Eternal Existence

Chapter 101: Ten-Direction Sword Formation


The space in front of him shook violently, and a crack was torn in the void by a powerful force, and then the Longevity Tower quickly passed through.

Chen Feng, who was watching the outside world in the Longevity Tower, felt his eyes light up, and saw mountains, rivers, and plants appear in his vision.

"Okay, I finally broke out of the void, but I don't know where I am now." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Then Chen Feng felt his whole body shaken, and the next moment he was outside the Longevity Tower, with soft land under his feet, bright light in front of him, and a breeze blowing in his face.

Ye Ziming and Luta also came out together, and the four-eared monkey stayed in the Longevity Tower to practice.


The Longevity Tower slowly rotated, quickly shrinking from the size of a house, and finally turned into a stream of light and sank into Chen Feng's eyebrows. Before Chen Feng wanted to ask, the voice of the tower sounded in Chen Feng's mind.

"Boy, I have swallowed a lot of magic crystals now. I will fall into a deep sleep for a while, so you can't use the Longevity Tower to fight the enemy before I wake up. Of course, you can come and go freely and store some things." The tower's voice was a little flat.

"Are you kidding? You once said that even immortal weapons are afraid of you, but now you can't even digest a little magic crystal spirit. Were you bragging before?" Chen Feng couldn't help saying.

"Humph, do I have to lie to you? I'm just seriously damaged. If I recover to my prime, I can even swallow your eternal world alive." The tower suddenly became a little angry.

"Swallow the eternal world, tut tut, you're just bragging." Chen Feng sneered repeatedly, anyway, he didn't believe it.

"Boy, if you make me angry, I will swallow all the magic crystals in the tower and leave you no one." The tower couldn't help threatening.

"Okay, you are awesome, I believe what you say, then when can you wake up?" Chen Feng said hurriedly, what a joke, if the tower swallowed all the magic crystals, then Chen Feng and the other two would have worked in vain this time.

"I don't know." Ta seemed a little dissatisfied. After saying these three words, he immediately fell silent. No matter how Chen Feng shouted, he didn't respond.

"Tsk tsk, you have a bad temper. Humph, when my cultivation level goes up, I'll see if you dare to be arrogant in front of me. It's just a magic weapon." Chen Feng muttered dissatisfiedly.

"By the way, where is this place?" Chen Feng came back to his senses and saw Ye Ziming and Luta flying down from the sky. When Chen Feng and Ta were talking just now, the two had already flown into the sky and observed the terrain.

"Here are beautiful mountains, green mountains and green waters, misty water, fresh air, and abundant spiritual energy. I just saw countless spiritual beasts and birds. There are fat fish and shrimps in a small river ahead. This is simply a paradise." Ye Ziming said with a shake of his head.

"Uh, then what region does this belong to? Are we still in Beiyuan?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"I don't know either." Ye Ziming said simply.

Chen Feng rolled his eyes and swallowed a curse word. He even had the urge to beat Ye Ziming up. If you don't know, why are you still talking so much nonsense?

"But one thing is certain, we are definitely in Beiyuan." Ye Ziming said.

"Why do you think so?" Chen Feng asked in confusion.

"Is there any need to ask this? Beiyuan is extremely vast. With the flying speed of the three of us, it may take decades or even hundreds of years to fly out of Beiyuan. Although the magic weapon on you is powerful and can travel through space, it is impossible to cross Beiyuan in such a short distance. According to my estimation, we are probably tens of thousands of miles away from Zidian Mountain." Ye Ziming continued.

"And there is one thing that is certain. I am afraid we are in trouble?" Ruta suddenly said.


Chen Feng and Ye Ziming followed Ruta's gaze and saw some people in the distance stepping on flying swords and rushing towards the direction of the three people. And judging from the momentum emanating from the other party, it is obvious that they are not friendly.

"There are ten cultivators in total, eight of them are standing on flying swords, and the remaining two are flying in the air. Even if they are not kind, they should be easy to deal with." Chen Feng said with a smile. He had even fought with the disciples of Jiuxiao Palace on the eighth level of the secret realm. Now he naturally would not take such low-level secret realm cultivators seriously.

"A strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. If the other party has a backer, we still have to be careful." Ye Ziming said.

Swish swish swish!

While the three were talking, the other party had already arrived in front of them, quickly forming a fan shape and surrounding the three people. A stream of sword energy emanated from the ten people, crisscrossing and forming a set of sword formations in the blink of an eye. The momentum was fierce, and the swords were flowing, as if they were about to launch an attack.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng and the other two flashed a trace of anger in their eyes. After these ten people came, they surrounded the three of them without saying a word. This behavior was simply too domineering.

Chen Feng suppressed his impulse to run away and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Take him down."

Who knew that the other party ignored Chen Feng and attacked directly. Waves of sword light rushed towards Chen Feng and the other two like a tide. The four directions, the sky and the ground were all filled with sword energy, as if to destroy everything and wipe out everything.

