Eternal Existence

Chapter 1035 Chaotic Space

"Why did it stop?"

"It's amazing that the calamity can be paused."

"This is the power of a pseudo-artifact. In fact, immortal artifacts can also do this."

After Chen Feng stabilized his realm, he came to the crowd in a flash, without saying anything. Instead, he urged the brilliant star map to accelerate suddenly, and then everyone felt that the surrounding starry sky was shaking violently, the destructive waves were constantly sweeping across, and the starlight was constantly disappearing.

"The pursuers behind started to attack again, and they are stronger than before."

"This is not a solution. Hey! I don't know where we are now, and whether we can return to the eternal world."

"What's wrong, seniors, is it not good to practice here, or do you miss your homeland? I remember that you used to travel in the starry sky, and each time you traveled for ten thousand years, why are you so impatient this time?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Don't worry, everyone. I have locked the coordinates of the Eternal World with a magic weapon. No matter how far away we are, we can return. If we have enough power, we can even directly open up a huge teleportation array. Of course, I can't do it now."

"If there are no pursuers behind us and the Eternal World is not destroyed, it doesn't matter if we drift in the starry sky for tens of thousands of years, but now I have an obsession in my heart and I can't let it go."

"Yes, now is the time when the Eternal World needs us."

"Hey, I think you think things are too simple. We can't go back now. The fairy world has intervened. The pattern of the Eternal World must have changed. Don't forget the Jiuxiao Palace. Maybe when we go back, the Jiuxiao Palace will unify the Eternal World with the support of the fairy world." Chen Feng said lightly.

After listening to Chen Feng's words, everyone was silent for a while. If you think about it carefully, what Chen Feng said does make sense.

"The immortal soldiers can't always be stationed in the Eternal World. With our existence, the Tianxiao Palace can't think of occupying the entire world." Tianjian Patriarch sneered.

"In fact, I have been thinking about the real purpose of the Tianxiao Palace to unify the Eternal World." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"The real purpose!" After hearing Chen Feng's words, everyone began to think.


The brilliant starry sky map vibrated again, but with the participation of the One Yuan True Spirit Map, the two pseudo artifacts could easily resist the opponent's attack.

"Haha, don't think too much, the next is the critical moment." Chen Feng's expression suddenly became solemn, with a complicated expression and a little excitement.

"What do you mean, could it be?" Everyone asked hurriedly.

"I don't know where it is ahead, which makes me feel palpitations. I think I can get rid of the opponent this time." Chen Feng spoke and urged the starry sky map to jump suddenly and entered a mysterious space.

Maybe it was an illusion. Although they were in the pseudo artifact, everyone felt that a strange force penetrated from the outside world and acted on themselves.

"It's the power of chaos."

"Just the power of chaos, I also felt the power of death."

"This is definitely not a simple force. Even the pseudo artifact can't block the breath outside."

"Don't be nervous, everyone. I deliberately controlled the formation diagram to let the power from the outside in." Chen Feng spoke at this time.

"This space looks a bit weird."

Although everyone was in the brilliant starry sky map, they could clearly see the situation outside. They saw the energy that formed the substance constantly stirring and rolling, and there were countless meteorites whizzing past, and there were all kinds of magical things that everyone had never seen, and even saw a broken planet in the distance constantly rotating.

Chen Feng thought about it, waved his hand, and a piece of elite black iron flew into the space outside, and then everyone saw that this ore that could withstand the attack of the earth immortal instantly turned into fragments, and then disappeared without a trace.


Everyone took a breath of cold air.

"Things that can be preserved in this environment are not simple." Chen Feng waved his hand and the brilliant starry sky map opened a gap, and then a large amount of matter poured in. It contained a large number of meteorites and even some broken fragments.

Everyone took action and grabbed these things in their hands.

"What a hard meteorite. This is ordinary starry sky meteorite iron, but it contains the power of chaos. It is full of spirituality and its hardness is increased by a hundred times. No wonder it can be safe and sound in such a force." Daluo Tianzun said in surprise while holding a meteorite.

"This should be a fragment of a magic weapon. It contains a trace of sword meaning. I think it should be a fairy sword."

In addition to these objects, there is also a rolling chaotic force that rushes like a tornado, but it is grabbed and exploded by everyone.

"The power is not enough, and we need to go deeper." Chen Feng made up his mind without hesitation.

