Eternal Existence

Chapter 1023: Brilliant Starry Sky

After Biqing entangled the opponent, Chen Feng and Huoyunlong immediately caught up. This time, the Longevity Tower firmly locked the opponent, making it impossible for the opponent to escape. Chen Feng urged the Longevity Tower to cover the opponent. Biqing and Huoyunlong were both the fighting power of the True Immortal. A series of attacks injured the white-robed monks.

"Three, stop for now, I have something to say." The white-robed monk finally began to get anxious. If this continued, he would definitely die.

"There is nothing to say. Hand over the things and you will be spared." Chen Feng said lightly. The power of the Longevity Tower has completely controlled the situation. Even without Biqing and Huoyunlong, it can still deal with the opponent.

"Stop first, stop first, I really have something to say." The white-robed monk shouted repeatedly. Chen Feng and the other two retreated to the side and still surrounded the opponent.

"Speak." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I am willing to hand over what I got here, but the three of you must promise to let me go." The white-robed monk thought for a while and said.

"Let's talk about where you came from first." Biqing said.

"Tianyi Zhenxian, from Tianxiao Palace, both of you are nobles from the heaven, why would you bother with people of our level."

"It's useless to say so much, where are the things, hand them over and you can leave." Chen Feng said bluntly.


Tianyi Zhenxian waved his hand, and a flying sword flew out and stopped in front of Chen Feng. The long sword was full of flowing light, and there was a faint flash of blood. It contained the law of the great way and the power of killing. It turned out to be a top-grade immortal weapon.

"Slaughter Immortal Sword, top-grade level." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and took the long sword in his hand.

"But you want to get rid of us with just such a long sword. It seems that you are fooling us." Chen Feng stretched out his finger and flicked the sword body. He felt the power contained in the long sword and was somewhat satisfied. He waved his hand and threw it into the Longevity Tower. A trace of divine power was infused into the Slaughter Immortal Sword, and the imprint inside was immediately dispelled. After several washes, the long sword completely became an ownerless object, and then turned into a stream of light and drilled into Chen Feng's body.

"Yes, you are treating us as decorations." Huoyunlong said coldly.

"Hehe, don't worry, I still have some." Tianyi Zhenxian cursed in his heart, but he had no choice but to take out two more flying swords. The appearance of these two flying swords was the same as Chen Feng's previous ones, but the power attributes contained in them were slightly different.

"Another two top-grade immortal weapons, it seems that you have gained a lot of benefits here." Huoyunlong put away the flying sword, and a fiery color flashed in his eyes. Top-grade immortal swords, this is a good thing he has dreamed of for a long time.

"Three, can you let me go?" Tianyi Zhenxian said with a smile.

"Yes! But I still want something from you." Chen Feng said.

"You are too much." Tianyi Zhenxian said with a change of color.

"Not too much at all." Chen Feng said, and his palm suddenly flipped, and the Longevity Tower directly suppressed Tianyi Zhenxian.


Tianyi Zhenxian burst out with a force several times stronger than before, and suddenly disappeared from the spot. This was a way of performing an escape technique, and he actually broke through the position created by Biqing and Huoyunlong. However, the power of the Changsheng Tower was like a wall. Tianyi Zhenxian hit it, causing the Changsheng Tower to vibrate violently, but he did not rush out.

Bang bang!

Biqing and Huoyunlong attacked at the same time and hit Tianyi Zhenxian hard. The next moment, Tianyi Zhenxian was swallowed into the Changsheng Tower.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng and the other two entered at the same time, and without saying a word, they attacked Tianyi Zhenxian fiercely, and kept beating him alive. The body of the Zhenxian was transformed into essence and stored, the blood power was swallowed by the blood beads, and the soul power was swallowed and refined by Chen Feng.

Then a lot of things exploded.

"This guy has gained a lot. These are top-grade immortal artifacts, but it's a pity that there are no pseudo artifacts." Huoyunlong picked up two spirit beads, which contained a trace of pseudo artifact power, but it was still a distance away from the pseudo artifact.

"Chen Feng, this long sword is good, I want it." Bi Qing also picked up a long sword with a sheath, and when he pulled it out slightly, there was a rolling and heavy sword energy.

"No problem, this is the joint harvest of the three of us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

In addition to these, there are two magic weapons, one is the top-grade demon pupil, which is made from the eyes of demon beasts. If Chen Feng refines it, it will not be a problem for his pupil technique to be promoted by two grades.

Another one is a pill furnace, which can be used to refine immortal-level pills.

"It is a reincarnation pill furnace, which can refine reincarnation pills, but the reincarnation pill furnace should be a divine weapon, and the one in front of you must be a replica." Chen Feng was very satisfied with these two magic weapons.

"It seems that Tianyi Zhenxian took all the good things before us, but being able to take so many top-grade immortal weapons shows that this person is not simple."

"Hey! What's in this small box?"

