Eternal Existence

Chapter 1027: Start the Attack

"There is a true immortal." In the One-Yuan True Spirit Diagram, Huo Yunlong broke out in cold sweat. The beam just now was not that simple. It was emitted by the true immortal urging the ship to turn around. A true immortal can handle Huo Yunlong, and even more What's more, there is a true immortal hiding in the secret to attack.

"I have long felt that the other party has masters hiding in the dark, and now I finally take action." Chen Feng laughed instead.

"We have reached this point, and you can still laugh. What should we do? Should we leave here first? The warships sent by the other party at will include two true immortals and one hundred thousand warships. My God, I can't imagine it. Ah." Huo Yunlong jumped up in surprise.

"This time, the other party attacked us first. Could it be that Brother Huo just wanted to suffer this loss?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"So what if you don't suffer a loss? The situation is stronger than the person."

"Haven't you seen it yet? Not to mention that there are two true immortals on the other side, even if there are a few more people, it will be a dead end for me today." Chen Feng was a little proud when he said this.

"You mean?" After hearing this, Huo Yunlong's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Don't forget that I have two fake artifacts with me. The other party fell into my trap when I first started."

Chen Feng waved his hand as he spoke, and Huo Yunlong could clearly see the situation outside. Originally, when Huo Yunlong entered the formation, True Immortal Hunluo was about to continue attacking the formation, but the twinkling stars all around made this True Immortal know that something seemed to be happening. Something has changed.

Speaking of which, these true immortals were also very cautious. They entered the warship immediately, and other immortals followed closely behind. In the end, only one warship was left floating in the space, and then it shook violently, and instantly Flying a million miles.

However, no matter how the fairy warship flew away, the surrounding starry sky remained the same without any change.

"Could it be that you have entered an illusion?"

"No, it's the power of the world. We have entered the trap set by the other party."

"Find a way to get out."

There was a sound in the warship, and then the warship burst out with powerful force, trying to cut through the space and jump.

Unexpectedly, the surrounding starry sky suddenly became chaotic, and the scene changed drastically. Various forces entangled themselves in various directions, forming invisible ropes that tied up the warship.

"It's the Brilliant Starry Sky Picture. It turns out you have arranged this magic weapon a long time ago." Huo Yunlong Youxue said in surprise.

"Of course. Although the Brilliant Starry Sky Map is just a road map, it is a pseudo-artifact after all. If the opponent enters it, even if I don't do it, it will be very difficult to get out." Chen Feng laughed.

"Hahaha, that's it. I didn't expect you to be so insidious."

"This is not insidious, this is a strategy and means. Okay, although the opponent is trapped, it still takes some effort to deal with these two true immortals. In fact, I am not worried about these two people, I am afraid There are people from the other side chasing you.”

When Chen Feng said this, he was urging the pseudo-artifact to continuously shuttle through the starry sky. He didn't know how long it had passed. He even traveled through a star field before he stopped.

"I wonder how Bi Qing is doing?" Huo Yunlong suddenly asked.

"Don't worry, senior Biqing was once an immortal, and he still has some tricks." Chen Feng was not worried about Biqing.

"God, I wonder when I will be able to cultivate to this level?"

"You'd better cultivate to the level of a true immortal first. If you don't have a chance encounter based on your qualifications, you won't be able to cultivate to the realm of an immortal in this life."

"how about you?"

"I, haha, true immortals, heavenly immortals or higher realms are just stages that I have to go through on the path of cultivation."

"Humph, that's true. Let's get rid of these two true immortals first. We agreed before that this warship belongs to me."

"Don't worry, I took action a long time ago. Look, isn't it effective now?"

Sure enough, the warship that had been floating in the starry sky began to shake. Not to mention, countless patterns began to appear on the warship itself. These patterns seemed to be alive. I don't know how they grew, but They all got into the warship.

"It's the power of the curse!" Huo Yunlong exclaimed: "This warship is mine, don't damage it."

"If it's broken, there's nothing we can do about it. After all, they are two true immortals, so it's not easy to deal with them." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Eh! That's not right. I remember that the cursed scepter should only be a high-grade immortal weapon. It shouldn't have such power, right?" At this time, Huo Yunlong suddenly said in confusion.

"Then you are mistaken. The cursed scepter is of high quality on the surface, but it can cause chaos inside. The chain is higher-grade. Besides, the power it can exert in my hand will be stronger. Okay, stop talking so much nonsense. , see how I deal with each other."

"Hmph!" Huo Yunlong snorted and said no more. In fact, he was a little unhappy in his heart, envious of Chen Feng for having so many good things.

