Eternal Existence

Chapter 1333: Devastation

After Bi Qing left, Chen Feng stayed in the starry sky for a short time, and then activated the magic weapon to return to the Eternal World.

On the way back, Chen Feng encountered a few warships and some fleeing monks. Chen Feng knew that the Eternal World was saved, and he felt more confident.

Of course, Chen Feng also took action several times. He could completely deal with the lone True Immortal Chen Feng. After arriving at the Eternal World, Chen Feng also gained a lot, especially when he saw the other party's supplies in the warship space. Chen Feng felt that this was also a huge surprise.

"War represents plunder and wealth. These cultivation supplies are ten thousand times more than our Donglong Island Alliance, and these are just a few warships." Although Chen Feng's eyes were hot, he was also powerless.

"These supplies can be regarded as compensation for the losses of our Donglong Island Alliance."

When Chen Feng arrived at the Eternal World, his heart was constantly churning. His eyes looked far away, sweeping across thousands of miles, and all he saw was a ruin and mess, not even ruins, but desolate. In front of absolute power, everything was destroyed, leaving only devastation.

"Disaster, destruction, but this world is still preserved. However, I don't know how many years it will take to recover. Of course, it will be faster if we can absorb some spiritual energy from the fairy world." Chen Feng landed on the territory of Donglong Island. Compared with the mainland, the boundless sea is relatively better, but the dead air remaining in the water also needs time to dissipate and dissolve.


Just when Chen Feng was in a daze, a thick yellow airflow suddenly drilled out from the ground and entered Chen Feng's body in the blink of an eye. It made Chen Feng shudder and then felt that his whole body's spirit began to rise step by step. This cultivation speed exceeded any previous moment.

"This is the origin power of the eternal world, and there is also the world's will mixed in it. Is this a reward for me?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

However, Chen Feng also found that the earth was shaking, and yellow airflow was constantly sprayed out. Obviously, not only did he get the reward, but anyone who really worked hard in this crisis could get the blessing of the origin power.

Even the people in the brilliant starry sky map were shocked, and they immediately began to practice after getting the origin power.

"I can pass the tribulation now." When his strength increased to a certain level, Chen Feng began to suppress it intentionally. If he did not suppress his aura, he would attract the heavenly tribulation. Fortunately, due to the recent great tribulation, the laws of heaven were in chaos, and loopholes appeared, allowing Chen Feng to easily suppress his strength and avoid the investigation of heaven.

"Hey! The power is still increasing."

At this time, Chen Feng began to be surprised. He felt that he had a faint connection with the eternal world. His thoughts and fluctuations could be synchronized with this world. In this way, Chen Feng's cultivation was even more rapid.

"I can't suppress it anymore. I really have to pass the tribulation." Chen Feng smiled bitterly. His progress in a short period of time was too fast. Chen Feng had a hunch that the heavenly tribulation seemed to be brewing slowly in the depths of the void.

But just when Chen Feng wanted to let everyone out and then pass the tribulation himself, he felt that several auras locked on him.

Several immortals appeared in front of Chen Feng with flowing light.

"Are you Chen Feng, the owner of Donglong Island?" One of them shouted, with a cold look and a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

"Yes, who are you?" Chen Feng knew where the other party came from.

"So you are just a little earth immortal, come with us." The man stretched out his hand and grabbed Chen Feng. The palm power covered the surrounding space, making people unable to move.

Chen Feng sneered and did not dodge, allowing the other party to hold his shoulders tightly.

The immortal was surprised at first that Chen Feng was caught so easily, and then he grinned, without thinking much. After all, it was not easy for the immortal to attack the earth immortal, but the owner of Donglong Island seemed to be a little inconsistent with the legend.

But then, the face of the immortal began to change, and it was a huge change. A wild and unparalleled suction force came out from Chen Feng and rushed directly into the body of this person, plundering frantically, like a hungry wolf devouring flesh and blood.

The immortal only had time to let out a scream, and most of the blood and qi in his body disappeared, and then the whole person collapsed.

"Can the cultivators of Tianxiao Palace only be arrogant in the lower world?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"Looking for death."


Seeing this scene, the cultivators behind this immortal shouted loudly, and actually came forward to surround Chen Feng, and attacked at the same time. In an instant, several attacks fell on Chen Feng.

However, after these earth-shattering attacks fell on Chen Feng, they were like a drop in the ocean, disappearing in the blink of an eye. These people immediately knew that something was wrong. They wanted to retreat, but they felt that their bodies were imprisoned and could not move.

There were five immortals attacking Chen Feng, and five black whirlpools emerged on Chen Feng's body. One swallowed, and the five immortals all shrank and fell to the ground.

