Eternal Existence

Chapter 1025: Immortal-class warship

The brilliant starry sky map became more and more powerful under Chen Feng's control. Of course, it was impossible for Chen Feng to stimulate the power of this pseudo-artifact with his strength, but with the Longevity Tower in the dark, it was no problem to fully exert the power of this magic weapon.

However, the inconspicuous scroll was still unfolding slowly. At this time, Chen Feng's eyelids began to twitch, as if a person was standing in front of a volcano that was about to erupt. Under the crisis and pressure, ordinary people could feel it strongly.

"What kind of magic weapon is this?" Chen Feng's heart was beating wildly, and he actually felt a hot feeling.

"It's a pseudo-artifact, but it's more advanced than the starry sky map in your hand, infinitely close to the artifact, and there are some powers hidden in this scroll. If these powers burst out, they will be the power of the artifact." At this time, the tower spoke.

"Can you control the situation?" This is what Chen Feng cares most about.

"It's hard to say, but no one has activated it, and I don't feel any danger, so I think there should be no problem." The tower's tone was also uncertain when he said this.

The scroll was cyan in color. As it unfolded, strands of cyan light flowed out like water waves. In the end, the cyan light became more and more, first forming a stream, then a river, and it kept flowing. Chen Feng even heard the sound of flowing water.

"Those strange powers were indeed created by the scroll in front of me. This should be a water magic weapon." Chen Feng nodded secretly.

At this time, the brilliant starry sky map had begun to shrink, from billions of miles to tens of millions of miles. The scroll had been fully unfolded, and the rivers composed of tens of millions of miles of cyan light were like the galaxies in the universe, with flowing water and starlight.


The river gushed out, becoming more and more spectacular, wider and larger in scale, and actually rushed towards the brilliant starry sky map. In an instant, the galaxy where Chen Feng was located began to shrink continuously, and the nebula began to disappear, replaced by cyan light.

In Chen Feng's spiritual sense, he was in a strange water flow, just like an ordinary person who was at the bottom of the sea, with a feeling of not being able to control life and death.

"Essence of water, the immortal qi I cultivate just needs these things." Chen Feng thought of this and immediately activated the immortal qi, which rolled and began to absorb the power around him.

A little bit of power entered his body, and the immortal qi became more active. Of course, Chen Feng also knew that the energy he could absorb with his own power was nothing to the formation diagram in front of him.

However, Chen Feng's actions once again verified some of his guesses.

"It should be an ownerless thing."

"If it is an ownerless thing, it would be simpler." In fact, since entering this meteorite area, the tower has not been idle. It can be said that the tower has already taken action when Chen Feng didn't know.

"This is a formation diagram after all, my brilliant starry sky map has been completely suppressed." Chen Feng was a little excited and a little unhappy. The brilliant starry sky map shrank again. Even in the formation diagram, Chen Feng still felt a strong pressure.


The fully unfolded formation diagram expanded again, taking in the entire meteorite group and occupying a piece of starry sky. A wave that condensed into substance entered Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness through the brilliant starry sky map.

"Tower! Attack quickly?" Chen Feng was a little panicked, thinking that this pseudo-artifact was going to attack him. Chen Feng was self-aware and knew that he could not withstand the attack of this level of magic weapon.

"Don't worry, it seems that you are destined to be with me this time." Instead of attacking, Tower laughed.

"Fateful person." Chen Feng retorted, but this wave of fluctuations immediately dispersed after entering the sea of ​​consciousness. Between the flashing lights, a formation diagram appeared in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, which was exactly the same as the scroll outside. Infinite mysteries and images kept rolling, instantly filling Chen Feng's entire sea of ​​consciousness.

"One Yuan True Spirit Diagram, this is a trace of the true spirit in that formation diagram. Strange, it actually passed on the inheritance to me. Could it be that I am really destined to be with you? This is impossible."

Although Chen Feng had said before that he was destined to be with you, he was still a little wary and suspicious when it really fell on his head.

Along the way, Chen Feng also understood some truths. If the benefits fell on him for no reason, it meant that there was still a reason.

"Hey, it's because the other party sensed my breath, otherwise you, a little earth immortal, would not be taken seriously by the other party." Ta said disdainfully.

After hearing this, Chen Feng immediately understood, and some guesses in his mind immediately became coherent.

It took several days to accept these things. Chen Feng jumped out of the brilliant starry sky map and turned into a stream of light into the One Yuan True Spirit Map.

The reason why this scroll is called the One Yuan True Spirit Map is because the core part is made of one yuan heavy water. In addition to one yuan heavy water, there are also various rare water spirits in the tree species universe, such as Huangquan Water, Three Yin True Water, Sun True Water and other rare water energies.