"Ten Directions Sword Formation." Ye Ziming saw the sword formation formed by the other party at a glance.

"You are so vicious as soon as you meet. If that's the case, don't blame us for being rude." Chen Feng sneered.

"I'll do it, you little bastards, watch me sweep away the enemy with my stick." Ruta shouted, swinging the Hun Tian Wu Ji Stick violently, and the wind surged, and the shadows of the stick were everywhere, and the waves of sword light around were all smashed to pieces.

With just one move, the so-called Ten Directions Sword Formation was broken up.

"The opponent is powerful, condense the sword force." One of the leaders shouted loudly, and ten flying swords circled at the same time, and then quickly condensed into a giant sword ten feet long according to a certain rule. Once this giant sword was formed, its power increased immediately. Compared with the single flying sword just now, it actually increased tenfold.

"Although these people's cultivation is not good, this set of sword formation is worth seeing." Chen Feng said in surprise.

"Of course it's worth seeing. This is the sword formation of the Sword Pavilion. Could these people be people from the Sword Pavilion? However, although the people of the Sword Pavilion are tough and domineering, and sometimes even too arrogant, they will not act without asking questions." Ye Ziming asked curiously.

Chen Feng and Ye Ziming did not take the opponent's attack seriously at all, but talked casually.

"I don't care whether you are from the Sword Pavilion or not. Since you have provoked us, I will not hold back." Ruta sneered, and the Hun Tian Wu Ji Stick rushed out like a poisonous dragon, directly breaking the opponent's giant sword.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The giant sword broke apart, and one of the small flying swords exploded one after another. The moment the flying sword exploded, the faces of the ten monks were all pale, and some of them even spurted out blood.

"Let's go."

Two of the monks quickly took off and flew far away, and the remaining eight people who were not good enough used their body skills to run far away quickly, also taking a step of dozens of meters, and the speed was extremely fast.

"You want to escape if you can't beat them?" Chen Feng sneered, and the powerful spiritual consciousness rushed out directly. The ten monks all screamed and fell to the ground, especially the two who flew into the sky, and they almost fainted.

Although they have cultivated to the secret realm and can fly with swords, they will still be smashed into a pulp if they fall from a high altitude.

"Tsk tsk, among the eight cultivators of the first level of the secret realm, these two have actually cultivated to the realm of refining weapons into their bodies. No wonder they can fly in the air."

Ye Ziming smiled, then stretched out his hand and grabbed two of them fiercely. Two small flying swords were immediately grabbed out of the bodies of these two people, flashing and constantly jumping in their palms.

"Fourth-grade magic weapons, it seems that you two are the leaders. Tell me, why did you attack us?" Ye Ziming shouted coldly.

"We are from the Sword Pavilion. If you dare to attack, you will be killed even if you escape to the ends of the earth." One of them shouted.

"Are you really from the Sword Pavilion?" Ye Ziming frowned.

"Of course, if you let us go now and apologize immediately, there is still room for easing the situation." Seeing Ye Ziming's face, the man shouted again.

"Oh, really? Apologize. Haha, I've never done that before." Ye Ziming said, and then he squeezed his palm fiercely. With two crisp sounds of "bang bang", cracks appeared on the two flying swords in his hands, and the marks left by the two people in them disappeared instantly.

"Puff!" "Puff!"

The two couldn't help it anymore, and opened their mouths, and two blood arrows spurted out.

"Tsk tsk, it turned out to be a flying sword made of black iron and fine steel, no wonder it is so hard." Ye Ziming laughed.

"You, are you looking for death?" The two shouted.


Ruta couldn't help but slapped one of them, and directly slapped one of them, causing his teeth to fly and his face to be deformed.

"Who is looking for death? If you dare to be arrogant again, you will die next." Ruta shouted.

"Boy, you dare to hit me, you can wait to be hunted down by hundreds of thousands of sword cultivators in the Sword Pavilion." The man shouted with a crooked mouth, still arrogant.


Ruta didn't say much, and directly hit the man with a stick, hitting him dozens of meters in the air. When he fell down, he was completely deformed and dead.

"Who do you think you are? Are you the son of the master of the Sword Pavilion? If I kill you, I will be hunted by hundreds of thousands of sword cultivators. Pah!" Ruta couldn't help spitting.

"Okay, now interrogate the others. If they don't behave, kill them all, or I will use the soul-searching technique to search the other party's sea of ​​consciousness." Chen Feng said lightly. But the chill in his tone made the others shudder.

There is a method of practicing the soul-searching technique in the Changsheng Zhenjing. With Chen Feng's current soul power, he can perform it, but Chen Feng has never practiced it.

"I'll tell you."

"Don't kill me, I'll tell you everything."

The other cultivators were all scared when they saw Chen Feng and the other two were so fierce, including the cultivator who had the weapon in his body, and they all shouted for mercy.

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