Eternal Existence

Chapter 1118: In the Qingyun Immortal Palace

However, before Chen Feng's attack reached the opponent, it was broken by the tiger roar of the Red Flame Tyrant Tiger.

Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness churned, and he kept retreating.

"It is worthy of being a cosmic alien." Chen Feng was a little surprised. This was the first time that his soul-soothing secret technique did not work.

However, although the giant tiger in front of him was powerful, it was suppressed by Bi Qing. After all, Bi Qing was a half-step true immortal at this time. Coupled with some secret techniques of Bi Luotian, although this Red Flame Demon Tiger was ferocious, it could not stop Bi Qing. What's more, Huoyunlong and Chen Feng stepped forward again. The three of them joined forces to besiege the Red Flame Tyrant Tiger. After a few rounds, the huge body of the Red Flame Tyrant Tiger suddenly shrank, and then turned into a stream of light and drilled into the Qingyun Immortal Palace.

This top-level demon beast fled into the Qingyun Immortal Palace. Chen Feng and the other two did not chase after it because a huge hand stretched out from the Qingyun Immortal Palace and grabbed Chen Feng and the other two fiercely. The void broke and condensed in the middle like a funnel. The strands of light kept closing, like ropes and streams of light. Chen Feng immediately felt his body begin to twist and he couldn't breathe. Huoyunlong screamed even more. Flames burst out of his body and he used the fire source seeds again, which made his strength rise steadily and entered the realm of half-step true immortals again. With a roar, a fire dragon roared out, tearing the space apart, and the earth shook. The fire dragon and the thugs quickly clashed and collided several times. The big hand and the fire dragon dissipated at the same time.

"It's the Half-step Immortal who's attacking again."

"Hmph, I don't know who he is, could he be from the Immortal Realm as well."

"Why bother about so much, just go in and kill him directly."

"Who is he, actually came here to die, why don't you retreat quickly." A soul-shaking sound wave came from the Qingyun Immortal Palace, making Chen Feng feel his whole body trembling and his ears buzzing, but his sea of ​​consciousness was churning for a while, and then it returned to calm.

"Let's go!" Chen Feng actually took the lead and attacked the Qingyun Immortal Palace first. Since he succeeded in the previous tribulation, Chen Feng's cultivation has greatly increased, and his combat power has skyrocketed. Even when facing the Half-step Immortal, he has the intention to fight.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Chen Feng kept bombarding, as if he was crazy. If the powerful force was released into the starry sky, it would be enough to destroy a planet, but it only splashed circles of ripples on the Qingyun Immortal Palace.


Biqing immediately attacked, and with just one sword, he broke a long and thin crack, and the three of them got in at the same time.

At this time, the combat power of Chen Feng and the other two was equivalent to that of a half-step immortal. This force was already at the top in the Eternal World. In addition, without the suppression of the Eternal World, they could fight against the immortals. If Chen Feng used the Longevity Tower, it would not be impossible to kill the immortals.

Entering the Qingyun Immortal Palace, the scene inside did not change much, but the spiritual energy inside was more concentrated than outside, and the grade was higher. Chen Feng took a breath and felt that the pure spiritual energy was even higher than that of the Longevity Tower, which surprised Chen Feng.

"Three more people are here to die."

"You three, come here."

At this time, Chen Feng saw several cultivators standing not far away, all of them staring at Chen Feng and the other two with a covetous look and mocking expression.

"There are eight people in total, all of them are half-step immortals. Strange, where are the immortals in the fairy world? They should be here, but there is no breath, and even the Longevity Tower has lost its induction. It seems that there are some forces here that exceed the Longevity Tower in some aspects." Chen Feng only took a glance and began to guess quickly in his mind.

One of the eight people spoke coldly, and another one even stretched out his finger casually in a provocative manner.

"I didn't expect that there really is a half-step true immortal in the Eternal World. He was really well hidden before." Chen Feng said with a smile. Not worried about the situation at hand at all.

"Humph, I thought it was someone else, it turned out to be Diqiuxian." Huoyunlong said with a sneer.

"Who are you? Ou, you are also from the fairy world, but I don't know you. It seems that you are just an unknown junior." The one called Diqiuxian was the first person to open his mouth to provoke. Unexpectedly, he was also from the fairy world, and Huoyunlong actually knew him.

After hearing this, Huoyunlong smiled and said nothing more. It was indeed the case. Huoyunlong was only a high-level immortal in the fairy world, of course, he was not in the eyes of a half-step true immortal, but now Huoyunlong is also a half-step true immortal, so the other party dare not underestimate him.

"You are also from the fairy world, why are you with these two people? We can unite and rob treasures. After all, we are all from the fairy world, so we still have some things in common." This person was still provocative at first, but then he began to win over Huoyunlong. Although he didn't know whether he was sincere or fake, the speed of his change of face surprised Chen Feng secretly.

"Di Qiuxian, you are wrong this time. Do you know who these two people are?" Another person spoke up, staring at Chen Feng and Biqing for a while, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes. I don't know what he is thinking.

"Cultivators of the Changsheng clan!"

"Cultivators of Biluotian!"

Finally, someone recognized Chen Feng and Biqing. The names of the two heavens intimidated these people. The sneer in their eyes began to hide, and the hostile aura on their bodies suddenly restrained. They didn't target Chen Feng and Biqing anymore. This naked change made Chen Feng startled. This kind of person is dangerous and needs to be guarded against.

