Eternal Existence

Chapter 103 Fairy Light

"This is the Black Wind Swamp. According to the records in "Eternal World", this place can be considered a dangerous place, but it is only for the monks in the secret realm. In terms of the degree of danger, it is not even as dangerous as the Black Source Mountain Range, because There are great demons in the Black Source Mountains, and there are even legends that there is a demon king sitting in it," Chen Feng said.

Almost all monsters that can be called great monsters can be condensed into human form, which is equivalent to the realm of heaven and human beings, and their bodies are more powerful. They are considered strong in the entire eternal world. They can travel around and enter and exit some dangerous places.

As for the demon king, it is even more powerful. The king of demons is already the king of demon beasts. Some powerful demon kings can even compete with human immortals. If they can break through the level of demon kings, they can be called demon immortals. .

"Although there is no demon king here, there are indeed some powerful demons that are enough to threaten ordinary monks in the secret realm. Moreover, the bad weather alone is not something ordinary monks can bear. What's more important is the growth in the Black Wind Swamp. It contains some rare herbs, so some secret realm monks die every year, the most famous of which are the Yin evil blood poisonous grass and the rotten bone soul-eating flower," said Ye Ziming.

"Yin evil blood poisonous grass and rotten bone soul-eating flower are actually two rare herbs. These two herbs are extremely poisonous and can be used to refine magic weapons and elixirs. Especially some monks who practice the evil evil evil spirit technique. These two herbs are needed." Chen Feng recalled everything he knew.

"I just don't know if there are soul-protecting flowers here. If there are, there is no need to go to Demon Soul Valley." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I haven't heard that there are soul-protecting flowers among them, but things like soul-protecting flowers also grow in evil places. We can go in and search for them." Ye Ziming said with a smile.

"Normally, other monks often enter the Black Wind Swamp. Now that the Sword Tower and Jade Talisman Hall have discovered the Immortal Mansion left by the ancient immortal, they will definitely block everything."

"The entire Black Wind Swamp has a radius of hundreds of miles. Unless they use all the power of the two sects, but in this way, it will definitely attract the attention of other monks and cause a disturbance. The news of the Immortal Mansion here will be leaked. That way Once it comes, it will definitely attract all the monks from the Immortal Sect, and by then some powerful monks from outside Beiyuan will appear. "

"So I think it's just that the Sword Tower and the Jade Talisman Hall are targeting and guarding against each other. Other monks who entered this place may not have received the news yet."

Chen Feng and the others were not in a hurry to enter the Black Wind Swamp, but wandered around the edge for a while. During this period, they saw secret realm monks entering from time to time, and then they gradually felt relieved.

"All the monks who appeared just now belong to various sects, and more than half are casual cultivators from various places. It seems that Jianlou and Jade Talisman Hall did not leak the matter." Ye Ziming said.

"They are waiting for reinforcements. If the people from Jiange and Yufu Sect arrive, it will be useless no matter how many casual cultivators come here. However, if these two Immortal Sects take action, they will definitely alert other Immortal Sects. As a result, the entire Beiyuan area becomes lively," Chen Feng analyzed.

"I really hope these sects can fight each other." Ruta laughed at the side.

"Although there are some minor frictions among the top ten Immortal Sects in Beiyuan, they are just disciples competing with each other. Not to mention large-scale fights, even the death or injury of several true disciples is a big event." Ye Ziming shook his head and smiled.

"We'd better enter quickly. If we wait for the two groups of people to arrive, they will definitely block the Black Wind Swamp, and we won't be able to catch anything by then."

"I think we should leak this news. Is it our style to take advantage of the situation and fish in troubled waters?"

"Yes, we don't have enough strength to go head-to-head with this big sect. We need to make use of our strengths and avoid our weaknesses."

After Chen Feng and the other two people had reached a conclusion, they immediately laughed sinisterly, as if three cunning foxes were planning some conspiracy.

Then the three people immediately separated, divided into three directions, stepped on the flying sword, and reached dozens of miles away in the blink of an eye.

So the three of them stopped, took deep breaths, opened their mouths and shouted, and powerful sound waves spread far away.

"Someone discovered the Immortal Cave in the Black Wind Swamp."

"There is an immortal weapon in Blackwind Swamp and something is going to happen."

"A heaven-defying Immortal Sutra has appeared in Black Wind Swamp."

Chen Feng and the other three kept shouting and roaring, and the sound waves spread for dozens of miles before slowly dissipating.

He yelled a dozen times in one breath before he stopped, then quickly landed and hid, waiting for things to change.

Whoosh whoosh!

Sure enough, the shouts of Chen Feng and the three of them alarmed the monks within dozens of miles. After hearing the content, their blood boiled with excitement. Of course, although most people doubted the authenticity of the content, the cultivation world All the monks have one thing in common, that is, they would rather believe that they exist. What's more, words such as the Immortal Cave, Immortal Weapons, and Immortal Scriptures are really exciting to everyone, even if they know it is false. You should also join in and watch the excitement. If something really good comes out, you can gather around and wait for an opportunity to snatch it.