"It looks like an ordinary box." Chen Feng said, reaching out to pick up a palm-sized stone box not far away.

"Eh!" Chen Feng was surprised when he got the stone box.

"This small stone box is so heavy. With Chen Feng's current magic power, it is easy to lift a mountain, but the stone box is so heavy that he can hardly hold it.

"I think there should be good things in it." Chen Feng smiled and opened the stone box. Starlight flew out of it. In an instant, the three of them felt as if they were in a dazzling starry sky, and they couldn't find their direction for a while.

After a long time, the starlight disappeared, and the stone box returned to calm. Chen Feng took out a scroll of unknown material from it. This picture was only one foot square, but it was heavy. It was covered with nebula patterns, and the starlight flickered and seemed to be moving. Chen Feng almost got lost in it.

"What is this? Is it a magic weapon?" Chen Feng looked at it carefully, but didn't see any clues, and then handed it to Biqing.

Chen Feng looked at it and handed it to Biqing. Biqing looked at it and handed it to Huoyunlong, and finally it was in Chen Feng's hands.

"It should be a magic weapon."

"I don't understand."

Biqing and Huoyunlong also didn't see the origin of this picture, but they knew that this picture must be extraordinary.

"Let the tower take a look."

"This painting is a fake artifact." The tower just took a look and said so.

"Fake artifact, no way, you said it was a map, I believe it, but fake artifact, I really don't see how it looks like a fake artifact." Chen Feng said puzzledly.

The tower did not speak, but sent out a force to inject into the starry sky picture. Suddenly, this one-foot square picture suddenly expanded and floated above the three people's heads. The stars flickered and the starry sky was bright. The three people felt as if they were in the universe again.

"It's a map, and it's also a pseudo-artifact." The tower said.

"Good stuff, good stuff." Huoyunlong was completely lost in the starry sky pattern.

"But where is the secret?" Even Biqing couldn't see the secret. The level of the pseudo-artifact was far higher than the immortal weapon, and it was above the immortal weapon.

Biqing couldn't see it, let alone Chen Feng. However, Chen Feng couldn't see it, but it didn't mean that the tower couldn't see it. Although the power of the old guy Changsheng Tower, which had existed for who knows how many years, had not been fully restored, his eyesight was still there. Besides, at this time, the Changsheng Tower really broke out completely and could swallow and suppress the pseudo-artifact.

"This pseudo-artifact should be left by a celestial being, because it contains the laws of heaven. These starry sky patterns contain mysteries. It should be a starry sky treasure map. It is difficult for ordinary people to find it, let alone find the route and trajectory." Ta said lightly.

"So you know the secret here?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. The three of them had already determined that this starry sky pattern was the biggest treasure in the entire Liuyun Immortal Mountain. No wonder Tianyi Zhenxian would rather take out so many top-grade immortal artifacts than reveal other information.

Ta nodded, and another stream of light rushed into the pattern. Several large characters with scattered light appeared one after another, and at the same time, the ancient starry sky road flashed faintly.

"The brilliant starry sky map is worthy of its name." Chen Feng looked at these large characters and said with a smile.

"But I don't know these starry sky routes, and I don't know which star field this is?"

"Don't ask me, I'm not omnipotent, and my strength has not yet fully recovered." Ta said hurriedly.

Biqing and Huoyunlong nodded without saying anything, but Chen Feng's heart moved, knowing that the tower must have seen something, but for some reason he was unwilling to say it.

"Let's go back, this time the harvest is huge, hey, it turns out that there are treasures only when you meet a true immortal." Huoyunlong laughed, this time he got the best immortal weapon, Huoyunlong was already satisfied, and the fire source seed was put into his body. His cultivation began to fall to the high-level immortal, but soon a strong force rushed out, Huoyunlong screamed, rushed to the distance quickly, and stopped on a relatively large meteorite.

The calamity cloud condensed, this is Huoyunlong's calamity.

"Come on now!" Chen Feng and Biqing looked at each other, and their bodies jumped, and they also occupied two meteorites respectively to protect Huoyunlong.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The heavenly tribulation began, and the Fire Cloud Dragon was submerged by the tribulation force. Chen Feng just took a look and then began to spread his attention to other places. In Chen Feng's opinion, there was no problem for the Fire Cloud Dragon to survive the tribulation, but when Chen Feng's consciousness swept, he found that the meteorite group he was in seemed a little special.

The battle between the True Immortals just now was enough to destroy a medium-sized planet, but now it seems that the chaotic scene caused by the battle just now has disappeared, or it has been restored to its original state under the magical power.

Seeing Chen Feng's eyes sweeping over, Bi Qing also nodded, obviously also discovered this situation.

"Although it is a bit mysterious and strange, I think there should be no danger." Chen Feng thought to himself. Before, everyone fought and broke countless meteorites, but nothing else was discovered, and Chen Feng did not have a trace of warning in his heart.

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