"Chen Feng, the owner of Donglong Island! I know you." The speaker was a half-step true immortal from the eternal world.

"I'm very curious, how could a high and mighty heaven like yours, Changshengtian, interfere in the affairs of us mortals?"

"Yes, I heard that the heaven is an existence beyond the fairy world. Could it be that it can also take a fancy to our small world?"

"Okay, don't be so sarcastic, I don't have time to talk to you now." Chen Feng shook his head and took out the Longevity Tower. The Longevity Tower shook violently, and the entire Qingyun Fairy Palace shook, roaring, sobbing, angry, frightened, and more indescribable emotions.

"Sure enough, this Qingyun Fairy Palace is a pseudo-artifact!" The tower was a little excited.

The current situation of the Longevity Tower is no longer in the eyes of the fairy artifact. Only the artifact can make its power rise again. The pseudo-artifact is also considered an artifact.

"I think the Qingyun Fairy Palace itself is a fairy artifact, and it should be a pseudo-artifact that was later upgraded." Chen Feng guessed.

"I think so too." Chen Feng and Huoyunlong guessed.

"Longevity Tower!" Seeing the Longevity Tower appear, everyone exclaimed, and their eyes were hot.

"It's the Immortal Tower!"

"Bring it to me!" Someone actually took action. Chen Feng was stunned. Although these people were half-step immortals, they didn't see the situation clearly.


The Immortal Tower just shook slightly, and a stream of light rushed out like a waterfall, knocking the half-step immortal away. Chen Feng took the opportunity to take action, stepped forward, and slashed the opponent heavily with the Zhengtian Sword.

This was the first time that Chen Feng used his own strength to repel a half-step immortal head-on, and the opponent was also injured, which gave him a sense of accomplishment.

"I think we shouldn't take action, otherwise the good things will be taken away by the immortals." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Immortal Tower slowly fell into his palm.

"Immortal? What immortal?" At this time, the eight half-step immortals were a little surprised and dumbfounded. That feeling didn't seem to be fake. Chen Feng immediately knew that the other party didn't know something.

"It seems that you don't know these things." Chen Feng said.

"Chen Feng, please explain clearly."

"Don't you feel the breath of the True Immortal?" Chen Feng said lightly, the Longevity Tower in his hand kept turning, waves of energy radiated around, sank into the void, and soon caused a strong reverberation.

"Got it!" Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely, a group of airflow faintly condensed in the palm of his hand, and then shook his palm, the airflow dissipated, and the eight half-step True Immortals all came forward and came to Chen Feng at the same time, with shock in their eyes.

"It is indeed the breath of the True Immortal!"

"Where did the other party come from?" Someone began to humbly ask Chen Feng.

"The True Immortal who came from the Immortal Realm, you also have someone who came from the Immortal Realm, don't you have any awareness of it?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I think we should take a long-term view."

"Yes, we are all half-step immortals, and we seem a little weak when facing the true immortals. No matter where we come from, we should unite now. Otherwise, if we act alone, we will die when facing the true immortals."

"Unite, it's a good idea. We should unite and deal with the true immortals first."

"The true immortals are not something we can contend with. I think we should take a long-term view. Besides, the Qingyun Immortal Palace is so big, there must be many other treasures in it. There is no need to conflict with the true immortals."

"Isn't this taking precautions? If we bump into them, we can still not fight. If we are not prepared at that time, the other party can kill us in seconds."

Listening to the constant discussion of the eight half-step true immortals, Chen Feng and the other two looked at each other, feeling confused.

"I don't bother to pay attention to you. I came here for the treasures inside." Chen Feng was activating the Longevity Tower. Huoyunlong acted as if he was furious. He moved and disappeared in the Immortal Palace, and began to look for other treasures.

As for Biqing, he followed closely. He had not spoken in the previous situation. Now he suddenly took action, which must be the same plan as Huoyunlong.

"Hey! You."

"What are you doing?"

"Wanting to rob treasures, how can it be so easy." Half of the eight half-step true immortals left in an instant. The other four stayed in place with uncertain expressions, looking at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng had always been calm, activating the Longevity Tower, and did not check the surrounding situation. The Longevity Tower emitted waves of power into the void, as if exploring something.

Finally, the immortal tower in Chen Feng's hand turned into a stream of light and entered his body. Chen Feng's body shook violently, and then he said with a smile: "Could it be that you want to rob my immortal tower?"

"We don't want to die yet."

"In that case, everyone should form an alliance with me." Chen Feng laughed again.

"It's not shameful to form an alliance with the cultivators of the immortal family, although your realm is a bit low."

"Haha, to be honest, it's still too high for us to form an alliance with the owner of the immortal tower."

"Okay, now let's introduce ourselves. My name is Haihun Warrior, from Qingyuan Pavilion in the fairy world."

"Xuanhun Saint, Starry Sky Wanderer!"

"Yankong! From the fairy world."

"Tianlun Venerable! From the Savage World."

"Okay, my name is Chen Feng, from the immortal family, but I have been practicing in the Eternal World. At this time, the largest force in the Eternal World, the East Dragon Island Alliance, is the force under my command." Chen Feng also said at last.

"Where did the four people come from before?" Chen Feng asked again.

"The Diqiu Immortal is from the fairyland, one of the remaining three is a starry sky wanderer, and the other two have a very ethereal aura and cannot be seen from where they came." The one who spoke was the Sea Soul Warrior, and he was the only one who spoke a little more among the crowd.

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