Eternal Existence

Chapter 1119: Pseudo-artifact

Because Chen Feng has the Longevity Tower in his hand, these half-step true immortals have completely put Chen Feng on an equal footing.

"The previous Biqing came from Biluotian. Does it mean that you, Changshengtian and Biluotian, are going to unite?" At this time, Tianlun Venerable suddenly asked.

"Haha, this question is really asked! Although our heavenly realms are not as large and large as the fairy world, the population in them is not comparable to that of ordinary worlds. Biqing and I cannot represent the entire heavenly realm, so I find this fellow Taoist's question a little funny."

"At most, I can only represent one of the forces."

"A force in the heavenly realm, hehe, this is enough to compare with a top sect in the fairy world." Several people paid more attention to Chen Feng's words.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

While Chen Feng and others were talking, a fierce explosion and fighting sound, as well as roars and roars, had already erupted from the depths of the fairy palace.

"They're fighting, what should we do? Should we go forward?"

"Let's go and take a look, don't rush to attack."

After Chen Feng and the other five looked at each other, they flew quickly, constantly moving forward in the fairy palace, breaking through countless restrictions and barriers before suddenly stopping.

Layers of light curtains appeared in front of them, and Biqing and others fought in them. Everyone had an opponent, and the opponents were all human forms transformed by light and shadow, but their cultivation was different.

Chen Feng quickly swept across and figured out what was going on.

Although the human forms in front of Biqing and others were the same in shape, their strength was also different, changing with the strength of each person. For example, the strength of the human form in front of Biqing was almost the same as that of Biqing, and the opponent facing Diqiuxian was almost the same as Diqiuxian.

"What's going on! Is this a test?" The Sea Soul Warrior said with a smile.

"Actually, I still want to know where the real immortal is?"

However, before they could figure out the situation around them, they felt a stream of fluid sweeping past them. They felt a flash in front of their eyes, and the next moment they were in a battlefield arena, the same place where Biqing and the others were.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

There were also light and shadows flowing in front of everyone, which quickly condensed into human forms and attacked without saying a word.

The light and shadow that Chen Feng faced was also at the level of high-level ground lines. The power in his body was powerful, like a volcano brewing, and it was the same as Chen Feng. However, once he made a move, his moves were simple and unfamiliar, yet full of mystery. The inconspicuous moves were a very high-level secret technique.

Crack! Crack!

Chen Feng made a quick move and soon fought with the opponent. After a short fight, Chen Feng saw that the opponent only had the same power in his body as himself, but his fighting style and cultivation secret technique were completely different. Therefore, Chen Feng had the upper hand after performing the secret technique of longevity. If the opponent had not been experienced in combat, he would probably have been defeated as soon as he came into contact.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Water and Fire Spear appeared in his hand. With the spear in hand, he did not rush to attack. Sure enough, the light and shadow on the opposite side also shook his palm, and a spear appeared in his hand. The grade was exactly the same, both were middle-grade immortal weapons, but the attribute was the power of wind and thunder.

After fighting again, the two sides erupted with more powerful combat power and destructive power. Chen Feng still had the upper hand. At first, Chen Feng felt it was quite interesting, but after a long time, it felt a bit boring. After a few quick attacks, the spear in his hand directly pierced the opponent, and then the human-shaped light and shadow immediately dissipated, and even the person and the weapon disappeared into the void.


After defeating the opponent, Chen Feng was swept by a bright light again and teleported to a strange place again.

A mountain only 100 meters high appeared in front of Chen Feng with a flashing light, and there was an immortal weapon like flowing water flowing on it. Chen Feng was stunned at first, and then he quickly realized that the mountain in front of him was a miniature of the Liuyun Immortal Mountain in the outside world.

"The Liuyun Immortal Mountain outside is a top-grade immortal weapon, and the Qingyun Immortal Palace inside is also a top-grade immortal weapon, and the reduced mountain in the Qingyun Immortal Palace has even reached the level of a pseudo-artifact. I wonder what else is inside this pseudo-artifact." Chen Feng laughed in a low voice.