After entering the formation diagram, Chen Feng's consciousness radiated countless tentacles and began to take over and control this pseudo-artifact. Unlike what he had imagined before, Chen Feng's process of controlling this pseudo-artifact was very simple. Not long after, Chen Feng came out of the formation diagram again. With a wave of his hand, the formation diagram, which had turned into a river in the sky, quickly shrank and fell into Chen Feng's hands again in the shape of a scroll.

Of course, the reason why Chen Feng was able to collect this pseudo-artifact smoothly and easily was because the other party took the initiative. Otherwise, it would take some twists and turns for the Changsheng Tower to burst out all its power to subdue this pseudo-artifact.

"This pseudo-artifact is better than the Brilliant Starry Sky Map. I didn't expect that I would gain so much during this period of time." Chen Feng shook the One Yuan True Spirit Map, and Bi Qing and Huo Yunlong fell out of it.

"What happened just now?" Huo Yunlong was a little surprised.

"It seems that you succeeded?" Bi Qing said so, looking at the scroll in Chen Feng's hand, he still didn't understand what happened.

Before, Bi Qing and Huo Yunlong entered the formation map quietly, and also received some tests in the formation map, but they came out before the test was over.

"You two, I can't do anything about it. This is the other party's initiative." Chen Feng smiled bitterly and explained what happened just now.

"Humph, why can't I encounter such a good thing." Huo Yunlong was a little unhappy.

Indeed, even the most rubbish pseudo-artifact is far better than the best fairy artifact. It would be a lie if I didn't envy it.

"We have gained something this time. Now it's time to go back." Bi Qing changed the topic. After all, Bi Qing was once a celestial being and had seen a lot. Although the pseudo-artifact was somewhat attractive to him, it could not destroy his heart.

"Let's go!"

"Hey! Be careful."

Just when the three wanted to leave, a dazzling beam of light suddenly extended from the depths of the starry sky. At first glance, it looked like a meteor with a tail, but the speed was too fast. After the three found it, it crossed billions of miles of space and rushed towards the three in the blink of an eye.




Faced with this sudden attack, the three wanted to dodge, but as soon as they thought about it, they found that the original qi had been locked by the other party, so the three of them attacked almost at the same time, and three streams of energy broke through the air, and the beam exploded immediately, just like a burning star suddenly exploded, illuminating billions of miles of starry sky.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng and the other two were extremely fast. After defeating the beam, they separated immediately. Chen Feng and Huo Yunlong were on the left and the right, while Bi Qing quickly stepped forward. A green sword aura escaped directly, cutting through the space, which was even more powerful than the power of the speed of light just now.


In the depths of the distant starry sky, it seemed that something was hit, and it was unknown how long it would take for the wave to come.

"The power of the speed of light is equivalent to a true immortal's attack." Bi Qing said in a deep voice.

"The power is cold and refined, it should be emitted by magic weapons such as warships." Chen Feng said with his pupils turning, his eyes piercing the depths of the starry sky.

"It is an army composed entirely of warships, with more than 100,000 warships, all of which are immortal-level warships." After a long time, Chen Feng retracted his gaze, but what he said made Bi Qing and Huo Yunlong nervous.

"Could this power come from the immortal world?" Huo Yunlong guessed.

In fact, no matter what Huo Yunlong thought, it was just that 100,000 immortal-level warships were rare even in the immortal world, not to mention that they were gathered together. The three of them thought that the world below the immortal world should not have this power.

"Don't forget that there is a world more powerful than the fairy world." Chen Feng said.

"You mean the heaven? That shouldn't be possible."

"Be careful, the opponent's attack is coming again." Bi Qing's sword intent soared into the sky, as if he had turned into a sharp sword. After his body flashed, the three streams of light that broke through the air were defeated.

"No matter where the opponent came from, I am afraid that the opponent is heading for the eternal world." Chen Feng said. If this force descended on the eternal world, it would be enough to destroy this world.

Chen Feng could fight against the true immortals with all his strength, but he only had a few immortal weapons on him. The warships of 100,000 immortal weapons in front of him were beyond Chen Feng's imagination, and an idea that he could not fight against emerged from the bottom of his heart.

"There must be a real immortal on the other side. I'll lead them away. You two will act when the opportunity presents itself." Bi Qing said as he was already hundreds of millions of miles away. He continuously sent out sword energy. Bi Qing's attack was not without results. The first sword energy penetrated a warship. The next several sword energy rushed into the warship group, causing some damage. Even an immortal-level warship disintegrated.

Chen Feng and Huo Yunlong were not happy to see this situation. Instead, their faces became more solemn. According to Bi Qing's strength, he could completely break a warship with one sword, but most of Bi Qing's attacks were blocked by the other side halfway. Moreover, Chen Feng also found that some of the other side's warships were of very high level, and even had top-grade immortal weapons.

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