Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,030: A War of Disparity

This ten thousand mile trench is a hundred miles wide and a thousand meters deep, constantly emitting a breath of destruction. As for the creatures on this road, they have been shattered to pieces, and even the area within dozens of miles around has been affected.

This is simply the light of destruction.

This is just the beginning. Next, this red stream of light continues to crisscross. Wherever it passes, mountains and rivers are destroyed, and the earth is cracked. Even if an immortal encounters it, not even his bones will be left in an instant.

The second stream of light.

The third stream of light.

The fourth, the fifth, and soon ten flashes of annihilating light penetrated from the encounter. In a few breaths, the eternal world of tens of millions of miles was turned over, the mountains disappeared, the earth sank, and the buildings and creatures were annihilated in it.

In this area of ​​tens of millions of miles, there are countless forces, and there are dozens of large empires, but all of them have disappeared. Of course, most of the monks have been collected in advance, but there are still a large number of ordinary residents who were involved and died. As for other creatures, there are even more.

Seeing this scene, even Chen Feng's eyes began to have flames jumping.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and a nebula appeared in the sky. The destructive light column disappeared immediately after entering it, without even a ripple.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several starlights flickered, like streamers passing by, and everyone saw that several warships were hit, and even one of them was broken into two.

The monks who saw this scene cheered again in surprise, and their eyes became awed when they looked at Chen Feng.

"You should understand the situation you are facing. Those who have strength should not put it aside. Take it out as soon as possible, otherwise this time the world will be destroyed and none of us can escape." Chen Feng's voice spread far away, his eyes kept sweeping, and finally fixed his eyes on the camp of Jiuxiao Palace.

Before, the two sides were hostile and fought fiercely, but now they have to face a powerful and irresistible danger at the same time.

"We can send someone to talk to the other side." Someone made this suggestion.


"If anyone wants to do this, they can negotiate on their own. We won't stop them."

"We can choose to submit to the other party."

"Hehe, we won't stop them either."

"Chen Feng." A senior immortal from Jiuxiao Palace came to Chen Feng. He was a half-step immortal from the fairy world.

"I have already notified the fairy world. I think you should know what to do." Chen Feng said indifferently.

"We also used secret techniques to notify Tianxiao Palace in the fairy world before, but now the other party has blocked the void and the information can't be transmitted." The half-step immortal shook his head and his face was not good. The pressure transmitted from outside the domain made the half-step immortal feel a deep threat of death.

"Then there is no way. There are only two ways to go. One is to wait for death, and the other is to be killed in the resistance." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his five fingers. The brilliant starry sky map suddenly unfolded, blocking most of the eternal world. All the attacks of the other party disappeared in the starlight.

Of course, Chen Feng was not feeling well either. Under this situation, he could only hold on for a short time.

"Everyone, get ready for the battle. If you fight hard and insist on the reinforcements from the fairy world, you can still have a glimmer of hope." Chen Feng's voice was transmitted through the brilliant star map and reached all places in the Eternal World.

"A fake artifact is the breath I felt before. It seems that Hun Luo and Di Shan should have died in the hands of this person."

"It's just a fake artifact. Even the real artifact can't resist our pace."

"All attack."

Ten thousand fairy-level warships roared out. The burst of attacks had stopped people's hearts before entering the Eternal World. Even the immortals couldn't resist such a strong destructive breath, and some people even began to faint.

Chen Feng urged the brilliant star map for less than a breath, and then the brilliant star map quickly shrank and fell into Chen Feng's hands, while Chen Feng's face was pale, his body was shaking, and he was about to stand unsteady.

"Tower, do you think I will gain anything this time? There are so many True Immortals and Supreme Immortals, as well as the treasures plundered by the other party. If I can get them, I can establish a force in the fairy world." Chen Feng communicated with Tower while recovering his vitality.

"Your idea is good, I support you."

"Tower, when can you open the sixth floor?"

"Hey, if I can open the sixth floor, I can easily suppress the opponent's 100,000 warships."

"Is it so powerful? You are not bragging."

"Hmph, what do you know? The sixth floor retains a trace of my original power."

"You are not lying to me."

"Why would I lie to you? But it is not so easy to open the sixth floor. The situation this time is very serious. If the fairy world does not intervene, humph, this world will be over."

"I know all you said, I just want to know if you can get out?"

"That's no problem. Why, kid, are you planning to escape?"

"Under the situation where things are impossible, it is still most important to keep your life. Don't fight before that. It's best to collect a few warships."

