Eternal Existence

Chapter 1331: Immortal Reinforcements

"At least it can delay some time."

However, although two True Immortals joined, Chen Feng felt more pressure. After the brilliant starry sky map flashed, it did not rush out, but was locked by the other party.

Dozens of True Immortals locked this pseudo-artifact at the same time, which made Chen Feng's scalp numb. At this time, he felt that even if he exerted all the power of the pseudo-artifact, he might not be able to rush out.

"Everyone, exert all your strength. The moment of life and death has come." Chen Feng's voice sounded coldly.

"Hey, I hope to kill more True Immortals, so that I can die for what I want." Tianjian Patriarch said and laughed.

The brilliant starry sky map has revealed its traces and turned into a nebula, constantly colliding, but it was blocked by invisible forces. After several collisions, Chen Feng's newly recovered strength began to be consumed again.

"This is not a solution. Do I really have to use the power of the Longevity Tower? Alas! Without the magic weapon, my own strength is indeed too weak." Chen Feng sighed in his heart.

"I'll help you." At this moment, the space suddenly cracked and a black light appeared. This black light didn't seem to have much scale, but it actually broke through the obstruction of several True Immortals along the way.

"It's the Dark Kirin." Chen Feng took a deep breath and immediately opened the Brilliant Starry Sky Map to let the black light in.

After the black light entered the Brilliant Starry Sky Map, it immediately dispersed and turned into a cultivator. Each of these cultivators was shrouded in black power, and the cold aura made people dare not approach.

The leader was the Dark Kirin, who was already in the True Immortal realm at this time. There were hundreds of people behind him, all of whom were immortals who cultivated the dark power.

This power has already stunned Chen Feng.

"Haha, congratulations on your great progress in cultivation." Chen Feng laughed.

"Congratulations." Bi Qing also came to the Dark Kirin.

"It seems that you have gained a lot during this period." Looking at the Dark Realm cultivator standing motionless behind the Dark Kirin, Chen Feng was thoughtful.

"I have already controlled part of the power of the Dark Realm, but it will take some time to completely control the Dark Realm and become the king of the Dark Realm." Although he said so, Dark Kirin was still a little proud.

With the addition of Dark Kirin, the power of the pseudo-artifact, the Brilliant Starry Sky Map, was revealed again, knocking dozens of True Immortals away along the way, but it fell into the sticky space again.

"It still doesn't work." Chen Feng's face was a little pale.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hundreds of True Immortals attacked together, and the Brilliant Starry Sky Map flickered violently, showing signs of being broken up again.

"Hey! It's a bit bad." Chen Feng still used the power of the Longevity Tower, and the One Yuan True Spirit Map unfolded. Two pseudo-artifacts, two layers of array diagrams, finally resolved the opponent's attack.

"Two pseudo-artifacts!"

The True Immortals in the Emperor's Immortal Realm were somewhat moved, but they were replaced by excitement and excitement, and some True Immortals who did not attack began to sit still.

"It has been tens of thousands of years since I entered the Wuji Immortal Realm, and I have only obtained a hundred pseudo-artifacts in total. I didn't expect to encounter two this time."

"Take action, take action with all your strength, and capture the other party. The person who can take out two pseudo-artifacts must be extraordinary, and may have some origins."

"It's troublesome, the other party has tried his best." Chen Feng was shocked. You know, the other party has a thousand true immortals. Even if he dispatched a hundred true immortals, he couldn't rush out.

Pah pah pah pah!

The brilliant starry sky map kept exploding, and the power was transmitted in. The various immortals sitting in it were severely injured and collapsed on the ground.

The gap was too big.

"This won't work." Dark Qilin also used the Dark Sutra, but his body was still shaking uncontrollably.

Finally, even Dark Qilin and Biqing couldn't stand it.

"Tower, take action, rush out." Chen Feng had no choice but to ask the tower for help.

"Are you sure? If I take action, I can only be sure of the fifth level, and it will consume most of my energy. If I can't get the energy of the divine object, I will sleep for a while." Tower replied.

"This." Chen Feng hesitated. The Longevity Tower is his foundation, and he can't afford any mistakes. Chen Feng began to hesitate.

"Wait a little longer." Chen Feng gritted his teeth.


An Qilin and Biqing groaned almost at the same time, and the air flow rotated, and the flesh of both began to crack.

"Hey! Forget it, Tower, do it, otherwise you will really die here." Chen Feng sighed, unwilling, but helpless.

"Don't worry, don't worry." But at this time, Tower became relaxed.

"What's wrong, Tower, don't you have any confidence?" Chen Feng became more worried.

"Things have changed, reinforcements have arrived."

"Reinforcements, people from the fairy world?" Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

Just in the deep starry sky, a tiny crack suddenly appeared, and the crack became larger and larger, and finally it was as if the universe was split in half, and then a torrent rushed out from it.

The leader was a true immortal, and the mighty torrent behind him was composed of the army of upper immortals.

