Eternal Existence

Chapter 1029: Terror Arrives

"Although this kind of thing is a bit crazy, it is not a problem to destroy some star fields with this force. Only the immortals can stop these people." Huoyunlong understood Chen Feng's concerns. This force can occupy one side and become the overlord of one side even if it enters the fairyland.

"The Celestial Emperor's Fairyland!" Chen Feng thought more than Huoyunlong. Since there are people coming from other fairylands, there will be people going out to explore in his fairyland. If the fairyland is reduced to the world, it means that the cultivators of this world can go to another world through some means. It sounds a bit strange at first, but it is just a simple matter.

"What should we do now?"

"Go find Senior Biqing first."

With the power of the pseudo-artifact, plus Chen Feng has been locking Biqing's breath, he can lock the target even if they are separated by billions of miles.

With the help of the power of the pseudo-artifact, Chen Feng quickly found Biqing, but at this time Biqing was constantly running in the starry sky, because there were two warships chasing behind, and there were two true immortals above the warships who were locking Biqing's breath from a distance.

"There are two more warships. Could it be that there will be four True Immortals this time? Hehe, the number of True Immortals in the entire Eternal World will not exceed a single digit." Huoyunlong was surprised.

"Senior Biqing has recovered to the realm of True Immortal." Chen Feng's eyes fell on Biqing. At this time, there was a green light flowing on Biqing's body, and the law of truth kept emerging. It was obviously because the realm had not been completely stabilized. However, Chen Feng and Huoyunlong still saw that Biqing did not rely on the blessing of Biluotian at this time, which means that Biqing broke through to the realm of True Immortal.

"Awesome, he succeeded in transcending the tribulation so quickly."


Chen Feng activated the formation diagram, and Biqing immediately arrived in the One Yuan True Spirit Diagram. Sure enough, Biqing's sudden disappearance immediately made the pursuers nervous, but they searched around but did not find any trace.

The four True Immortals guarded the four directions of the starry sky and performed a secret technique of searching the sky and the earth. They searched the surrounding star field thoroughly and carefully several times, not even letting go of a trace of dust, but finally returned empty-handed.

Chen Feng and Huoyunlong were clearly watching the situation outside in the formation diagram.

"Sure enough, there are four True Immortals." The two looked at each other until the four True Immortals left. They felt a lingering fear. Although they were hiding in the formation diagram, they still felt unsafe.

"If my realm is stable, I can fight two of them against four." Biqing, who was cultivating a stable realm, said.

"Attack the senior to restore to the realm of True Immortal, and it is just around the corner to restore the former style." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I was a mid-level celestial immortal back then. It is not that easy to cultivate again." Biqing shook his head.

"Senior, I got some interesting news when I killed two True Immortals before." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"What news? Could it be the origin of the other party?" Biqing's eyes lit up. In the previous fight, Biqing also felt some different auras of the other party.

"The other party is from the Tiandi Immortal Realm." Chen Feng said simply, believing that Biqing would know something.

"Immortal Realm." Sure enough, Biqing noticed these two words.

"You said the other party is from another immortal realm?" Biqing became a little excited.

"That's right." Chen Feng nodded and quickly told Bi Qing the news he had just received.

Bi Qing was silent for a while, and his face returned to calm, but his eyes kept flashing, obviously thinking about something.

"If there is no strong help, these life worlds will be destroyed next." Bi Qing said this at last.

"The Eternal World cannot be destroyed." Chen Feng frowned.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, let's go back immediately and activate all our cultivation. We can still resist for a while." Huoyunlong shouted.

"Hey, it's just a resistance." In the face of absolute power, Chen Feng felt that everything was so powerless.

"Things are not as serious as imagined. In this case, the fairy world will definitely intervene." Bi Qing thought for a while and said.

"Even if the fairy world intervenes, I don't know how much of the Eternal World, which is the venue, can be preserved after a war, unless the war occurs in the outer space." Chen Feng shook his head.

"It seems that I can only take that step." Bi Qing said this with a long sigh, as if the depression in his heart disappeared.

"Senior, if you really want to do this, don't forget what happened with Xianyun before."

"I am now a true immortal, I have the power to protect myself, and the power I am looking for this time is very reliable." Biqing said lightly.

Chen Feng nodded and said no more, because Chen Feng had guessed what Biqing was going to do.

"Without further delay, I will communicate with Biluotian, Chen Feng, I think you should be able to communicate with the fairy world." Biqing said and immediately began to use the secret method to communicate with Biluotian.

"Of course I can't do it, but with the help of the Changsheng Tower, it's not a piece of cake." Chen Feng laughed.

"That's right, you can steal the sky, let alone this kind of trivial matter."