"Get out!"

Chen Feng retreated again and again after hearing the thunder sound. Although he was protected by the Changsheng Tower, two streams of blood still flowed out of his ears.

"As expected of a true immortal, so powerful!" Chen Feng said with a smile while looking at a cultivator not far away.

This cultivator was not tall, dressed in black, and just stood there casually, giving people a sense of calmness and invincibility. This person did not look at Chen Feng, but focused on the mountain in front of him, as if he did not notice Chen Feng coming in front of him.

"Huh! You can actually block my attack." Then another soul power rushed towards Chen Feng. This time Chen Feng was prepared and resolved the opponent's attack more easily than before.

Of course, Chen Feng used the Longevity Tower. Although Chen Feng had advanced to the level of a high-level earthly immortal, he could kill high-level upper immortals and fight with top upper immortals and half-step true immortals. However, there was still a gap between him and the true immortals, the complete true immortals. After all, the gap between earthly immortals and true immortals was not so easy to fill. Even if he had a high-level magic weapon, it was useless without the power to activate it.

After blocking this wave of soul attacks, Chen Feng also activated the soul-soothing spell. This time, the soul-soothing spell was secretly blessed by the Longevity Tower. Not only did the power increase by dozens of times, but the most important thing was that the level was improved.

Sure enough, this time the immortal was no longer calm. He shook his body a few times, turned around and looked at Chen Feng. There was lightning flashing in his eyes, and two real eyes pierced through Chen Feng, trying to see through Chen Feng's true and false.

However, when he arrived in front of Chen Feng, he was secretly absorbed by the Longevity Tower. In this person's eyes, Chen Feng suddenly became a sea that could accommodate everything, so deep that people could not see the whole picture.

"Longevity Tower, you are a cultivator of the Longevity Clan!" The immortal was really surprised.

"Hehe, we were attacked by you outside before, are you still pretending not to know?" Chen Feng sneered.

After hearing this, the immortal did not speak, but a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, but it soon disappeared again, but this glimmer was captured by Chen Feng, and he secretly had some guesses in his heart.


The light flashed, and it appeared in this space after all, followed by Di Qiuxian and others, and Huoyunlong was the last one to appear.

"Hey! There are quite a few people coming in. If I were you, I would definitely not come here to die with this strength." The Immortal said lightly.

"The senior is the Immortal Thunder Cloud!" At this time, the Sea Soul Warrior suddenly spoke.

"Oh, you are a disciple of Qingyuan Pavilion, and your Qingyuan Pavilion is also involved?" The Immortal Thunder Cloud looked at everyone and was a little surprised.

"We have several senior brothers in Qingyuan Pavilion, but they are going to look for other opportunities." The Sea Soul Warrior said with a smile.

The Immortal Thunder Cloud nodded and stopped talking, but focused his attention on the mountain in front of him again.

Chen Feng had quickly communicated with the Green Fire Cloud Dragon about the things here, and then communicated with the tower in secret.

"Tower! How about this pseudo-artifact?"

"Not bad!"

"Just not bad."

"Don't bother me, I'll find a way."

After that, Chen Feng also focused his attention on the shrinking mountain. The world view in front of him suddenly changed. Waves of powerful energy entered the sea of ​​consciousness. In just a moment, Chen Feng felt that the power of his soul was strengthened again. At the same time, all kinds of mysterious laws, great powers, and the universe's great truths continued to impact Chen Feng's mind.

When Chen Feng finally broke free from this state, he felt that he had just experienced tens of millions of years, but it was only a moment outside.

Looking at the others, they were in the same situation as Chen Feng. Everyone was surprised and happy. They didn't expect to have such a harvest this time.

"When I return to the fairyland, I'm afraid I can pass the tribulation."

"I'm about to advance."

"Treasure, this is really a treasure."

As they said that, two people couldn't help but step forward and wanted to grab the shrinking mountain. Chen Feng secretly observed the Thunder Cloud Immortal. Seeing that the other party was motionless, he suppressed the idea of ​​taking action.

