Eternal Existence

Chapter 1009 Eye of the Void

A total of thirty-six demon cultivators stood respectfully in front of Chen Feng. Although these people appeared in human form, Chen Feng knew that none of the thirty-six people in front of him were real humans. Once they transformed, they would become strange-looking monsters.

Thirty-six people, all of them had the aura of mid-level earth immortals, and their strength was very even.

Although the demon world was powerful and chaotic, and some people respected strength, there was one special exception, that is, when facing the royal family, the class status would automatically rank first. The demon aura emanating from Chen Feng was very pure, and it only appeared in those royal families. Therefore, although Chen Feng only manifested the realm of a mid-level earth immortal, these people were still very respectful. Even if a high-level earth immortal or even a top earth immortal came, they would not dare to be presumptuous in front of Chen Feng. Unless they were immortals, far superior to earth immortals, they could resolve the indelible blood oppression in these bloodline genes.

"Are you from the demon ape race?" Chen Feng had long seen the true form of these demon cultivators. Most of them were flaming demon apes, and the others should be vassal monsters of the demon ape clan.

"Yes, may I ask what your name is?" One of the demon cultivators answered respectfully.

"Chen Feng!" Chen Feng said lightly, waved his hand, and the Heaven Devouring Demonic Power surged, and a black vortex appeared in his palm.

"Hello, sir!" The faces of the thirty-six demon cultivators suddenly changed, and they knelt on the ground at the fastest speed.

"Get up, I have something to ask you?" Chen Feng waved his hand and put away the pressure on his body. The other party immediately stood up respectfully, stood quietly aside, waiting for Chen Feng to ask questions, which made Huoyunlong jealous.

"Excuse me, sir!"

"How many people are coming this time, who is the leader, tell me everything you know." Chen Feng said lightly.

The thirty-six people did not dare to hide anything, and told everything they knew, and finally asked Chen Feng if he wanted to go back with them. These people regarded Chen Feng as the front troops.

"You go first, I have something important to do." Chen Feng casually sent these demon cultivators away.

"I'm so envious. I didn't expect that practicing the Heaven Devouring Demon Art would have such benefits. The other party completely regards you as a member of the royal family of the Demon Realm." Huoyunlong said enviously.

"But it will also cause trouble." Chen Feng said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the power dispatched by the Demon Realm this time was not small. The commander is indeed a disciple of the royal family. I just have time to find out."

Chen Feng was still a little happy. You know, the Heaven Devouring Demon Art he practiced was only obtained from a Devouring Beast with a very low realm. This time, a top Devouring Beast appeared, so the Heaven Devouring Demon Art he practiced should be more perfect.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng had the urge to leave immediately, but he still controlled and endured it. With his current strength, it might not work. If the three of them can improve their strength to the level of top immortals, it would be almost the same.

"It's time to find time to cross the tribulation!" Chen Feng said lightly.

In fact, it has not been long since Chen Feng advanced to the intermediate level of earthly immortal. If it were an ordinary cultivator, it would take thousands of years to advance again, and it might not be successful. But now Chen Feng's cultivation has improved too fast, especially the soul power of the true immortal that he devoured before, and advanced the soul fire to the level of life fire. In other words, although Chen Feng is only at the level of earthly immortal now, he is essentially equivalent to the upper immortal.

"It's good for you to pass the tribulation now. There are loopholes in the rules of heaven, and your tribulation may be easier and smoother." Bi Qing nodded.

"It may also be more intense."

Although he said so, Chen Feng did not pass the tribulation immediately, because the three finally found another secret realm. In fact, in the eternal world today. There are secret realms every day, and there is nothing strange about them. But this time, the three found traces of Tianxiao Palace cultivators in this newly discovered secret realm, so they thought of entering one to find out.

"I hope there will be some benefits. It would be great if I could get some god-level elixirs." Huoyunlong said expectantly.

"This kind of situation doesn't happen often even in the fairy world, right?" Chen Feng laughed.

The three chatted and laughed as they entered the secret realm, but then they saw a huge vortex in front of them. The center was extremely deep, as if it was connected to another universe. In an instant, a powerful and irresistible suction enveloped the three people. With a whoosh, Chen Feng and the other two were swallowed into the vortex.

"Hmph, this Eye of the Void made with the Void Storm can suppress even a True Immortal, so these three little guys should just stay down there obediently."

"This time we have gained a lot. Without Chen Feng and Bi Qing, Donglong Island will soon disintegrate. By the way, who is the other person? I don't think I have seen him before."

"The other party should be from the Flame World. I should be able to sense that aura correctly."

"We should be able to get the Longevity Tower this time, right? Should we take action now?"

