Eternal Existence

Chapter 1332: Biluotian reinforcements

"What's wrong, everyone?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"Surrender, didn't the other party say that you can avoid this disaster by handing over the fake artifact." One of them said with a twinkling look in his eyes.

"Yes, Island Master Chen, the situation is forcing us to surrender." Someone spoke, and others immediately echoed. Some monks who were still waiting and watching began to join the camp.

"Is this what everyone means?" Chen Feng glanced around and found that except for the immortals from the Donglong Island Alliance, the other immortals who came here were a little moved, and some people even jumped out directly. They all suggested that Chen Feng hand over the fake artifact.

Chen Feng sneered in his heart: "These people really can't see the situation clearly."

But otherwise, these people in the Brilliant Starry Sky Map are equivalent to being under Chen Feng's control. Whether these people live or die is not a matter of Chen Feng's word.

"I need to think about it." Chen Feng said this to the people in front of him, and also to the enemies outside.

"One stick of incense." The monk from the Heavenly Emperor's Immortal Domain replied to Chen Feng.

"Okay, let me see how many people want me to hand over the fake artifact." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The Heavenly Sword Ancestor and other immortals from the Donglong Island Alliance and the Dark World Immortals led by An Qilin stood behind Chen Feng, with mocking smiles on their faces.

Some people hesitated and stood behind Chen Feng, but more immortals gathered and stood opposite Chen Feng, including several half-step true immortals.

"Chen Feng, the situation in front of us is very clear. Just admit defeat. This way there is still a glimmer of hope." The Half-step True Immortal who spoke came from Tianxiao Palace. The arrival of reinforcements from the Immortal Realm made this man calm but also gave him some thoughts.

"Surrender." Chen Feng laughed.

"Don't you see the situation clearly? Don't forget whose territory you are on."

"Chen Feng, what do you mean? Do you want to attack us?"

"Don't forget that you still have enemies outside."

"Hand over the fake artifact, why lose both sides."

"If we really want to take action, we still don't know who will win."

"It's really funny that you said that my enemies are outside here." After hearing what everyone said, Chen Feng suddenly laughed. Chen Feng had nothing to say to these people.

"In that case." Chen Feng said and waved his hand. Starlight flickered and nebulae surged. The next moment, these immortals were transferred out into the starry sky outside.

"What!" These immortals were all frightened. Some reacted quickly and fled immediately, while others begged for mercy. Of course, the people begging for mercy were from the Heavenly Emperor's Immortal Domain.


The other party's True Immortal took action, and violent energy swept through the starry sky. The immortals in their path continued to turn into blood mist. Of course, some of them escaped. The other party only made a move once, and then stopped chasing them, because these people's main purpose was to The purpose is still the pseudo-artifact in Chen Feng's hand.

"It seems that you are unwilling to hand over the fake artifact. In that case, let's take action." The other party successfully separated and neutralized Chen Feng's power. This is a good opportunity to take action.

Two true immortals stepped forward, one from the left and the other from the right. Their bodies expanded to thousands of miles, and they stretched out their palms to grab the bright starry sky.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several true immortals were scattered around to seal the void.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several true immortals launched an attack and began to attack the Brilliant Starry Sky Chart, consuming the power of this pseudo-artifact.

With one contact, Chen Feng couldn't resist. He vomited blood. The Brilliant Starry Sky Map quickly shrank and entered Chen Feng's body. The One-Yuan True Spirit Map unfolded, protecting Chen Feng within a very small range.


Chen Feng kept flashing in the space, trying to rush out.


One of the true immortals punched out, and Chen Feng fell out of the space, unable to escape.

"Is it possible to hide in the Eternal Life Tower? No, in this case, the Eternal Life Tower will fall into the hands of the opponent."

Chen Feng felt that he really had no choice.

"Actually, there is another way." At this time, Ta said hesitantly.

"What can be done?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"This." The tower paused at this point, obviously struggling whether to say it or not.

"Oh, how long has this been going on? What are you still hiding?" Chen Feng was anxious.

"Okay, this method still needs to be applied to you, but you must not get excited when I say it, but this method will definitely work."

"Ta, what is it? Hurry up and tell me why you are so mother-in-law."

"Okay, I said."

"Chen Feng, reinforcements are coming."

Just when the tower was about to come up with a solution, Biqing's voice came from the bright starry sky map.

"Reinforcements! What reinforcements." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Let me out first."

Chen Feng's mind moved, and Bi Qing appeared next to Chen Feng.

"I just received a message that the reinforcements I was looking for have arrived." When Bi Qing said this, she was a little excited and emotional, but more of an indescribable feeling.

"Bi Luotian's reinforcements?" Chen Feng's expression was also a bit complicated. After all, Xianyun's previous example was there. If the reinforcements found were detrimental to Bi Qing again, then things would be even more out of control.

