Eternal Existence

Chapter 1028: Visitors from Outside the Territory

"Practice! This is a True Immortal. I am not afraid of one, but there are two here." Although Huoyunlong said this, all the strength in his body had already burst out, and he took the initiative to attack Dishan True Immortal.

Just as Huoyunlong launched the attack, a galaxy rushed over and directly split the starry sky into two. Soul Luo True Immortal felt that the scene in front of him changed, and the shadows of Dishan True Immortal and Huoyunlong were gone.

"Not good!"

Then, Soul Luo True Immortal felt that he had lost contact with the warship.

"One-on-one, this should be about the same." Chen Feng's voice sounded in Huoyunlong's ears again, but Huoyunlong didn't seem to hear Chen Feng's call, because Huoyunlong had completely entered the combat state. The opponent was a True Immortal, and he couldn't be careless.

The bright starlight flashed, and the misty energy continued to gather, like a constantly changing nebula. Soul Luo True Immortal's face was solemn, and he took a big step forward and punched out, trying to make a way, but although Soul Luo True Immortal could stir up the wind and clouds, the pressure and restraint around him became stronger and stronger.

At the same time, there were waves of gentle power surging. At first, Soul Luo Zhenxian only felt that he was facing an attack from the starry sky. When he felt that his whole body was suppressed, he felt that the surroundings had turned into a vast ocean, and it was a sea that was even larger and more vast than the galaxy.

It was the result of the simultaneous suppression of the two pseudo-artifacts, the Brilliant Starry Sky Map and the One Yuan True Spirit Map.

Soul Luo Zhenxian suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart, and his soul began to tremble. This was caused by a strong threat from the outside world, the threat of death.

In hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation, this level of death danger has only occurred a few times.

Boom! Boom!

Under the stimulation of the threat of death, all the potential in Soul Luo Zhenxian's body was stimulated, and the abundant blood and energy filled the starry sky, and then suddenly converged. The whole person stood in the starry sky and became extremely ordinary.

"Who are you, please come out and see me." Soul Luo Zhenxian has completely calmed down.

"You're chasing after him without even knowing who he is. Isn't this just suicide? Also, facing the temptation of pseudo-artifacts, even a True Immortal will be greedy." Chen Feng smiled and appeared in front of Soul Luo True Immortal.

"Earth Immortal!"

Soul Luo True Immortal frowned, his eyes flickering, as if he didn't believe what he saw.

"It's just that the Earth Immortal is activating the pseudo-artifacts, so if I kill him, won't these two pseudo-artifacts be mine?" This thought rose uncontrollably in his mind.

"You're a True Immortal after all, it's so disappointing that you're so easily greedy." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Greed is the driving force for progress." Soul Luo True Immortal said lightly, and didn't make a move, but Chen Feng suddenly retreated. A big hand appeared where Chen Feng had just stood, silently, and it was indeed a full-strength attack from a True Immortal.

"A True Immortal sneak attacks an Earth Immortal, aren't you afraid of being laughed at by others?" Chen Feng said as he waved his hand, and the One Yuan True Spirit Diagram slowly unfolded in Chen Feng's hand, and rolling green streamers rushed towards Soul Luo True Immortal.

Under the absolute strength, with the pseudo artifact in hand, Chen Feng would not fight with the opponent. Of course, it is not so easy to use two pseudo artifacts to deal with the opponent.

However, after being covered by the attack of the sky river, the Soul Luo Immortal never came out again, but just kept struggling in it. Chen Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. With a wave of his hand, the sky river poured back into the One Yuan True Spirit Map. As for the Soul Luo Immortal, he had already entered this pseudo artifact.

"The next step is to slowly wear down the opponent's power." Chen Feng was a little surprised that he could suppress a True Immortal so easily.

"When I am promoted to the upper immortal, it should be so easy to suppress a True Immortal of this level. Let's go and see Huoyunlong first." Chen Feng's mind moved, and the starry sky in front of him rolled. A smooth mirror appeared in the starry sky, and the situation of Huoyunlong and Dishan Zhenxian fighting was revealed in it.

Huoyunlong's fighting power was fully opened, and even the origin of the flame world was blessed. His strength was infinitely close to that of a True Immortal, but he was still not a match for Dishan Zhenxian. If it weren't in his home court, Huoyunlong might have been killed.

The fighting power of Dishan Zhenxian is a little weaker than that of Hunluo Zhenxian. He cultivates the Great Dao of the Earth, Mountains and Rivers. His aura is condensed and solid, as majestic as a mountain. Even if he stands still, Huoyunlong cannot do anything with just defense.

Chen Feng just watched for a while and stretched out his finger to the mirror. The calm mirror fluctuated. Dishan Zhenxian, who was fighting with Huoyunlong, immediately felt the crisis and immediately retracted the attack. His body twisted like a spiral, and the next moment he was out of the external force.