The attack launched by the opponent repelled the brilliant star map, and the remaining attacks left thousands of holes in the eternal world. The warships did not move, and one by one the monks turned into streams of light and broke through the strong wind and entered the eternal world.

Led by True Immortals, whose lowest cultivation levels are Supreme Immortals, an army of this level once again plunged the Eternal World into chaos.

You should know that the highest level of the Eternal World is the Immortal. The highest versus the lowest, this is simply incomparable.

"Although the opponent is powerful, he will be suppressed by the laws of this world. After all, the Eternal World has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and there must be some masters." Bi Qing's voice suddenly sounded, and he took the brunt and killed with a long sword in hand.

Bi Qing is already a genuine True Immortal. Even if he faces a group of True Immortals, he will not be afraid. On the contrary, he has a desire to fight.

"30,000 miles of the blue sky!"

The sword wave rippled out, lingering but mighty, entering the True Immortal, Bi Luotian's various secrets began to be displayed.

Just this move, several Immortals and a True Immortal were submerged in it and could not escape.



Bi Qing's actions boosted the morale of the crowd, and their spirits rose again. The entire Eternal World was shaking, and the stream of light visible to the naked eye emanated from the depths of the earth veins and drilled into the bodies of the crowd. The cultivators present felt that their spirits and spirits were immediately raised to a higher level, and they had endless power in their bodies.

This is the blessing of the Eternal World.

"Let's fight!"

Chen Feng waved his hand, and he and Huoyunlong rushed forward on the left and right, followed by hundreds of immortals. This is the full strength of the East Dragon Island Alliance.

In Chen Feng's perception, the immortals gathered by the Eternal World have exceeded 10,000, but this force is still too weak in front of the invading force.

"If I can enter the immortal level and activate the pseudo-artifact, even ten true immortals can stop it." The number of people on both sides is not large, but the power generated is incomparable to that of billions of earthly immortals. In just a few breaths, the Eternal World was dispersed and suffered heavy losses, and the courage that had just been mobilized was also defeated.

So everyone began to flee. In the blink of an eye, less than 10% of the ten people who stayed in the original place to fight, and several people in the East Dragon Island Alliance also suffered casualties, and this was still because Chen Feng and Biqing were blocking them.

"Forget it, you all come in." Chen Feng waved his hand, the stars flickered, and the immortals behind him also entered the brilliant starry sky map.

"This is an existence beyond the immortal weapon. You now stand according to the star position. Whether you can kill the opponent next or not still requires your strength." Chen Feng's voice rang out in the starry sky.

At this time, Biqing could not resist it. After a rush, he killed two true immortals and dozens of upper immortals. Biqing's record can be said to have shocked both sides, but then Biqing was severely injured under the joint efforts of several true immortals, and finally entered the brilliant starry sky map.

The last batch of upper immortals was also dispersed. The battle came and ended quickly. The Eternal World simply had no power to resist.

"The small world also wants to suppress us."


Dozens of true immortals joined forces, and no one knew what secret technique they used, but they actually tore open the suppression of the Eternal World. Chen Feng even heard the wailing sound coming from the depths of the earth veins, as if a living being was severely injured.

"The origin of the Eternal World was attacked." Chen Feng understood what happened.

If the opponent did not have a true immortal, Chen Feng could kill the opponent by wandering and hunting with the power of the magic weapon, but facing so many true immortals, Chen Feng had no luck at all.

In addition to the upper cultivators of the East Dragon Island Alliance, the upper immortals of other forces also approached Chen Feng, wanting to seek Chen Feng's protection, and even some people from the Jiuxiao Palace.

Chen Feng only hesitated for a moment before taking the other party into the formation diagram. In order to stimulate the power of the pseudo-artifact, these helpers are indeed needed.

"Leave the Eternal World and go to the outer space to fight."

"It's not a fight, it's an escape."

Relying on the pseudo-artifact in hand, Chen Feng rushed and killed a gap, but it was not easy to break through the opponent's blockade and reach the starry sky. If you are not careful, you will be surrounded. After all, the opponent's many true immortals are not vegetarians.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

However, at this time, six powerful waves from the Eternal World rose into the sky, and the waves turned into attacks, sweeping all the way, and actually killed a large number of upper immortals and two true immortals.

"It's a true immortal. I didn't expect that the Eternal World actually has six true immortals hidden." Chen Feng became excited. His mind moved, and the Longevity Tower emitted a suction force, swallowing up all the spirit and energy left by the immortals.

"This may be the last power of the Eternal World. Even if there are ten times more, it can't change the situation." Bi Qing shook his head.

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