No matter what Biqing did, Chen Feng had communicated with the fairy world with the help of the Changsheng Tower, and easily passed the news of 100,000 warships to the fairy world. As for what the fairy world would do and who would be attracted, Chen Feng didn't care. Of course, this was not safe, Chen Feng activated the formation diagram and returned to the eternal world.

After returning to the Eternal World, Chen Feng immediately spread the news. In fact, Chen Feng did not want to do this, because in this way, the entire Eternal World would become more chaotic, but Chen Feng had to do this because time was running out. Only in this way could the news be released as quickly as possible. Of course, it was hard to say whether reinforcements could be brought in.

However, the Eternal World was originally being plundered by various forces, but as soon as this news was released, the invading forces from other worlds began to retreat, which caused some subtle changes in the Eternal World. That is, the treasures that came out of the world were constantly obtained by the local cultivators of the Eternal World. However, in Chen Feng's view, even if all the treasures were obtained by the local cultivators, it would probably be useless.

Soon, the various forces that stayed in the Eternal World came to Chen Feng one after another. These people did not come to confirm the authenticity of the matter, because they did not doubt the news brought by Chen Feng. The purpose of everyone looking for Chen Feng was to discuss how to meet the enemy.

Of course, the first to find Chen Feng were the allies, but under the pressure of the dark, even some hostile forces of the East Dragon Island Alliance could not bear it. Unlike the previous invasions of various worlds, this time everyone faced the destruction of the entire Eternal World.

"Friends! We are leaving too." The Blood Blade King came to say goodbye to Chen Feng with a group of blood cultivators with a complicated expression.

Chen Feng nodded and didn't say much. At this time, Chen Feng had no right to keep the other party. Besides, it was rare for the Blood Blade King to insist on saying goodbye to Chen Feng.

Thinking about the various forces that had come to the Eternal World to plunder with great momentum before, they left like they were running for their lives. Chen Feng suddenly felt a little funny. In Chen Feng's opinion, if the invading army of the Emperor's Immortal Realm swept across the Eternal World, they would continue to attack other worlds, perhaps the Blood Realm or the Demon Realm.

"A full 10,000 immortal weapon-level warships appeared outside the domain and were about to enter the Eternal World."

This news ignited the entire Eternal World.

"It's coming so fast!"

"Not to mention 10,000 ships, even 1,000 ships would be a devastating blow to the Eternal World, unless the number of the other side's True Immortals is not that large." Thinking of this, Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he felt that he had made a mistake before. Then his mind turned quickly, and he digested the information he had obtained from the previous soul search again.

"Hey, I was careless." Chen Feng laughed.

"The other side doesn't have that many True Immortals." At this time, Huoyunlong also thought of this.

"One hundred thousand immortal-level warships, ten thousand True Immortals." Chen Feng said lightly.

"In this way, there are also a thousand True Immortals in the force attacking the Eternal World. Not to mention a thousand True Immortals, even a hundred True Immortals can easily wipe out this world."

"It's not that simple." Chen Feng's eyes flickered. In fact, he didn't have any good ideas in his mind. He could only do his best to preserve the East Dragon Island Alliance. Of course, Chen Feng also had the ultimate means, which was to collect all the cultivators of the East Dragon Island Alliance into the Longevity Tower or other immortal artifacts.

If the cave heaven inside an immortal artifact is completely opened up, the entire Eternal World can be accommodated.

There were many people who had the same idea as Chen Feng. Some ancestors of other forces had already started to take action. Under the pressure from the outside world, the number of creatures in the Eternal World began to decrease rapidly.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!

Feeling a strong crisis, the origin of the Eternal World shook, and a yellow light shield rose up, covering the entire world. But then 10,000 warships quickly dispersed, connected to each other, and formed a formation to surround the entire Eternal World.

"Even if all the creatures are put into the immortal artifact, what can they do? They can't escape." Some people have begun to lose heart. In this case, even the real immortals can't escape.

Chen Feng sighed and still activated the brilliant starry sky map. The starlight flickered and covered the land for thousands of miles. All the cultivators below the upper immortals of the East Dragon Island Alliance entered this pseudo-artifact. This was not simply collecting cultivators, but directly transferring them from the mountain ranges and cities. The cultivators in it didn't even feel that they had arrived in another world.

"What kind of magic weapon is this!" Chen Feng's move shook the entire Eternal World. All the immortals looked at Chen Feng in horror. The power that the brilliant star map exuded casually made these high-ranking cultivators feel an irresistible pressure from the bottom of their hearts.

"Could it be a top-grade immortal weapon?" Most cultivators thought so.

A stream of red light suddenly came from outside the domain, easily piercing through the strong wind that could strangle the cultivators, and gently scratched the Eternal World, and a deep ravine that was thousands of miles long appeared on the ground.

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