Buzz! Buzz!

There was no strong reaction, just two seemingly weak fluctuations, and the two monks who came forward flew back and fell to the ground for a long time without moving.

It was Diqiuxian and the starry sky wanderer. The two of them just couldn't control themselves under the temptation of the treasure, and ended up in such a situation.

Chen Feng shook his hand and shot out two streams of true qi, which entered the bodies of the two people. Diqiuxian and the two soon woke up, and their breath flowed, and soon they returned to calm. Although the attack just now was fierce, there was no injury.

"It was the power of the law of the great way of the gods of the pseudo-artifact. It was just a restraint just now, and there was no real damage." Biqing said.

"Thank you, little brother." The starry sky wanderer immediately thanked Chen Feng, and Diqiuxian just sneered a few times and said nothing.

For all this, Leiyun Zhenxian seemed not to see it, and still put his mind on the mountain in front of him.

"It's a pseudo-artifact after all, how can it be so easy to collect it, and don't you see that even the real immortal didn't move." Tianlun Zun sneered.

"That's a bit troublesome." Chen Feng and Bi Qing looked at each other and began to calculate quickly in their hearts. Even the True Immortal was tempted to snatch the pseudo-artifact. The others did not rush to it immediately, which was an amazing patience.

"This pseudo-artifact must be left here waiting for the destined person. If you want to take it, you can't force it. You must comprehend it carefully and communicate slowly." The immortal cultivator Yan Kong said lightly.

Although everyone was helpless, they had no good way. They could only use this most clumsy method. However, comprehending the pseudo-artifact is good for their own strength, which is also a bit of comfort to everyone.


At this time, Lei Yun Zhenxian shouted softly, and a stream of light was transmitted from the mountain peak and entered Lei Yun Zhenxian's body. Lei Yun Zhenxian's aura began to surge, and there was a sound of breaking in his body.

"Hahahaha!" Lei Yun Zhenxian, the master, laughed wildly and began to lose his composure.

"This guy's cultivation has broken through." Chen Feng said secretly.

Seeing this scene, others couldn't bear it anymore. They immediately chose a good position and began to comprehend the mystery of this pseudo-artifact.

Only Chen Feng calmly circled the mountain, spreading his consciousness and constantly searching and observing the surroundings.

"Chen Feng, did you find anything?" Bi Qing saw that Chen Feng looked a little strange.

"I suspect there are still people in the Immortal Palace, and they should also be real immortals?" Chen Feng secretly expressed his suspicions and guesses.

After listening, Bi Qing also began to communicate with Chen Feng calmly.

"In this case, we must prepare in advance."

"Don't worry, if there is anything wrong, we will enter the Longevity Tower."

Finally, Biqing and Huoyunlong also began to comprehend the great principles contained in the mountain. Only Chen Feng was still walking around, as if thinking about something.

"Tower! What do you think?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

The tower still did not answer, but Chen Feng's mind moved, and his consciousness entered the fifth floor of the Changsheng Tower. A breath of extremely rich vitality enveloped Chen Feng.

This is a piece of Changsheng wood in the fifth floor of the Changsheng Tower. It is the core part of the Changsheng wood. It is a million miles in size. When Pu Yi opened the fifth floor of the tower, even Chen Feng himself was shocked.

You must know that this is the heart of the tree, and the overall essence and energy of the Changsheng tree are contained in it. Feeling the shocking vitality in it, Chen Feng did not calm down for a long time. Chen Feng also asked the tower about the origin of this piece of wood, but the tower just smiled mysteriously and did not tell Chen Feng.

Chen Feng wandered around the fifth floor of the Longevity Tower, swallowed some of the essence of the Longevity Wood, and then came out. At the same time, he also knew that the fifth floor of the Longevity Tower had been fully opened, enough to suppress the complete True Immortal.

In addition to the Longevity Wood, there were some other good things on the fifth floor. Although there were not many, each one was of top quality. Chen Feng was shocked and began to feel that the Longevity Tower was not an empty shell as he had imagined before.

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