"There is nothing we can do about this. We can only take a gamble like this. And this time it's my clansmen who are here. I'm 90% sure that nothing will happen." Bi Qing said in a deep voice.

"Your tribe." Chen Feng was a little surprised, but he didn't ask any more questions. Bi Qing rarely mentioned anything about the past.

"Family members?" Chen Feng's mind was a little turbulent. In the face of interests, brothers would turn against each other. His spiritual roots were destroyed in the war, and he had been floating in the starry sky for millions of years, but it was not the clan members who secretly attacked him.

A wave of fluctuations descended, and the space in the starry sky began to fluctuate and distort. Finally, a dark passage appeared, and people could suck their souls into it just by looking at it.

A cultivator strode out.

"It's a true immortal." Chen Feng nodded, but he was still a little confused, and his eyes flickered, trying to see the other party's true and false.

Feeling Chen Feng's gaze, the man raised his head and smiled at Chen Feng. Chen Feng immediately felt dizzy, his worldview was upside down, and his soul began to distort.

"So powerful." Chen Feng struggled to recover and felt a cold sweat all over his body. Fortunately, the other party did not really attack, otherwise Chen Feng would have difficulty getting rid of the other party's power even with the help of the Longevity Tower.

"Intermediate True Immortal, just now it was the law of the soul." Chen Feng said in a low voice.

True immortals are also divided into different levels. So far, almost all of them are beginner true immortals. Of course, Xianyun who appeared before is stronger, but he is limited by his clone and cannot exert too much power. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Chen Feng and Bi Qing to deal with him.

The second person, the third person.

People came out of the passage one after another, and waited until the seventh person appeared and the dark passage disappeared.

Chen Feng only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and seven people appeared in front of him at the same time, probably from Bi Qing.




Chen Feng was a little surprised by the various titles, but he remained calm on the surface.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk, let's solve the problem in front of us first." Looking at the familiar faces in front of him, Bi Qing also suppressed his excitement.

"Where do these people come from? Their cultivation is a bit strange. They are not people from other heavens."

"We will know after we catch them and interrogate them."

The seven true immortals acted almost at the same time, without any tricks, and directly killed into the opponent's camp. Chen Feng and Bi Qing left the planet and retreated a distance in the starry sky.

"The trouble this time has been solved. I wonder if the immortal soldiers from the fairy world can beat back the others."

Although only seven people came from Biluotian, Chen Feng knew that the battle was already decided, because these seven true immortals were all of the middle level, and it was no problem to fight against dozens of them.

"Since the fairy world has intervened, I think there should be no problem, but I'm afraid I have to go back to Biluotian next." Biqing said lightly.

"That's good. It will be faster to cultivate in the heavenly world."

"I was originally planning to go to the outer space with you to explore, but it seems that the next itinerary will have to be changed."

While Chen Feng and Biqing were talking, the cultivators from the Tiandi Immortal Realm were completely dispersed, and the warships were broken, but only a part of them were killed, and nearly half of the cultivators escaped and disappeared.

However, Chen Feng still felt a little strange and puzzled, that is, although there were many cultivators from the Tiandi Immortal Realm, there were 10,000 true immortals, but there were no powerful true immortals among them, and they were all elementary true immortals.

"Could it be that the other side has more than one army?" This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind.

"Forget it, this catastrophe of the Eternal World should be over. I still can't do anything about what happens next." Chen Feng shook his head, knowing that he was not strong enough, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

Soon, the seven True Immortals of Biluotian came to Biqing again.

"This is Chen Feng, from the Changsheng Clan, let's meet each other."

"Biyuan." "Biyu." "Bichuan." "Biming." "Biluo." "Bishan." "Bishui."

The seven people said their names one after another, and did not show contempt for Chen Feng because he was a terrestrial immortal, which made Chen Feng very comfortable.

"I come from Tianyuan Lake in Biluotian." Biqing said lightly.

Chen Feng thought quickly, and then his eyes lit up: "Royal branch."

After hearing Chen Feng's words, the seven True Immortals were finally moved and looked at Chen Feng with some surprise.

"It can be said to be a royal branch." Biqing nodded.

"I'm going back to Biluotian, take care, and I hope you can truly surpass me when we meet again."

The space channel opened again, and Biyuan and others entered it one after another, leaving only Biqing alone.

"Take care, senior." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, maybe we can meet soon."

For cultivators at this level, the life span is already very long, and not seeing each other for ten thousand years is equivalent to a few years or even months for ordinary people.

Biqing said no more, and stepped into the channel. The channel disappeared. Chen Feng knew that Biqing had arrived in Biluotian. Thinking about the fact that he came from Changshengtian, he didn't know when he could go back.

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