Eternal Existence

Chapter 1020: Psychedelic Immortal

After seeing the things in the fifth floor, Chen Feng had some expectations for the next few floors. Of course, Chen Feng also asked the tower, but the tower still had a mysterious expression and did not tell Chen Feng any relevant information, which made Chen Feng secretly complain.

After knowing the situation in his mind, Chen Feng secretly made some preparations and began to comprehend the mysteries in the mountain. During this comprehension, Chen Feng's mind was immediately attracted and could not be withdrawn at all, let alone paying attention to things outside.

Chen Feng forgot the time during this practice, but his cultivation was constantly increasing. If it were not for the power of the Longevity Tower, Chen Feng's soul would have been completely sucked into this mountain.

"What's going on?" After coming to his senses, Chen Feng immediately broke out in a cold sweat. Looking at the others, two people had already fallen to the ground limply, with no energy on their bodies, including Lei Yun Zhenxian, who all looked absent-minded.

Chen Feng made a move quickly, and the power of wind and thunder turned into streams of light and quickly drilled into everyone's body. The light flashed, and the soul returned to its place. Everyone recovered, and they were all the same as Chen Feng, sweating profusely, and there was fear in their eyes.

"What's going on? This pseudo-artifact can absorb our souls?"

"If the pseudo-artifact is used at full strength, we can't break free with our strength. There must be something wrong."

"Come out."

Thunder Cloud Immortal suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the void fiercely. The air flow gathered in his palm like silk, arrows, and water. Finally, he punched out fiercely. The surrounding world shook violently, and a ball of light and shadow flashed in the void, and then the next moment it was in front of Chen Feng. Chen Feng shrank his eyes and saw a spiral of energy drilling towards his eyebrows.

Pa pa pa pa pa!

In front of this spiral energy, the barrier set up by the Longevity Tower was penetrated. When Chen Feng wanted to resist, he felt that the power of the laws around him had changed. His thinking was slow and he could not keep up with the rhythm of the other party's attack.


A lightning flashed through the sky and collided with this spiral energy. Both sides were shattered at the same time. The power of the Longevity Tower surged through his body. Chen Feng was shocked and immediately recovered. With a wave of his hand, the Zhengtian Sword quickly slashed out.

The sword light flashed, outlining a magical pattern, trying to capture the light and shadow, but the light and shadow just shook and disappeared into the void again.

"Don't come out yet!"

The Thunder Cloud Immortal made a move, the lightning flashed, the clouds and mist lingered, and the will of the Thunder Cloud Avenue was contained in it, which was hard to defend against. Sure enough, the light and shadow hidden in the dark were forced out.

The shadow twisted quickly and soon took the shape of a middle-aged man with a white face. He was wearing a yellow-white armor with glittering light, bright eyes, high hair, and empty hands. After he appeared, he took a deep breath, and then waves of air came out of his body. The air waves kept surging, and various runes flashed in them. The fierce and unmatched aura impacted the monks present and made them retreat one after another.


After the white-faced middle-aged man appeared, the fierce aura on his body dispersed all the half-step immortals around him, and then his figure flashed in front of the Thunder Cloud Immortal. At the same time, a huge palm came out of his body and grabbed the Thunder Cloud Immortal on the head.

"Looking for death!"

The Thunder Cloud Immortal's figure seemed to shake a few times, and a flash of lightning suddenly flashed, and then rose again, and clouds piled up from all directions to the center.

Then, lightning, clouds, palms, airflow, silk threads and even flowing colors appeared continuously. Various wonders appeared continuously. It seemed small in scale, but it was unpredictable. Chen Feng and others were dazzled. Except for Bi Qing, others were completely confused and could not figure out the trajectory of the fight between the two sides. The True Immortal was much stronger than the Half-Step True Immortal. They were not at the same level at all.

But Bi Qing was different. He was a celestial immortal in his previous life. His skills could not keep up at this time, but his eyesight was still there.

"What are you guys still standing there for? This person is a psychedelic true immortal from the Liuguang World. He has already had some connection with the pseudo-artifact in front of him. I am not his opponent now. If I lose, you little guys will have even less hope." At this time, the voice of the Thunder Cloud True Immortal sounded in the ears of Chen Feng and others.

"Tower! Is what this person said true?" Chen Feng asked quickly.

"It's true. This psychedelic can already borrow a trace of the power of the pseudo-artifact. Lei Yun is not his opponent." The tower answered quickly.

"Chen Feng, join forces to help Lei Yun." Bi Qing also heard a voice.

"Everyone, let's do it." The other people also quickly reached a consensus, but just when they were about to do it, they received another message from Thunder Cloud Immortal.

"You go and destroy the soul imprint left by Mihuan in the pseudo-artifact, I will block here."

"Yes, this is the best way." Chen Feng and others' eyes lit up, knowing that this is the best way at the moment.

"Let's go!"

"Destroy the opponent's soul imprint first."

Tianlun Zun and others were fast enough. They turned into streams of light and rushed towards the pseudo-artifact. When they were still some distance away from the pseudo-artifact, they directly left their bodies and entered the mountain. Chen Feng and Biqing and others looked at each other, and they also performed the secret technique of leaving their bodies. Their consciousness condensed, and they were pulled in by a suction force as soon as they approached the mountain.

"Hey, this is a good opportunity this time." Chen Feng laughed secretly, and the power of his soul immediately condensed into a human shape when it entered the mountain. A little fire flew out from the center of his eyebrows, and waves of light spread around, as if there was a little candlelight illuminating in the middle of the night.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Everyone quickly gathered together, and after a brief exchange, they began to wander around. Soon, they found the soul imprint left by the psychedelic immortal inside the mountain.

Seeing someone coming in, the psychedelic immortal immediately laughed: "A few small half-step immortals dared to come in and die, it's ridiculous."

