Eternal Existence

Chapter 1024 Scroll

"Senior, what do you think about this matter?" Chen Feng secretly sent a message.

"There is something weird. There must be other problems here. Be careful."

"There won't be any other masters hiding in the dark."

"Hey! What's going on?" Chen Feng suddenly said in surprise. Chen Feng and Bi Qing were only a thousand miles apart. They could still transmit sound at first, but then the sound transmission was interrupted. Chen Feng's soul surged, and he felt a mysterious force envelope the surrounding meteorites.


Chen Feng's figure jumped, beating continuously among the meteorites, and soon arrived in front of Bi Qing.

"what happened?"

"Here's the problem. It's so powerful that it can even block sound transmission. Is there another true immortal hiding in the dark?"

"It's best to be careful. Maybe it's not a monk, it could be something else."

"We don't care about that much for now, let's wait until Huoyunlong has passed the tribulation."

After that, Chen Feng returned to his original position again, quietly waiting for the end of Huo Yunlong's tribulation. Nothing else happened during this process, but Chen Feng still felt a faint uneasiness in his heart. He ran his mind several times but could not catch it. Where does this air machine come from?

Of course, Huo Yunlong didn't know about the warning signs that Chen Feng and Bi Qing had discovered. All his thoughts were focused on overcoming the tribulation. He waited for Huo Yunlong to complete the tribulation and land on a meteorite to practice. Chen Feng and Bi Qing looked at each other. At a glance, the doubts in my heart became more intense.

There was still no sound transmission before, but now when the two looked at each other, they found that there was a strange power that was constantly fluctuating, affecting their consciousness and then affecting their sight again.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng and Bi Qing acted at the same time, appearing next to Huo Yunlong one on the left and one on the right.

"What's going on, you two?" After Huo Yunlong finished practicing, he saw Chen Feng and Bi Qing guarding their surroundings with solemn expressions.

"Something is wrong here." Chen Feng said lightly, feeling extremely strange in his heart. Although he could feel the strange power rising around him, he could not figure out where this power came from. And after analysis, Chen Feng and Bi Qing also received no useful information.

"This power seems a bit familiar." What surprised Chen Feng and Bi Qing was that Huo Yunlong actually said this.

"Eh! You know?" Chen Feng was surprised.

"I just feel a little familiar, but I have never seen this kind of power before. It's strange." Huo Yunlong emitted his consciousness and felt a little confused after sensing it for a while.

Bi Qing tried to reach out and grab it, but the void in front of him squirmed, and a huge vortex appeared, like a funnel. Soon, a round, crystal clear drop of water condensed in Bi Qing's palm.

"Look what this is?" Bi Qing flicked her fingers, and the drop of water fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"It's so heavy. It weighs ten thousand pounds." Chen Feng was also a little surprised.

"Is this it?" Chen Feng looked at it carefully and showed some surprise on his face.

"Xuanjing jellyfish, it's Xuanjing jellyfish, yes, that's it." At this time, Huo Yunlong suddenly became excited.

"Xuanjing Jellyfish." Chen Feng nodded, a look of understanding flashed in his eyes. Huoyunlong came from the great world of flames. He cultivated the pure power of fire, which is opposite to the power of water. It can be said that fire defeats water, but water It also suppresses fire, so no wonder Huo Yunlong was so sensitive from the beginning.

"This is a good thing. It can't be compared to ordinary Taiyin True Water. But these words may not be enough." Chen Feng said and stretched out his hand to grab it. Chen Feng's grab was much bigger than Bi Qing's action just now. Ten times, a black hole appeared in Chen Feng's palm, wildly devouring the surrounding energy, and soon a water ball appeared in Chen Feng's palm.

This water ball rotates slowly, flashing with various colors, like colored crystals, giving people a psychedelic feeling at a glance.

"Let me see how many kinds of power there are in this." Chen Feng's consciousness plunged into the water polo like the tip of a needle.


As soon as Chen Feng's consciousness entered it, it immediately became loose and he couldn't concentrate. You must know that Chen Feng's spiritual consciousness at this time is far more powerful than some immortals, and the fire of his soul has reached the level of the fire of life. It is easy to condense into substance and cut off gold and stone, but at this time, it was dispersed by the power of the water ball.

"It is at least equivalent to the power of a true immortal. Could it be a divine weapon? It doesn't look like it." Chen Feng was a little confused.


The water ball in his hand suddenly exploded and turned into vapor, which Chen Feng swallowed into his body.

"Xuanjing Jellyfish, Daluo Water Essence, Five Elements Water Essence, Five Elements Gold Water, Taixuan Yin Water, Rootless Weak Water, tsk tsk, how can there be so much water power? It seems there are a lot of good things here." Chen Feng's heart moved. He stood up and punched out. In the next moment, a meteorite shining with metallic luster exploded thousands of miles away. This meteorite was a hundred miles long and made of hard metal. It was composed of metal ores and was extremely strong, but it was shattered by Chen Feng's punch.

Just after the meteorite exploded, Chen Feng reached out and pulled it, and a stream flowed from the starry sky and floated in front of Chen Feng.

