Eternal Existence

Chapter 1022 There is still a True Immortal

"You are so awesome at the power of the pseudo-artifact. You can draw it out like this, but a little bit is too little." Although Huo Yunlong was a little excited, he still did not forget to continue to ask for benefits from Chen Feng.


As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, two more divine powers entered the Eternal Life Tower, and were once again divided between Bi Qing and Huo Yunlong.

The pseudo-artifact collapsed even more severely, and half of the divine power contained in it had been extracted by the Eternal Life Tower.

Outside, Chen Feng gradually couldn't resist the attack of True Immortal Lei Yun, and the other five half-step True Immortals also surrounded him, because everyone already knew that Chen Feng was collecting fake artifacts. No matter what the reason was, no one wanted to May allow Chen Feng to obtain the false artifact, so five half-step true immortals also joined the siege.

When Pu Yijiao fought against Chen Feng, he couldn't resist it. He swayed and entered the Tower of Eternal Life. No matter how powerful the opponent was, he couldn't do anything to Chen Feng.

One true immortal and five half-step true immortals could only watch the mountain in front of them continue to collapse. Everyone wanted to step forward but did not dare to enter. The power that Chen Feng had shown inside the mountain before was too strong.

"I should have thought a long time ago why the other party would not use the power of the Eternal Life Tower, and was careless." Lei Yun Zhenxian was a little regretful, and after thinking about it, he was still a little unwilling. He launched an attack at the mountain, but this attack entered After the mountain peak, it disappeared silently, without even the slightest rebound power. Immortal Lei Yun then launched several more attacks, but the situation was still the same.


Finally, the entire mountain peak collapsed and then disappeared, leaving only the Eternal Life Tower slowly floating in the space.

"Tower of Eternal Life!" Everyone's eyes became hot, but no one dared to take action. Even the fake artifact could be swallowed up. If anyone took action again, they would be seeking death.


"Tough luck!"

"Such a thing happened."

"Let's go, with the Eternal Life Tower in hand, if the other party wants to argue, we will be in trouble."

The five half-step True Immortals left one after another, and in the end only True Immortal Lei Yun was left in the same place, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Psychedelic, you haven't come out yet." After a long time, Immortal Lei Yun suddenly spoke.

At first, there was silence all around, but soon a stream of light emerged from the space and formed a human shape. It was the psychedelic true immortal who escaped before.

"You are indeed still here."

"Why, call me out now, do you want to join forces?"

"I really have this idea. This is the Tower of Eternal Life, an artifact that shocks the heavens. If I could get it, wouldn't it be much stronger than some fake artifact?

"It's easy to say, but it's not that simple. If you don't do it, you'll lose your life."

"That's why I said that the two of us should join forces. Although we are true immortals, we are nothing in the fairy world. There are more masters in the heaven. If we fight hard, we will get the artifact, and we will get it in the future. Change."

"But what if it fails."

"Hmph, there is a possibility of failure. Otherwise, how can we say it's a good fight?"

"Okay, join forces."

The two true immortals quickly reached a consensus and immediately attacked the Tower of Eternal Life as soon as they made up their minds. As soon as these two people took action, they used all their strength to attack the Tower of Eternal Life with two forces that could destroy everything.

When the two of them thought about it, if they wanted to suppress and capture the Eternal Life Tower, they would have to kill Chen Feng and others, and at the same time, they would also have to infinitely weaken the power of the Eternal Life Tower.

However, the reality was different from what the two planned. The attacks they fired were quickly absorbed by the Eternal Life Tower. Facing monks of this level, the Eternal Life Tower was almost immune to all attacks and could also absorb these attacks into own.


A flash of blue light flashed, mixed with sword light, and Immortal Lei Yun was immediately knocked away.

"How is that possible!" Immortal Lei Yun was extremely surprised, because the green light that rushed out from the Tower of Eternal Life was Bi Qing.

Bi Qing had already advanced to the realm of True Immortal at this time, and using Bi Luotian's secret technique, he actually defeated True Immortal Lei Yun in one encounter.

"It's the power of the Eternal Life Tower that is causing trouble." The Psychedelic True Immortal said and stepped forward to stop Biqing. After Leiyun True Immortal recovered, he thought of stepping forward to kill Biqing first in a two-on-one fight. However, the Eternal Life Tower rushed over again.

Before contact, the face of the psychedelic true immortal changed drastically, and the power of the soul in the sea of ​​​​consciousness began to flow away. This was once again swallowed by the Tower of Eternal Life.

The divine soul aura of the psychedelic true immortal has been locked by the Eternal Life Tower before, but now a part of the divine soul energy is swallowed up again with just one touch. The physical body is damaged and can be repaired quickly, but if the divine soul is damaged, it will be troublesome.

The psychedelic true fairy began to feel fear, screamed strangely, and ran away again.

This time, only True Immortal Lei Yun was left. Seeing the scene of the psychedelic True Immortal escaping, Immortal Lei Yun was filled with regret. He wanted to escape but was entangled by Bi Qing.

"Senior, why are you doing this? You are too greedy." Chen Feng also appeared. At this time, Chen Feng's eyes were bright, and there was a strong oppression in his eyes. This is a manifestation of the great advancement of the power of the soul.