As he said this, the immortal looked up to the sky and let out a long roar. A sound wave swept across Chen Feng and the others. Everyone was like a small boat in the ocean, constantly shaking and capsizing at any time.


The psychedelic immortal strode forward and swept across with a punch, and two people were blown up. The two cultivators' bodies in the outside world screamed, bleeding from all seven orifices, and their faces were distorted, which was extremely ugly.

The psychedelic immortal opened his mouth and sucked all the dissipated soul power into his mouth, and the psychedelic immortal's body became more condensed.

Peng! Peng!

Next, wherever the psychedelic immortal passed, it was almost like a rotten wood, invincible, and constantly sweeping across. These half-step immortals could not resist at all.


Bi Qing quickly stepped forward and finally blocked the opponent's punch, stopping the pace of the psychedelic immortal, but Bi Qing also retreated again and again, and was no match for the psychedelic immortal.

"Huh!" The psychedelic immortal was stunned at first, then there was a gleam in his eyes, and he swept towards Bi Qing, with a very strange expression on his face. Now he was stunned, and then he laughed.

"So you are a reincarnated person, good, I am really lucky today, your soul is a real tonic for me, the souls of these people are not as good as yours even if they are added together." The psychedelic immortal said as he swayed and rushed straight towards Bi Qing.

"If I fight, it may be difficult for a true immortal to sweep away a large number of half-step true immortals, but this kind of naked soul confrontation, one against a hundred is no problem at all." Chen Feng was at the edge of the battle and was not affected too much. Perhaps the opponent did not fancy him, or the opponent wanted to keep Chen Feng for the last solution.

Bi Qing retreated repeatedly under the attack of the psychedelic immortal. Huoyunlong immediately stepped forward, and several other people also surrounded him, trying to fight against the psychedelic immortal.

Chen Feng's actions were a little unexpected, or these people did not pay too much attention to Chen Feng. A trace of invisible fluctuations emanated from Chen Feng's body and dissipated silently in the surrounding space, while Chen Feng waved his fingers quickly and kept drawing. This was a practical soul-soothing spell.


Another person was knocked away. This person was the Starry Sky Wanderer. After his body was broken up, it quickly closed in the air and condensed again, just in front of Chen Feng.

"Humph! You are lazy, do you want to take advantage?" This person scolded Chen Feng.

"Yes, I want to take advantage." Chen Feng said, and the soul-soothing talisman in his hand flew out suddenly, freezing this person like a sculpture.


Then Chen Feng stepped forward and punched the opponent to disperse, opened his mouth and sucked, devouring the man's soul power completely.

That's not all, Chen Feng stretched out his palm and pulled again, the man's original body suddenly fell to the ground, and the soul left in the flesh also left the body and went into the mountain, and was still swallowed by Chen Feng.

The sea of ​​consciousness of this half-step true immortal had dried up, leaving only the flesh without spirituality, which was considered dead. Chen Feng's move stunned both parties who were fighting, especially the psychedelic true immortal, who showed a trace of incredible look in his eyes.


At this time, the soul-suppressing talisman in Chen Feng's hand was used again, falling on the psychedelic true immortal, and knocked the psychedelic true immortal out.

"What are you doing? Why don't you do it?" Chen Feng shouted.

Biqing and Huoyunlong cooperated with Chen Feng tacitly, and rushed up at the first time. The others reacted a little slower, but after being awakened by Chen Feng, they followed and killed.

This time, Chen Feng performed the soul secret technique from a distance, and Biqing and others fought in close combat, and they were evenly matched with the psychedelic immortal.

As a result, the psychedelic's original body outside became a little anxious, and accelerated the intensity of the attack, causing the Thunder Cloud Immortal to start to get hurt under pressure.

This situation continued for a stick of incense. After Chen Feng cast a talisman, he immediately sat on the ground, as if his whole body was exhausted.

"Get out of my way." Without Chen Feng's long-range attack, the psychedelic immortal once again took the upper hand and burst out with all his strength. Biqing and others retreated one after another, and one was directly blown up.

Seeing the psychedelic immortal burst out, the remaining few people, including the Fire Cloud Dragon Biqing, withdrew from the mountain and returned to their original bodies. Because they consumed some soul power in the process of leaving the pseudo-artifact, Biqing and others looked a little pale.

At this time, only Chen Feng was left inside the pseudo-artifact. He sat on the ground and looked at the other party with a somewhat ugly face.

"Senior, why do you have to kill them all?" Chen Feng said with a wry smile.

"It's not easy to meet a cultivator of the Immortal Clan, and I see you have some secrets. Once I devour your soul, your secrets will become mine." The Psychedelic Immortal said as he strode towards Chen Feng.

"Really can't you let me go?" Chen Feng asked again.

"No, kid, no matter what your origins are, it's your bad luck to meet me." The Psychedelic Immortal raised his fist and smashed it towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was sitting on the ground, and he also threw a punch weakly, and it felt like he was dead.



Chen Feng did not explode as he imagined, but the Psychedelic Immortal retreated again and again, with a look of horror on his face.


Chen Feng stood up, the decadent look on his face was swept away, and he became energetic. He opened his mouth and took a deep breath. The aura on his body began to rise. In the blink of an eye, he surpassed the psychedelic immortal.

"This is impossible!" The psychedelic immortal retreated again and again, his eyes were a little dazed, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

Chen Feng took a leap and punched out. This punch was more powerful than the psychedelic immortal's previous sweeping momentum, and there was a sense of breaking all restraints.

Facing Chen Feng's attack, the psychedelic immortal's eyes suddenly became firm, a powerful breath gushed out of his mouth, his arms shook violently, and one fist became a full fist, trying to cover Chen Feng.

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