A little starlight suddenly exploded, but the attack was empty.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you take the opportunity to attack?" Chen Feng's voice sounded in Huoyunlong's ears.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At the same time, the stars in the starry sky began to flicker, and the starlight extended to each other, constantly pulling and linking, and soon formed a starry sky pattern. The starry sky pattern flickered, and Dishan Zhenxian immediately felt a destructive force rushing towards him, locking his soul, but acting on his body.

"Friend, please stop for now. We can talk it out." Under the threat of his life, Dishan Zhenxian immediately shouted.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to be able to kill a Zhenxian today. It's exciting to think about it." Seeing this scene, Huoyunlong laughed loudly. With Chen Feng's secret attack, Huoyunlong knew that this battle had already come to an end.

In fact, Dishan Zhenxian and Hunluo Zhenxian had already sent out distress signals, but they were in the pseudo-artifact and the signals were not transmitted.

And Hunluo Zhenxian went to hunt for the pseudo-artifact, but there was no news, which made the leader of the warship group feel something was wrong. When the two immortals were trapped, two more warships followed closely, but these two warships did not find any clues, but fell into the trap set by Biqing.

The two star formations were completed, one on the left and one on the right to suppress Dishan Zhenxian, and Huoyunlong took the opportunity to leave some scars on the other party.

Chen Feng's figure flashed and appeared in front of Dishan Zhenxian. After seeing Chen Feng, Dishan Zhenxian's expression became more exciting.

The two immortals were suppressed in the pseudo-artifacts, and there was no possibility of turning over, because Chen Feng was constantly extracting the laws and power in the other party's body. Over time, the two immortals would only become weaker and weaker until they died.

"One immortal warship, two true immortals, dozens of upper immortals, this time the harvest is huge." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The other side has 100,000 warships, it would be great if we could hunt a few more." Huoyunlong was a little dissatisfied.

"Be careful not to be stuffed to death." Although Chen Feng said this, he was also a little tempted. After all, hard practice is far less efficient than robbing like this.

As long as Chen Feng uses the swallowing and absorbing technique, just swallowing a small part of the essence in the body of the true immortal can be equivalent to his own thousands of years of hard practice.

Finally, the true immortal laws in the bodies of the two true immortals were completely extracted, and a small part of the blood in the body was also swallowed by Chen Feng, but more was collected by Chen Feng, and a trace of Yuan Ling fell into Chen Feng's hands, and soon Chen Feng's expression became wonderful.

"Guess what I found?" Chen Feng looked at Huoyunlong and said a little strangely.

"Could these people really be from the fairy world? This is impossible?" Huoyunlong shook his head. From the battle with Dishan True Immortal just now, Huoyunlong felt a mysterious atmosphere, different from the fairy world. In short, Huoyunlong didn't know the origin of the other party.

"The other party is from outside the domain." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Outside the domain? What outside the domain?" Huoyunlong was a little surprised.

Chen Feng nodded, knowing that Huoyunlong's current realm could not reach that level. After all, if he was not from the core of the Changsheng clan, he would not know these things.

"Forget it, let's talk about this later. Anyway, you know that these people come from the distant starry sky, and other star domains are enough." Originally, Chen Feng wanted to make friends with Huoyunlong, but later changed his mind.

"It turned out that they came from other star domains, but the other party's strength was so strong that it was beyond people's expectations." Huoyunlong accepted this explanation.

Chen Feng didn't say anything on the surface, but his heart was already in turmoil. The fairyland where he was was called Wuji Fairyland. No one could tell how big Wuji Fairyland was. The fairyland and the major heavens were only a small part of it.

Generally speaking, cultivators at the upper fairy level would not even know the four words Wuji Fairyland, and even the true fairy didn't know much. Of course, Chen Feng only knew a vague idea, and the details were not clear.

Of course, when you reach the level of True Immortal, you can go to other immortal realms to venture out, but this kind of thing is not for Chen Feng to understand now, but Chen Feng thinks that Bi Qing should know this situation.

From the soul search just now, it is known that these 100,000 warships come from a place called Tiandi Immortal Realm, which is at the same level as Wuji Immortal Realm. This force came to Wuji Immortal Realm through the channel constructed by the great magician. To put it bluntly, they came to explore and adventure.

After entering Wuji Immortal Realm, these people swept some star fields and life worlds, and did not encounter super masters. It can be said that they have gained a lot. This time they entered this star field just by accident, but these warships will be divided into several groups to attack the Eternal World and Zhoutian World and some other life worlds.

After receiving this news, Chen Feng felt a little uneasy. This force is too powerful. If it is concentrated, it can destroy a world in a short time. Even if it is separated, it is not something these worlds can contend with.

"Unless a real master appears, the immortal world or other higher worlds intervene." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"Chen Feng, what are you talking about?" Huo Yunlong was a little confused. He didn't know what Chen Feng was mumbling, but after listening to Chen Feng's narration, his expression became interesting.

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