"Why are you in such a hurry? If you take action now, are you looking for death? The Longevity Tower is not so easy to be taken. The first thing is to kill Chen Feng first, so that the Longevity Tower becomes an ownerless thing, and then we can think of ways to slowly take it."

"You are still talking nonsense. If you have this time, you might as well imagine how to deal with these three people."

"Hey, these three people have entered the Eye of the Void, what is there to worry about."

After being enveloped by the suction force, Chen Feng immediately felt that his body was about to be torn apart. With the help of the power of the immortal weapon, he barely held on. With the energy surging around him, Chen Feng felt like he was traveling through the void storm.

"Hey! It's really the power of the void storm." Chen Feng was a little surprised. The thick blood light wrapped him up. Chen Feng held the Zhengtian Sword in one hand to stabilize his body and shook out the chaos chain with the other hand. Fortunately, although the situation was very strange and chaotic, Biqing and Huoyunlong did not disperse.

The two quickly grabbed the chaos chain. A green light flashed, and Biqing appeared in front of Chen Feng. Then there was another flash of fire. Huoyunlong had turned into a fire man, but the flames on Huoyunlong's body were constantly dissipating. Even the solid body was shaking violently, as if it would be torn apart at any time.

"Hmph!" Huoyunlong groaned, as if something in his body broke. A powerful force rushed into the sky, and then formed a flame armor that perfectly wrapped his body.

"Tsk tsk! Entering the realm of half-step true immortal, I said Brother Huo, you are hiding deep enough." Chen Feng laughed.

"It's a fire source seed. A fire source seed is at least equivalent to a top-grade immortal weapon." Biqing also has Taiqing dazzling light protection on his body. With Biqing's current strength, he has not communicated with Biluotian for the time being.

"What is going on?" Huoyunlong shouted angrily. His strongest trump card was finally exposed. Otherwise, there is no way, otherwise he will be torn into pieces by the power here.

"Do you still need to ask? We have entered someone else's ambush." ​​Chen Feng said lightly, and with a wave of his hand, another thick barrier enveloped himself. This is the power of the origin spirit bead.

The protective power of the two mid-grade immortal weapons is still not enough. The Zhengtian Sword in Chen Feng's hand constantly emits a trace of sword energy to cut off the surrounding void power.

"Of course I know that I have entered an ambush. The key is who the other party is and where this place is?" Huoyunlong said as he threw a punch. The condensed fist force penetrated the chaotic void energy and punched a channel in one breath, but this channel closed quickly.

Chen Feng noticed that Huoyunlong's strength had increased by at least ten times.

"Huh!" Huoyunlong exhaled, and was obviously very satisfied with this scene.

"Don't be happy so early! Even if you are promoted to the realm of True Immortal, it is not so easy to leave here." Biqing said lightly.

"I don't believe it!" Huoyunlong said and punched out again, making the power of the void more chaotic again.

"Okay, I think you should keep your strength first?" Chen Feng hurriedly stopped the other party's action.

"Brother Huo, don't you really know where this place is? You are a high-level immortal at least, and you have been wandering outside the domain for some years."

"Void Storm! Of course I know." Huoyunlong slowly calmed down, but there was still power constantly coming out of his body, shattering the void power that was entangled with the attack.

"It is the Eye of the Void refined by the Void Storm. Although the level we encountered is not too high, it can also suppress the True Immortal." Biqing said lightly.

"What, it is the Eye of the Void, even the True Immortal can be suppressed, this is not troublesome." Huoyunlong's face changed drastically.

The strongest power that Huoyunlong burst out was the half-step true immortal. Biqing could also be promoted to the level of half-step true immortal, but it was still useless. Even if ten half-step true immortals came, it would not work.

"I just realized that the power of our three-person combination is still very strong. In order to settle you and us, even this big killer weapon was used." Chen Feng said with a smile, and waved his hand. The Zhengtian Sword slashed out, and a dark current condensed by the power of the void was split.

"I think the other party wants to deal with you, I'm just unlucky." Huoyunlong said unhappily.

"Anyway, we are on the same front. Instead of having this idea, you should think more about how to leave here." Chen Feng said.

"Enter the Changsheng Tower and use the power of the Changsheng Tower to leave here." Huoyunlong's eyes lit up.

"If I guess correctly, the other party's main purpose this time is to get my immortal tower. Although I am full of confidence in the immortal tower, I will not take it out so early." Chen Feng said as he waved the chaos chain and extended it into the void turbulence. I don't know how many void energies were smashed, but at the same time, a large amount of void energy also entered the chaos chain.

"These void turbulences are very good chaos forces, just to help me refine this chaos chain. If I practice here for a while, do you think I can advance the chaos chain to the realm of the best immortal weapon?" Chen Feng suddenly said such a paragraph.

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