"Chen Feng!" True Immortal Lei Yun gritted his teeth. Seeing Chen Feng's smile, he felt cold in his heart. It was hard to believe that he, a True Immortal, would have such feelings for an Earth Immortal.

Chen Feng held the Tower of Eternal Life in his hand and rushed towards True Immortal Lei Yun like that. A signal of danger had already arisen in Immortal Lei Yun's heart, but Bi Qing was entangled so tightly that Immortal Lei Yun wanted to leave. Can't even get away.


There was an explosion, blood mist rose, and the upper half of True Immortal Lei Yun's body fled away, leaving a bloody wave of air along the way. The lower half of his body was swallowed into the Tower of Eternal Life.

"It's a pity that this guy escaped." Chen Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Calculate the opponent's luck." Bi Qing also said the same, and then Bi Qing's realm began to change, becoming the level of a half-step true immortal again, only a little higher than the ordinary half-step true immortal. This is also the level of immortality. The reason why the tower can elevate Biqing to a true immortal.

"I'm still a little confused. Could it be that this Thunder Cloud True Immortal is the backstage of Tianxiao Palace? I can't see it." Chen Feng said with some confusion.

"I'm also a little confused. At first I thought it was the True Immortal Lei Yun, but after fighting, I found out that it didn't seem to be the true immortal. Of course it's not the True Immortal Psychedelic." Bi Qing nodded.

"If you put it this way, there are still people in this fairy mountain, maybe in this fairy palace, but we even took away the pseudo-artifacts, and the other party still didn't show up, which shows the problem."

"This shows that what the other party is planning is more valuable than this fake artifact."

"Search! Find the other party."

At this time, Huo Yunlong also walked out of the Eternal Life Tower. Two rays of light suddenly flew out of the Eternal Life Tower and penetrated into the bodies of Huo Yunlong and Bi Qing respectively.

Bang bang bang bang!

The strength of the two began to rise, and they soon entered the level of true immortals.

"This is the power of a true immortal, it's so good!" Huo Yunlong was a little excited, his eyes kept scanning, and his expression was high.

"Okay, don't waste time, find the other party quickly." Chen Feng said.

The two true immortals, plus Chen Feng holding the Tower of Eternal Life, three tyrannical forces began to sweep through the Immortal Palace, and it didn't take long for some abnormalities to be discovered.


"found it."

"He is indeed a true immortal."

The three of them broke through the layers of restrictions and entered a secret room. This secret room was inconspicuous, and there was nothing in it. However, if a trace of the true immortal breath had not leaked out from here, Chen Feng and the other two would not have been able to escape. You may find the restrictions here, because these restrictions are so well hidden that even the true immortals can hide them.


The three people quickly left Qingyun Immortal Palace and began to fly in the inner winter of Liuyun Immortal Mountain. The Eternal Life Tower had already locked onto each other's aura, and the fleeing true immortal was tens of millions of miles away from Chen Feng and others.

Whoosh whoosh!

The three of them entered the Eternal Life Tower at the same time. The Eternal Life Tower began to jump in the space. In a few flashes, it spanned countless time and space and caught up with the escaping True Immortal.

This true immortal was dressed in white and carried a long sword. He was very handsome, and he did not lose his grace even when he was running away.

"This man has practiced the Immortal Technique of Tianxiao. He is indeed from Tianxiao Palace, but he comes from Tianxiao Palace in the immortal world."

Seeing the Eternal Life Tower chasing after him, this true immortal activated his secret technique, and his body suddenly disappeared, and he actually left the Immortal Mountain directly.

The Eternal Life Tower followed closely, and also left the Immortal Mountain, arrived at the outside world, and rushed directly towards the starry sky outside the territory.

The Tower of Eternal Life kept flickering and jumping in various spaces, and Chen Feng felt dazzled in it.

One escaped and the other chased them. They traveled no matter how far they traveled in the starry sky, and finally blocked the other party in a huge swarm of meteorites.

"Your Excellency, you are in such a hurry to escape." Chen Feng and the others had already walked out of the Tower of Eternal Life and stepped forward to surround each other.

"Chen Feng of the Changsheng Clan, Bi Qing of Bi Luotian, and Huo Yunlong of Flame World, why are you three chasing me?" A smile appeared on the face of the monk in white.

"Haha, you know our confidence very well. I think you have been observing in secret for a long time, and you didn't even take action when faced with the fake artifact. Your Excellency is really calm." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I know I can't rob you, so it's better not to take action."

"is that so?"


"Well, we don't want to talk nonsense with you, so let's call out what's on you."


"Of course it's something I got in the Immortal Palace."

"I don't know what you are talking about?"

"Do it!"

The three of them, Chen Feng, took action at the same time. What they said before was just to paralyze the other party, and the other party was also paralyzing the three of Chen Feng.

The moment Chen Feng and the others took action, the true immortal swayed on the spot and disappeared.

"It's an escape technique! Can you escape?" Seeing the other party escaping, Chen Feng and the others were not worried at all. Instead, they used their spiritual consciousness and quickly found the other party among the meteorites. The three of them acted quickly, and soon He caught up with the opponent again, and Bi Qing fought against the opponent first.

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