After the first wave of torrents appeared, the second and third waves followed.

Each wave of torrents was composed of a true immortal and a hundred upper immortals, and the momentum was so great that it actually hit the warships of the Tiandi Immortal Realm and shook them continuously.

"It is indeed the immortal world that has taken action, but it seems that there are fewer true immortals coming, but it is not a problem for us to break through the opponent's blockade." Chen Feng's whole body was full of energy and began to prepare.

Sure enough, after the immortal soldiers appeared, they immediately formed a team and launched an attack. There was no need to ask any more questions. This was also due to the order the immortal soldiers received.

"Hey! These are the immortal weapons of the Wuji Immortal Realm. I don't think they are very good."

Facing the attack of the immortal soldiers, thousands of warships immediately gathered. Hundreds of true immortals took action at the same time, and the torrent of several immortal soldiers was drowned.

"Idiot!" Chen Feng yelled. These immortal soldiers are indeed menacing, but the number of real immortals is still too small. Attacking rashly without knowing the strength of the opponent is asking for death.

But what surprised Chen Feng was still behind. Dozens of torrents suddenly merged to form a flashing and colorful battle formation, which actually blocked the attacks of hundreds of true immortals. At the same time, a bright light flickered out from the crack in the void, and then formed a pillar of light. , this beam of light seemed to have nothing special except for shining, but it easily penetrated two true immortals and several superior immortals. The true immortals screamed and were seriously injured, but the superior immortals turned into flying ashes.

Then the second beam of light and the third beam of light continued to flash out from the cracks, causing several true immortals to be killed immediately, and the camp of the Emperor's Immortal Domain immediately became chaotic.

"It turned out to be an energy cannon. How could I forget this thing?" Chen Feng exclaimed.

"Energy cannon, could it be that Xianting took action?" Huo Yunlong was also shocked.

Although he was surprised, Chen Feng did not stay in a daze. Instead, he took the opportunity to urge the Brilliant Starry Sky Map to rush out. This time, the opponent's blockade of the eternal world was loopholeed due to the intervention of the fairy world, allowing Chen Feng to successfully rush into the star field.

Then the bright starry sky continued to twinkle like a star, getting further and further away from the eternal world.

"Finally escaped." Most of the immortals in the Brilliant Starry Sky Diagram breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's not that simple." Bi Qing and An Qilin smiled bitterly, while Chen Feng concentrated on manipulating this pseudo-artifact.

"There are thousands of warships chasing us, including hundreds of true immortals and ten thousand immortals. If we catch up, we will still die." Chen Feng sneered.

"What, there are still pursuers."

All these immortals were shocked. These immortals could not feel it, but Chen Feng clearly felt that the bright starry sky was locked by dozens of true immortal auras, and he could not get rid of it even if he escaped for hundreds of millions of miles.

"But it's not that easy for the other party to catch up." Chen Feng gritted his teeth. Although he escaped, the danger was not over. On the contrary, if he was caught up by the other party, it would be impossible to escape.

The stars kept flashing, and they kept traveling through space. They didn't know how far they escaped in the starry sky, and finally stopped on a cold planet. Chen Feng and everyone's power had been exhausted and they could no longer push forward. Moving bright starry sky map.

"Have you gotten rid of each other?" someone asked in surprise.

Chen Feng looked solemn and shook his head slowly. The opponent's Qi had been locked on him. Chen Feng knew that the opponent would catch up in a day.

"The next step is to fight to the death. Without any luck, the outcome will definitely be death." Chen Feng said lightly.

"I don't believe it. I have practiced the art of calculation. Let me calculate it." An immortal couldn't help everyone and began to calculate, but soon the immortal vomited blood and his whole body became sluggish. Ashes.

The feeling of waiting for death is a kind of torture. Chen Feng has not thought of ways to inspire everyone. In Chen Feng's view, it does not help that the monks on his side are all ready to fight. In the face of absolute power, everything is nothing. of.

The lowest person who can act as an eye in the bright starry sky is an immortal. These monks have never thought that a day will pass so slowly. When the warships surrounded the planet, most of the monks were still waiting for death in a daze. , this situation made Chen Feng secretly sigh.

"Hey! What are you afraid of? It's just a matter of death. These idiots make me upset just looking at them." The ancestor of Tianjian sneered.

"If we join forces, we may be able to defeat a few true immortals. It won't be a loss." Daluo Tianzun also laughed, his eyes flashed, and he had already begun to use secret techniques to restore himself to his strongest state.

"Hand over the fake artifact and you will be spared your life." The voice of the true immortal passed into the fake artifact.

"The opponent has been promoted. He knows that although he can win, he will suffer some losses, so he started to use such superficial methods." Chen Feng sneered.

"Although the method is superficial, some people are moved." Bi Qing said lightly.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and he saw that the already despairing Shangxian's eyes began to show a look of hope.

"Chen Feng."

"Island Master Chen."

Several immortals quickly came to Chen Feng.

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