the One Yuan True Spirit Map surged and still wrapped up all the energy that entered.

"It's the power of death. Such a pure power of death must be emitted from the source." Chen Feng only absorbed a trace of it, and the death point in his body almost burst, so he controlled and gathered all the power of death together and stored it.

"This is not just the power of death. It has evolved into the power of destruction. This is the avenue of death. If you can comprehend some laws, you can sweep away most other cultivators of the same realm." Dark Kirin said.

"The avenue of death, how can it be so easy? I am practicing the avenue of immortality, but it is almost enough to increase some strength." Chen Feng said as he absorbed another trace of the power of death, and at the same time, he also integrated these powers into the magic weapon.

Chen Feng's process and means of refining magic weapons are also very special. Some magic weapons were forcibly infused with several kinds of original power by Chen Feng, resulting in the continuous advancement of these magic weapons. However, this is risky, and Chen Feng uses relative forces such as life and death, yin and yang, reality and illusion to balance the opponent. Of course, there is also the power of the Changsheng Zhenjing. However, Chen Feng thought of walking out his own longevity road, and the road is still very tortuous.

The same road, different people walk out differently. When they reach the realm of earthly immortals, they will cultivate the power of the road. Chen Feng was chosen by the Changsheng Tower. The complete Changsheng Zhenjing is in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, so Chen Feng is destined to walk out a different longevity road from others.

"The impact of the death force just now can kill the real immortals. I wonder if those pursuers are affected?" Think about it, the strange beast that the three people had to fight together before was easily crushed under this power. If those immortals in the fairy world encounter it, they will definitely not be able to escape.

"I hope those guys can be almost dead, so we can return."

"Returning, how can it be so easy? Besides, since we have found this space, it would be unreasonable not to get some gains."

"Hey! No, what's going on? I've lost control." At this time, Chen Feng's face suddenly changed. The brilliant star map was hit by a force from an unknown source. Chen Feng's consciousness was numb, and he felt that the brilliant star map was being peeled off from himself. At the same time, there was a strong suction force covering Chen Feng's soul. Chen Feng repeatedly cast the soul-soothing spell, but he couldn't stabilize his soul. He saw that the soul in his sea of ​​consciousness was about to be sucked away.

At this critical moment, the Longevity Tower suddenly appeared in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. With a sudden shock, the sea of ​​consciousness stabilized, and the suction force was also shattered. Then Chen Feng felt that the connection with the pseudo-artifact was restored again. Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he let out a long roar. The two pseudo-artifacts vibrated at the same time and quickly shuttled through the starry sky.

When Chen Feng was attacked just now, the Dark Kirin and the Fire Cloud Dragon were safe and sound, and they didn't even know what happened.

"It's a soul-eater from the Soul-Eating Clan. I didn't expect to meet a cultivator from the Soul-Eating Clan here." Chen Feng's heart was in turmoil, and at the same time, he had a strong desire to kill. Since he had met a cultivator from the Soul-Eating Clan, he must not let him go no matter what.

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