From the outside, the brilliant starry sky map just turned into a meteor and flashed suddenly, and then entered a deeper starry sky, but this starry sky gave people an indescribable feeling, a little weird, and a little calming. From a distance, it looks like a monster that cannot be provoked is lurking in the distance.

"Everyone be careful, there are some problems ahead." These pursuers are from the immortal world after all. They are all true immortals, knowledgeable, and have traveled in the starry sky. Some of them felt something was wrong and spoke up immediately.

"There are some problems, but it's just an area containing chaotic power. There are many such places in the universe." Some true immortals didn't take it seriously. After just a pause, they also entered this area.

"Yes, if we delay for a while, I'm afraid the other party will escape."

"This is my clone, even if it is destroyed, I can cultivate it again."

Most of the True Immortals still chased after him, only ten of them hesitated, stopped, their eyes flickered, and thought quickly.

"Brother Chen, you are proficient in the art of Tianyan calculation, you come to calculate the good and bad luck, we all listen to you."

"Yes, Brother Chen, you come to calculate, we are a small group, we don't want those people to die recklessly."

"Okay, I'll calculate it." The cultivator called Brother Chen wore a light blue robe, which was different from the armor of others, just like the comparison between a scholar and a soldier.

For outsiders, the calculation process is very simple. That is, 'Brother Chen's' eyes flickered a few times, and then there was a result.

After 'Brother Chen's' eyes returned to normal, the spirit in his body seemed to be suddenly drawn out, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?" Everyone exclaimed.

"This calculation consumed my ten thousand years of life, but it still has some results." Brother Chen swallowed a pill, and his pale face gradually returned to normal.

"If you enter it, you will die, no! It should be said that you will die ten times. The area ahead is very strange. Even I can't figure out the specific situation. However, even a mid-level True Immortal will die if he enters it."

"Everyone, this is my inference. Let's make a decision?"

"Hey! No matter how important the treasure is, it is not as important as life. I think we should return."



"It's a pity for those companions."

"Reckless, greedy, deserve to die."

So the ten True Immortals sighed, and finally turned around and left decisively.

"The pursuers behind us are catching up again." Huoyunlong suddenly said.

"Don't worry about these people first. The next thing to think about is how to escape from here." Dark Kirin said.

"What Senior An said makes sense. I think we may have come to a very interesting place. Before, we were chased by the True Immortals and had a chance to die. But now, this dangerous place gives me the feeling that there is no chance of survival." Chen Feng said lightly.

"No chance of survival, no way." Everyone was shocked.

"What on earth is this place?"

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be a place of death." Chen Feng's eyes flickered.

"The place of death." Huoyunlong and others exclaimed.

All the people present were immortals, and Huoyunlong was from the immortal world. He had some understanding of the universe and the stars. He knew that some of the death in the universe was more powerful than the void storm. Sometimes even the True Immortals who entered it would not be able to get out.

"The place of death should have a strong death aura, but here there is only the power of chaos." Someone questioned.

"No. There is indeed the power of death here. Although it is very rare, it is very pure." Dark Qilin said as he stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely. Everyone saw a huge black hand appear outside the formation diagram. There was a vortex in the palm of the black hand, and waves of energy were constantly pulled into it.

After a long time, Dark Qilin opened his palm, and a ball of black light was constantly rotating in the palm. There seemed to be a luster flowing in the black light, but everyone couldn't help but retreat.

"What a strong power of death."

"I think there should be a master who died here." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"Master, what level of master?"

"At least a celestial being." Dark Qilin said in a deep voice.

"Celestial being!" Everyone looked at each other, knowing that this time something had gone wrong.

"Go find the body of the celestial being." Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

"Chen Feng, are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy. Only in this way can we get rid of the pursuers behind us, and even kill them." Chen Feng said as he took out the Chaos Chain and the Slaughter Immortal Sword. The Chaos Chain is a top-grade immortal weapon. It stretched out from Chen Feng's body like a spirit snake and extended directly to the space outside.

As for the Slaughter Immortal Sword, it is a top-grade immortal weapon, which contains the meaning of killing. It is the best to devour and absorb the power of death in such an environment.

"The more dangerous the place, the greater the harvest. I have a great magic weapon on me, but it is about to be promoted. If you can get the essence of the immortal, you can refine and absorb it. It is not impossible to be promoted to a true immortal or even comprehend the great way of heaven in the future." Chen Feng's voice was filled with a hint of bewitching.

"How can it be that simple? Even if the immortal is dead, cultivators of our level cannot get close. The death power emitted can easily kill us." Huoyunlong shook his head repeatedly.

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