This stream shimmers with metallic luster, looking like a liquid made from melted metal.

"It's Five Elements Gold Water, and it's high-grade." Huo Yunlong exclaimed.

"Good stuff." Bi Qing also nodded,

The Five Elements Gold Water is very rare, but it is not impossible to see it. However, the level in front of Chen Feng cannot be seen by ordinary true immortals.

The creek in front of me is enough to be called a sacred object.

Before Chen Feng could say anything, the Five Elements Golden Water was completely swallowed up by the Eternal Life Tower.

"There is such a treasure here." Seeing this scene, Huo Yunlong's heart became hot. He imitated Chen Feng and struck repeatedly. In an instant, several meteorites were shattered, and sure enough, a small stream floated out.

"It's Daluo Water Spirit. Hahaha, this is a good thing." Huo Yunlong laughed and collected the stream.

The benefits obtained, coupled with the previous success in overcoming the tribulation and the great improvement in cultivation, made Huo Yunlong's attacks even more violent. A series of meteorites exploded and soon disappeared.

"Hahahahaha, this is Taiyin True Water, make you rich, make you rich." After Huo Yunlong's voice came over, it suddenly became silent again.

"Isn't it strange?" Bi Qing said lightly.

"It's very strange. When I was chasing the True Immortal of Tianxiao Palace, I don't know how many meteorites were broken during the fight, but these magical objects did not appear." Chen Feng nodded.

"According to common sense, Huo Yunlong will not be more than 100,000 miles away from the two of us, but at this time I can't lock this guy's Qi machine. Eh! No, Huo Yunlong's Qi machine has completely disappeared."

Chen Feng was suddenly startled.


Chen Feng and Bi Qing no longer hesitated, their bodies swayed, and they quickly chased after them. Their bodies were like lightning, and they kept shuttling through the meteorites, advancing hundreds of thousands of miles in one go before stopping.

"What's going on? Huo Yunlong's aura disappeared."

"It's really gone."

After the two looked at each other, they spread out and quickly searched around, but soon Chen Feng discovered that even the trace of Bi Qing had disappeared.

There were only countless endless meteorites floating in the vast starry sky. Under the power that was about to condense into substance, strange emotions began to breed in Chen Feng's heart.


Chen Feng exerted force under his feet, and a small planet-like meteorite appeared with dense cracks, and finally exploded violently. Chen Feng's figure kept flashing, and every time it flashed, a meteorite exploded. Once a treasure appeared in it, it would immediately explode. Will be taken into the Tower of Eternal Life by Chen Feng.

He didn't know how long he had been tossing, but Chen Feng felt that his strength was greatly consumed, so he stopped.

"Although there is some pressure and some murderous intent, no one has taken action so far. It seems that we have entered a strange space." Chen Feng stopped on a meteorite and said with a smile.

"Ta, where do you think this is?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Of course I know, but I won't tell you." Ta said jokingly.

"Let me take a guess. It is different from the secret realm enchantments I encountered before. The power of the law is higher. It also contains the power of time and space and the power of the cave. Speaking of which, this should be a magic weapon."

"But it is different from the magic weapons we encountered before. These meteorite groups should actually exist in the starry sky. I think this magic weapon should be hidden in the meteorite group."

When Chen Feng said this beckoning, stars flickered, nebulae emerged, and the bright starry sky map suddenly unfolded, blending with the starlight hundreds of millions of miles away, as if a universe was disappearing and appearing in the starry sky, Chen Feng's figure swayed We entered the dazzling starry sky.

The Brilliant Starry Sky Map is a pseudo-artifact. Although Chen Feng obtained it and could exert its power, the real secret is not something that Chen Feng can display in a short time. However, Chen Feng is not urging the Brilliant Starry Sky Map at this time to fight against The enemy, but wanted to confirm one thing.

Blah blah blah! Blah blah blah!

Under Chen Feng's urging, the Brilliant Starry Sky Map continued to expand, reaching tens of millions of miles away, already comparable to a world, and it was still expanding.

When the bright starry sky map expanded to hundreds of millions of miles, Chen Feng hid in the starry sky map and stretched out his hand to grab it. A huge crack immediately appeared in the bright starry sky map, and then countless meteorites and even the energy in the starry sky They all started to rush towards the starry sky map. In the blink of an eye, the meteorite group disappeared. Entering the bright starry sky map was like entering another world.

"I don't believe you haven't come out yet." Chen Feng sneered and continued to increase the power of the Brilliant Starry Sky Chart with the help of the Eternal Life Tower.

Finally, when the bright starry sky map expanded to hundreds of millions of miles, it encountered an obstacle. The space fluctuated like a water mirror. An inconspicuous scroll slowly unfolded. As the scroll unfolded, wisps of power were released, making Chen Feng's heart skip a beat. Cool, I found that the bright starry sky began to tremble violently.

"The Brilliant Starry Sky Map is a pseudo-artifact. It can't withstand the opponent's power. Could it be that this scroll is really an artifact?" Chen Feng became a little excited, but then he suddenly increased his strength, causing the Brilliant Starry Sky Map to expand again. .

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