Eternal Existence

Chapter 102: Soul Sword

The interrogation went smoothly. With the previous example, these cultivators were as honest as dogs. They answered whatever they were asked. Some even rushed to tell what they knew before Chen Feng and the other two asked in order to save their lives.

It turned out that these ten cultivators were from Jianlou. Jianlou was an organization of the same level as the six caves, but the backer was Jiange, one of the ten great immortal sects in Beiyuan.

Jiange was well-known not only in Beiyuan, but also in the entire Eternal World. The entire Jiange had a conservative estimate of 500,000 cultivators, and they were all sword cultivators with the strongest attack power.

Tough, domineering, crazy, Beiyuan was the hardest to mess with. These words were all used to describe Jiange. Even the three most powerful immortal sects, Jiuxiao, Zixiao, and Lingxiao, were unwilling to easily provoke people from Jiange. In the words of other cultivators in the cultivation world, these people were all crazy.

"Hey, you are just people from the Sword Tower. Although the cultivators in the Sword Pavilion are overbearing, they are not as arrogant as you, and they will not attack without reason like you do." Ye Ziming laughed.

"Anyway, our Sword Tower belongs to the Sword Pavilion. Aren't you afraid of offending the Sword Pavilion?" The cultivator who had refined the weapon said boldly.

"Don't say that you are rare goods. Even if you are really from the Sword Pavilion, we will not be soft-hearted. But what we are interested in is the reason why you attacked us this time." Chen Feng smiled sinisterly.

"You three suddenly appeared here, and we thought you were from the Jade Talisman Hall, so we went forward to capture you?" The man said.

"Capture? Just now, you used the Ten Directions Sword Formation right away, and the sword force was full of strong murderous intent. It was obvious that you wanted to kill us. You didn't even know who the other party was, but you killed them directly. You are really cruel." Ye Ziming sneered.

"Forget it, don't waste time talking to them. Let me use the soul-searching technique. It's more direct." Chen Feng continued.

"Have mercy, please don't use soul-searching on us, we've told you everything." One of the monks shouted.

Although these monks were at a low level, they all knew the horror of soul-searching. Especially for a half-baked monk like Chen Feng, using soul-searching would most likely turn these people into idiots. For these monks, it would be better to die than to become idiots.

Next, these people talked about the conflict between the Sword Tower and the Jade Talisman Hall in detail, which made Chen Feng and the other two's eyes light up.

"I didn't expect that there would be an immortal cave that has existed for an unknown period of time. I don't know which great immortal left it here." Ye Ziming exclaimed.

"No matter which great immortal left the cave, it must be extraordinary if it can be called an immortal cave. Even a broken bowl or a water jar inside may not be an ordinary thing. Besides, if the Sword Tower and the Jade Talisman Hall are willing to fight for it, then even if it is not a cave left by an immortal, it should have great value. Maybe there are some holy or Taoist artifacts in it." Chen Feng said.

"I don't need holy weapons and Taoist weapons. I'll be satisfied if I can get one or two treasures from them." Ruta laughed.

"Now the people from Yu Fu Tang and Jian Lou have discovered this immortal mansion at the same time, and they have blocked the news at the same time. I think this matter should not be leaked out in a short time. We should act quickly without delay, hoping to get some benefits in advance. My request is simpler. Even if we can get a few flying swords or a few bottles of elixir, it's worth our trip." Ye Ziming also laughed.

"What should we do with these people? Are we really going to kill them?" Chen Feng said to the remaining nine cultivators.

"Don't kill us, we have said everything." All these cultivators shouted.

"We have leaked the news, and Jian Lou will definitely not let us go. As long as you let us go this time, we promise not to go to Jian Lou, but find a place to hide and never come out again."

"I don't believe anything you say." Chen Feng said coldly, and then began to ponder.

After a long time, Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and the power of the soul suddenly shot out from the center of his eyebrows, spinning in a spiral shape and drilling into the mind of one of them.

The man was still shouting, but after being invaded by Chen Feng's soul power, he immediately became obedient, his eyes were dull, and he had no reaction at all, as if he had become a vegetable.

At this time, Chen Feng was using a method of using soul power recorded in the Changsheng Zhenjing, called the Soul Sword, which condensed the soul power into a sword and cut through the opponent's soul and consciousness. Fortunately, Chen Feng condensed the soul fire, otherwise he would not be able to practice this method.

The opponent was only a cultivator in the first level of the secret realm. Chen Feng easily entered the opponent's mind and began to search.

"It's here." Finally, Chen Feng's soul power stopped at one of the other party's sea of ​​consciousness, and then the soul power continued to change and condense, and soon condensed into a thin and narrow long sword emitting a strange aura. It was the Soul Sword. This sword was different from ordinary physical weapons, but directly attacked the soul and consciousness.


The soul sword slashed across, and the man's sea of ​​consciousness was like a thin white cloth, which was cut in half in an instant. Then, the soul knife twisted it violently, and the cut sea of ​​consciousness immediately disappeared without a trace.

After Chen Feng's soul power came out of this person's mind, this person immediately fainted.

"I just used a secret method to cut off this person's memory of today, waiting for him to completely forget us after waking up." Chen Feng said.

"It would be best if we don't kill anyone." Ye Ziming nodded.

Then Chen Feng used the Soul Knife again to cut off the memories in the remaining eight people's minds, and then smashed them into pieces.

"Let's go."

After all these people fainted, Chen Feng and the other two took off and flew on the sword. In fact, Ye Ziming and Ruta were strong enough to fly in the air. The reason why the three flew on the sword was just a deliberate low-key behavior to reduce some trouble.

"It seems that my guess is right. Not far ahead is the Black Wind Swamp. It is more than 30,000 miles away from Zidian Mountain and 108,000 miles away from the edge of Beiyuan. Although there are some strange things in the Black Wind Swamp, I have never heard of any immortal palace in it." Ye Ziming shook his head and said.

At this time, Chen Feng was flipping through the "Eternal World" bought in Baiyun City. Chen Feng spent a lot of money to buy it. As soon as he opened it, he saw the dense catalog in it, which was a macro introduction and description of this world.

"Here is an introduction to the Black Wind Swamp." Chen Feng suddenly said, and found the general information about the Black Wind Swamp in the book.

"The Black Wind Swamp is hundreds of miles in radius, and is completely composed of deep and shallow swamps. Monsters come and go in it, and the strong wind is like a knife. Only the secret realm cultivators can enter." Chen Feng read slowly.

"I have only heard of this place, and I have never been there. However, it is said that it is also very dangerous. Some secret realm cultivators with insufficient cultivation will encounter unimaginable dangers when they arrive there, or be cut into pieces by the strong wind.

Half an hour later, the three finally found the Black Wind Swamp. From a distance, they could feel a stench coming from the nose, and there were bursts of dull noises coming continuously. It was the strong wind in the Black Wind Swamp that was constantly surging.

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