On the surface, this warship is constantly shaking. In fact, the power of the curse has little effect on this fairy-level warship. However, the opponent is now in the bright starry sky. This is a pseudo-artifact. As long as it can be used With the original power, there is no problem in killing several true immortals. At this time, Chen Feng was communicating with this pseudo-artifact to launch an attack. Of course, some of the power of the One-Yuan True Spirit Diagram was also borrowed.

Chen Feng's purpose is to trap the opponent first, consume the opponent's strength, and then eliminate the opponent.

Inside the warship, the space overlapped and extended vertically. It was unknown how wide it was. This was an immortal weapon. The space cave in it was a world, but it was just a luxuriously decorated palace. Several cultivators were screaming, and several people could not bear it and began to roll on the ground.

For the immortals, this situation would not happen even in the heavenly tribulation.



Suddenly, the two middle-level immortals roared wildly, like a beast roaring, and black light continued to flow out from the depths of their bodies, mixed with a trace of blood light. In an instant, these black lights enveloped the bodies of the two people and turned into mysterious patterns. Finally, these patterns drilled into the eyes of the two people, making their eyes turn from struggling to numb, and finally to bloodthirsty, and they actually attacked other cultivators around them.


Hun Luo Zhenxian's face changed, and with a wave of his hand, the two crazy immortals immediately fell to the ground, and their vitality disappeared.

"Damn it!"

"It's the power of the curse."

"Not only that, there is also the power of the pseudo-artifact. The other party is really insidious. He actually has two pseudo-artifacts and set a trap for us."

In addition to the True Immortal Hun Luo, there is another True Immortal who looks like a middle-aged man. The performance of this True Immortal is not as good as that of the True Immortal Hun Luo. There is actually a flash of fear in his eyes.

"Hmph! Dishan, you are not afraid, are you? We have been in this fairyland for ten thousand years. I don't know how many cultivators we have killed and how many resources we have plundered. Are you afraid of this little scene?"

"Bullshit, I'm not afraid. I just feel that the situation in front of me is a little weird, and I also feel a sense of crisis. Don't forget that my senses are more sensitive than yours." The True Immortal Dishan said with a guilty conscience.

"Crisis, hehe, the crisis we encountered along the way is not bad. Two pseudo-artifacts, okay, after killing the other party, we will each have one. With pseudo-artifacts, our status can be raised to a higher level." The True Immortal Hun Luo said with a smile, but there was also a trace of worry in the depths of his eyes.

"Yes, yes." The True Immortal Dishan laughed dryly twice.

"Senior, help me."

There are a total of forty immortals in this palace. At this time, all of them are resisting the erosion of the curse power. Except for a few people who are still resisting, the rest are about to lose their minds.

"Roar!" "Roar!"

Finally, someone lost his mind and was completely eroded and plundered by the curse power, turning into an emotionless killing machine, and madly rushed towards his companions.

"Not enough, not enough." At this time, Chen Feng's expression became a little solemn. The curse scepter in his hand hummed, and the curse power was constantly stimulated, penetrating through layers of space and drilling into the warship.

The power of darkness, the power of soul, the power of chaos, and some magic weapons continued to attack the warship from all directions. Entered the brilliant starry sky map, this is Chen Feng's territory.

"You kid are really insidious." Seeing this scene, Huoyunlong couldn't help but get scared.

"I would like to kill the other party head-on, but I am not strong enough." Chen Feng shook his head without distraction. No matter what means are used, the best means are to kill the other party.

All the immortals fell into chaos. The two true immortals did not want to help, but they were also attacked. Besides, they would face more powerful attacks next. They did not know whether they could keep their lives, so how could they take care of others.

The final result was that dozens of immortals died, and Chen Feng seemed to have reached a limit. He breathed a sigh of relief, his face darkened, and then began to regulate his breath.

Chen Feng was not worried that the other party would rush out and want to break the brilliant star map, unless there were several more true immortals attacking from the outside.

"You are really cruel, but you are also fast. You solved these immortals so quickly. Now I am beginning to envy the cursed scepter in your hand." Huoyunlong said with a smile.

When Chen Feng was recovering, the other party seemed to have found Chen Feng's breath. The two True Immortals directly abandoned the warship, tore open the layers of restraints in front of them, and rushed towards Chen Feng and Huo Yunlong.

"Do you want to fight with the True Immortal?" Chen Feng suddenly spoke at this time.

"What do you mean?" Huo Yunlong was stunned, but soon understood what Chen Feng meant. The time and space in front of him changed, and Huo Yunlong appeared in front of Dishan True Immortal.

"Chen Feng, you!" Huo Yunlong was furious.

"You succeeded in transcending the tribulation before, but your cultivation has not stabilized yet. Now is a good opportunity to hone it." Chen Feng's voice sounded in Huo Yunlong's ears.

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