Although Chen Feng did not kill the other party, the spirit and energy in these immortals were almost drained away. It can be said that they were injured at the root. Even if there were immortal pills, they didn't know when they could recover.

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of other cultivators. In the eyes of these immortal soldiers, a small native dared to plot against their own cultivators. This was simply unforgivable.

So, dozens of immortals killed at the same time.

With Chen Feng's current strength, ordinary immortals simply don't look down on him, even if the opponent is an immortal from the fairy world, but this is not a good time to fight. Besides, there are too many immortal soldiers, and their strength is so strong that they can even repel the invasion of the Heavenly Emperor's fairyland. If Chen Feng fights against the opponent, he will definitely be in a lot of trouble.

However, facing the opponent's unreasonable siege, Chen Feng's eyes also flashed a trace of murderous intent. With a wave of his hand, the sword light flashed, and the sword energy rippled in waves. Then these dozens of immortals flew backwards one after another, and half of them even died.


Just when Chen Feng wanted to continue to attack, a condensed stream of light instantly arrived in front of Chen Feng, and the destructive breath contained in it made Chen Feng tremble in his heart.

"It's an energy cannon." Chen Feng's heart moved, and a bit of starlight fell in front of him, blocking this stream of light. There was a bang, as if a star exploded in front of Chen Feng, and then Chen Feng disappeared.

"Hmph, a little native dared to attack the immortal soldiers, and was blasted into pieces." A high-level immortal strode over, with a cylindrical magic weapon floating beside him, which was the energy cannon.

"The other party is safe and sound, and has now reached the outer space." At this time, a true immortal suddenly spoke.

After hearing this, the immortal's face turned really ugly, and he was about to chase and kill Chen Feng.

"You retreat, that man is not someone you can deal with." The true immortal in armor said, and his figure flashed into the starry sky, looked around, and then chased in one direction.

However, after this person disappeared, several more true immortals appeared, all of whom were people from the immortal world, and followed him and disappeared into the starry sky.

"Hmph, that was the aura of a pseudo-divine weapon just now. This level of magic weapon is also a good thing in the fairy world, and it is a must-have. No wonder Liu Jiashi was the first to catch up."

"Pseudo-divine weapon, no one can take it alone."

"By the way, what is Chen Feng's origin, why does he have a pseudo-divine weapon, he doesn't have any backers."

"Even if there is a backer, we can't let him go."

"Let me ask."

Several divine thoughts began to rush and sweep across the eternal land, sweeping across the sea of ​​consciousness of some immortals, and they were immediately searched, and they could not be stopped at all. This is the power of the true immortals.

"Chen Feng, from the Changsheng clan."

"The owner of the Changsheng Tower."

"What, he came from this place, how is it possible, hasn't the Changsheng Tower been destroyed?"

"It shouldn't be the main body."

"That's not right, those who can own the Changsheng Tower must be some powerful people, Chen Feng is not even an immortal."

"You will know if you catch him."

"Hey! I won't get involved in this matter. If Changshengtian gets angry, I'm afraid all of us will die, even if we are immortals."

"Not bad, not bad, although Changshengtian is not as powerful as before, it is not something that small people like us can provoke."

Although he said so, there are still real immortals who set off one after another. The temptation of the pseudo-artifact and the Changsheng Tower is enough to make people crazy in front of life.

"Someone is catching up, isn't this looking for death?" Chen Feng soon found the pursuers behind him.

"Hey! There are so many people. It seems that the previous brilliant star map leaked the aura. This is troublesome."

The most important thing for Chen Feng now is to find a place to pass the tribulation, but he didn't expect that the cultivators behind him would chase him closely, and they were constantly shortening the distance between them and Chen Feng. This situation made Chen Feng curse in his heart.

"There are not many pursuers, just kill them all." Dark Kirin had almost recovered at this time.

"Yes, we killed some true immortals before, and it doesn't matter if we kill a few more. I have been unhappy with these guys in the fairy court for a long time." Huoyunlong also encouraged.

"You two are very clear. If there are less than ten people, we can indeed fight, but the true immortals behind have exceeded thirty, plus the energy cannon with amazing destructive power, and some other immortal methods. Hehe, now Biqing is not here, we can't stop these people with our strength." Chen Feng said coldly.

"So, are we going to keep running away?"

"We can only keep running away, but we can fight back appropriately." Chen Feng chuckled, and the brilliant star map that was shuttling through the starry sky suddenly stopped, and the star field expanded rapidly, and actually brought in the nearest True Immortal, who was the first True Immortal Liu Jiashi who caught up.


After taking the opponent in, the pseudo-artifact flashed suddenly and started to shuttle again. After Dark Qilin and Fire Cloud Dragon were stunned for a moment, they immediately attacked. Tianjian Laozu and other immortals also took advantage of the starry sky formation to sneak attack.

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