Somewhere in the Black Wind Swamp, a mound with a height of hundreds of meters stands above the swamp. This mound is more than ten miles in diameter and is round and smooth. There is not a single grass or sapling on it. It's a mound, and it's more like a hard rock. It's as if it appeared out of thin air and emerged from under the swamp. It's stable, without a trace of life fluctuations. The men and horses of Jianlou and Yufutang surrounded the mound from left to right. stand up.

From time to time, monks from both sides rushed towards the mound, and their indestructible flying swords kept slashing at the mound, but before they got close to the mound, they were blocked by the air waves emitted from it. In addition, the flying swords of several people were fixed by the air waves emitted by the mound. No matter how the monks urged them, they were like flies falling into the sea, unable to boil out.

"I'll do it."

A tall monk suddenly flew out from the Yu Fu Hall camp. When the monk was about to get close to the mound, he waved his hand, and a talisman turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the mound. This talisman was the size of a palm, and contained layers of complex restrictions. It constantly emitted thunder and lightning power. During the flight, the thunder was heard by everyone present.

"Five Thunder Breaking Array Talisman."

Seeing this talisman, someone in the Yu Fu Hall immediately exclaimed, and at the same time, two people took out the same Five Thunder Breaking Array Talisman and rushed towards the mound in front of them.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Three Five Thunder Breaking Array Talismans exploded at the same time, just like thunder from the sky, or like meteorites hitting the ground, with powerful explosive forces rushing around.

"Will it succeed?"

The other people in the Jade Talisman Hall all clenched their fists and waited.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, three vortices suddenly appeared on the surface of the mound. The powerful suction immediately absorbed the power generated by the explosion. At the same time, three streams of light shot out and hit the three people who took action directly.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

The three people screamed at the same time, and then their bodies began to collapse. In an instant, they turned into ashes and dissipated between heaven and earth.

This scene stunned all the others. No one dared to take action anymore. They were stunned. The scene just now was too shocking. This was the real death without a complete body.

"Ah, I know, that should be a kind of fairy light. I have read in an ancient book that some immortals' caves will use this fairy light to condense into a ban. Once they encounter an attack from the outside world, they will automatically rebound, and they will become stronger when they encounter a strong attack. It is said that if the immortal launches an attack, it will rebound with the same force." A white-bearded old man in the crowd suddenly shouted.

"What, fairy light, so this is really a fairy palace."

"It is a fairy palace, it is really a fairy palace, the guess is true, we actually found a fairy palace."

The monks of Yufu Hall all shouted excitedly, forgetting that three people had died just now.

"I don't know when the seniors from the Yu Fu Xian Men will arrive. If this fairy palace can be opened, there will definitely be a lot of treasures inside. At that time, our Yu Fu Hall will also rise with the tide, and those of us present will also get great benefits, and even be able to enter the Yu Fu Xian Men to practice."

"Guard this place firmly, and never leak the news. Set up some more restrictions around it. If anyone approaches, kill them immediately."


At this time, on the other side of the mound, the people in the sword tower were doing the same thing, and sword lights flashed, bombarding the mound in front of them.

"Brother Ma's sword energy has been condensed to this extent. It seems that he has broken through to the sixth level of the secret realm. I wonder if he can break the restriction on this earth mound?"

"Brother Sun and the others actually joined forces to perform the Seven Stars Big Dipper Sword Art, which is equivalent to the attack of the seventh level cultivators in the secret realm."

But soon these people were dumbfounded. The powerful attacks launched by everyone fell on the earth mound and were swallowed up like a drop in the ocean. Especially Brother Ma, he was directly pulled into it by a stream of light. He screamed twice and disappeared without leaving any ashes.

In addition, the seven sword cultivators who launched the sword art were also hit by the stream of light and turned into nothingness in an instant.

"This is the fairy light, the fairy light that only the legendary immortals can subdue and refine."

"It seems that the people of Yufu Hall have encountered the same situation just now."

"I don't know when the powerful sword cultivators of Jian Pavilion will arrive. This must be a fairy palace. We have encountered a great fairy fate this time. As long as we open this fairy palace, we will all benefit endlessly."

"Talk to Yufu Hall immediately. Now is the time to join forces. If there is really a fairy palace in front of us, no one can take it without joining forces, not even Jian Pavilion or Yufu Sect."

"That's right, join forces to set up restrictions to block all the cultivators coming. Anyone who dares to approach will be killed immediately."

Just when the monks of Jianlou wanted to join forces with Yufu Hall, shouts came faintly from a distance. Although it was very vague, everyone present heard it clearly.

"Someone discovered an immortal cave in the Black Wind Swamp."

"An immortal weapon in the Black Wind Swamp is about to be damaged."

"An immortal scripture against the heavens has been revealed in the Black Wind Swamp."

The sound waves were transmitted intermittently to the ears of the people in the Sword Pavilion and the Jade Talisman Hall. All the people present were cultivators in the secret realm. If they concentrated their minds, they could even hear the movements dozens of miles away.

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